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January 29, 2024 C Programming MCQ by programminghack9096 Leave a Comment

Part-1 C MCQs | C Mcq Questions And Answers

| Top 50 MCQs In C
Master the C basics: 50 essential C MCQs with solutions (Part 1).

Think you’re a C master? This test will prove it (or expose your weaknesses!)

1 / 50

What is the purpose of the strncat function in C?

A. It compares two strings. 1/30
4/7/24, 11:14 PM Part-1 C MCQs | C mcq questions and answers | Top 50 MCQs in C - Programming Hack

 Menu B. It concatenates two strings.

C. It copies a specified number of characters from one string to another.

D. It reverses a string.

2 / 50

How do you access the third element of an array named numbers?

a) numbers[2]

b) numbers(2)

c) numbers.2

d) numbers->2

3 / 50

What is the purpose of the strupr function in C?

A. It converts a string to uppercase.

B. It converts a string to lowercase.

C. It reverses a string. 2/30
4/7/24, 11:14 PM Part-1 C MCQs | C mcq questions and answers | Top 50 MCQs in C - Programming Hack

 Menu D. It calculates the length of a string.

4 / 50

The int data type can store both positive and negative whole numbers.



5 / 50

The keyword void is a data type in C.


False 3/30
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6 / 50

What is the purpose of the static keyword in C?

A. It makes a variable local to the function.

B. It specifies that a variable should not be modified.

C. It is used to define a constant value.

D. It makes a variable retain its value between function calls.

7 / 50

The float data type provides more precision than the double data type.


False 4/30
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How do you declare an array of 10 integers in C?

(a) int arr[10];

(b) int *arr = 10;

(c) int arr = {1, 2, 3, ... 10};

(d) int arr = new int[10];

9 / 50

Which operator is used to assign a value to a variable?

a) ==

b) =

c) ->

d) ===

10 / 50 5/30
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The == operator is used for assignment, while the = operator is used for



11 / 50

main() is where the program begins its execution.



12 / 50

What is the scope of a variable declared inside a function? 6/30
4/7/24, 11:14 PM Part-1 C MCQs | C mcq questions and answers | Top 50 MCQs in C - Programming Hack

 Menu a) Global

b) Local to the function

c) Accessible from other functions

d) Depends on the compiler

13 / 50

What is the difference between = and == operators?

(a) = assigns values, == compares values

(b) = is for strings, == is for numbers

(c) = is used in declarations, == is used in expressions

(d) Both operators do the same thing

14 / 50

Which of the following is not a valid data type in C?

A. double 7/30
4/7/24, 11:14 PM Part-1 C MCQs | C mcq questions and answers | Top 50 MCQs in C - Programming Hack

 Menu B. char

C. string

D. float

15 / 50

What is the role of the do-while loop in C?

A. It is used for conditional execution of a block of code.

B. It is used to create an infinite loop.

C. It is used for pre-test loops.

D. It ensures that the loop body is executed at least once.

16 / 50

The if statement allows conditional execution of code.


True 8/30
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17 / 50

What is a structure used for?

a) To store a single value of a specific data type

b) To group variables of different data types under a single name

c) To create functions

d) To control program flow

18 / 50

The keyword void is a data type in C.


False 9/30
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19 / 50

What is the purpose of the break statement in a switch statement?

A. It ends the execution of the program.

B. It terminates the loop in which it is used.

C. It exits the switch statement and continues with the next statement

after it.

D. It skips the current iteration of the loop.

20 / 50

What is the correct way to declare a constant in C?

A. const int x = 5;

B. constant x = 5;

C. int const x = 5;

D. int x = const 5; 10/30
4/7/24, 11:14 PM Part-1 C MCQs | C mcq questions and answers | Top 50 MCQs in C - Programming Hack

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In C, what is the purpose of the goto statement?

A. It is used to break out of a loop.

B. It is used to skip the next iteration of a loop.

C. It transfers control to a labeled statement.

D. It is used to define a label.

22 / 50

Which statement is used to execute a block of code at least once?

a) if

b) for

c) while

d) do-while

23 / 50 11/30
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Which of the following is not a valid keyword in C?

a) for

b) if

c) while

d) else if

24 / 50

Which function is mandatory in every C program?

a) start()

b) main()

c) run()

d) init()

25 / 50 12/30
4/7/24, 11:14 PM Part-1 C MCQs | C mcq questions and answers | Top 50 MCQs in C - Programming Hack

The char data type is used to store single characters, such as 'A' or '5'.
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26 / 50

What does the sizeof operator return in C?

