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Deconstruction of Women's Beauty Standard on Social Media: An Analysis

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Conference Paper · January 2022


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Ma'Isyatusy Syarifah
University of Malaya


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Proceeding International Conference on Religion, Science and Education (2022) 1, 727-733

Deconstruction of Women’s Beauty Standard on Social

Media: An Analysis

Ma’isyatusy Syarifah1,*, Dewi Putri Nurjanah2, Nur Atikah3, Ahmad Zadul Ma’ad Syarif4
1University of Malaya, Malaysia,

2UIN KH. Achmad Siddiq Jember,

3Universitas Gadjah Mada,

4UIN KH. Achmad Siddiq Jember.

Corresponding author*

Abstract: Women and beauty are identical entities. Beauty is considered a feminine trait and becomes a necessity that has
been deeply rooted in the wider social system and is culturally indoctrinated, and has even become a trend on social media.
Every day, women are haunted and convinced by the standardization of beauty, which increasingly plunges women into the
praise of beauty. This also makes many social media accounts that take a lot of interest and profit by creating Instagram
accounts that contain photos of beautiful women. This research highlights the deconstruction of women's beauty standards
on social media, and how whether the post is an act of exploitation against women. A thorough qualitative method is used to
examine social media especially Instagram which displays many photos of beautiful females. This study shows, first, the
female beauty standard in social media mostly concerning beautiful and fashionable women. Second, the post on Instagram
is an act of exploitation of women and is more concerned only with women’s beauty rather than women’s achievement.

Keywords: Beauty standard, exploitation, women's achievements.

Introduction One example of the application of standards

and the concept of beauty in Instagram can be seen
The concept of female beauty has always been a through an account with the name @uinkhas
topic of discussion and a separate trend in society. Cantik. Account @uinkhas Cantik which has 3450
The beauty of very diverse women is not limited to followers. This account contains a collection of
facial beauty, but also the beauty of skin color, photos of students at the KH State Islamic
body, hair, and others. Even the beauty of women University. Ahmad Siddiq Jember. An account
that is often invisible is beauty that comes from managed by the Admin selects and selects student
within the soul of the woman herself (inner photos that have certain beauty criteria by
beauty). The difference in the meaning of each uploading photos to the Instagram feed. Photos
person to the concept of beauty has resulted in the that have been selected through the selection
emergence of various cultural and media studies in process, will be displayed with the name, faculty,
the academic realm (Anastasia, 2006). These study program, year, and hashtag
various views are the impact of the dynamics of life (#uinkhascantik). Similar accounts are also found
that continues to change and develop in society. in various universities including @ugmcantik,
Along with the rapid development of digital @ui.cantik, @uns.cantik, @ums.cantik,
technology, the concept of women's beauty is @anakipbcantik and there are many more similar
produced and reproduced through social media accounts.
such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram which The beauty displayed through several photos on
displays various images or images of women who Instagram accounts such as @uinkhas Cantik uses
are considered beautiful. certain standard criteria including feminine

Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. This article is an open access article distributed under a CC BY license.
ISSN 2829-3355 | EISSN 2828-8467
728 Proceeding International Conference on Religion, Science and Education (2022) 1

