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TIPS ON USING YOUR AUTOMATIC BREADMAKER + Note that most of our yeast breads call for bread flour, because ur testing has shown that it provides the best quality bread. We Tecommend that you use bread flour in your own recipes as a substitute for all purpose flour + In general, most bread recipés found in cookbooks are based on 6 to 7 cups of flour, and yield 2 loaves of bread. Otten, these recipes can be successfully halved to be made in this Breadmaker. + For both “raisin bread” settings (powdered milk or fresh) the Breadmaker operates at a lower baking temperature than for “white/wheat” (powdered or fresh). This difference compensates for the sugar content in the recipe. + Adding ingredients such as fruits, nuts, and shredded cheese can be easily done using the raisin bread setting. Again, check our recipes for guidelines on how much of these ingredients you can add to your doughs. Be aware that Additions like these tend to make doughs heavier and somewhat coarser in texture. * Butter or margarine should be cut into quarters before placing in the machine, + Its easior to use egg substitutes for fractional egg measurements. + Humidity makes dough more moist, therefore humidity and high altitudes require adjustments: For humidity, add an extra tablespoon of flour i consistency isnt right. For high altitudes, cecrease yeast amount appr: ximately 1/2 teaspoon, and decrease sugar slightly, +The delayed baking timer can only be used for the white bread (powdered milk), wheat bread (powdered milk) and raisin bread (powdered milk) setings. Do not Use perishable ingredients such fresh milk, eggs or sheese with this feature, Left unrefrigerated they can spoil before the baking process even stars. + The DOUGH setting course is great for mixing, kneading, and proofing, (allowing dough to rise), Ficher doughs like croissant and brioche doughs. Use the AlLin- ‘One™ Automatic Breadmaker to prepare these doughs so all you nnead to do is shape and bake them according to your recipe. ps on Dark Breads Breads made with whole-grain flours, such as winole wheat, rye, or graham flour, require a bit more tender loving care to ensure that they achieve the : height of deliciousness. Notice that ur whole-grain breads also call for substantial amounts of white flour, too, That's because the darker flours need to be “lightened” for the best- tasting, best-looking loat Special Glazes for Yeast Breads Give your just-baked bread a professional finish, Select one of the ‘special glazes to enhance your bread. Egg Glaze: Beat + large egg and 1 tablespoon of water together, brush generously Melted Butter Crust: Brush melted butter over just baked bread for a softer, tender crust Milk Glaze: For a sotter, shiny crust brush just baked bread with milk or cream, Sweet cing Glaze: Mix 1 cup sifted icing sugar with 1 to 2 tablespoons milk to make a consistent glaze, drizzle over raisin bread or sweet breads, PoppyiSesame/Caraway Seed/Commea/Oatmeal Sprinkle your choice of these seeds generously over just glazed bread BASIC WHITE BREAD Ingredients | Powdered Milk | Fresh Milk Recipe | Recipe rr ow Vitor ‘Shertnng ibe Sugar bap 2ibep. Sat Tsp. ep fie Breed Four] Seas Saupe iawate) | TRAIT] METHOD J] Measure ingredients into baking pan. 2) Inset baking pan securely into Daking uni, close i, 3]. Select appropriate broad soting, “whitfwheal powdered milk” oF -whiteuoat fresh rik. Push stat burton “The “complete” ight wil lash when bread is dono Using oven mits, remove pan from unit ‘Remove bread from baking pan (and engaging blade fom bread if required). Ie). Aten Wrap) betore ich BUTTERMILK WHEAT LOAF = WHOLE WHEAT BREAD pias eles lon Ingredients [Powdered Mik | Fresh Mik | [Ingredients | Powdared Mik | Froah Wilk POTATO BREAD Recipe | Recipe [Recipe | Recipe Batam seis mi Tia ane Ingredients | Powdered Milk | Fresh Milk Water 3-18. | Water “1a oops Recipe | Recipe | | encores | 1-12 ep. Pander | 12 sp il sameps_| Bat +12 ep. | 1p Honey ‘ep | ew = —— ‘Sugar 2 tbap. 2 then. Bitier ‘Bibs. ‘Sibep. Powdereaiik | 1-12 ep. Sal vies |_ 1p. Sioa 2p bsp a eee es fie Bread Flow| 2.2/3 cups 2213 cps ‘Sait Fike. Tie. Somr | __ 2tten, bap Woe Wheat Feu] —‘teeup | Yew | fe Wrest Fcu] Some Seps Set 114 tp tsp Soy Yeast [Teena] [Twas] | —Conmeal Tew Ta cup pend ria] aaee EL ‘*Dry Yeast pg 2m Sis) | ip @wsue] eetnestaan | V2 Tap METHOD m 2 et Tpabere eae J]. Measure ingredients nto baking pan METHOD & a Babs) [NBPEE FE) 2) Insert baking pan securely nfo Daking Unt, Measure ingredients ito baking pan | METHOD & dose id, [2] Insert baking pan securely into baking unit, £1] Measure ingredients ito baking pan. [2} inser baking pan securely into baking unt dose lid. [B)_Seloct appropriate bread soting “whiteuheat powdered milk” oF wailotuheat resh mk” Push start button, ‘The complete" ight wil ash when bread ‘5 dono Using hotpads, remove pan trom unit. ‘Remove bread from baking pan (and kneading blade from bread if aquired) ‘Allow to Goo! botore slicing Be oe Yield: Makes 1 loat [3] Select appropriate bread soting “whitlwinest powdered mik” oF whilst rsh rik" Push stan buon. '5) The ‘complete’ ight wil lash when bread 's done [6) Using oven mits, remove pan from unit. 77] Remove bread Irom baking pan (and kneading blade from bread # requited) {I Allow 9 coo betoresicing Yield: Makes 1 foat dose lis, ‘Select appropriate bread setting, “whitenwheat powdored ik” oF “wintehwheat fresh rik Push sta button ‘The "completo" ight wil flash when bread is done. Using oven mits, remove pan trom unit Remove bread from baking pan (and ‘kneading bade trom bread Hf roquied) ‘Allow to cool before sicng Be Be Yield: Makes 1 fost + See page 14 for addtional Dry Yeast information HEARTY OATMEAL LOAF HEARTY Ingredients | Powdored Mik | Frosh Milk WHOLE WHEAT BREAD i Sinn a Ingredients | Powdered Milk | Fresh Milk lhe 109 Recipe |" Recipe Vier [Figs [Stew im ee ade |. SS ‘Brown Sugsr 2b. 2 sp, Powderea ik | 1-12 ap. ees. is ae Honey wep wap Sat a ar Sep | ae. [niesiedFinw] —229.aps | Bai ews Be Zup—[-zee—] CRUSTY FRENCH BREAD [aomigous| — tear —| tea = Se a aie Ingredients Water On ToyYeut | Taateseer [estes] armarest— sae —tsarr a ato | METHOD & Sarat ae arena ‘Wator 1-1/4 cups {Beas ingests io baking pen When Siar | — Pb 3 = ae 2 Insonbekng pan socurlyino boxing unt, [_¥Oiveast [Tage sa) [Tig 265) = < close lid. SS - 1) Seett appropiate bread seting m= METHOD m ie ee Fo Sree ‘Winttwheat powered mi of Ff]. Measure ingests nto baking pan a0 Vent patos) “Whitlvneat an mac whan sing 0 2] Ins baking pan securely mo Baking unt juice. pe close lid. ie mY 2 | METHOD & i) Push start buten 3} Select appropiale ead sting. Menmue inert no bking pan. 3) The compte ght wil Rash when bese Sintefahoat ponceed mi oF Inco beking pan sour mo Baking iscone “Yvtoteat res mi thse Usha oven mis, remove pantrom unk. _(@]ushtat ton (3) Set appropriate bess sating 4 Remove trad om baking pan and 3) Tho“compcte ight wil fash whon bread “wteteat powered mi Kadina ade rm beat requre) ‘done (4) Fuh sarbuton [© Alon tovoa before song {5} Using. oven mits, remove pan tom unt. (8 st wi fash when broad EB) lanovo read me bang pan and Vie fakes 1 oat kneading blade from bread if requited) [8 Allow to cool before scing, peu ware a9" (h444) et: Naes ct ( Bu7Tee am 1 ote aay Hear ee it) SAS 1a had BET. Bae Gaines Phox€ CP > tea ictoee ein eee 97 (a1) fa af, 754 90h + See page 14 for addtional Dry Yeast information [B) Using oven mits, remove pan from unt [7 Remove bread rom baking pan (and kneading blade from bread #requied) [Blow 10 c00i before slicing Yield: Makes 1 loa! RAISIN BREAD ingredionis | Powdered Mik | Fresh Wik Rocine | Recipe om Tepe Water [ops Bom Supar_| ats. Zoe. ster Bien. Zoe. Sat Tits Tp Gana Te 3 [Whi bead Raw] — Sizes —| Seas Tans ap | see (on eos] “roa alo METHOD & [f)_ Measure ingrecents int baking pan. 2 Ino baking pan securely in baking unit ose te. 33) Select appropriate bread sting “aisin powdered mit or lin Fesh rut" 1a) Posn stan buton 15) The