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Chapter 11 Applications in Trigonometry (三角學的應用) New Century Mathematics (Oxford / Canotta Maths)

Section Topic Teaching Notes Classwork or Homework

11.1 Gradients - Students should be able to calculate the gradient (斜率) of an inclined plane in the Ex.11A Q.1, 8
form of n or 1 : n.
- Students should be able to calculate the inclination (傾角) from the gradient. Ex.11A Q.9
11.2 Angles of Elevation and - Students should be able to solve problems involving angles of elevation (仰角) and Ex.11B Q.1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 15
Depression angles of depression (俯角).
11.3 Bearings - Students should be able to express directions in reduced bearing (象限角) or Ex.11C Q.1, 5
compass bearing (羅盤方位角).
- Students should be able to express directions in whole circle bearing (方位角) or Ex.11C Q.3, 4
true bearing (真方位角).
- Students should be able to solve problems involving bearings. Ex.11C Q.16, 18

Supplementary Exercise: 三角比:測量實驗工作紙


1. 有一個人向南走 10 km,向東走 10 km,再向北走 10 km,會返回原地。為甚麼﹖ 他從北極出發。

2. 不是在所有星球的「北極」,向南走 10 km,向東走 10 km,再向北走 10 km,均會返回原地。要達到以上要求,該星球的半徑最小要有多少﹖


3. 向東邊走得較遠,還是向南方走得遠些﹖ 東方走得遠些

1. 簡介 1 度 = 60 分,1 分 = 60 秒。符號方面:3 度 10 分 20 秒可寫成 3o 10’ 20”

2. 應教授如何在計算機輸入度、分、秒方式表示的角度。

3. 簡介 6 個三角函數中、英名稱及其定義:

中文名稱 英文名稱 函數定義

正弦函數 sine function sin θ =

餘弦函數 cosine function cos θ =

正切函數 tangent function tan θ =

鄰邊 1
餘切函數 cotangent function cot θ = cot θ =
對邊 tan θ

斜邊 1
正割函數 secant function sec θ = sec θ =
鄰邊 cos θ

斜邊 1
餘割函數 cosecant function csc θ = csc θ =
對邊 sin θ

4. 簡介所有三角函數均是非線性函數 (non-linear function)。

5. 利用計算機,計算角度的各個函數值、及由函數求角的大小。
6. 利用「單位圓」(unit circle) 介紹各函數與各線段長度的關係:

cot θ

csc θ

1 tan θ
sin θ
θ cos θ
sec θ
仁愛堂田家炳中學 Handout 11-1
中三級 數學科
第十一章 三角學的應用:測量實驗工作紙
1. 水平測角器 (Goniometer) 2. 垂直測角器 (Clinometer)
(a) 製作法 (a) 製作法

所示的水平測角器了。 圖(二) 圖(四)
(b) 使用法
(b) 使用法 1. 透過瞄準器(飲管)使眼睛 A 與 B 點在同一視線,上跟著讀出測角器上鉛垂線指示的度數。
2. 用軟尺找出測量者眼至地面的距離(AD)。
圖(三) B 3. 同樣找出測量者與牆的距離(DE)。
如圖(三)所示,假定要量度A、B兩 40 4. BC =
圖對水平測角器圓心所成水平夾角的大 A 5. 校舍高度是 BC + CE,但 CE 與 AD 相等,因此高度是 BC + AD。
小,可先將紙條兩尖頂及 0O 刻度線調校至

(c) 原理 (a) 測量原理

如右圖所示,欲求得自 M 點望 H 點的仰角
(b)的大小,祇需從垂直測角器讀出 a 的度數
因為 a + c = 90o
如欲求 AB 線的長度 S,可在 A 點安置經緯儀,在 B 點設置定長 b 的橫基尺垂直於測線
b + c = 90o
方向,並使橫基尺的中點在 B 點上。用經緯儀測出尺兩端標牌所夾的水平角β,則
∴ b=a b 1
S= 2 ( )
tan 2


3. 橫基尺 (Subtense bar)

