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1 Reading and Writing

Reading Writing
1 Read the blog. Choose the correct title for 3 Read the notes and use them to complete
the blog posts. the personal blog.
Juggling isn’t easy Success!

to pla y the guita r

At the moment: lea rning
Sta rted two months ag
Circus Time! Practise three times a
Le arnt so much already d
Welcome to ords – dif ficult, practise
Fir st thing lea rnt: the ch
my blog the chords – getting ea
Not tried writing a song
Hello! I’m Ellie and this is my blog. This year has Monkeys – can’t wait
My new band: The Blue
been pretty exciting because I started at circus
to perform
school in September and I’ve already learnt a azing!
Fir st performance – am
lot. I’ve made some great friends, too. Here’s ote!
Played a song that I wr
my story … the scho ol conc er t
Next week : perform in
1 12 October, 17:35
Juggling was the first thing we started to learn.
It was rather difficult at first, but I’ve practised
a lot so now I’m quite confident. I can juggle
with three balls now – hooray! Guitar Time!
2 29 October, 22:14
I’ve just got home from my first public Welcome to
performance! It went very well – I juggled with my blog
four balls and I didn’t make any mistakes.
Hello! I’m Tom and this is my blog. I’m
Next week I’m going to start learning to ride a
1 learning to play the guitar at the
unicycle. I’m looking forward to it …
moment. I started 2 and
I3 a week. I’m so happy because
2 Read the blog in exercise 1 again and circle I4 already. Here’s my story ...
T (true) or F (false). Learning the chords is difficult
1 Ellie has had a boring year. T F The first thing I learnt was 5 .
2 Ellie has just started at a It was 6 at first, but
juggling school. T F I7 a lot, and it’s getting easier
now. I haven’t tried 8 yet, but
3 Ellie practised and she got
better at juggling. T F I’m looking forward to doing that. I can’t wait to
9 with my new band, The
4 Ellie juggled with three balls in
Blue Monkeys.
her first performance. T F
5 Ellie made some mistakes in the Famous at last!
performance. T F I’ve just got home from our 10 –
6 Ellie wants to ride a unicycle it was amazing! It was really exciting because we
next week. T F 11 that I wrote and it was
the most popular song! Next week we’re going to
12 . I can’t wait!

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2 Reading and Writing

Reading 3 Find and write the five connectors of

sequence in the newspaper article
1 Read the newspaper article. How did the in exercise 1.
fire start?
1 after

A forest fire survivor 3

Last summer, 17-year-old Jordan Knightley was
with a group of teenagers hiking on a mountain 5
in Switzerland. On 27th July they decided to go
for a long hike and stay the night in a village on Writing
the other side of the mountain.
4 Read the notes and use them to complete
They had walked for hours when they decided
the newspaper article.
to stop and cook some food. After they had made
the campfire and eaten some food, some trees
caught fire. At first they weren’t scared but
then the fire started spreading fast because of
When? las t month
the wind. They realised they were in danger.
Where? Japan
wa lking in the mountains
After that they quickly climbed to the top of the
mountain to escape. Why?
Who? two girls in the grou p
Luckily, a search and rescue helicopter found
them in the end. The group were delighted to What happened?
survive their terrifying experience. They got los t.
They felt hungry. ld.
ects and slept in the co
2 Read the newspaper article in exercise 1 They ate plants and ins m tw o da ys later.
arch an d re sc ue tea m found the
again and circle the correct answer. A se
They were sta rving .
1 What was Jordan Knightley doing in
a) He was on a camping trip.
b) He was on a hiking trip.
2 On 27th July what did the group decide Two lucky survivors
to do? 1 Last month , a group of ten walkers
a) T hey decided to spend the night in were in 2 . They were
another village. 3 when 4
got lost.
b) They decided to sleep in the mountains.
At first, the girls weren’t worried, but they quickly
3 Why did the fire spread quickly?
felt 5 because they hadn’t
a) Because of the campfire. eaten since breakfast. They ate the food they had
b) Because of the wind. with them. After that, they ate 6
4 What did they do to escape the fire? and 7 . Then they tried to
a) They went down the mountain. 8 , even though it was
b) They went up the mountain. freezing cold. Eventually, a 9
found them in a wood on the mountain
5 When did the search and rescue
helicopter find them? 10 days later. By
the time they found them, they were
a) B efore they climbed to the top of 11 and freezing so
the mountain. they were rushed to hospital. It was a miracle
b) A fter they climbed to the top of they survived the terrifying experience.
the mountain.

