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1 The diagram shows a spring balance used to measure the weight of a baby. The spring inside the
balance extends when a mass is suspended from it. The dial shows the extension of spring as a
value of mass in kg.


cradle with
negligible mass

State the relationship between the mass of the baby and the force exerted on the spring due to the


.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

2 The diagram shows a spring balance used to measure the weight of a baby. The spring inside the
balance extends when a mass is suspended from it. The dial shows the extension of spring as a
value of mass in kg.


cradle with
negligible mass

The reading on the spring balance is 8.0 kg.

Determine the force exerted on the spring due to the baby.

force = ..................................................... [1]


[Total: 1]

3 At a party, three balloons are filled with a gas less dense than air. The balloons are tied to an empty
drink can. The can floats, without moving, in the air above a table, as shown in the figure on the

The figure on the right represents the vertical forces acting on the can as it floats in the air.

drink can
top of Y

A window is opened, causing a draught of air into the room. The window is to the left of the balloons
and can, and at the same height.

On the figure on the left, draw an arrow indicating the direction of the resultant force on the can.

[Total: 1]

4 At a party, three balloons are filled with a gas less dense than air. The balloons are tied to an empty
drink can. The can floats, without moving, in the air above a table, as shown in the figure on the

The figure on the right represents the vertical forces acting on the can as it floats in the air.

One of the balloons suddenly bursts.

State and explain what happens to the can.



.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

5 At a party, three balloons are filled with a gas less dense than air. The balloons are tied to an empty
drink can. The can floats, without moving, in the air above a table, as shown in the figure on the

The figure on the right represents the vertical forces acting on the can as it floats in the air.

In terms of the vertical forces acting on the can, explain why the can does not rise or fall.


.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

6 A toy car is rolling down a slope.The figure shows the total forward force and the total backward
force acting on the car.

16 N

12 N

(a) Calculate the resultant force on the car.

size of force = ....................................................... N

direction of force = ................................................................. [2]

(b) What will be the effect of this resultant force on the car’s motion?


........................................................................................................................................... [2]

[Total: 4]

7 The figure shows an irregularly shaped piece of card.

A student is asked to find the centre of mass of the card. The student is provided with a clamp and
stand, a small mass attached to a thin string and a long pin.

(a) Describe the procedure for finding the centre of mass of the card. You may draw a diagram.





........................................................................................................................................... [3]

(b) What simple test can be carried out to confirm that the centre of mass has been found?


........................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 4]

8 A student tips his chair back to the position shown in the figure.

centre of mass of
student and chair

Explain why the chair will topple over backwards. You may draw on the figure as part of your answer.



.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

9 An athlete of mass 64 kg is bouncing up and down on a trampoline.

At one moment, the athlete is stationary on the stretched surface of the trampoline. The figure
shows the athlete at this moment.


The trampoline springs are tested. An extension-load graph is plotted for one spring. The figure
below is the graph.


0 load

(a) State the name of the point X.

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) State the name of the law that the spring obeys between the origin of the graph and point X.

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 2]

10 An athlete of mass 64 kg is bouncing up and down on a trampoline.

At one moment, the athlete is stationary on the stretched surface of the trampoline.The figure shows
the athlete at this moment.


The stretched surface of the trampoline begins to contract. The athlete is pushed vertically upwards
and she accelerates. At time t, when her upwards velocity is 6.0 m / s, she loses contact with the

(a) Calculate her kinetic energy at time t.

kinetic energy = ....................................................... [2]

(b) Calculate the maximum possible distance she can travel upwards after time t.

maximum distance = ....................................................... [3]

(c) In practice, she travels upwards through a slightly smaller distance than the distance calculated
in (b).

Suggest why this is so.


........................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 6]

11 Which two conditions apply for an object on Earth to be in equilibrium? Tick two boxes.

there are no forces acting on the object

the object has no mass

there is no resultant force on the object

there is no resultant moment


[Total: 2]

12 Here are some statements about forces.

Some statements are correct. Put a tick (✓) in the box alongside each of these.

Other statements are false. Put a cross (✗) in the box alongside each of these.

On Earth, an object has weight due to a force acting towards the Earth.

Work is done when an object moves in the direction of the force acting on it.

When a single force acts on an object, it moves at constant speed.

If the only forces acting on an object are two equal and opposite forces in the same straight
line, then the object is in equilibrium.

An object at rest always has no forces acting on it.


[Total: 5]

13 A student hangs a spring vertically from a hook, as shown in the figure.

12.0 cm 15.0 cm

2.0 N

With no load, the spring is 12.0 cm long.

With a load of 2.0 N on the end of the spring, its length is 15.0 cm.

Calculate the extension of the spring.

extension = ........................... cm [1]

[Total: 1]

14 A student hangs a spring vertically from a hook, as shown in the figure.

12.0 cm 15.0 cm

2.0 N

The load is attached to the spring and then released.

The figure below represents the forces acting on the load just after it is released.

2.8 N

2.0 N

Calculate the resultant force acting on the load and give its direction.

resultant force = ........................... N

direction = ........................... [2]

[Total: 2]

15 A free-fall parachutist jumps from a helium balloon, but does not open his parachute for some time.

The figure shows the speed-time graph for his fall. Point B indicates when he opens his parachute.



0 time

Explain, in terms of forces, what is happening in section AB of the graph in the figure.



.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

16 The figure shows a uniform, rectangular slab of concrete ABCD standing upright on the ground.
The slab has height 0.60 m, width 0.30 m and mass 18 kg. A force of 40 N acts horizontally to the
left at B.

40 N

0.60 m

0.30 m

The ground is rough so that the slab does not slide.

State and explain what happens to the slab as the horizontal force at B is gradually increased.