women with white skin, fashion-able, using make- deconstruction theory that rejects structuralism
up, slim, modern. If observed, before carrying out based on logo centrism to reveal a reality which
the photo selection process, the admin one thing as the central and single element to
@uinkhascantik will search for photos of UIN Khas neglect other elements. Another concept
Jember students with the hashtag #uinkhascantik introduced by Derrida (1968) is Difference quoted
or get recommendations from other users. This from Muslimin (2019) generally, difference means
next process is to determine which photos are to differentiate and to delay. He explains the term
eligible to be displayed so that they are considered “different” with “differEnce” and “differAnce”
to meet the previously established beauty which means to differ (differentiate) and to difer
standards. The selected photo then received (delay).
thousands of likes and comments from followers Derrida’s theory emphasizes the critical way to
@uinkhascantik. Even the students themselves took understand the meaning of a text or context from
pictures and posted on their own Instagram and different ways as well as present assumptions
then tagged Instagram @uinkhascantik. This shows behind the text or context. This theory suggests the
that they want to be reposted on Instagram deconstructor to analyze the relationship of
@uinkhascantuk, and they want to be recognized contradiction and opposition from a text or context
as beautiful students according to the standards of to form a new construction which is in line with
the @uinkhascantuk account. From this the statement of Rohman (2014) that
background, beauty becomes interesting to look at deconstruction is new construction as the solution
critically using the perspective of cultural studies from the inconsistencies from the old construction.
to see power relations, body autonomy, and The deconstruction of women's beauty
cultural influences in social media. standards can be seen from the evolution of
women’s beauty standards in Indonesia which the
new beauty standard construction deconstructed
Research Method the old beauty standard. The ideal beauty standard
in 1960-1970 was thin, brown skin and wavy hair.
The method used in this research is descriptive In the 1980 era, the ideal beauty standard was
qualitative. Using paradigms and critically smooth and soft skin. Then in the 1990 era, the
analyzing with the study of deconstruction and ideal beauty standard was more complex and
semiotics. This research will be mainly concerned complicated. There were more criteria such as ideal
with the critical examination of materials derived body was not a thin body anymore but a curvy
from primary and secondary sources. Primary body which was not too thin but not too fat. Good
sources include social media accounts that have skin was not only smooth and soft skin but also fair
beautiful female usernames. Through semiotics, and bright skin (Bender, 2021).
there are symbols and signs seen from social media The deconstruction of women’s beauty
that display beautiful women based on their standards appears from time to time, it’s like the
standards. While secondary sources in the form of exotic skin represented with brown skin that used
textbooks, journal articles, seminar papers, to be popular among girls in the 1960 era was
newspapers, and data from supporting documents deconstructed with the ideal skin color and tone
that are relevant to the research topic are then with yellow and bright skin. The deconstruction
analyzed descriptively. also appears on body shape, from the thin body to
be the curvy body that is not too thin but not too
fat. The interpretation of skin color and body shape
Results and Discussion
change the beauty standard on society which gets
Deconstruction of Women Beauty Standard on the influence from media.
Social Media The deconstruction of women's beauty
In his book entitled Grammatology (1976) quoted standards emerges through the trend on traditional
from Pradoko (2017), Derrida introduces media mass. Like in 1960-1990 the mainstream
Syarifah et al. – Deconstruction of Women’s Beauty Standard 729

media such as television, magazine, and have body concerns and body dissatisfaction
newspaper are to be the trend maker, then in 2000 (Ando et al. 2021).
era was shifted to social media. Social media is Social media makes the users compare their
widely used by society from different physical appearance with their peers or favorite
backgrounds, thus it plays a big role to construct influencers which only creates unrealistic
new beauty standards. expectations. Even though, the users know that
Unlike traditional media mass, social media their peers or favorite influencers have edited or
provides wide options and can be used by all filtered the picture to get the most attractive one
people around the world. Several options provided which can be far from the real condition, they still
by social media that are not provided by traditional do the same thing to fulfill their expectations.
media, namely: 1) users not only limited to models Many social media celebrities promote different
and celebrities, 2) users mostly only show the best types of beauty which can change absolute beauty
version of themselves (mostly in physical aspects) standards but sadly only mainstream and popular
like uploading the most attractive photo, 3) beauty standards are followed by social media
generally, users interact with their closest people users. Eventually, it deconstructs new beauty
like family, friends, and peers on social media, 4) standards and does not make beauty become a
social media provides the wide range of features relative perception. It can make the user has low
like comment, share and like sections (Fardouly & body positivity and only focus on their physical
Vartanian, 2016). appearance and ignore other achievements to fulfill
The wide options provided by social media give the mainstream beauty standards on social media
many chances for people to be the trend maker and which can harm the users. It is in line with the
the chance to be popular. Nowadays, celebrities are result of the research conducted by Tallat N et al.
not only limited to who appear on television but (2017) that body dissatisfaction brings negative
also the trend maker on social media which is impacts on students' academic achievement. The
usually called selebgram, selebtok, etc. To be popular students who satisfy with their appearance tend to
on social media and become social media have a higher grade. Although the dynamic beauty
celebrities, they should have a high number of standards on social media can promote beauty
followers, likes, and repost. They should campaign positivity and construct many beauty standards,
a specific and interesting message on social media most of the followers still follow the mainstream
or follow the challenge from the viral trend to be beauty standard.
popular. The fast news spread on social media
makes something easy to be viral that usually The Exploitation of Women in Social Media
inspires the follower to do the viral challenge or The beautiful student accounts mostly belong to
popular trend. Therefore, the dynamic change on every university in Indonesia. They posted many
social media can influence the deconstruction of photos that have been selected by their own
women's beauty standards. standard of beauty. The photo posted gets several
The high exposure of social media from users' responds such as like and comments. Along with
favorite influencers, peers, and followers influences it, the beautiful student accounts attract number of
the users to expect unrealistic body imagery. They follower and increase number of like and
have a high expectation of body imagery cause comment. The number of followers gives them
people only post the most attractive photo or profit by paid promotion services and
video. To have an attractive photo or video, the endorsements.
users do many efforts like putting on make-up, The situation seen as an opportunity and they
diet, buying new clothes, even plastic surgery to continue to selected students’ photo and post it
fulfill social expectations which indirectly decrease frequently. These phenomena clearly put women
body positivity and self-acceptance. With the high as an object of visualization to gain a profit.
exposure of social media, it can make the users According to the philosopher Immanuel Kant
(1797), objectification the process of lowering a
730 Proceeding International Conference on Religion, Science and Education (2022) 1