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3 Reading and Writing

Reading Writing
1 Read the CV. What type of work is Sarah 3 Read and complete the notes so they are
interested in doing? true for you. Then use them to complete
your CV.


VITAE Address:
Telephone number:
24 Hough Lane, Leeds, LSE4 5SK Where would you like to do work experience?
POSITION APPLIED FOR Date started secondary school:
Work experience at Meade Activity Centre Date finish exams:
for Young People Subjects you are studying:
September 2016–June 2018 Date started / ended:
I will be taking GCSEs in the following What position did you have?
subjects: English, maths, science, Spanish, PERSONAL SKILLS
German, art & design, ICT, music, history, Your first language:
geography Any other language(s):
WORK EXPERIENCE excellent / very good / good communication skills
August 2018 excellent / very good / good organisational skills
Monitor at international summer camp What other skills or abilities do you have?
October 2019–present
Volunteer at Oaks Youth Club
• Mother tongue: English CURRICULUM VITAE
• Other language(s): Spanish, German PERSONAL INFORMATION
• Excellent communication skills gained as 1
volunteer at Oaks Youth Club 2
• Excellent organisational skills 3
• Computer skills: proficient with Microsoft 4
and Acrobat
• Other skills: EFR first aid certificate; Piano
Grade 6; experience in sports coaching for
6- to 12-year-olds.
2 Read the CV in exercise 1 again and circle 7
T (true) or F (false).
1 Sarah has already taken her GCSEs. T F PERSONAL SKILLS
• Mother tongue: 8
2 Sarah has no previous work • Other language(s): 9
experience. T F • Communication skills: 10
3 Sarah speaks fluent English. T F • Organisational skills: 11
4 Sarah knows how to work with people.T F • Other skills: 12
5 Sarah has no experience with children.T F

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4 Reading and Writing

Reading Writing
1 Read the instant messages. What is Holly 3 Read the notes and use them to complete
asking Lisa for? the instant messages.

Be n
t so me re st
th ink s M at t sh ou ld ge
l be tte r af ter a wa lk –
Hi Lisa, how’s it going? th ink s M at t wo uld fee
ep be tte r
ma yb e he lp him to sle
Good! What’s up, Holly? k
wi sh es M at t go od luc
I need some advice! My best friend Amy M at t
has met a new friend called Sara, but she fee lin g ex ha us ted
wants to see Amy ALL the time.
stu die d all we ek
e exam s
Oh no!  That’s awful. Why ke ep s th ink ing ab ou t th
don’t you suggest meeting wi ll me ss ag e Be n later
up with her next weekend?

I tried that last week – but she

cancelled at the last minute and
said she had to see Sara.

If I were you, I’d suggest going out in a

group of friends. That way you can chat to
Amy, and Sara will meet all your friends.
Hi Matt, how’s it going?
Great idea!!! I’ll message Amy
now and ask her. Thanks, Lisa! Hi 1 . I’m 2 ! I’ve been
3 all week without a break!
Bye for now. Good luck, Holly!
Oh no!  That’s horrible. If I were
you, I 4 some rest.

I’ve tried that, but I 5

thinking about my exams.

2 Read the instant messages in exercise 1 Perhaps you 6 better if you

again and tick (✔) the correct sentences. went for a long 7 and cleared
your head. You would definitely feel
1 a) Amy needs advice.
tired after a long walk, so you could
b) Holly needs advice. perhaps 8 better, too.
2 a) Sara is friends with Holly.
b) Amy has a new friend. Good idea! I’ll go for a walk
3 a) Sara cancelled the plans. now and I’ll 9 you
later. Thanks, Ben!
b) Amy cancelled the plans.
4 a) Holly wants to ask Amy to go out OK, bye for now.
in a group of friends. 10 , Matt!
b) Holly wants to ask Amy to
chat with Sara.