.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

17 State the two conditions necessary for a system of forces acting on a body to be in equilibrium.

1. ..............................................................................................................................................


2. ..............................................................................................................................................

.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

18 A free-fall parachutist jumps from a helium balloon, but does not open his parachute for some time.

The figure shows the speed-time graph for his fall. Point B indicates when he opens his parachute.



0 time

A second parachutist of the same size and mass jumps from the balloon with a larger parachute.
He also opens his parachute at point B.

On the figure, sketch a possible speed-time graph for his fall after he opens his parachute. [3]

[Total: 3]

19 The figure shows a loaded wheelbarrow held in equilibrium by a gardener. The wheel of the
wheelbarrow is in contact with the ground at point C.

In the figure, there are three vertical forces acting on the wheelbarrow.

P is the upward force applied by the gardener.

Q is the upward force of the ground on the wheel at point C.
W is the weight of the wheelbarrow and its contents.

Explain why the force P is less than the force W by considering the forces P, Q and W.


.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

20 The figure shows a loaded wheelbarrow held in equilibrium by a gardener. The wheel of the
wheelbarrow is in contact with the ground at point C.

In the figure, there are three vertical forces acting on the wheelbarrow.

P is the upward force applied by the gardener.

Q is the upward force of the ground on the wheel at point C.
W is the weight of the wheelbarrow and its contents.

Explain why the force P is less than the force W by considering the moments of the forces
P and W about point C.


.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

21 The figure shows a kitchen cupboard resting on a support and attached to a wall by a screw.

wall screw


0.75 m

support 0.24 m
75 N

The weight of the cupboard and its contents is 75 N. G is the position of the centre of mass of the

The clockwise and anticlockwise moments about point P are equal.

Calculate the force F exerted by the screw.

F = ....................................................... [3]

[Total: 3]

22 A spring is attached to the underside of the edge of a bench. A metre rule is fixed next to it, as
shown in the figure on the left.

When there is no load on the spring, the marker pin is at X.

When a load of weight L is hanging on the spring, the marker pin is at Y, as shown in the figure on
the right.

On the figure below, sketch the graph you would expect to be able to obtain as the spring is gradually
stretched from X to Y.


0 load L

[Total: 1]

23 A spring is attached to the underside of the edge of a bench. A metre rule is fixed next to it, as
shown in the figure on the left.

When there is no load on the spring, the marker pin is at X.

When a load of weight L is hanging on the spring, the marker pin is at Y, as shown in the figure on
the right.

Describe how you would determine the value of the extension of the spring caused by the load.




.................................................................................................................................................. [3]

[Total: 3]

24 A rowing boat is moving through water, in the direction shown in the figure.


movement of

thrust weight

There are four forces acting on the boat.

The weight is the force of gravity on the boat.

The upthrust is the upwards force of the water on the boat.

The forward thrust is the force that drives the boat through the water, and is caused by the action
of the oars.

The drag is the resistance to the motion due to friction.

(a) The boat is floating. What can be said about the upthrust and the weight?

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) Explain why it is important that the weight is not greater than the upthrust.


........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(c) Describe what happens to the boat when the forward thrust is greater than the drag.

........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(d) Describe what happens to the moving boat when the oars are out of the water and the forward
thrust is zero.

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 5]

25 The figure show shows a spring before and after a load is added.

(a) When the graph of extension against load is drawn for the spring, the result is the line shown
in the graph.

extension / cm

0 1 2 3 4 5
load / N

(i) The unstretched length of the spring is 9.0 cm.

A Calculate the total length of the spring when a 5.0 N load is hanging from the spring.

length = ....................................................... cm [2]

B Find the extension that will be caused by a load of 2.0 N.

extension = ....................................................... cm [1]

(ii) Calculate the mass of a load of weight 2.0 N.

mass = ....................................................... [2]

[Total: 5]

26 Parachutes are used to slow down a certain racing car.

The figure shows the racing car, of total mass 750 kg, slowing down by using parachutes.

The figure below is the speed-time graph for 20 s after the car reaches full speed.



speed 60





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
time t / s

At time t = 6.0 s, the parachutes open.

Explain why there is no resultant force acting on the car at time t = 4.0 s.


.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

27 A metre rule balances when the 50 cm mark is directly above a pivot.

State where in the rule its centre of mass is located.


.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

28 A metre rule balances when the 50 cm mark is directly above a pivot.

The figure shows an apple and a 0.40 N weight placed on the rule so that the rule remains balanced
at the 50 cm mark.

0.40 N
apple weight
50 cm

25 cm
45 cm

The centre of mass of the apple is 25 cm from the pivot and the centre of mass of the weight is
45 cm from the pivot.

The apple is not moved. The weight is removed from the rule and the pivot is moved to the left until
the rule balances as shown in the figure below.

50 cm


Explain why the arrangement in the figure above balances.



.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

29 The figure shows a heavy ball B of weight W suspended from a fixed beam by two ropes P and Q.


30 N 30 N

45° 45°

P and Q are both at an angle of 45° to the horizontal. The tensions in P and Q are each 30 N.

(a) In the space below, draw a scale diagram to find the resultant of the tensions in P and Q. Use
a scale of 1.0 cm to represent 5.0 N. Label the forces and show their directions with arrows.

resultant = ..................................... [4]

(b) State the direction of the resultant. ................................................................................... [1]

(c) State the magnitude of W.

magnitude of W = .............................................. [1]


[Total: 6]

30 The figure shows a top view of two bar magnets and a vertical rigid conducting rod carrying a
current. The direction of the current in the rod is coming out of the paper.

vertical rod perpendicular

to paper

The rod has a mass of 350 g and the resultant force acting on the rod is 0.21 N. The rod is free to

Calculate the initial acceleration of the rod.

acceleration = ........................... [2]

[Total: 2]

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