Chap 01 T3 Chemistry Matric

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Beaconhouse school system BDRRC

Chemistry T3 Class IX M
Name: _____________ Time Allowed: 20 min Total Marks: 20
Answer all short questions (2x5)
1. Define industrial chemistry and analytical chemistry.
2. How can you differentiate between organic and inorganic chemistry? Why at equilibrium state
reaction does not stop?
3. Differentiate between homoatomic and heteroatomic molecules with examples.
4. What is the relative atomic mass? How is it related to gram?
5. Define empirical formula with an example.
Answer long questions. (5x2)
1. Sulphuric acid is the king of chemicals. If you need 5 moles of sulphuric acid for a reaction, how many
grams of it will you weigh?
2. How many ions of Na and Cl will be present in 30 g of NaCl?

Beaconhouse school system BDRRC

Chemistry T3 Class IX M
Name: _____________ Time Allowed: 20 min Total Marks: 20
Answer all short questions (2x5)
1. Define industrial chemistry and analytical chemistry.
2. How can you differentiate between organic and inorganic chemistry? Why at equilibrium state
reaction does not stop?
3. Differentiate between homoatomic and heteroatomic molecules with examples.
4. What is the relative atomic mass? How is it related to gram?
5. Define empirical formula with an example.
Answer long questions. (5x2)
1. Sulphuric acid is the king of chemicals. If you need 5 moles of sulphuric acid for a reaction, how
many grams of it will you weigh?
2. How many ions of Na and Cl will be present in 30 g of NaCl?

Beaconhouse school system BDRRC

Chemistry T3 Class IX M
Name: _____________ Time Allowed: 20 min Total Marks: 20
Answer all short questions (2x5)
1. Define industrial chemistry and analytical chemistry.
2. How can you differentiate between organic and inorganic chemistry? Why at equilibrium state
reaction does not stop?
3. Differentiate between homoatomic and heteroatomic molecules with examples.
4. What is the relative atomic mass? How is it related to gram?
5. Define empirical formula with an example.
Answer long questions. (5x2)
1. Sulphuric acid is the king of chemicals. If you need 5 moles of sulphuric acid for a reaction, how
many grams of it will you weigh?
2. How many ions of Na and Cl will be present in 30 g of NaCl?

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