橫基尺一般用「因瓦」(INVAR) 製成,取其有低膨脹系數 (α = 0.000 000 9/℃) 之特性,所
以尺上兩端標牌間相距不大受溫度升降所影響。標牌間的距離普通為 2 米,但也有 1 米或 3 米長

間距離為 2 米時,則
1 標牌 1
2 照準望遠鏡 tan 2

3 橫置水準器
4 基座 (b) 用橫基尺測量水平距離
5 腳架 (資料由鄧柏根先生(前香港理工學院,土地及工程測量學中心講師)提供)

圖(七)橫基尺 6 鉛垂線 在測量中,有些水平距離很難用普通拉尺方法直接量出,比如對河兩岸、橫過車路、耕

優點(普通情況下精度可達10 000 測長)。
校園測量師工作紙 Handout 11-2
第一站 第二站

在籃球場近禮堂側梯一角,望向三枝旗杆的中間一枝,量度適當的角度及距離, 從籃球場的一角望向禮堂側的樓梯頂,有一盞泛光燈,兩點在地面的水平距離是
並計算中間那枝旗杆最高點離地的高度。 28.81 米。量度適當的角度,並計算該泛光燈最高點離地面的高度。


21.83 米

量度時應注意怎樣建構出直角三角形。比方這一難題,即使引用量度第四站 量度應注意觀測者眼睛離地距離,以並非個人身高。
除了一般手法外,不妨給數學能力較佳的同學,試做「海島算經」中的「量 以一個眼睛離地 1.60 米的同學,
海島」,利用「重表兩望」手法求得答案。 所觀測得的角度約為 13o,
泛光燈最高點離地 = 6.64 米。
旗杆全長 6.90 米,
看台總高度 1.60 米,
旗杆離地總高度 = 8.50 米。
第三站 第四站

從籃球場中圈的指定位置,觀測看台上的兩個標記;已知兩個標記與觀測點等距, 如下圖所示,從籃球場的兩角望向學校的天台上欄河的最高點,測量出兩個角度;
試量度適當角度,並計算兩個標記間的距離。 已知籃球場的長度是 28.03 米,試計算天台離地面的高度。

11.40 米

房 籃球場

利用到等腰三角形的特性,觀測者應從觀測台,觀測兩點,再角度的一半計 與前題相同,觀測應清楚知道眼睛離地距離;此外,此題沒法準確得知水平
算,而非由一邊看到中間點,再由中間點到另一點;藉此以減低觀測誤差。 總長度,因此要使用到從兩點分別觀測的手法。

本題答案: 本題答案:
兩點相差角約為 51o, 以一個身高 1.60 米的同學,
兩點相距 10.87 米。 應分別量得 28o 及 53o,
學校最高點的石壆約離地 26.47 米。
仁愛堂田家炳中學 Handout 11-3
第十一章 三角學的應用:其他的測量⎯⎯望島術:【海島算經】第【一】問﹙重表兩望﹚
公元 263 年,中國一本數學古籍【海島算經】,提及九個測量的問題,而第一題 題解:
便記載了「望島術」的測量: 這個量度的問題可以用三角比或相似三角形的方法求解。這裡,我們採用我國二
面積 A = 面積 B

杆的頂端成一直線。 c 面積 II = 面積 V ak = by
從後立的標杆後退一百二十七步,再望向海島山頂,亦剛好與後 d 面積 I + 面積 II = 面積 IV + 面積 V + 面積 VI k(d + a) = y(b + m + n)
立標杆的頂端成一直線。 e 面積 I = 面積 III + 面積 V + 面積 IV kd = y(a + b + m)
問海島有多高及多遠﹖ 因此,面積 IV + 面積 VI = 面積 III + 面積 V + 面積 IV
m+n=a+b+m AC = a + b + m
圖解: 表高 = k 相多, b = BD - (m + n)
表間 = AB = BD - AC
前表卻行 = AC ak
利用c, y= b
後表卻行 = BD
相多 = BD - AC = BD - AC × 表高
島高, y + k = BD - AC × 表高 + 表高
「望島術」解: y × AC
利用e, 島距, d = k
術曰:以表高乘表間為實;相多為法,除之。所得加表高,即得島高。 AB × AC
= BD - AC
仁愛堂田家炳中學 Handout 11-4
第十一章 三角學的應用:其他的測量⎯⎯上下兩望
另外一個量度方法是引用到光學平面鏡的特徵:入射角與反射角相等。 設大廈的高度為 H,利用平面鏡入射角與反射角相等,
大廈與平面鏡的水平距離為 。
tan β

