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Superheroes’ Daily Routine Reading



catch laugh


claws criminals



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Superheroes’ Daily Routine Reading

Hi! My name is Bill.

I’m a stay-at-home dad. I wake up at 7 a.m. and have a cup of

tea in bed. In the morning, I cook breakfast for my two children,
clean the house and help them with their homework. My wife
goes to work early because she’s a doctor. My wife comes home
from work early, at 1 p.m., and she usually visits her sister in the
afternoons. She always takes a big bag with her. I don’t know why!

I put the children to bed and read them a story at 8 p.m. Then, I put my superhero cape on
and go out into the streets to look for criminals… no one knows that I am LizardMan, and I
have sharp claws!

I can catch criminals with my claws. I can also rescue people if they’re stuck in a tree because
I can climb anywhere. I get home very late, at 12 a.m. My children and my wife don’t know
about my secret power… and they don’t know that I only eat insects! Shhh!

Hello! My name is Sasha.

Every day, I get up at 5 a.m. and have cereal for breakfast. I take
the bus to work. I work as a doctor in a hospital. I help children
who feel ill. I give them medicine and help them get better. I
like running, cycling and seeing my friends. I get home at 1
p.m. and see my children. I don’t usually have lunch with my
husband. My husband doesn’t like my food. He never eats what I
cook… I don’t know why!

No one knows about my superpower. In the afternoons, I’m LaughLady! When I tell a joke,
people laugh so much they can’t move! They laugh and laugh and laugh. I stop criminals with
my jokes, put the criminals in a bag and take them to the police station so the police can arrest
them. I tell the joke very quietly, so other people can’t hear. I wear a red cape and big red boots.

I get home at 11 p.m. My husband usually isn’t there. He visits his friends in the evenings. He’s
always very tired when he comes home.

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