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5 Reading and Writing

Reading 5 a) She has had similar problems with the

website before.
1 Read the formal letter of complaint. What
b) This is the first time she has had
was the problem with the tablet that
problems with the website.
Maggie bought?

74 Park Drive 3 Read the notes and use them to complete
York the formal letter of complaint.

15th De cember
14th March bought mobile phone on rday
en from ac count yeste
The Manager f irs t bill: £75, money tak ag ing
ca lls / free tex t mess
Top Computers of fer: 120 minutes free
d any ca lls
35 Raikes Lane ha ven’t made or re ceive
th the shop before
London SW2 7RR never had problems wi
xt seven da ys
Dear Sir or Madam, want a refund in the ne
I ordered a new tablet computer (an XIV Volta 3
at £215) from your website on 5th February.
16 Grace Park Avenue
My order was placed at 18:30 and I received a
confirmation email. The money was taken from
my account the next day.
Unfortunately, when the tablet arrived it had been 9th January
damaged. I sent it back immediately, but I still The Manager
haven’t received a replacement. YouPhone
I would appreciate it if you could send a 69 Blue Road
replacement or refund my money within one week. London SW3 8SS
I have never had any problems using your website Dear Sir or Madam,
before and am disappointed this hasn’t been
resolved sooner. I purchased a new 1 from your
shop on 2 . I’ve just received my
I look forward to your reply and a quick resolution
first bill for an amount of 3 .
to this problem.
The money 4 from my account
Yours faithfully,
Maggie Hall When I bought the phone, I signed a contract for
5 of free calls and all instant
messages totally 6 of charge. I
have sent a few messages but I still haven’t made
2 Read the letter in exercise 1 again and circle or received any phone 7 .
the correct answer.
I have 8 had any problems
1 a) Maggie bought a tablet in a shop. with your shop before and am disappointed
b) Maggie bought a tablet online. that this mistake has been made. I would
appreciate it if you could send a
2 a) She didn’t receive the tablet. 9 within the next
b) She received the tablet, but it was 10 .
damaged. I look forward to your reply and a
3 a) She sent the tablet back. quick resolution to this problem.
b) She hasn’t sent the tablet back yet. Yours faithfully,
4 a) She wants her money back. Tom Allen
b) She wants her money back or a
new tablet.

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6 Reading and Writing

Reading Writing
1 Read the profile. Who values a strong 3 Read the information about Nick Vujicic
work ethic? and use it to complete the profile.

Nationality: Australian
Nationality: American
Residence: Melbourne
Residence: Camden, New Jersey, USA
Occupation: founder and teacher at Appearance: physical disability (no arms
Camden Sophisticated Sisters or legs)
Personality: determined, positive
Tawanda Jones is from New Jersey, one
Occupation: director of Life Without
of the poorest cities in the USA. She
Limbs (a non-profit
started an organisation called Camden
organisation for the
Sophisticated Sisters to teach discipline and
physically disabled),
self-confidence to vulnerable young people.
motivational speaker
She also helps young women to do well at
Beliefs: Always have big dreams
school and to get involved in the community.
and never give up.
She does this because she believes it will
make Camden a better place to live.
Tawanda’s key values include a commitment
to improving the lives of young women,
pride in her community and a strong work
ethic. Because of this, the organisation has
grown from the original 80 members to over
4,000 participants.
Tawanda has made a difference to the
lives of many young people and she is
a role model to many. It can’t be easy
working in tough conditions, but she has
certainly succeeded.
Nick Vujicic is from 1 in
2 Read the profile in exercise 1 again and 2 . Due to a
tick (4) the correct sentences. 3 disability, he has no arms
1 Tawanda teaches people how to or legs and relies on two small feet. Despite
be vulnerable. his condition, Nick is 4
and always stays positive. He taught
2 She believes that the community
himself many incredible things like writing,
will be better if people get involved.
swimming and throwing tennis balls.
3 Tawanda wants to make people’s Nick was bullied at school and suffered from
lives better. depression at a young age. However, he
4 The organisation has 80 members realised that his story inspired other people,
today. so he decided to help people. At the age
5 Tawanda has changed many of 17, he started an organisation called
people’s lives. 5 .
Nick still runs this non-profit organisation
6 It is easy for Tawanda to work in
for 6 people today. He is
these conditions.
also a 7 and has travelled
to many countries. He has inspired people
with his story.
Tawanda Jones Nick believes that we should always have
(right) with Oprah 8 and never give up.