complete" ight wil ash when bread is done [B)_Using oven mits, remove pan rom unit 17) Remove bread rom baking pan and eneading bad from bread # eauired) {B}_ Allow to coo before slicing Hint: For whole raisins inthe bread ac the frit ‘ator the rst kneading eye Yield: Makos 1 loat DILL BREAD SEVEN GRAIN BREAD ingreionis [Powdered mak |Fresh MK’) [Wgreaonts [Powdered Mik | Fresh Mik feope | ree ‘recipe | Recipe ‘ier ides a vena iat ier — | one Ford wk | — en Fame | Baier [2p | Pa ie a eT el ee Sotenng [aes | an a ost Erzep—[—V. a 73 Tee] [inion Ror| — gee | eps TaasPaspar| ates | Tees] [iortieter| to os Wabaree| —san——| sess] eweancon| —avap | ta Saver aera tere] Csoyias | iaeeste lagen || METHOD & METHOD & 7 [1] Measure ingredients into baking pan. 8 ‘Measure ingredients into baking pan. CARAWAY RYE BREAD ff Mestresrteer secrecy ino boing une, —&} ost basty pen secure ao bang unt, Tagrealeta | Pewarea Wl | Pesh Mii coset dose ta ecen| Reco [B) Sat appropri broad sting, (3) Sew sopropiate bread seting = om ‘faont powdered ma oF Snellen pondered rai oF ida “Wilh! resi. “Wtlueat ren ma a ET q (a) Push eta buon Powe | 1 IB The cometh wt fon win bread Sega [Eaten ga tore [Using oven mitts, remove pan from unit. [B_Using oven mitts, remove pan trom unit. a =. —_ By Rendectreodtrom ekg pan and” ——_‘[f) Remove bres rom baking pan and sot ae | 10. Trouang Sede embyesd frequred) wading Hace tom treac'trequre) (Pups a] — detps |S (8) Mow o coal bot sen [B) Alot oolbelore sng. ee ‘Yield: Makes 1 loaf ‘Yield: Makes 1 loaf = Tage Slee | METHOD & Ff) Measure greirts io bang pan CHEESE ‘N’ ONION BREAD = HONEY WHEAT BREAD —™ og "070" S00UsW to baking un. Thgredionts | Powdered Mik [Fresh Mik] [Tngredlonts [Powdered Mik | Fresh wax] ©! Selec appropiate bread soting, = rece | hene “Yntfeat ah e i rarer 7 sagas] Piatra we | sae ate |= ree Tecra tes Powder [1 ep. Powdered | 1-12 tsp @ Bone, : Using an mits, remove pan tom unt rem: ste Honey Ait cup 114 cup, [7] Remove bread trom baking pan (and Spar Tap ‘ Hoteng [she | se Irceding ble om besa alee) sa | Sig Fee [see] Alto tool bear sing. Gate Ronse | — 12 | v2 oa pba ect Pope 118 5p. 178 8p. ‘Ground Ginger 18 tsp. 16 tsp. jrieks emee tx, Sinsinie] Stace | S4meee:| fama baedtoal gage —|—raee ToyVest | Ta aesei line enaes [maeweror| too a saat Cae Wiest | ava —| atop comes owe |__ 9 top| [soyvent | Tames —[ranae re) fataximes | thew | Wein METHOD & METHOD ). Mensur ingrosets ie bling pan {Measure mgredens no baking pan. 3 Inanako pan csuy atawt Insonvalag pan secu no bhi unk, So, a close lid. a i Me [3] Select appropriate bread setting. [3] Select appropriate bread setting. ‘whitelwheat powdered milk” oF $m pordered ru ora fash i “Wtf res mi (a) Push start button. a Push start button Fens ton e wit ash hen bread (3) The ‘complete ght wi fash ven breed ‘Sone ‘aone {© Using oven mitts, remove pan from unit. Using oven mitts, remove pan from unit. 1 Rommre reed fam akg pan (nd Rarve ad form bog pan (and keaing blade trom broad if requited) {B) Aow 1 cool before slicing. ‘Yield: Makes 1 foat kneading bade from bread if required) (8) Alow to:cool below slicing Vield: Makes 1 loat + See page 14 for acltonal Dry Yeast information PUMPERNICKEL BREAD | Tnaredionts Powdered Mik Recipe Waer |B Mass Sep [= Coews Sree. Povdeted Mik 112 ep Bute | Teen Sat iz Tan Coe Tp. Tee Oy Yeast Tagawa] METHOD & Measure ingredions into baking pan. Inert baking pan securely into baking unt dose i. Select “whte/wheat powdered mik’ broad sting. Push start button “The "complete" ight wil fash when bread is done Using oven mits, remove pan trom unit emave bread from baking pan (and Inoading blade rom bread if required) ‘Allow o cool before slicing Yield: Makes 1 oat OAT BRAN BREAD IRISH SODA BREAD ingredients | Powdered Mik Recipe | [ingredients | Powdored Mik [Frosh Mik ] LIGHT RYE BREAD ees (ie aanae Eee Ingredients | Powdered Mii [Fresh Mil ies Sune TB ane |" Recipe | Recipe 269 Water a aero Basel ies | Tawa uzcmin ia. Bute 299 Zin We Tteip | ie whet Re