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1. Sit in upright confident looking positions

2. Remember to smile
3. Laugh when you talk sometimes
4. Repeat the last few words in other people sentences in a form of a question conveyed
by the tone
5. Gesture with hands when talking
6. Sit comfortably
7. Be down to earth in the way of speaking
8. Take some time (to think) before answering
9. Make eye contact
10.Talk slow and controlled
11.Show that you enjoy their presence
12.Stay strong and don’t back down in the statements you say
13.Find similarities and point them out
14.When listening to them talking touch your lips/neck to look interested
15.Compliment and agree with them
16.Be direct and go straight to the point
17.Allow yourself to appear venerable in front of them
18.Don’t have a frozen face (make expressions)
19.Admit your mistakes
20.Appoint them by their full name/title
21.Inform them that you are trying/understanding things from their POV (place, feelings)
22.People like to talk about themselves, make them do so and act like you are into it

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