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The player will have 5 empty card spaces in front of them in a row horizontally. Ahead of that
row, there is a row of 5 doors, and on the other side of each door is a space for the enemy
cards. The enemy cards will be obstructed by the doors. Each player will start with 15 cards in
their deck.

Player Setup
In the beginning of the game the player will have 3 cards and two keys in their hand. To the side
of the player, on the table there is a stack of cards, and a stack of keys.

Enemy Setup
The enemy starts with a card on 3 random doors.


There are only 3 card types, these cards follow a “rock, paper, scissors” structure. Each card
can defeat another type, while having a weakness to another card type. Each card has the
exact same stats (health, damage. etc.). On top of that, each card will have a modifier, it is an
extra ability that the card has. Not all cards have modifiers, only one third of the cards in the
game will have a modifier. Sometimes modifiers will have a different effect depending on who
played the card, the player, or the enemy.

Card Interactions
If two cards interact, the stronger one kills the weaker one. If both cards are the same, they both
die. If there is no opposing card, the attacking card attacks the opponent.

Card Types: - Knight - Dragon - Goblins -

● Knight beats Dragon
● Dragon beats Goblins
● Goblins beat Knight
The lore is that the Knight uses his intellect to defeat the dragon. The dragon can breathe fire
and defeat the goblins. The goblins outnumber the knight, overwhelming them.
These appear on one third of the cards in the game as a little sticker or patch on the card. They
provide an extra utility to the card. Assume the modifiers below are the same for the opponent
and player unless otherwise stated.
● Key finder (safe to add)
o Adds a key to the player’s hand when played.
o Opponent: when this card dies, it adds a key to the player’s hand.
● Peekaboo! (do not add)
o When the player ends their turn, the card opens the door in front of them,
attacks, then shuts the door. This card is immune from the opposing card
during this turn.
o This effect is active on every turn the card is on the board.
● Coward (Safe to add)
o When this card is attacked, instead of dying, it is returned to the player’s
o Opponent: When the card dies, it joins the player’s hand.

When a player’s card dies, it is gone, but when an enemy card dies, it is added to the bottom of
the enemy’s deck. The enemy can play infinitely, but the player's cards can run out. There is an
infinite number of keys for the player to draw. This game consists of just one game and one
round. Once the player wins or loses, the game is over.

Gameplay Loop
1. Player draws
o draws either a key or card
o the player must complete this action before they can move on to their turn
2. Player Actions
o The player can only play one card
o can open doors, opening door cost key
3. Player ends turn
4. The unlocked doors open, and the cards act.
5. Enemy Turn
6. Unlocked doors open, and cards act
7. Player turn begins.

● When a door is opened it stays open until shut by a player or enemy.
● Doors cost keys to open or close.
● Cards can only be played on closed doors and not open doors.
● when the player selects a door to open, the door stays closed until the end of the
● If a player chooses to close a door, the door shuts immediately, allowing the
player to play a card on that door during that turn
● a player toggling a door during a turn immediately consumes a key and cant be

The objective of the game is to gain 5 points. A point is acquired by a card attacking through an
open door with no opposing card. This objective is the same for the player and the enemy. If a
player/enemy is attacked while they have more than 0 points, they lose a point. The points will
be calculated in game from a range of -5 to 5. These points will be displayed on the point

Enemy Behavior

Enemy Difficulty
The enemy difficulty starts at 0%. After every turn the difficulty goes up by 10%. The difficulty is
the chance the opponent has on executing a second action. Once the difficulty reaches 100%,
they will have 2 actions every turn and the difficulty will reset to 0%. The difficulty then becomes
their chance of playing a 3rd action that turn. This pattern continues to increase until the game is

Enemy Actions
● Toggle a random door.
● Play a card (on closed doors only)
● If they receive damage, close the door and play a card on it.

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