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A Railway Station


A railway station is a place where trains regularly stop to take in

and set down passengers and goods. It is marked by a platform with
one or more office buildings. In the office buildings, usually office
rooms of the Station Master, Assistant Station Master, ticket
booking offices, waiting rooms etc. are seen. It is also marked by a
signboard with the name of the station. Generally, platform size,
number of platforms, number of tracks etc. varies based on
importance of the station. At such a station there are tea stalls, book
stalls, food and other shops. A railway station presents different
pictures at different times. Sometimes it is calm and quiet. But with
the arrival of a train, it becomes a place of noise and bustle.
Passengers hurry about in search of their compartments. An
important station is always a very busy and crowded place. Most of
the time, people are seen in groups sitting around their belongings,
talking or laughing themselves and waiting for the train. Hawkers
with their goods scattered is also a common sight. They are found
crying out with shrill voice to sell their goods. At a station we can
also see signals of the running trains. The station guards are seen
standing on the platform to show signals with green or red flag.
Thus, the importance of a railway station needs no telling. It is a
duty of all of us to keep the station clean and chaos free.

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