Tans Bang Soda iin outer ziben. | 2p Oat Fur ‘ow [__ Seoar is Sone i. bs Oat Ten Sa Ti Sit Tn ep] [Rote oat Se oe (Caranay Seeds | 12 2p. [FBZ Fordered ic Sib. =] asi Ten Te Four Tap | tan | | ~Ghien rear am Vike eed Fou] ie ame Nee beanrox| seme | Saipe | [Sar i Powdered nak | Tp soy vee | TagawseT waaay] [soy vet maar] [#ov Yee | Toa eae METHOD & METHOD METHOD m {]_ Measure ingredients into baking pan 2) Insert baking pan securely info baking unit, ose i Select appropriate bread sottng. “whitwheat powdered mik' or “whtalwhet fresh rake” (Push stant button, |B) ‘The "completo" ight wil flash when bread is done. [B)_Using oven mits, remove pan trom unit, 7 Remave bread from baking pan (and leneading blade from bread roquited). ]) Allow to cool before slicing Yield: Makes 1 foat + See page 14 for addtional Dry Yeast information Measure ingredients into aking pan. ‘ngat baking pan securely inte baking unt, cose ‘Spiect"whitewheat powdered milk” bread setting Push stan buton ‘The "complete" ight wil ash when bread is done. {Using oven mits, remove pan from unit Remove bread fam baking pan (and. kneading blade trom bread # required). ‘Allow to coo bere slicing Yield: + Loat [] Measure ingreients into baking pan. {2} Insect baking pan securely into baking unit, ose i, [Bi Select appropriate bread se “raisin ‘powdered mile or “raisin fesh mi (a) Push start bution IS) The “complet! light wil fash when bread is done, |B). Using oven mits, remove pan rom unit [Remove bread rom baking pan (and kneading blade from bread i required) [B) Alow t0.co0l before sina Yield: Makes + loa! BASIC BUTTERMILK WHITE Ingredients | Powdered Mik | Fresh Recipe Milk Recipe Bator TB eps Water 11a ep Bute 2 bop Zip Baking Soda Wis. Su0ar Tee. 1 be. sit wat. 12s. BesiFow | S1vSewps | Sew ‘ry Ber ak Power 1 tbe. #0n Yeast | tpa(zbaup) fing OSHS) METHOD & [Measure ingredionts ino baking pan. "2 inser baking pan securely into baking unt, lose i, (B) Select appropriate bread soting, Shitvheat powdered mik’ or Sheiwheat fresh rik” Push stant bution ‘The “complete light wil lash when bread Is don. Using oven mitts, omove pan trom unit ‘Remove bread fram baking pan (and kneating blade from bread i requited). as |B Alow before slicing, Yield: Makes 1 loat APPLE OAT BREAD ingredients | Powdered Milk |Fresh Milk Recipe | Recipe a ne ope ice se Foren Asle Core ater ‘Sonar Sat Gina wap. ae fe Bred Fou | eps oy 12 ep Sry veast | _ipgtwaue) [ing@banp) METHOD & [2] Measure ingrodionts into baking pan 2) insert baking pan securely into baking unit, dose hi, (5) Select appropriate bread seting “ralsrpowdered miter ralsash vk Push stat button. 15) The ‘complet ht wil lash when bread isdone. tanger mae, ove pan om nt omavo bread from baking pan and koading blade from bread if required) [8] Allow to cool before sicing, Yield: Makes 1 lat SOUR DOUGH STARTER = SOUR DOUGH FRENCH BREAD Ingredients Recipe Ingredients Recipe Stan ik Tow Pain Yoourt Biba. Soarbeapi sare izes Vie Sread Fur To. Warm Wale Tae (1) 12 et Caer iss corianer Sat Tze vr ig ing i) Soe 2p ‘Wie Greed Fw 316s METHOD & “Dy Yous! Toes) [11 Heat skim mik to 90-100°F (30- 35°C) Cenneal ew Remave from heat and sbrin your. ‘Gemstar Ti. (2). Allow mature to stand at room temporature Waser Te. 18 1024 hours or ntl cud forms. Str wth ‘ooden spoon once or twice 0 keep quid METHOD & mixed in. Gradually sti in our, mix well. low to stand 2105 days, ‘When staroris ready, itis bubbly and spongy-leoking and has a good sour aroma Slater should be kept in felngeratr after 5 day period To use slater, bring 0 room temperature and allow io get bubbly again. Foplonish state alter each use with equal portions milk and flour EXAMPLE: you use 1-1/2 oups, add 1 112 cups each: mik and four }) Rpeat stops 1,2, and 3 a Measure sour dough starter, water, sl, sugar, flour, and yeast ito baking pan. Inset baking pan securely into baking unt close i. Select “dough” bread seting Push sta button ‘The “complete” ght wil fash when bread is one Flomove dough from container, divide ‘dough n all Rol dough back and fo, elongating it into a 14inch log. Pace each lot ona sit poco of ‘cardboard. Spink with 14 cup commeal ‘Cover lightly with plastic wrap or damp doth. Allow tori in a warm pce unt puffy oF double in bulk (about 45 minutes to Tour. ‘Adjust oven rack to the lowest postion Place a 12x 15-inch baking pan without ‘Sid05 on top rack as oven s preheating to 4400°F (200°C). Then place a baking pan ‘wth sides onthe bottom rack. Add 14-inch boling water. Combine cornstarch and water. Heat to boling while sting, allow 1 coo With very sharp kf, cut 12-inch deop slagonal sashes on top of loaves, rush the entre surtaco of each loa wih comstareh micure Slide each iat off caraboard onto top baking sheet in oven. Bake at 400°F (200°C) for 25 minutes or Until bread sounds hollow when tapped. Brush every 510 7 minutes wih cornstarch mou. Yield: Makes 2 loaves + See page 14 for addtional Dry Yeast information BAGELS ‘Opona toppings: Poppy ceeds, sesame sods, ‘onion. gar chips reds cheese = METHOD & Measure water. sugar, salt fur ard yeast ine baling pan (2 Ins baling pan securely nto akg nt, ‘ose i Select "dough bread seting and push stat baton. |When dough is rished, tum dough out ‘onto a ighty-sloured surface. hide into 10 equal portions. Rol into ‘smooth balls Use thumbs to make a 1-1/2 Inch hole inthe center of each ball jace on a greased baking sheet fease top of each bagel with soft shortening. Cover with wax paper and dry ‘owe. Plage in a warm area 00 of ras ‘and allow to rise for one hour. [B) Meanufile, bing 3 quarts of water and t tablespoon sugar toa boil [B) Simmor3to 4 bagols at atime in water or S minutes. [10 Tur once or twice. Remove wih sloted ‘spoon. Drain on paper towels. Place on (feasod baking sheot dusted with ommeal {17 Brush bait with egg yok and water mature [52 Sprinko win poppy or sesame seeds ‘iced onion, garlic chips, or shredded cheddar choose, i desired [13 Bake at 400°F (200°C) 25 to 30 minutes. ‘Yield: Makes 10 bagels =] feces + See page 14 for addtional Ory Yeast information 5 0 METHOD & Measure water, dry Mik, sugar, sal, butter, ‘our ito baking pan. Sprnke yeast into ‘enter of four Insert baking pan securely into baking unit, ose ks, Sele “dough broad satng ana push start ‘button. The complete” bgt wil ash when ough i ished ‘Meanwhile, rot 12 cup of child bute soos ‘tween wo shoets of waxed paper ito a 10 scTineh rectangle. Cha east | now \Wnon boop sounds remove bread pan. Place ugh in a greased bow. Cover vith plastic ‘wrap, Place the dough in a retigerator and ‘ow to rest 20 mines Fol dough out 1/4 inch thickness ona light floured surface info a 12nch square. ‘Place child butter on canter ted of dough Fold each ede over the buteed side. Rol ugh 1620 x tinh rectangle Fold dough ito tr, seal edges. Rolo a 20x tench rectangle. Fold and rll wice ‘more. Cover securely with plastic wrap. Chil In reezer for 20 minutes. Repeat folding and roling 3 times, Fol dough fo 18" thickness ino a 10°x 15 inch rectangle. Cut ino 6 squares. Cut each square half i orm 12 Wangs. Roll each rangle loosely, stating fom the wide end. Pace seam side down on greased baking pen [FF] Curve ends, Sprinie water on top. Cover light th damp cloth and alow tore 45 10 50 minutes or unl dovtles nize. {12] Brush ight wi beaten 99 and water. 13] Bake at375-F (180°C), 1010 15 minutes, or tnt golden brown and ky Yield: Makes 12 croissants ' PIZZA DOUGH WITH BEER b ] i - =a METHOD & Place beer, butter, sugar and salt into baking pan [B Add four. Sprinkle yoas into center of fou. Insert pan securely into baking unt, close ia Jf) Soicct ough" bread setting, (5) Push star button. [6 The “complete” ight wil Nash when dough \stnished. [7] Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C) for ‘most shaping variations, | _{B).Selct shaping variation of your choice. 