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BMJ 2012;345:e4967 doi: 10.1136/bmj.

e4967 (Published 23 July 2012) Page 1 of 2




Monkey business: reflections on testosterone

Why is it easier to believe in the effects of testosterone than it is to show them?

Tony Delamothe deputy editor, BMJ

Soon after Butenandt’s isolation of testosterone came implants

and short acting injections that really did work. The question
then, as now, was who should get them? There’s no doubt that
hypogonadal men should and that men who are merely feeling
a bit out of sorts should not. But lots of grey areas—such as
men who are a bit hypogonadal and who are feeling a bit out of
sorts—remain. To catch up with current thinking I booked my
free place on a recent Bayer HealthCare seminar entitled
“Restore the Man.”
Brown-Séquard and Voronoff would have recognised the focus
of this event: the older man. Testosterone concentrations fall
progressively with age, so a proportion of older men will
If ever there was a hormone whose discovery was a foregone predictably have testosterone concentrations below the normal
conclusion it was testosterone. Almost a century before the range of healthy young men. It seems a bit harsh to turn an age
steroid was isolated Arnold Berthold showed that transplanting related phenomenon into a disease, but that’s what’s happened.
testes into castrated roosters restored their characteristically These older men risk being labelled as having “late onset
rooster-like behaviour.1 After this, trapping the essence of hypogonadism” or “age associated testosterone deficiency
masculinity in a bottle was only a matter of time. syndrome,” so it’s important to know where to set the threshold.
The best attempt has emerged from the European Male Ageing
Time and, for Adolf Butenandt, 25 000 L of urine donated by
Study (EMAS), which has defined the syndrome of late onset
a Berlin police barracks.2 From this he extracted 50 mg of the
hypogonadism as a combination of sexual symptoms and
weak androgen androsterone and went on to synthesise
testosterone level.5 But it’s still a bit of a mess. As the authors
testosterone and win the Nobel prize for chemistry in 1939.
point out, “The prevalence of even the most specific sexual
“Dynamite, gentlemen, it is pure dynamite,” he told the Nobel
symptoms of androgen deficiency was relatively high among
committee (a joke at the expense of the explosive’s inventor).
men with unequivocally normal testosterone levels.” Their
Between Berthold and Butenandt, however, came the neurologist criteria give a prevalence of late onset hypogonadism of 0.1%
Charles-Édouard Brown-Séquard. At the age of 72 he delighted in men aged 40-49 years, 0.6% in those aged 50-59, 3.2% in
the world by announcing that he had rejuvenated himself by those aged 60-69, and 5.1% in those aged 70-79.
injecting aqueous extracts of testes from freshly killed guinea
This gives a rough estimate of the size of the market for
pigs and dogs. A placebo effect, say modern killjoys—little
testosterone replacement therapy, but no one can quite forget
hormone would have dissolved in water. Nevertheless, soon
what happened with hormone replacement therapy in women.
many doctors were treating their male patients with organ
If treatments for prostate cancer seek to drive testosterone levels
to zero, what would the effect of testosterone supplements be
In the 1920s the surgeon Serge Voronoff became famous for in men whose age puts them at the highest risk of developing
transplanting monkey glands into his patients, even influencing prostate cancer? The position of speakers at the meeting varied
the manager of Wolverhampton Wanderers (an English football from “it might be all right” to the more bullish. Abraham
team) to foist the procedure on to his players.3 Wolves had a Morgentaler, responsible for the “saturation model and the limits
few great seasons (almost their last), but it transpired that of androgen-dependent growth,” was quoted approvingly.
transplanted glands were rapidly rejected, leaving only scar or What’s needed now is a large randomised controlled trial of
inflammatory tissue.4 testosterone in men who fit the EMAS criteria for late onset
hypogonadism. But it will require steady nerves.

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BMJ 2012;345:e4967 doi: 10.1136/bmj.e4967 (Published 23 July 2012) Page 2 of 2


Meanwhile, another purported effect of testosterone, median levels. I can tell you that the P value for this comparison
immediately recognisable to Berthold and his roosters, is back was 0.008, but nothing else.
in the spotlight: aggression. Here the evidence for a connection The findings were featured in every financial newspaper and
is far from clear cut. Summarising what was known in 1993, magazine and may explain why testosterone “has become Wall
Gail Vines wrote: “In humans, just as in monkeys and mice, Street’s drug of choice as traders seek a competitive edge in the
most attempts to link testosterone levels to aggression have face of job cuts,” according to the Financial Times.8 “I now
failed.”1 Twenty years later David Benatar can find plenty of have a bit more of an alpha male personality and I’m able to
assertions of a connection in the literature but no convincing get by on less sleep. It’s the positive side of aggression,” says
proof.6 John (not his real name).
What’s drawn recent attention to testosterone’s aggressive For a while testosterone was being blamed for the “irrational
potential is a study published in 2008,7 which is now the exuberance” of City traders, but like almost everything else you
centrepiece of a book.2 It reports endogenous steroids in 17 male read about the hormone you don’t have to believe it.
traders working over eight consecutive business days in the City
of London. (Trades ranged from £100 000 to £500m, “depending 1 Vines G. Raging hormones: do they rule our lives? Virago, 1993.
on the trader’ s level of experience.”) One key finding was that 2 Coates J. The hour between dog and wolf: risk-taking, gut feelings and the biology of
boom and bust. Fourth Estate, 2012.
a trader’s morning testosterone level predicted his day’s 3 Norrish M. Andrei Arshavin’s feat throws spotlight on ultimate case of monkey business.
profitability. Much about masculinity, aggression, Daily Telegraph 22 Apr 2009.
competitiveness, and risk taking has been read into this single 4 Badenoch AW. “Youth’s a stuff will not endure.” BMJ 1986:293:1005-6.
finding. 5 Wu FCW, Tajar A, Beynon JM, Pye SR, Silman AJ, Finn JD. Identification of late-onset
hypogonadism in middle-aged and elderly men. New Engl J Med 2010;363:123-35.
To someone used to reading research in regular medical journals, 6 Benatar D. The second sexism: discrimination against men and boys. Wiley-Blackwell,
its presentation comes as a shock. The only testosterone value 2012.
7 Coates J, Herbert J. Endogenous steroids and financial risk-taking on a London trading
to appear anywhere in the paper was the mean testosterone of floor. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2008;105:6167-72.
all the estimations performed on all the participants during the 8 Wallace W. Keep taking the testosterone. Financial Times 10 Feb 2012.
study. The outcome of interest was trading returns on days when
traders’ morning testosterones were above and below their
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