Medical Project B1.1 JJ24

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Student’s Name: __________________________________________________________

Task 1: Read the dialogue and identify the parts of the consultation.

Patient – Hello doctor, good morning.

Doctor – Good morning, have a seat. Please tell me what happened.

Patient – (showing the knee) For the past few months, I have been experiencing a severe
pain in my left knee whenever I stand up or walk long distances.

Doctor – (checking the knee) Yes, it is slightly swollen, but probably nothing is broken.
Can you please stand up for me?

Patient – (stands up) It really hurts when I try to stand after being seated for a while.

Doctor – Did you fall down or hit your knee somewhere?

Patient – No doctor, as far as I remember, I didn’t hurt my knees.

Doctor – Okay, so I’m giving you Ibuprofen; it will help bring down the swelling and pain.
Once the swelling goes down, you can take some tests which will help me judge why you
have this constant pain. If you don’t find Ibuprofen in the medical store, you can ask them
to give you Paracetamol 600. It will also help ease the pain. Have the medicines for two
days and come back for another check-up once the swelling is gone.

Patient – Sure doctor. Thank you.

Doctor – You are welcome.

Parts of a consultation

1. Initiating the consultation

2. Gathering information
3. Providing structure to the consultation
4. Building the relationship
5. Explanation and planning
6. Closing the consultation.

Task 2: Once the patient’s swelling has gone how will you check his/her knee. Write
the instructions to follow.

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