The Message Bible Scripture

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1Chr.21.1- David, Satan, and

2 Araunah Now Satan
entered the scene
and seduced David
into taking a census
of Israel. David gave
orders to Joab and
the army o!cers
under him, “Canvass
all the tribes of
Israel, from Dan to
Beersheba, and get
a count of the
population. I want
to know the

Job.1.6- The First Test: Family

7 and Fortune One day
when the angels
came to report to
God, Satan, who was
the Designated
Accuser, came along
with them. God
singled out Satan and
said, “What have you
been up to?” Satan
answered God,
“Going here and
there, checking
things out on earth.”

Job.1.8 God said to Satan,

“Have you noticed my
friend Job? There’s no
one quite like him—
honest and true to his
word, totally devoted
to God and hating

Job.1.9- Satan retorted, “So

10 do you think Job
does all that out of
the sheer goodness
of his heart? Why, no
one ever had it so
good! You pamper
him like a pet, make
sure nothing bad
ever happens to him
or his family or his
possessions, bless
everything he does—
he can’t lose!

Job.1.12 God replied, “We’ll

see. Go ahead—do
what you want with
all that is his. Just
don’t hurt him.” Then
Satan left the
presence of God.

Job.2.1- The Second Test:

3 Health One day when
the angels came to
report to God, Satan
also showed up. God
singled out Satan,
saying, “And what
have you been up
to?” Satan answered
God, “Oh, going here
and there, checking
things out.” Then
God said to Satan,
“Have you noticed
my friend Job?
There’s no one quite
like him, is there—
honest and true to
his word, totally
devoted to God and
hating evil? He still
has a firm grip on his
integrity! You tried to
trick me into
destroying him, but it
didn’t work.”

Job.2.4- Satan answered, “A

5 human would do
anything to save his
life. But what do you
think would happen
if you reached down
and took away his
health? He’d curse
you to your face,
that’s what.”

Job.2.7- Satan left God and

8 struck Job with
terrible sores. Job
was ulcers and scabs
from head to foot.
They itched and
oozed so badly that
he took a piece of
broken pottery to
scrape himself, then
went and sat on a
trash heap, among
the ashes.

Ps.109.6- Send the Evil One

20 to accuse my
accusing judge;
dispatch Satan to
prosecute him.
When he’s judged,
let the verdict be
“Guilty,” and when
he prays, let his
prayer turn to sin.
Give him a short
life, and give his job
to somebody else.
Make orphans of
his children, dress
his wife in widow’s
black; Turn his
children into
begging street
urchins, evicted
from their homes—
homeless. May the
bank foreclose and
wipe him out, and
strangers, like
vultures, pick him
clean. May there be
no one...

Matt.4.10 Jesus’ refusal was

curt: “Beat it,
Satan!” He backed
his rebuke with a
third quotation
“Worship the Lord
your God, and only
him. Serve him
with absolute

Matt.12.25- Jesus confronted

27 their slander. “A
judge who gives
opposite verdicts
on the same
person cancels
himself out; a
family that’s in a
disintegrates; if
Satan banishes
Satan, is there
any Satan left? If
you’re slinging
devil mud at me,
calling me a devil
kicking out devils,
doesn’t the same
mud stick to your
own exorcists?

Matt.16.23 But Jesus didn’t

swerve. “Peter, get
out of my way.
Satan, get lost.
You have no idea
how God works.”

Mark.1.12- God’s Kingdom Is

13 Here At once, this
same Spirit pushed
Jesus out into the
wild. For forty
wilderness days
and nights he was
tested by Satan.
Wild animals were
his companions,
and angels took
care of him.

Mark.3.20- Satan Fighting

21 Satan? Jesus
came home and,
as usual, a crowd
many making
demands on him
that there wasn’t
even time to eat.
His friends heard
what was going
on and went to
rescue him, by
force if necessary.
They suspected
he was believing
his own press.

Mark.3.22- The religion

27 scholars from
Jerusalem came
down spreading
rumors that he
was working black
magic, using devil
tricks to impress
them with
spiritual power.
Jesus confronted
their slander with
a story: “Does it
make sense to
send a devil to
catch a devil, to
use Satan to get
rid of Satan? A
squabbling family
disintegrates. If
Satan were
fighting Satan,
there soon
wouldn’t be any
Satan left. Do you
think it’s possible
in broad daylight
to enter the
house of an
awake, able-
bodied man, and...

Mark.4.14- “The farmer

15 plants the Word.
Some people are
like the seed that
falls on the
hardened soil of
the road. No
sooner do they
hear the Word
than Satan
snatches away
what has been
planted in them.

Mark.8.33 But Peter grabbed

him in protest.
Turning and seeing
his disciples
wondering what to
believe, Jesus
confronted Peter.
“Peter, get out of
my way! Satan, get
lost! You have no
idea how God

Luke.10.18- Jesus said, “I

20 know. I saw Satan
fall, a bolt of
lightning out of
the sky. See what
I’ve given you?
Safe passage as
you walk on
snakes and
scorpions, and
protection from
every assault of
the Enemy. No
one can put a
hand on you. All
the same, the
great triumph is
not in your
authority over
evil, but in God’s
authority over
you and presence
with you. Not
what you do for
God but what
God does for you
—that’s the
agenda for

Luke.11.17- Jesus knew what

20 they were thinking
and said, “Any
country in civil
war for very long
is wasted. A
squabbling family
falls to pieces. If
Satan cancels
Satan, is there any
Satan left? You
accuse me of
ganging up with
the Devil, the
prince of demons,
to cast out
demons, but if
you’re slinging
devil mud at me,
calling me a devil
who kicks out
devils, doesn’t the
same mud stick to
your own
exorcists? But if
it’s God’s finger I’m
pointing that
sends the demons
on their way, then

Luke.13.15- But Jesus shot

16 back, “You frauds!
Each Sabbath
every one of you
regularly unties
your cow or
donkey from its
stall, leads it out
for water, and
thinks nothing of
it. So why isn’t it
all right for me to
untie this
daughter of
Abraham and lead
her from the stall
where Satan has
had her tied these
eighteen years?”

Luke.22.3- That’s when Satan

6 entered Judas, the
one called Iscariot.
He was one of the
Twelve. Leaving
the others, he
conferred with the
high priests and
the Temple guards
about how he
might betray Jesus
to them. They
couldn’t believe
their good luck
and agreed to pay
him well. He gave
them his word and
started looking for
a way to betray
Jesus, but out of
sight of the crowd.

Luke.22.31- “Simon, stay on

32 your toes. Satan
has tried his best
to separate all of
you from me, like
cha" from wheat.
Simon, I’ve
prayed for you in
particular that
you not give in or
give out. When
you have come
through the time
of testing, turn to
your companions
and give them a
fresh start.”

John.12.30- Jesus said, “The

33 voice didn’t
come for me but
for you. At this
moment the
world is in crisis.
Now Satan, the
ruler of this
world, will be
thrown out. And
I, as I am lifted
up from the
earth, will attract
everyone to me
and gather them
around me.” He
put it this way to
show how he
was going to be
put to death.

John.13.26- Jesus said, “The

27 one to whom I
give this crust of
bread after I’ve
dipped it.” Then
he dipped the
crust and gave it
to Judas, son of
Simon the
Iscariot. As soon
as the bread was
in his hand, Satan
entered him.
“What you must
do,” said Jesus,
“do. Do it and
get it over with.”

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