7 Brush ighty wih vegetable ol. Cover ough and alow to stand 15 minutes (8) Bake each variation as rected in recipe. Yield: Makos (2) 12-inch hn cust pizzas or (1) ‘ech hick cust pizza, (16) ro, (16) pretzs. At S02 gmatcee- Yer 7" oe as) (ax cee ee... Mees. L790, Yea T= QUE TEE fig ae 520 Fa8 Be agecsce 740 paren LOC eS con Azad sa0c8 vA oy eA ATER A MES Cfaree et pe niee, Herr tie solve. Grane 302 THIN-CRUST PIZZA METHOD & Prepare “Pizza Dough With Beer recipe shown on this page. [TWh ightyloured hands, shape dough ‘nto. ball. ‘ive bal in halt Press each half of dough imo a greased, 12.inen pizza pan, forming a tsineh e6ge, (3) Brush crust wth vegetable ol, Cover and let stand 15 minutes [Spoon tomato sauce or pizza savee over ugh, top with cheese and desired __ toppings of your hove. [B)_ Bake 25 0 30 mutes o- uni cheese is bubbly an erust is golden Brown, Yield: Makes (2)124nchthn-crust pizzas THICK-CRUST PIZZA METHOD & ‘Propare “Pizza Dough With Beer recipe shown, ‘on this page {With ghty-toured hands, press dough into alignily-greased 12.inch pizza pan, {erring 3 high edge. Brush cust with vegetable ol. Cover and fot stand 15 minutes, ‘Spoon tomato sauce or pizza sauce over sough [Top wi cheese and desired toppings of © yourehoiee, |B). ako 25 to 30 minutes or unt cheese is bubbly and crusts golden brown, lakes (1) 12-inch thiek-orust pizza aeree eneese CRUSTY ROLLS METHOD m Prepare “Pizza Dough With Boor’ recipe shown con this page. fo 2 a roost © aaton ECE s OX GCE Ed HELE Tum dough onto light Houred board, divide into quarters, cut quarters nto pieces, ‘Shape each piece into a fattened oval: shaped ball, ip bottom of dough basin cornmeal and place on a greased baking sheet about v2 inches apart Slash is of rls with sharp kai or razor Dade. ‘Cover dough ightly and allow to rise 90, minstes, Brush rls wih one egg yok beaten wih + {tablespoon water ake rolls at 400°F (200°C), 15 to 20 ‘minutes on rack ust above pan of water et coal on rack. Yield: Makes 16 ols + See page 14 for aditonal Dry Yeas information SOFT PRETZELS = METHOD & Prepare “Pizza Dough With Boor recipe shown ‘on page 23, 5). Turn dough onto tight floured board, “vie inte 4 equal portions. 2] Cut each quaror into 4 equal portions. Rol leach piace of dough into a thin rope about 12 inches tong. 3] To shape nto pretzel, pick up ends of rope insach hand and curve into a eee, crossing ends at top. | Twist ends once and lay down over bottom ofercle, | Invert pretzels so ends are underneath, place about 1 inch apart on wel-greased baking shoes, Then brush with Beaton 299, and sprinkle ity with coarse salt. poppy ‘Seeds, or sesame seeds. [5] Bake at 40°F 200°C), 1010 12 minutes. 7) Fox crispy, dry crunchy pretzels, place ‘cooked pretzals in cool oven, on an lungreased baking shoct. Allow to stand 3 hours or ovemight. This process allows prtzols to become dy and crunch. 18) For soft and chewy pretzols, serve warm swith mustard, Yield: Makes 16 pretzels race mlgenses arg sheet eh mat BUTTER-RICH ROLL METHOD & {] Measure ingredients into baking pan. 2) Insert baking pan securely into baking unt cose hi, ‘Solect “dough bread seting, Push staat button, ‘The “complete” ight wil flash when dough Istnshes. Remove dough from pan, pul out kneading blade Choose shaping method. Gover dough, let stand 15 minutes. Bake ‘as drectodn each shaping varation unt {golden brown, Egg gaze: Boat together egg and water. Brush generously over shaped loaves or rals porto baking, Yield: Makes (2) 8 x4 inch loaves or (28) rls oF (28) bread sticks. TRADITIONAL LOAF = METHOD & Prepare “Butter-Rich Rol And Bread Dough’ recipe shown on this page. [On ight floured surface, divide dough in half, shape each half into lat shape Pace in 2 greased & x4 inch oa pans. (B) Brush with egg gaze it desired. |) Cover dough let stand 15 minutes. [a Blake at 375°F(190°0),25 10 35 minutes ‘Yield: Makes 2 loaves + Soe page 14 for aditional Dry Yeast information = gy ere - PAN ROLLS METHOD & Prepare “Buttor-Rich Roll And Bread Dough” shoun on page 24 {1 nity owed srtace, shave doush 3. Divide dough inio equal quarters. ‘Dido each quan o 6 peces, Shape -_, fath place into a ball 2 Place one ballin each of 24 greased rutin, cups. Brush with egg glaze i desired (Gover dough, ft stand 15 minutos. Bake at 375°F (190°C), 25 to 35 minutes. Vield: Makos 24 rls CLOVERLEAF ROLLS METHOD & Prepare “Butter-Rich oll And Bread Dough" shown on page 24 [8] Oniighty floured surface, shape dough into Bal, Divide dough into equal quarters. [Dido each quarter into 6 preces. Dvide ‘ch pice into 3 actions. Snape each ‘nto a ball wih palms of hands. Place 3 balls togathar in each of 24 greased muffin ta, caps. AB Er wn oon gaze tds Cover dough let stand 1 minutes. 