h H
即測量員與大廈間的距離為 + 。
tan β tan β

α 這距離應與
tan α

H-h h H
即 = +
tan α tan β tan β
H H h h
在測量員與大廈之間的適當位置 A 放置一塊平面鏡,位置要使測量員能從平面鏡 – = +
tan α tan β tan α tan β
tan β + tan α
H=h( )
tan β – tan α
當放置妥當,測量員再直接觀測大廈的最高點,設量度的仰視角為 α。

再俯視地上平面鏡中大廈的最高點,設量度的俯視角為 β。 利用這個方法亦可簡易測得大廈的高度,但計算得到的答案誤差亦相當之大:當
設測量員的身高是 h,
測量員與平面鏡的水平距離為 。
tan β
Chapter 11 Applications of Trigonometry Quiz 11-0
F.3_____ Name:_______________________________________________( ) Marks:_____/ 40
1 4. If θ is an acute angle and sin θ = cos θ, then cos θ = 2
1. ( + tan θ )(1 – sin θ) = 7. Given tan θ = 5 , find
cos θ
1 (a) the values of sin θ and cos θ,
A. sin θ 2 sin θ + 2 cos θ
(b) the value of , and
B. cos θ 2 sin θ – cos θ
C. cos2θ 2 tan θ + 2
(c) the value of . (7 marks)
D. 1 + sin θ 3 sin θ – cos θ
E. sin θ tan θ 2
D. 1 (a) Using the 2-5- 29 right-angled triangle,
cos θ 1 – cos2θ sin θ =
2. × = 29
1 – sin θ
sin θ 5. In the figure, sin x =
cos θ =
A. sin θ 3
B. cos θ 7
(b) Substituting the above values,
C. tan θ 3
B. 5 2 5
1 +2
D. sin θ + 2 cos θ
sin θ 4 =
29 29
C. 5 sin θ - cos θ 2 5
1 -
E. 29 29
cos θ 4
D. 3 = -4

3. cos4θ – sin4θ + 2 sin2θ =

6. sin21o + sin23o + sin25o +...+ sin287o + sin289o = 5+2
A. 0 tan θ + 2
(c) =
sin θ - cos θ 2 5
B. 1 -
A. 22 29 29
C. (1 – sin2θ)2 B. 22.5
D. (1 – cos2θ)2 C. 44.5 =
-4 29
E. (cos2θ – sin2θ)2 D. 45
8. Without using calculator, evaluate 10. Simplify the following parts: 12. Solve the equation sin θ = cos 3θ,
sin260o – cos245o tan230o (4 marks) 1 where 0o < θ < 90o
(a) 1–
sin2θ (3 marks)
sin260o – cos245o tan230o sin θ = cos 3θ
sin θ sin(90o – θ)
(b) (6 marks)
= ( 2 )2 – (
1 2 1 2
) ( ) 1 – sin2θ sin θ = sin(90o – 3θ)
2 3
3 1 1 sin2θ – 1 θ = 90o – 3θ
= 4 – 6 (a) 1– =
sin θ
θ = 22.5o
7 –cos2θ
= 12 =
13 Solve the equation sin θ = 3 cos θ,
9. Prove the identities: –1 where 0o < θ < 90o.
1 (3 marks)
(a) – cos θ ≡ tan θ sin θ sin θ = 3 cos θ
cos θ
(b) 3 – 2 cos2θ ≡ 1 + 2 cos2(90o – θ) (6 marks) sin θ sin(90o – θ) sin θ cos θ tan θ = 3
(b) =
1 1 – sin θ
(a) LHS = – cos θ θ = 60o
cos θ sin θ
1 – cos2θ cos θ
cos θ = tan θ 14. Solve tan 3θ tan(θ + 12o) = 1
sin2θ tan 3θ tan(θ + 12o) = 1 where 0o < θ < 90o.
cos θ
1 (3 marks)
sin θ tan(θ + 12o) =
= sin θ tan 3θ
cos θ
= tan θ sin θ tan(θ + 12o) = tan(90o - 3θ)
11. Without using calculator, solve tan 3θ = 3
= RHS θ + 12o = 90o - 3θ
where 0o < θ < 90o
tan 3θ = 3 (2 marks)
(b) RHS = 1 + 2 cos2(90o – θ) 4θ = 78o
= 1 + 2 sin2θ 3θ = 60o θ = 19.5o
= 1 + 2 – 2 cos2θ θ = 20o 1
Also beware of the questions tan A = tan B ,
= 3 – 2 cos θ 2

