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Chapter 7 - Kakasaheb Dixit Diary

Previous Posts in this Series:

Introduction, History and Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

After a gap, i am hereby posting another chapter from diary of Late Shri. Kakasaheb Dixit.

Chapter 7 - Kakasaheb Dixit Diary

Once Madhavrao Deshpande (Shama)

suffered a lot from typical type of pain. He
went to Lord Sai Baba and shared his
problem. Lord Baba said, “I will give the
medicine in afternoon”. To save His dear
devotee from the pain he was suffering,
Lord Baba Himself prepared some
decoction using sonamukhi (English
Name: Alexandrin Senna Hindi Name:
Sonamuk hi. Sanskrit Name: Rajvrik sa,
Bhumyahali) leaves. He called out Shama
and asked him to have the medicine as
soon as possible. The moment he took the
medicine, the pain started to subside and
no trace of it remained.

After two years the pain again appeared

causing much restlessness to Shama. He recalled the previous decoction which Lord Baba had prescribed him. He,
without consulting Lord Baba, prepared medicine with the same herb. Instead of giving him relief, the medicine had
aggravated the pain. Shama, then went to Lord Baba complaining about unbearable pain. Lord Baba blessed Him
with His Boon Bestowing Hand and within no time the pain subsided.

Thus diseases are cured by blessings of Lord Baba and there is no need of any medicine when His blessings are
present in abundance.

© Shirdi Sai Baba Life Teachings and Stories

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