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Uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką czasownikiem w stronie biernej w czasie Present Simple lub Past


Przykład: Gutenberg invented the printing press in the 15th century. The printing press _was
invented_ in the 15th century by Gutenberg.

1 In the museum, visitors use headphones to listen to the audio guide.

In the museum, headphones ______________________________ to listen to the audio guide.

2 An anti-virus program removes computer viruses.

Computer viruses ______________________________ by an anti-virus program.

3 I create a new folder for every subject.

A new folder ______________________________ for every subject.

4 They downloaded the game very quickly.

The game ______________________________ very quickly.

5 This company made 10,000 computers last year.

10,000 computers ______________________________ by this company last year.

6 Astronomers study the stars and planets.

The stars and planets _____________________ by astronomers.

7 Fortunately, he restarted the computer with no problem.

Fortunately, the computer ______________________________ with no problem.

8 Students develop new software in their IT classes.

New software ______________________________ in the students’ IT classes.

9 The company designed a robot to help elderly people with the housework.

A robot ______________________________ to help elderly people with the housework.

10 They build two rockets every year.

Two rockets ______________________________ every year.

Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami w nawiasach, stosując stronę bierną w czasach Present Simple, Past
Simple, Present Perfect, Future Simple lub z czasownikami modalnymi.

Przykład: My new smartphone (damage) _was damaged_ yesterday.

​ 1 My folder with photos (delete) ______________________________ yesterday by mistake.

​ 2 A free manual (give) ______________________________ to every new user.
​ 3 (this program / install) ______________________________ on her computer yet?
​ 4 Driverless cars (not / design) ______________________________ in this company in the
​ 5 Your phone (can / not / charge) ______________________________ because the charger
​ 6 This machine (fix) ______________________ every month.
​ 7 This attachment (not / send) ________________________ last week.
​ 8 A new photocopier (buy) ________________________ next year.
​ 9 This email (can / not / read) ________________________ now.
​ 10 (experiment / conduct) ________________________________ yet?

Uzupełnij luki w zdaniach wyrazami z ramki. Podano dwa wyrazy dodatkowo.

browser click follow install manual off out out password repair up upload with

Przykład: You can’t have a new phone. It’s _out_ of the question.

​ 1 ______________ the instructions carefully, please.

​ 2 I want to ______________ this photo to make it my profile picture.
​ 3 It was nice talking to you. I’ll hang ______________ now.
​ 4 Read the ______________ first and then start the installation.
​ 5 That young scientist came up ______________ a great idea.
​ 6 The professor needs to ______________ his lab equipment.
​ 7 There’s a problem with your laptop. Turn it ______________ right now.
​ 8 There’s something wrong with this web ______________
​ 9 For more information, ______________ on the link.
​ 10 How often do you change your ______________?

Uzupełnij luki w zdaniach wyrazami z ramki. Podano dwa wyrazy dodatkowo.

click dead enter for install into out out out post reactions upload with

Przykład: You can’t have a new phone. It’s _out_ of the question.

​ 1 ______________ good anti-virus software on your computer.

​ 2 Find ______________ for yourself. Sorry, but I have no time to help you now.
​ 3 First ______________ your PIN number and then you can withdraw money.
​ 4 I can’t call my friend now. My phone battery is ______________.
​ 5 We see lots of chemical ______________ in our lab.
​ 6 In this game, a villain turns ______________ a superhero.
​ 7 My phone battery runs ______________ just 10 hours.
​ 8 Don’t ______________ too much information about yourself on social media.
​ 9 They’re carrying ______________ important experiments here.
​ 10 You should double ______________ on the icon and then you’ll see what’s in your folder.

Zakreśl poprawną formę: A lub B.

Przykład: Sorry, but I didn’t ____ your name.

​ 1 And now save this ____ under a new name. a. file b. password
​ 2 Our car’s windscreen ____ don’t work well. a. touch b. wipers
​ 3 I can’t make a call. There’s no ____. a. text b. signal
​ 4 Where’s the ____ control? I can’t find it. a. remote b. pilot
​ 5 What search ____ do you usually use? a. web b. engine
​ 6 Have you seen my digital ____ anywhere? a. camera b. socket
​ 7 A group of Polish scientists may get the Nobel ____ this year. a. Price b. Prize
​ 8 Be careful about your ____ settings on social media. a. private b. privacy
​ 9 Open the ____ which goes with this email. a. attachment b. password
​ 10 Don’t ____ this file. It’s important. a. save b. delete

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