= LHS Note: tan 3θ ≠ 3 tan θ

tan A tan B = 1

or tan A tan B – 1 = 0
Chapter 11 Applications of Trigonometry Quiz 11-1
F.3_____ Name:_________________________________________________( ) Marks:_____/ 13
1. In the figure, AB and CD are the heights of two 3. A man walks 60 m up a road of gradient 1 in 30. 5. When the elevation of the sun is 50o, find the length
buildings on the same level ground. If AB = 9 m, How high does he rise and what is the angle of of the shadow cast by a vertical pole 4 m high on the
AC = 20 m and the angle of depression of A from D inclination? (Correct the answers to 3 sig.fig.) horizontal ground.
is 50o, find the angle of elevation of D from B (3 marks) (Correct the answers to the nearest 0.01 m.)(3 marks)
correct to the nearest 0.1o. Let the angle of inclination be θ.
Length of shadow cast

1 4
A. 21.3o tan θ = 30 = tan 50o m
B. 24.2o
≈ 3.36 m
C. 36.6o Rise = 60 sin θ m
≈ 2.00 m
D. 53.4o

Angle of inclination, θ ≈ 1.91o

2. In the figure, PQ and RS are two vertical poles 6. A man, whose eye-level is 1.7 m above the ground,
standing on the horizontal ground. The angle of 4. The diagram show part of a contour map drawn to observes that the angle of elevation of the top of a
elevation of R from P is 20o and the angle of the scale of 1 cm to 1 km. If AB equals to 3 cm in the building 30 m high is 35o. Find the distance of the
depression of S from P is 40 . If RS = 5 m, then map, what is the gradient of the road AB? (2 marks) man from the building. (3 marks)
PR = (Correct the answers to 3 significant figures.)
A. 3.42 m Distance of the man from the building
(200 – 50)m
B. 4.42 m = 3 000 m 30 – 1.7
= tan 35o m
C. 5.65 m
D. 7.31 m = 20 ≈ 40.4 m
E. 7.54 m
Chapter 11 Applications of Trigonometry Quiz 11-2
F.3_____ Name:_________________________________________________( ) Marks:_____/ 20
1. In the figure, the bearing of P from Q is 3. In the figure, the bearing of B from A is 5. According to the figure, the bearing of B from C is

A. N 27o W A. 015o A. 050o

B. S 27o E B. 045o B. 130o
C. N 63o W C. 075o C. 140o
D. S 63o E D. 165o D. 310o
E. 345o E. 320o

2. In the figure, OAB is an equilateral triangle. Find 4. In the figure, the bearing of B from C is 6. In the figure, PA = QA. If the bearings of P and Q
the bearing of B from A. from A are N 42o E and S 28o E respectively, then
A. N 5o E the bearing of P from Q is
B. N 65o E
A. 010o C. N 85o E A. N 7o E
B. 080o D. S 5o W B. N 27o E
C. 170o E. S 85o W C. N 35o E
D. 260o D. N 55o E
E. 350o
7. A ship sails 13 km on a course with a compass 8. In the figure, the bearing of P from O is S 86o E and 10. The figure shows the positions of 3 houses P, Q and
bearing (reduced bearing) of N 18o E from island A the bearing of Q from O is N 32o E. If P and Q are R. P is 330o of Q and Q is 240o of R.
to island B. Then it changes to a course with a true equidistant from O, then the bearing of P from Q is
bearing (whole circle bearing) of 128 and sails to
21 km to island C, which is due east of A. A. N 24o W
(a) Sketch the course of the ship in the space B. N 27o W
below. Fill in all the details in the diagram. C. S 24o E
D. S 27o E
B 128

