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GRESB Documents

Appendix 5a - Building Certification Schemes

Building Certification Schemes

List of design and/or construction green building certification schemes:

• 2000-Watt Site - Design & Construction • Green Star Homes
• ABINC Certification for Urban Development • GreenStar Interiors
and Shopping Centre • Green Star NZ Design & As Built
• ActiveScore • Green Star NZ Interiors
• AirRated AirScore • Green Star SA Design & As Built
• ARCA Nuove Costruzioni • GreenShip New Building
• Association Promotelec Habitat Neuf • Home Quality Mark (HQM)
• Austin Energy Green Building • Homestar Design Rating
• BASIX • Housing Performance Indication System -
• BBCA Housing Performance Evaluation
• BCA Green Mark Healthier Workplaces • IGBC Green Affordable Housing
• BCA Green Mark New Buildings • IGBC Green Factory Buildings
• BEAM Plus Interior • IGBC Green Homes
• BEAM Plus New Buildings • IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses
• BERDE New Construction • IGBC Green New Building
• BERDE Retrofits and Renovations • IGBC Green SEZs
• BREEAM Code for Sustainable Homes • IGBC Health & Well-being Certification
• BREEAM Domestic Refurbishment • Klimaaktiv Building Standard
• BREEAM New construction • LEA-Label
• BREEAM Refurbishment and Fit-out • LEED Building Design and Construction (BD +
• BREEAM NOR New Construction C)
• Build it Green GreenPoint Rated, New Home • LEED Interior Design and Construction (ID +C)
• Built Green • LEED Neighborhood Development (ND)
• CALGreen • LEED for Homes
• CasaClima Nature • LOTUS Homes
• CASBEE New Construction • LOTUS Interiors
• CASBEE Renovation • LOTUS New Construction
• CASBEE Wellness Office • MINERGIE
• Certivéa E+C- Label • MINERGIE ECO
• China Green Building Label/GB/T 50378-2014 • MINERGIE P
- Design & Construction • Miljöbyggnad New Buildings
• DBJ Green Building Certification - Plan • Mostadam Commercial Buildings D+C
Certification • NF Habitat - HQE Construction
• DGNB New Construction • NF Habitat - HQE Rénovation
• DGNB Renovation • NF HQE Bâtiments Tertiaires - Neuf ou
• Earth Advantage Multifamily Rénovation
• EarthCheck Sustainable Design • NGBS National Green Building Standard
• EarthCraft • Passiefwoning
• EDGE • Passive House
• Energy Star Residential New Construction • Passive House EnerPHit
• Enterprise Green Communities • Planet Mark Development Certification
• Fitwel Design • Passiefwoning
• Florida Green Building Certification • Prestaterre Certifications Bee Logement Neuf
• G-SEED • Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility
• GBC Italia Condomini Certification
• GBC Italia Historic Buildings • SEED Next Generation Living
• GBC Italia Home V2 • SGBC Green Building EU
• GBC Italia Quartieri • SKA Rating
• GPR Gebouw • SMBC Sustainable Building Assessment New
• GRIHA/Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Buildings
Assessment • Standard Nachhaltiges Bauen Schweiz (SNBS)
• Green Building Index (GBI) New Construction • Svanen Miljömärkta
• Green Globes New Construction • TABC EEWH
• Green Globes Sustainable Interiors • TREES
• GreenRE • Toronto Green Standard
• Green Star Buildings • WELL Building Standard
• GreenStar Communities • WiredScore
• GreenStar Design & As Built • WiredScore SmartScore

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GRESB Documents

List of operational green building certification schemes:

• 2000-Watt Site - Operational • Green Star NZ Performance
• ActiveScore • Green Star SA Performance
• AirRated AirScore • GreenShip Existing Building
• AIS 1 2018 Standard • Hong Kong Environmental Protection
• Arc Performance Certificates - 3 Department - IAQ Certification
• BBCA • Housing Performance Indication System
• BCA Green Mark Existing Buildings Housing Performance Evaluation
• BCA Green Mark Healthier Workplaces • IGBC Health & Well-being Certification
• BEAM Plus Existing Buildings • IGBC Green Existing Buildings
• BEAM Plus Existing Buildings - Selective • IREM Certified Sustainable Property
Scheme • International Living Future Institute Core Green
• BERDE Operations Building Certification
• BIT Building • International Living Future Institute Living
• BOMA 360 Building Challenge
• BOMA BEST • LEED Building Operations and Maintenance
• BOMA China - Certificate of Excellence (O+M)
• BREEAM In Use • LOTUS Buildings in Operation
• BRaVe Building RAting ValuE • Miljöbyggnad Existing Buildings
• Build it Green GreenPoint Rated, Existing Home • Milieuplatform Zorg
• CarbonCare Label • UL Verified Healthy Building
• CASBEE Existing Buildings • NABERS Multi-Rating
• CASBEE for Market Promotion • NatHERS
• CASBEE for Real Estate • NF Habitat Exploitation
• CASBEE Wellness Office • NF HQE Bâtiments Tertiaires en Exploitation
• CEEDA Design-Operate • NGBS National Green Building Standard -
• Certified Rental Building Program Operational
• China Green Building Label/GB/T 50378-2014 • Parksmart
- Operational • RESET Air Commercial Interiors
• China Green Warehouses • RESET Air/Core & Shell
• Cleaning Accountability Framework • Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility
• DBJ Green Building Certification Certification
• DGBC Woonmerk Woon Kwaliteit Richtlijn • SEED Next Generation Living
• DGNB Buildings In Use • SGBC Green Build NollCO2
• DGNB Existing Buildings • SGBC Green Building EU Operational
• EDGE • SGBC Green Building/Green Building
• Fitwel - Built • SGBC Miljöbyggnad iDrift
• Fitwel Viral Response • SG Clean Programme
• Florida Green Building Certification • SKA Rating
• GPR Gebouw • SMBC Sustainable Building Assessment
• GRIHA Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Existing Buildings
Assessment • SSREI
• Green Building Index (GBI) • Svanen Miljömärkta
• Green Globes Existing Buildings • TABC EEWH
• Green Key Eco-Rating Program • TREES Existing Building
• Green Key International Ecolabel • TRUE (Total Resource Use and Efficiency) Zero
• Green Rating Green Rating Remote Waste Certification
Assessment • TripAdvisor GreenLeaders
• GreenRE • WELL Building Standard
• Green Seal Hotels and Lodging • WELL Health-Safety Rating
• Green Shield Certified • WiredScore
• Green Star Performance • WiredScore SmartScore

This list indicates certifications that have been submitted to GRESB as part of participation and
accepted for full or partial recognition. Additional schemes may also receive recognition if they meet
GRESB’s criteria.

To submit a new certification scheme/rating for review, please complete Appendix 5c - 2023 Green
Building Certification Evaluation Form. Certification evaluation forms can be submitted to GRESB for
review up until June 1. GRESB will issue a ruling on all certification schemes/ratings submitted for
review by June 8 at which point they will be available to report in the GRESB Asset Portal.
Certifications submitted for review after June 1 will not be recognized until the subsequent reporting

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