The Fortieth Door - No Key

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In this extract from The Fortieth Door by M. H. Bradly some words have been left out.

Your task is to fill in the

gaps from the list below the text. Write the letters in the white boxes as in the example. Remember that there are
two extra letters that you do not need.

The Fortieth Door

By Mary Hastings BradleyAA


He didn’t want to go. He 0. loathed the very thought of it. Every flinching nerve in him protested. A
masked ball–a masked ball at a Cairo hotel! Grimacing through peep-holes, Self-conscious advances,
1. ____flirtations_____ ending in giggles! Tourists as nuns, tourists as Turks, tourists as God-knows-
what, all preening and peacocking!

Unhappily he 2. _____gazed_____ upon the girl who was proposing this horror as a bright delight.
She was a very engaging girl–that was the 3. ____mischief_____ of it. She stood smiling there in the
bright, Egyptian sunshine, gay confidence in her gray eyes. He hated to shatter that confidence.

And he had done little enough for her during her stay in Cairo. One tea at the Gezireh Palace Hotel,
one trip to the Sultan al Hassan Mosque, one excursion through the bazaars–not exactly an
4.___orgy___ of entertainment for a girl from home!

He had evaded climbing the Pyramids and fled from the ostrich farm. He had withheld from inviting
her to the camp on the edge of the Libyan desert where he was excavating, although her party had
shown 5. ___unmistakable_____ signs of a willingness to be diverted from the beaten path of its

And he was not calling on her now. He had come to Cairo for supplies and she had encountered him
by chance upon a corner of the crowded Mograby, and there promptly she had invited him to to-
night’s ball. “But it’s not my line, you know, Jinny,” he was protesting. “I’m so 6. ___fearfully____
out of dancing–”

“More reason to come, Jack. You need a change from digging up ruins all the time–it must be
frightfully lonely out there on the desert. I can’t think how you stand it.”

Jack Ryder smiled. There was no mortal use in explaining to Jinny Jeffries that his life on the desert
was the only life in the world, that his ruins held more thrills than all the fevers of her tourist crowds,
and that he would rather gaze upon the 7. ____mummied_____ effigy of any lady of the dynasty of
Amenhotep than upon the freshest and fairest of the damsels of the present day. It would only tax
Jinny’s 8. ____credulty______ and hurt her feelings. And he liked Jinny–though not as he liked Queen
Hatasu or the little nameless creature he had dug out of a king’s ante-room.

Jinny was an interfering modern. She was the 9.____incarnation_____ of impossible demands. But of
course there was no real reason why he should not stop over and go to the dance.
A incarnation, B glimpses , C loathed, D credulity, E experience, F gazed, G mummied, H mischief,
I orgy, K fearfully, L flirtations, M unmistakable, N loathed

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