1a) Bake at 375°F (120°C), 25 t0 35 minutes, vi CINNAMON-RAISIN ROLLS - METHOD & Prepare “Butter Rich Roll And Broad Dough” shown on page 24. Fi On tighty toured surtace, roll out into a 12 X 14inch reciangle. Spread surface with 178 cup butter, thinly seed [2] Sprinkiesurtace with 1/3 cup brown sugar, F172 ep. canamon. Then sprinkle 1/2 cup raisin over dough. Start with 12-inch side, roll dough “ely rol" style, pinch soam to seal. With seam side own, cut inte (12) 1 inch pieces. [@) Place ona greased baking sheet 2 inches ‘apart Cover ighty with damp towel, alow fo sein warm place until doubled, about 40 mingtos Bake at375°F (190°C), 10 0 15 minutes. Viel: lakes 24 rolls mf inca? lakes 12 rolls CINNAMON-RAISIN ‘SWIRL LOAF METHOD & ropare “Butter Rich Roll And Bread Dough* shown on page 24 1) On tight Noured surtace, rll hat ofthe ‘dough oa 12 x8 inch rectangle. Melt 3 ‘sp. butler of margarine. Brush over soush: ‘Sprinkle dough with a micure of 1 cup Sugar and 1-1/2 tsp, ground cinnamon. ‘Then sprinkle 1/2 cup raisins over dough. Beginning with long side of dough, rol up "ely rosie. Seal ends by pinching 2dges of dough together with fingertips Place dough ina greased 9x 5 inch foat pan or ona large Baking shoot ‘Allow to stand 15 minutes. Repeat using ‘remaining dough f desired Bako at 375°F (190°C), 30 to 40 minutos or Unt golden brown, ‘When loa s coo, glaze with a micure of 1 ‘up sited cing sugar and 1-1/2 bsp. il Se 8 8 se Yield: Makes 2 loaves BREAD STICKS METHOD & Prepare “Butter-Fich Rl And Bread Doush* shown on page 24 5] Tur dough onto ight toured board and shape dough into a ball. Dido into 24 ‘equal pieces for 16-inch sticks. oll each plece of dough into thin 16-inch ropes. ‘range ropes about 1 ich apart on oled _» baking sheet. Allow to rise 30 minutes. (2) Brush wih 1 beaten egg white and 1 thep. water Sprinkle with poppy seeds or ___ Sesame se0us oF coarse Slt dosirod (3) Bake at 400°F (200°C), 10 10 15 minutes. Yield: Makes 24 bread sticks CITRUS SWEET BREAD METHOD & "Measure ingredions into baking pan. Insert baking pan securely nto baking unt, lose li {3} Select “swoot broac” bread seting (4) Push start bution [5) The ‘complete ight wil lash when bread ss done. [B)Using oven mits, remove pan from unt IZ) Remove bread trom baking pan (and. "kneading bad from bread # required) |B) Allow to c00lbelore sheng, Yield: Makos 1 loat g BSS BE @ se COCONUT BREAD METHOD & Measure ingredients into baking pan inser baking pan securely into baking uni, close i. ‘Soiect “sweet bread” bread setting Push stat buton ‘The "completo" ight wil fash when bread is done. Using oven mits, remove pan from unit Remove bread from baking pan (and kneading blade from bread if required). ‘Allow o cool before sein, Yield: 1 oat CHOCOLATE BREAD METHOD & ‘Measure ingredients into baking pan. Insert baking pan securely ito baking unt, close ti, ‘Select “swoet bread” bread soting Pash start bution. ‘Tho “complet ight wil lash when bread is done, Using oven mitts, remove pan trom uni Flomove bread trom baking pan and kneading blade trom bread i required), Allow to col betore scng, Yield: 1 lost + See page 14 for acstonal Dry Yeast information LEMON POPPY SEED CAKE | METHOD & 7] Measure ingredients into baking pan. [2 incor baking pan securely into baking unit dose ia [3] Select "cake" bread setting [2] Push star button {5} The "complete" ight wil ash when cake is done, Using oven mits, remove pan from unt IZ]. Allow cake to coo before removing fom