person value as a human being to the status of an compare themselves to others on social media.
object. Along with social phenomena, self- Moreover, physical appearance plays an important
objectification turns into self-surveillance, causing role in social media. In addition, being posted by
psychological consequences and mental health the beautiful student account is such as a
risks. According to Fredrickson and Roberts (1997), validation that they were beautiful. But otherwise,
the cultural practice of objectification leads to self- not being posted in those kind of account will
objectification. Self-Objectification refers to the resulted body-dissatisfaction.
process that women internalize and accept the Body modification refers to the deliberate or
beliefs that society constructed (Mckay, 2013). permanent altering of an individual's human
Feminist theory argues that the disclosure of anatomy or appearance (Henriques & Patnaik,
visual experiences faced by women has led them to 2016). Body dissatisfaction caused several negative
internalize visual objectification and change impacts such as eating disorders. Women who
themselves. That is, women see and treat experienced this symptom to women who are
themselves as objects to be evaluated based on trying to change their appearance in order to have
their appearance (Hermawan & Hamzah, 2017). As a slim body as portrayed in social media beauty
an object, the photos in the account of this beautiful standard (Natasya et al. 2021). The body-
student motivated women to be perfectly beautiful dissatisfaction triggered women to have a perfect
as social media constructed. And the validation is body and appearance as the social media standard.
approved when they photo posted by those kind of They will not even hesitate to make body
accounts. modifications, both full and partial body
Festinger (1954) suggested that humans are modifications.
believed to have an innate drive to compare Fredrickson and Roberts (1997) find that self-
themselves with other individuals. This action has objectification also lead to depression and eating
several purposes including self-evaluation, making disorders. Women strive to change their body and
decisions in behavior based on their social appearance through fashion, exercise, diet, beauty
environment, and modifying cognition to increase products, and even worse surgery and eating
self-esteem. In doing a comparison, there are two disorders (Mckay, 2013). Besides, since they do not
possible scenarios, the first is an upward look perfectly beautiful, women tend to avoid
comparison and the second is a downward meeting friends, going to school or work, dating
comparison. The upward direction of social and another social activity. And lastly, the will not
comparison occurs when a person compares enjoying their life and it will lead to a depression
himself to others who are better. The downward or even worse a self-harming.
comparison occurs when a person compares The need to be perfectly beautiful seen as an
himself to someone who is worse (Reategui & opportunity by capitalist. Capitalist come to fulfill
Palmer, 2017). their need by offering many kind of treatments or
These two directions of comparison have skin care. They realizes that women mostly
different contrasting effects. If the comparison is dissatisfy with their own body and women strive
upward then this will trigger negative emotions, to achieve the validation if beauty as the beauty
such as envy, body-dissatisfaction, or frustration. standard in social media.
Meanwhile, if the comparison is downward, then The treatments were focused on the beauty
this will trigger positive emotions, such as relief or standard nowadays such as a fair skin, slim body
satisfaction. This also applies to women in using etc. The treatments offered are in the form of white
social media. injections, white infusions, skin lightening
Social media has succeeded in shifting beauty supplements and others. While some plastic
standards from time to time. As the social media surgeries are also offered such as jaw shaping
user, women triggered to compare themselves with surgery, lip fillers, breast implants and others.
others continuously. The more women use the Because entrepreneurs realize that anything
social media, the more the more often they women will do to get a body that matches beauty
Syarifah et al. – Deconstruction of Women’s Beauty Standard 731