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7 Reading and Writing

Reading Writing
1 Read the report. Where do the majority of 3 Put the sentences in the correct order.
young people prefer to watch films? Then complete the survey by writing the
conclusion and your recommendations.

Report on the results a) More than half the students said

that they exercised regularly – 30%
of a survey about films of those said they practised three or
This report outlines the results of a survey more times a week. 90% of those who
about films and young people at our school. practise a sport on a regular basis said
Fifty students aged 14–16 were asked about they enjoyed it and felt the benefits of
their film-viewing habits and preferences. exercise in their lives.
The majority of students said that they b) This report outlines the results of a
watched films on TV, online and at the survey about the amount of time
cinema. Over 80% said that they would like young people spend on sports or
to have more films for young people. physical activity.
More than half of those interviewed said c) Report on the results of a survey
that they preferred to watch films at the about sports
cinema rather than on TV. d) Of the teenagers interviewed, 25%
To sum up, this survey shows that young said they couldn’t find the time to
people watch films in different ways and exercise but that they were aware it is
that there is a lack of good films for this good for them. Only 5% of the people
age group. I think we should send this interviewed claimed to dislike sports
report to local cinemas and to the TV and physical activity.
broadcasting companies so that they can e) Thirty teenagers were asked if they
take our opinions into account. played a sport, how much time
they dedicated to sport and their
attitudes towards physical exercise
in general.

To sum up, this survey shows that

2 Read the report in exercise 1 again and

circle T (true) or F (false).
1 Fifty students participated in
the survey. T F
2 The students were asked about
their TV-viewing habits. T F
3 According to the survey, there aren’t
enough films for teenagers. T F
4 The survey shows that teenagers
don’t like watching films. T F
5 The report was sent to cinemas
and TV companies. T F

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8 Reading and Writing

Reading 4 If advertisements were banned,

a) children could want to see them more.
1 Read the for-and-against essay. What is the
writer in favour of? b) children would lose interest in them.
5 The writer is in favour of
a) stopping advertisements.
b) only showing adverts at a specific time.

Should there be a ban on Writing

adverts on television before 9pm? 3 Complete the essay with the expressions in
Nowadays, children are bombarded with adverts. the box.
Many experts recommend no advertising on
TV before 9pm, but there are arguments for however in addition in conclusion
and against this proposition. On the one hand, moreover nowadays on the one hand
children wouldn’t see adverts on TV so they on the other hand
would be far less influenced to buy products
through advertising. Moreover, if there were no
adverts before 9pm, there would be more time
for other programmes such as documentaries.
Should big stars appear in
On the other hand, adverts might become more
attractive to children because they couldn’t 1 Nowadays , it is very common to see
see them, so they might try to find them on the celebrities advertising all sorts of brands,
internet. In addition, companies should be able to perfumes, food and drinks. Is this right or wrong?
advertise their products. There are points to consider for and against
this proposition.
To sum up, I am in favour of banning all advertising
on TV before 9pm. However, I believe that 2 , fans would argue that they like
although this is a good idea, the most important to see their idols on TV.
thing is to educate children to think critically. 3 , if they buy their favourite
celebrity’s products, they will feel more similar to
their idol.
2 Read the essay in exercise 1 again and
circle the correct answer. 4 , it could be argued that
celebrities make too much money before doing any
1 The writer thinks that advertising. 5 , it could be said
a) there are a lot of adverts on TV. that they are taking advantage of their fans to
b) there aren’t many adverts on TV. make money.
2 If advertisements were banned 6 , I believe that big stars should
before 9pm, not appear in adverts.
a) children would probably want to 7 , although I think this is a good
buy less. idea, if the money the star earns is used for a
b) children would probably want to charity or a good cause, then I would encourage it.
buy more.
3 If advertisements were banned
before 9pm,
a) there wouldn’t be time for other
b) there would be time for better viewing.

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