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Fullname:------------------------------------------------------------- Date :---------------

Grade and Section: --------------------------

I.- Correct and Translate the sentences

 Where you from? ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------

 What name is your? ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------

 Nice is meet you, too. --------------------------------


 Harry is from US. ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------

 Where are you from UK? --------------------------------- --------------------------------------------

 Carlos from Madrid. -------------------------------------


 I'm from Russia. are you from? --------------------------------- ---------------------------------------

 Where you from, Susan? -------------------------------------- --------------------------------------

II.- Complete the table with the form of the verb To Be

 I ____ English.

 You ____ Mexican.

 He ____ Tony.
 She ____ Barbara.
 We ____ American.
 They ____ Steve and Rosie.
 I ___ ten years old.
 ¿Are___ from America?
 The boys ___ very happy.
 ___ Rudi ten years old?
 ___ they your friends?
 ___ it Monday or Tuesday?
 ___ you happy?
III.- Choose the correct Word

 What am/is your name?

 Hi! I am/is Tony.
 Is/Are you English?
 No, I’m not/I isn’t.
 What am/is her name?
 Her name am/is Sara.
 Is/Are she Mexican?
 Yes, she is/are.
 Is/Are they students?
 Yes, they is/are.

IV.- Complete with the correct form of the verb To Be and match
1-5 with a-e

1. What ______________ your name?

2. Where ______________ they from?

3. ______________ you a teacher?

4. How old ______________ you?

5. Who ______________ he?

a)He’s my friend. His name ______________ Carl.

b)I ______________ fifteen years old.

c)They ______________ from Switzerland.

d)My name ______________ Dominic.

e) No, I ______________ not. I ______________ a student.

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