4th Year Revision-2

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Welcome back! Let’s start with some revision!

4 Choose the correct option.
1 Match 1–5 with a–e to make sentences. 1 The lawyer ____________ the family not to speak
1 The newspaper started a a an online petition. to the journalist.

2 This talented artist has won b the world. a advised b agreed c promised

3 If you’re curious, you’ll gain c knowledge easily. 2 The interviewee ____________ to answer the
interviewer’s question.
4 He was keen on starting d several awards.
a suggested b refused c told
5 Being creative helps e campaign against
to change pollution. 3 The blogger ____________ her followers to
comment on her post.
Score __/5
a explained b asked c agreed
2 Complete the text with the verbs in the box. 4 The tabloid ____________ that their sources
weren’t reliable.
do draw revise set up watch
a admitted b refused c offered
There are many learning techniques you can use in
self-study. If you want to learn a foreign language, you 5 The reporter ____________ to keep the person’s
can 1 __________ a conversation exchange. If you identity secret.
want to learn to sew, you could 2 __________ video a told b explained c promised
tutorials. And if you just need to 3 __________ for a
test, you should 4 __________ mind maps. Finally, Score __/5
when you really need support, you can 5 __________
your own study group.
Score __/5

3 Choose the correct option.

1 He came up/down with a solution for uncomfortable
office chairs.
2 They made/did the discovery completely by
3 To learn more about the sea, scientists need to
do/make a lot more research.
4 If you’ve forgotten your login details, you’ll need to
report/set a new password.
5 She’s just installed/updated her profile and
uploaded a new photo.
Score __/5
5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the 7 Rewrite the sentences with the present or past
verb in brackets. simple passive. Use by if necessary.

1 My brother ____________ (buy) a new laptop last 1 Robots do a lot of work in food production.
week. _____________________________________
2 While the kids were ____________ (stay) with their 2 Millions of people watch reality TV shows.
grandparents, their mum and dad did some DIY in
the house. _____________________________________

3 The clothes in this shop used ____________ (be) 3 The company paid for my ticket to Mexico.
high quality, but now they’re badly made. _____________________________________
4 I ____________ (not visit) that website yet. Is it 4 A professional photographer didn’t take the photos.
any good?
5 When Ben first went to Korea, he ____________
5 Someone stole my selfie-stick!
(not eat) kimchi before.
Score __/5
Score __/5
6 Choose the correct option.
8Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
1 The tech company hopes to develop/developing a
new smartphone next year. didn’t had were will won’t
2 After to learn/learning French, he now wants to 1 If you don’t leave now, you ____________ get stuck
learn Portuguese. in a traffic jam.
3 She plans to become/becoming an engineer as 2 They ____________ go swimming unless their
she loves creating things. friends go.
4 I can’t stand to go/going on cable cars – I’m afraid 3 If I ____________ you, I’d install antivirus software
of heights! on your laptop.
5 We used to go to the beach all the time when we 4 She wouldn’t travel for work if she ____________
were young. We really miss to see/seeing the sea. need to.
Score __/5 5 Would you take up a new hobby if you
____________ more time?
Score __/5
9 Read the online article quickly and answer the
Are you ready to be hit by questions.

HIIT? 1 What’s the general topic of the article?

Keeping fit at home is so easy these days – there are _____________________________________

hundreds of exercise sessions online and many of them 2 What does HIIT mean?
are free. But have you ever tried a HIIT session?
HIIT stands for ‘high-intensity interval training’. The 3 What system is used during a HIIT session?
sessions involve several repetitions of high-intensity
exercise followed by short rest periods. An example
would be running fast for 30 seconds followed by slow 4 How long can a HIIT session last?
jogging or walking. The intense activity uses your _____________________________________
anaerobic system, which gives you short bursts of
energy quickly, but not for long. Professional 5 What mustn’t you forget to do?
sportspeople have used this style of training for years. It _____________________________________
helps increase the explosions of power they need to be
Score __/5
stronger and faster in their sport.

10 Read the text again. Find the words in bold in the

HIIT-style sessions are popular for multiple reasons. The
text that mean the same as:
biggest advantage is that each session doesn’t take long –
from 5 minutes to a recommended maximum of 30. This 1 useful ____________
can be a huge benefit if you don’t have much time or if
2 performance ____________
you get easily bored. So, HIIT can be a valuable way of
getting people into the habit of exercise. Another 3 higher ____________
practical benefit is that you don’t have to buy any 4 advantage ____________
5 explosions ____________
Short HIIT sessions could also be a good idea for schools, Score __/5
where more focus on academic achievement in the
curriculum means there is less time for PE. Also, studies 11 Read the text again and answer the questions.
say that exercise increases academic performance, and
1 Who uses HIIT to improve how strong and fast they
some research has suggested that HIIT can improve
cognitive ability, or brain-based skills. So, you can keep
your body and brain fit at the same time! _____________________________________
2 Why would someone who doesn’t have much
As with all exercise, take care. With HIIT, there’s an
money like HIIT sessions?
increased risk of injury and accidents, due to the quick
movements and changes of exercise. And even though _____________________________________
the sessions are short, you mustn’t forget to warm up 3 Why might the length of HIIT sessions be good for
and cool down (do gentle exercises before and after the some schools?
session). If you don’t, your body will hurt the next day!
For me, there are more advantages than disadvantages, _____________________________________
so you might want to try HIIT. The key thing, though, is 4 What is one disadvantage of HIIT sessions?
to get active by doing something you enjoy.
5 What does the writer suggest is the most important
Score __/5
12 Listen to a radio report about the EuroGamer
Expo. Answer the questions in one or two words.
1 In which month is the EuroGamer Expo?
2 What do gaming enthusiasts share at the expo?
3 If you’re going alone, what’s the minimum age you
can enter?
4 When must you submit your game for the Indie
Games Arcade?
5 How much does it cost to enter your game into the
Indie Games Arcade?
Score __/5

13 Listen to the radio report again. Choose the correct

1 How does the presenter describe the experience
you’ll have at the expo?
a positively
b negatively Write a profile about someone you admire. It can
c no comment be someone famous or someone you know. Use
2 What can’t you do at the expo? the prompts to help you.
a try out the latest games
b develop your gaming skills • the person’s name and how you know
c play ball games them
3 Can children and teenagers come to the expo?
• a short description of the person
a Yes, if they come with an adult.
b Yes, if they come as a group. • the person’s main achievements
c No, they can’t.
4 What opportunity does the expo offer? • the main reason you admire this person
a playing old games
b giving demonstrations
c developing your own games
Score: -----/20
5 What might you do after the Indie Games Award?
a test your latest ideas
b have a future career in gaming
c submit your game
Score __/5

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