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I) Please recreate the attached seat booking pages for bus by understanding
the functionality and reason behind it.
a) While clicking on the seat, the seat color changes and the details of the seat is shown
below. Ref: Page 1

b) While scrolling Horizontal, They should see the seat types and it’s description. Ref :
Page 2
c) If the user clicks multiple seats, the details will get add-on in the below and the price
increases accordingly. It should also show the price of the specific seat they are clicking near
the seat itself (Hover for a while). Ref : page 3


Share code link for testing and screen recording/video of implemented pages.

II) Calculate the given input value from keyboard plot as per the design shared
Level 3: Gradient in Vertical bar graph

1. Create two empty text boxes
2. Name each text box as shared below
a. First text box will be "Input Value"
b. Second text box will be "Max Value"
3. Use logic if Input Value is greater than Max Value then
show pop or error alert
4. Create graphs with Max Value as 100%
5. Now Plot the Input Value and Max Value in
Percentage of the show on the graph.

Technology: HTML, CSS or Bootstrap, Ajax, Java Script

Share code link for testing.
Share screen recording/ video of

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