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EPQ:Unveiling the Veil of Failure:

Exploring the Reasons Why Most

Small Businesses Fail
01 02 03
My Methodology
Importance of SME Reason why SME fail

04 05
Experience with EPQ Conclusion
Importance of small
‘Small businesses are the engine of the UK
economy and at the heart of their local
communities. 10,000 Small Businesses equips
them with the tools to grow sustainability and
unlock their full potential.’ - Goldman Sachs
SMEs are generally thought to
The be the backbone of any

healthy economy; they drive
growth, provide employment
of SME opportunities and open new
markets. SMEs already
(small and contribute more than 50%
towards GDP, they also supply
medium and anchor big retail

businesses with products, UK SME Turnover
services and even markets.
UK SME business turnover by employee number band

One to nine employees: £592,131,000,000

10 to 49 employees: £669,553,000,00050 to 249

employees: £762,947,000SMEs in the UK have a

combined turnover of £2 trillion This accounts for 52% of

the UK’s private sector £4.47 trillion total turnover (UK

Published by D. Clark, Nov 30, 2023 (Number of
SMEs in the UK 2023, by sector)

“In 2023, there were approximately 882,770 small

and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the
construction sector in the United Kingdom, the most
of any sector in that year. The sector with the
second-highest number of SMEs was the
professional, scientific, and technical activities
sector, at 770,475 SMEs.” - Published by D. Clark,
Nov 30, 2023 (Number of SMEs in the UK 2023, by
Unveiling the Veil of Failure
The Psychology Lack of Marketing Lack Of Soft Skills

Good psychology is crucial for You can have the best Soft skills are the missing piece
entrepreneurs because it product or service in the to the success puzzle for many
underpins many aspects of world, but if nobody knows entrepreneurs. Soft skills are
successful business leadership the sometimes intangible and
and management.
about it, you won't succeed.
non-technical talents
You need to get your name
entrepreneurs need to lead
out there and let people know effectively. They include
about the benefits of your attitude, communication,
business. If you cannot reach empathy, motivation,
your audience, you cannot teamwork, networking,
find success. leadership, decision making,
problem-solving and conflict
The Psychology of Why Entrepreneurs Fail.

Thomas Thomas Edison once said:

“I have learned fifty thousand ways it cannot be
done, and therefore I am fifty thousand times closer
to the final successful experiment.”

This is a more eloquent way of saying that there’s a

lot to learn from failure.

Vision deficiencies can be detrimental for entrepreneurs because a clear and

compelling vision is often the driving force behind a successful business. It
provides direction, inspires innovation, and helps align team efforts towards
common goals. Without a strong vision, entrepreneurs may struggle to
motivate their team, attract investors, and navigate the challenges of the
business world. A lack of vision can lead to a lack of purpose, making it
difficult to make strategic decisions and to persevere through obstacles.
Ultimately, vision deficiencies can result in missed opportunities and the
inability to adapt to market changes, which can lead to business failure
The Psychology why Entrepreneurs fail
In SMEs, leaders are inseparably intermingled with their companies and thus perform a crucial
role. For example, we know that entrepreneurs influence their companies’ culture (Schein, 1983). In
addition, their characteristics and motivations have been proven to influence the growth of their
companies (Baum et al., 2001).
O’Cass and Sok (2014) argue that to achieve growth in
competitive markets, an SME must be able to market its
Lack of Marketing products and services According to O’Cass and Sok (2014), firms
must possess marketing capabilities to leverage resources. SMEs
Digitalization has have natural constraints to the capabilities and resources available
transformed the to them. There is widespread acceptance of the notion that small
value-creation logic of firms
and made some resources
firms have inherent weaknesses regarding marketing awareness
such as digital technology, and practice (Möller and Anttila, 1987; Murdoch et al., 2001; Marcati
innovation management, et al., 2008; Walsh and Lipinski, 2009). Marketing in SMEs is often
and employee skills even characterized by a lack of resources, coherence and expertise .
more important than before
(Eller et al., 2020; Estensoro Reason why Marketing is important for SME
et al., 2021). This also
Small businesses marketing is important because it has the potential to
necessitates increasing the share your message with customers who may not be familiar with your
human capital within the business. Capturing new interests and leads through marketing not only
firm. grow your sales but it also helps establish a presence and sense of
authority around your brand.

By creating and sharing valuable content across different channels, small

businesses are able to reach new audiences, engage with them in real
time, offer helpful information and gain insight into what future
strategies will prove to be the most successful.
Lack of Soft Skills

Importance of Soft Skills Lack of soft skills ?

What is soft skills ?
Soft skills are general traits Soft skills are essential for the success A lack of soft skills within a Small and
not specific to any job, of Small and Medium Enterprises Medium Enterprise (SME) can have a
(SMEs) as they facilitate effective variety of negative consequences. Poor
helping employees excel in communication, collaboration, and communication may lead to
any workplace. They include leadership within the organization. misunderstandings with customers,
communication, teamwork, These skills encompass traits such as suppliers, and employees, resulting in
and adaptability, often communication, teamwork, adaptability, lower satisfaction and productivity.
termed as transferable or and problem-solving, which are crucial Ineffective teamwork and conflict
for building strong relationships with resolution may stymie collaboration and
interpersonal skills. They’re
customers, suppliers, and employees. innovation, slowing growth and
essential for professional In SMEs, where resources may be competitiveness. Without adaptability
success. limited, possessing strong soft skills and problem-solving abilities, the SME
enables efficient management, fosters may struggle to navigate challenges
innovation, and enhances overall and capitalise on opportunities,
productivity. jeopardising its long-term viability and
Experience with EPQ
One of the most enjoyable
I started my EPQ project in the aspects of my Extended Project
winter of 2023, and I can confidently Qualification (EPQ) was the
say that it was a very positive freedom to choose any topic that I
experience overall. I really enjoyed was passionate about for my
working on my EPQ, thanks to the essay. I decided to write about the
support I received from Mr. Hobbs reasons behind the failure of most
and my fellow students. The other small and medium-sized
students who were also enterprises (SMEs). This topic
participating in the EPQ were very intrigued me because there is no
single answer - there are many
helpful and encouraging.
different reasons why SMEs fail. I
had full creative freedom to
explore this topic and write a
five-thousand word essay on the
Challenges i faced during
my time doing EPQ
During my EPQ, I encountered various challenges, and the most
significant among them was time management. I admit that most of the
issues were caused by me. I had a bad habit of procrastinating and
wasting time, which was very harmful to my project's progress. My
tendency to waste time caused me to fall behind schedule, and I had to
work extra hard to catch up, which led to unnecessary stress that could
have been avoided with better time management.

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