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bebí drank leí read

caí fell llevé (ropa) wore
canté sang llevé took
cerré shut me convertí en became
comí ate me marché left
compré bought me puse de pie stood up
conduje drove me quedé (algo) kept
conocí (1ª vez) met me senté sat down
conseguí got me tumbé lay down
construí built monté (caballo, bici) rode
corrí ran nadé swam
costé cost no dejé de kept (+ VB-ing)
crecí grew oí heard
desperté woke up olvidé forgot
di gave pagué paid
dibujé drew pasé (tiempo) spent
dije said, told peleé fought
disparé shot pensé thought
dormí slept perdí lost
empecé began permití let
elegí chose presté lent
encontré found puse put
enseñé taught quise decir meant
entendí understood robé stole
envié, mandé sent rompí broke
escondí hid sentí felt
escribí wrote sujeté held
fui (ir) went supe, sabía knew
gané won tardé took
gasté spent tomé had
golpeé hit traje brought
hablé spoke vendí sold
hice did, made vi saw
hundí sank vine came
lancé threw volé flew

In English, verbs do not change in the past according to person and number, so if you know,
for example, bebí – I drank, then you also know bebiste – you drank, bebió – he/she/it drank,
bebimos – we drank, bebisteis – you drank and bebieron – they drank. They are all the same.

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