baking pan. Romove knoading blade from ‘cake Hf required [B) Allow to coo! belore slicing Yield: 1 cako CHOCOLATE CAKE METHOD & [7] Measure ingredients into baking pan, 2] inser baking pan securely into baking unit, close ld. 3] Select "cake" bread setting |! Pusn star auton 15) The "complete" ight wil lash whon cake is one, [B) Using oven mits, remove pan from unt 7) Allow cake to cool betore removing fom baking pan. Remove kneading blade from ‘cake required. |B) Allow to cool betore slicing Yield: 1 cake BLACK FOREST CAKE METHOD ] Melt chocolate chips over low heat ori the | mirowave, cot aso 2) Combine sour cream, sugar, sal, and Vanilla, Beat unt smooth, [B)_ Ras meted chocolate and continue beating unt smoot {Slice cake horizontal into throe layers. ‘Sprinkle liqueur over each cake layer. [5]. Spread trosting on botom layer. 15) Add a socond layer of cake. Frost with Hosting Top wih third layer, Frost sides and top of cakes, Slee cake into thin sees. (B)_Top cake wih cherry pie tiling. Then ladle ditional cherry pe topping over each serving Yield: 8 0 10 servings Se General Performance Qi S Why does the height and shape of my bread loaves differ? Al Both the room temperature and setting time of the timer can affect the final outcome of your bread. Also, if the ingredients were measured incorrectly, your bread can be affected. ) Q2 Why didn't my bread rise -) completely? Check to see that the yeast was added and that the blade was firmly attached tothe baking pan. If itwas missing or not installed property, the bread wouldn't se propery IMPORTANT:Always be sure to use fresh yeast {or best resuits. When purchasing the yeast, always check the expiration date on the package. Always use unopened packages. Why is my bread rough-grained? A3 This bread, unlike a cubic loaf on the market, is a round loaf (like British bread) which is stretched upward during baking. Thus, your bread can become more rough- grained than commercial bread.) What should | do if the kneading blade comes out with the bread? a Pocem int heen oN before slicing the bread. Since the blade can be disconnected from the pan, itis not really a malfunction if it comes out in your bread, Q5 Why does my bread sometimes have some flour on the side crust? 2 y In some cases, the flour mix may remain on the corners of the baking pan. When this happens, simply trim off that portion of the outer crust with a sharp knife. Why can't | set the timer for less than 4 hr. 30 min. or more than 13h? AG S Ittakes at least 4 hr. to make bread, therefore you can't set the timer for less than 4 hr. Also, if you set for more than 13 hr. the dough may change consistency or the bread may not bake properly Q7 Why can't | use the timer for the “Dough Setting”? A7 Using the timer for dough may cause too much rising or changes in the quality of the dough. Qs When setting the timer for morning, why does the machine make sounds late at night? D A8& To bake bread in the morning, using the timer, the machine must start operation several hours before the bread will be ready. These sounds are made by the motor when kneading the dough. Itis a normal operation, not a malfunction ‘What should | do if | accidentally unplugged the machine? AQ The plug should be reconnected within 20 seconds, so the machine can continue to operate according to your recipe. Do not press the stat or the reset button, or the ‘current process will be stopped or returned to the beginning stage. Qi0 What will happen if | leave the finished bread in the baking pan? A10 The steam and heat inside the bread cannot escape, so the surface and crust of the bread may lose its shape and become soggy. Qii Why does the “ Operation Light ” flash for 5 minutes at the beginning of each program cycle? (att During this § minute period, the Breadmaker determines whether the ingredients placed in the baking pan are at an acceptable mixing temperature. If not, they are preheated before the first kneading cyole occurs.

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