A. The size of the variable in bits.

B. The size of the variable in bytes.

C. The size of the variable in kilobytes.

D. The size of the variable in megabytes.

27 / 50

A C variable name can start with a number. 13/30
4/7/24, 11:14 PM Part-1 C MCQs | C mcq questions and answers | Top 50 MCQs in C - Programming Hack

 Menu True


28 / 50

Every line in a C program should end with a semicolon.



29 / 50

The modulus operator (%) gives the remainder of a division operation.


False 14/30
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30 / 50

In C, what is the purpose of the typedef keyword?

A. It creates a new data type.

B. It specifies the type of a variable.

C. It defines a constant.

D. It declares a function.

31 / 50

Which operator is used to access the value at the address pointed to by a


a) &

b) *

c) ->

d) . 15/30
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32 / 50

Syntax errors will be detected by the compoler.



33 / 50

What is the correct way to include a header file named stdio.h?

a) #include "stdio.h"

b) #include

c) import stdio.h

d) require stdio.h 16/30
4/7/24, 11:14 PM Part-1 C MCQs | C mcq questions and answers | Top 50 MCQs in C - Programming Hack

 Menu 34 / 50

ANSI C treat the variables name and Name to be same.



35 / 50

Which operator is used to increment a variable by 1?

a) ++

b) +=

c) +1

d) inc

36 / 50 17/30
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What is the significance of the void keyword in a function declaration?

A. It indicates that the function returns nothing.

B. It signifies that the function accepts no arguments.

C. It declares a variable with no type.

D. It is used to define a generic pointer.

37 / 50

Which loop iterates a fixed number of times?

(a) while loop

(b) for loop

(c) do-while loop

(d) All of them

38 / 50

What is the index of the first element in an array? 18/30
4/7/24, 11:14 PM Part-1 C MCQs | C mcq questions and answers | Top 50 MCQs in C - Programming Hack

 Menu a) 1

b) 0

c) -1

d) It depends on the array size

39 / 50

Only one function may be named main().



40 / 50

The increment operator (++) can be used both before and after a variable,
with slightly different effects. 19/30
4/7/24, 11:14 PM Part-1 C MCQs | C mcq questions and answers | Top 50 MCQs in C - Programming Hack

 Menu False


41 / 50

The logical AND operator (&&) has higher precedence than the logical OR
operator (||).



42 / 50

Which of the following is a valid comment in C?

a) // This is a comment

b) /* This is a multi-line comment */

c) # This is a preprocessor directive 20/30
4/7/24, 11:14 PM Part-1 C MCQs | C mcq questions and answers | Top 50 MCQs in C - Programming Hack

 Menu d) Both a and b

43 / 50

What is the purpose of comments in C code?

(a) To execute instructions

(b) To explain code for better understanding

(c) To store data values

(d) None of the above

44 / 50

How do you declare an array of 5 integers?

a) int array[5];

b) int[5] array;

c) array = int[5];

d) array[5] int; 21/30
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45 / 50

The underscrore can be used anywhere in an identifer.



46 / 50

What is the output of printf("%d", 5 + 3);

(a) 5

b) 8

c) 10

d) d 22/30
4/7/24, 11:14 PM Part-1 C MCQs | C mcq questions and answers | Top 50 MCQs in C - Programming Hack

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What is the purpose of the return statement in a function?

A. It terminates the program.

B. It skips the remaining code in the function.

C. It returns a value from the function to the calling code.

D. It restarts the function from the beginning.

48 / 50

What does a pointer store?

a) The value of a variable

b) The address of a variable

c) The data type of a variable

d) The name of a variable

49 / 50 23/30
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What is the purpose of the * operator when used with pointers?

(a) To increment the value of the pointer

(b) To decrement the value of the pointer

(c) To access the memory location pointed to by the pointer

d) To compare two pointers

50 / 50

In C, what is the role of the extern keyword?

A. It declares a function.

B. It specifies the data type of a variable.

C. It indicates that a variable is defined elsewhere in the program.

D. It creates a new data type.

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Hone your C programming knowledge with Part 1 of our 50+ MCQs

challenge! Test your understanding of variables, operators, control flow, and

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