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A block of weight W1 = 1000 N rests on a horizontal

plane and supports on top of it another block of weight
W2 = 250 N as shown in Fig. The block W 2 is attached to
a vertical wall by an inclined string which makes an 60o W2
angle of 60° with the wall. What should be the value of
horizontal force ‘P’ to cause motion of the lower block
to impend? Also find the corresponding tension in the W1
string. Take µ = 0.3 for all surfaces.

Q2. A circular cylinder A rests on top of two-circular

cylinders B and C, all having the same radius r. The
weight of A is W and that of B and C is W/2 each.
Assume that coefficient of friction between the flat
surfaces of the half cylinders and the horizontal table
top is f. Determine the maximum distance d between
the centres of the half cylinders to maintain

Q3. Find the magnitude and nature of forces in all the

members of the truss structure given in Fig.

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