13 km 21 km PQ = 400 m and QR = 700 m. Find

9. Ship A is 8 km due north of a light house L and ship (a) ∠PQR,
18o B is 6 km due east of L. Find the bearing of B from (b) the distance between P and R, and
A. (c) the compass bearing of R from P,
A C (Correct all answers to 3 significant figures, if
A. N 53.1o W (correct to the nearest 0.1o) necessary.)
(b) Find the distance between A and C. B. N 36.9o W (correct to the nearest 0.1o) (a) ∠PQR = 30o + 60o
(Correct the answer to the nearest 0.1 km.) C. N 53.1o E (correct to the nearest 0.1o) = 90o
D. S 53.1o E (correct to the nearest 0.1o)
Distance between A and C E. S 36.9o E (correct to the nearest 0.1o) (b) Distance between P and R
= [ 13 sin 18o + 21 sin (180o – 128o) ] km
= 4002 + 7002 m
= (13 sin 18o + 21 sin 52o) km
= 100 65 m
≈ 20.6 km
≈ 806 m

(c) tan ∠QPR = 400

∠QPR ≈ 60.255o
Compass bearing of R from P is N 89.7o E.

(6 marks) (6 marks)
Chapter 11 Applications of Trigonometry Quiz 11-3
F.3_____ Name:_________________________________________________( ) Marks:_____/ 23
1. In the figure, DAB is a straight line. tan θ = 3. In the figure, ABCD is a rectangle. Find CF. 5. The angle of elevation of the top T of a tower from a
point A, 20 m from the tower, is 45o. If the angle of
elevation is 14o from B and B is due west of A, what
is the distance between the two points A and B?
(Correct the answers to the nearest metre.) (5 marks)

A. tan 20o C
A. (a + b) sin θ cm
1 B. (a + b) cos θ cm
B. 2 tan 20o C. (a sin θ + b cos θ) cm
Let C be the point on the ground vertically below T.
C. tan 40o D. (a cos θ + b sin θ) cm
D. 2 tan 20o E. a2 + b2 sin 2θ cm
TC = 20 m
E. 2 tan 20o
BC = tan 14o m

2. If the angle of elevation of P from Q is 40o, then the 4. In the figure, D is a point lying on AC such that BD
angle of depression of Q from P is is perpendicular to AC. Find AD : DC. 20
AB = ( tan 14o – 20 ) m

A. 40o ≈ 60 m
A. 1 : 2
B. 50o B. 2 :1
C. 130o C. 3 :1
D. 140o D. 3 : 2
6. From two ends A and B of a bridge, the angles of 7. A yacht (帆船) sails for 12 km on a bearing of 8. P and Q are two pints 250 m apart on a beach
depression of a marker buoy (浮標) C vertically N 40o E from A to B, and then for 16 km on a bearing running east to west (P being west of Q). Find the
under the bridge on the water surface are 45o and of S 50o E to C. In order to get back to A as directly distance of a buoy B from the beach if the true
32o respectively. Find the length of the bridge, as possible, bearing of the buoy from P is 050o and that from Q is
correct to 3 significant figures, if it is known that the (a) on what true bearing of C is from A, and 020o. (Correct the answers to 3 sig. fig., if
bridge is 10 m vertically above the top of the buoy. (b) how far must it sail? (6 marks) necessary.) (4 marks)
(4 marks)

Length of the bridge

(a) As ∠ABC = 50o + 40o The shortest distance of the buoy B from the
10 10
= (tan 45o + tan 32o ) m = 90o
beach is BR.
∆ABC is a right-angled triangle.
≈ 26.0 m BR
PR = tan(90o - 50o)
tan ∠BCA = 12
QR = tan(90o - 20o)
∠BCA ≈ 53 o

True bearing of C from A is 093o BR BR

ie. 250 m = tan(90o - 50o) - tan(90o - 20o)

(b) AC 2 = 122 + 162 BR ≈ 302 m

AC = 20
ie. The shortest distance of the buoy B from the
It must sail 20 km
beach is about 302 m.

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