standards on social media, they don't even hesitate from some news, it is stated "Besides Beautiful,
to provide treatments or beauty products that are These 5 Indonesian Women Have Achievements".
harmful to health. All the impacts explained, In the news narrative, it is clear that the main focus
women who are the most suffer by this condition. is beauty as if to say that beauty is more important
They suffer a psychological impact and also the than achievement, and if it is not beautiful,
physical impact. existence will not be seen.
Oppression in the context of beauty is different
Subordination of Women's Achievements from the concept of oppression in the Marxist-
The construction of beauty is something that is not orthodox view that occurs in the factories of the
universal. Beauty that develops in society forms proletariat whose surplus value is being exploited
the view that beauty is part of female femininity. by the bourgeoisie. Marx's economic deterministic
Physical appearance such as body, face, eyebrows, analysis was later criticized by neo-Marxist figures,
eyes, hair, to the attributes used by women, such as (Suseno, 2013) one of which was Gramsci who
clothes, is very important to determine the level of proposed a cultural view with the same prophetic
women's beauty. The concept of beauty is not characteristics as the goals of Marxism, but he
something natural or taken for granted, but a socio- formulated his ideas into alternative and more
cultural construction. Media texts carry out the complex ideas. (Mahadika, 2021) The concept of
form of image production and reproduction beauty, which is constructed by mass culture and
continuously, as well as beauty. Women will be media, is reproduced continuously so that it is
said to be beautiful not only based on white, considered a natural thing, something that does not
smooth, toned, young skin. But also highlight need to be critically questioned as a form of
certain body parts such as the chest, hips, lips, hegemony. Hegemony allows people to accept
eyes, and everything related to disciplining oppression as a natural thing and even feel happy
women's bodies with the standards of society itself. and accept it as it is. According to Antonio
The single positivistic way of thinking about Gramsci, hegemony is the power that occurs which
beauty standards often leads to oppression (Amin, is the chains of victories obtained through a
2015). This oppression is often not realized by consensus mechanism rather than through violence
many women. For example, many women are not or oppression of other social classes. (Siswati, 2018)
treated properly just because they are not Efforts to lead people to assess and view social
considered beautiful based on the beauty standards problems by winning consensus are to determine
created by social media, even though in terms of directly or indirectly the cognitive (ideational)
their abilities, these women have qualities and structures of society through hegemonic products
capabilities that meet the established work that are seen as morally and intellectually correct
standards. In Indonesia today, even the standard of so that the dominance of compromise ideas occurs
beauty used is to make the beauty of Caucasians naturally and is not questioned again.
from the west or Korea the benchmark for beauty, Women who accept and follow these beauty
for example, it can be seen from several soap standards, then try to change their physical
operas and advertisements on TV that most of the appearance to meet the beauty criteria in society.
artists who play soap operas/films/advertisements For example, using various kinds of beauty
are mostly foreign-born artists. This country, which cosmetics, managing the body by dieting, to doing
has the characteristics of white skin, sharp nose, plastic surgery are some of the efforts made by
sharp eyes, tall and slender, etc., and of course this women who experience hegemony or in a term as
is very far from the posture and beauty of a native symbolic violence (Fatmawati, 2020). To achieve
Indonesian. On the other hand, artists who are beauty, a lot of effort must be made. How women
naturally beautiful with Indonesian characteristics judge their bodies will usually be closely related to
are much more qualified. In other cases, women how the social and cultural environment outside of
are always seen more from their physical themselves judges women's bodies. This means
appearance than their achievements. For example, that women will always try to adjust their body
732 Proceeding International Conference on Religion, Science and Education (2022) 1

shape to what social and cultural words say about Deconstruction destroys dichotomous binary
the concept of beauty itself. Unconsciously, accept oppositions and gives rise to new meanings that go
commercial messages as truth rather than a beyond established concepts. Appearance is not a
construction. Capitalism plays a big role in standard of beauty that produces domination and
convincing women that today's ideal body is more being dominated but treats it as a fully human
desirable and achievable. And the industries subject, not as an object. Beauty in the end is not
engaged in the beauty sector are growing rapidly seen from mere physical criteria, nor is it compared
(Fahimah, 2017). with the opposite meaning. The concept of beauty
Women will always try to adjust their body will have a new meaning based on the context and
shape to what social and cultural words say about dynamics of interpretation more freely and freely.
the concept of beauty itself. Unconsciously, accept The practice of meaning is a form of counter-
commercial messages as truth rather than a hegemony. Women's beauty goes beyond the
construction. Capitalism plays a big role in established criteria of physical form as embraced
convincing women that today's ideal body is more by modernism, but beauty is seen as an attitude
desirable and achievable. (Laendra & Vardiansyah, and behavior, accepting, caring, honest, which
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