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Name: ………………………………………………………………. Adm.No:……………..

School: ………………………………………………………………. Class:……………….

JULY 2023
 Write your name, admission number, name of school and Class in the spaces provided.
 Answer all questons in this paper.
 Answer all to all questions must be written in the spaces provided in this booklet.
 This paper consists 9 printed pages.
For Examiner’s Use Only


1 20

2 10

3 30



You are going to perform during the upcoming music festival in your
sub-county. Write a letter to your friend informing him/her about this.
In your letter you should:
i) Explain how you found out about this.
ii) Describe what you are going to do at the festival.
iii) Invite your friend to come and see you perform.


2. CLOZE TEST (10 Marks)

Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with the most appropriate word.

If you are going out as a couple, the man often takes the (1)………………………… The rule
in elegant restaurants is always ‘ladies first.’ As you enter the restaurant, the maître
d’ hotel will (2)………………………………… you at a lounge while your table is being
prepared. He or she will then announce that your table is ready. As a lady, you are
expected to (3)…………………………. up and follow her or him. When you get to the

table, your chair will be pulled (4)………………………. If you are the guest, your menu
will simply list the (5)……………………………… without prices, while the (6)
………………………………… gets the priced menu. Still as a lady, you shall be expected to
order before the man. Place your (7)…………………………….. on your lap as the first (8)
……………………………… arrives.Treat the staff (9)……………………………………… and avoid
creating a scene. In case there is a problem, say, the food is not as fresh as it should
be, call the waiter aside, and quietly explain your concern. Most of the fine
restaurants will replace your meal without much (10)………………………….

3. ORAL SKILLS (30 Marks)

a) Read the narrative below and answer the questions that follow (8 Marks)

A long time ago in the Animal Kingdom, a sheep was passing by and saw a lion
crying inside a cage trapped, and the lion begged the sheep to save him with a
promise not to kill and eat it. But the sheep refused. After much persuasion and
the sheep’s gullibility, it opened the cage for the lion.

Now the lion was very hungry having stayed in the cage for days without food. It
quickly grabbed the sheep to kill and eat but the sheep reminded him of his
promise. They were still there arguing when other animals came passing and they
sought to know what happened. Both the lion and the sheep narrated their side
of the story but because of fear and in trying to gain favour in the sight of the
lion, all the animals took sides with the lion except the Tortoise who claimed not
to understand the whole scenario.

Now, the Tortoise asked the Lion to show them where he was before the sheep
rescued him, and he pointed at the cage. He asked again, “were you inside or
outside when the sheep arrived?” The Lion said he was inside. The Tortoise again
said, “ok, enter let’s see how difficult it could be inside.” The Lion entered and the
Tortoise locked him back inside.

In amazement, the other animals asked the Tortoise “why?” and he replied “if we
allow him to eat the sheep today, he will still go hungry tomorrow and we don’t
know the next among us to be eaten tomorrow.”

i) If you were to perform this oral narrative, what preparations would you
make to ensure that the performance is interesting? (3 marks)

ii) Illustrate any three features that show that this is an oral narrative.
( 3marks)
iii) How would you say the following words. (2 marks)
“Were you inside or outside when the sheep arrived?”

b) Provide another word that is pronounced the same as the words listed
i) Flower -
ii) Sweet -
iii) Cue -

c) Underline the words with short vowel sounds from the following list.
( 4marks)
i) Not you so
ii) Neat next nice
iii) Queen quiet quit
iv) Same saddle safe

d) Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow.

When the wind blows

The quiet things speak.
Some whisper, some clang,
Some creak.

Grasses swish.
Treetops sigh.
Flags slap
and snap at the sky.

Wires on poles
whistle and hum.
Ashcans roll.
Windows drum.

When the wind goes-

the quiet things
are quiet again.
Lilian Moore

Identify any two sound devices used in the poem. (4 marks)
ii) Which words would you stress in the following line?
“and snap at the sky” (2 marks)
e) Read the conversation below between Joan and the counsellor and then
answer the questions that follow. (8marks)
Counsellor: (Motioning her to a seat). Hallo Joan. How are you getting on?
Please have a seat and don’t be anxious.
Joan : Don’t tell me it’s all over school now, I will kill you….
Counsellor: (nterrupting) please relax. Well, you swore me into secrecy, and I have
kept my part of the bargain. No cause for alarm.
Joan: So then, why do you want to see me? You mean it can show?
Counsellor : Calm down. You are just in the early stages and please keep up
appearances. The school closes next month.
Joan : (looking disturbed). One more month and the whole world will know.
I need to procure an abortion.
Counsellor: Don’t even go there… will you be able to live with the guilt?
Remember things can also go wrong and you may die.
Joan : (Visibly agitated) Then, tell me what to do.
Counsellor: Please calm down, All is not lost. You just tripped; you never fell.
These days Joan, girls are accepted back to school after giving

birth so you need not to worry. All will be fine. In the meantime,
just relax for your baby.
Joan: (sighs) Thank you for being there for me. Remember not a word to a
word to a soul.
Counsellor : You can trust me Joan. Good day.
Joan : Good day.
i) How does the peer counselor establish good rapport with Joan? (2mks)
ii) What good conversational skills does the counsellor portray? (4marks)
iii) Identify two shortcomings in Joan’s speech. (2marks)


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