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Developing Skills for Business Leadership


STUDENT ID: 19291609

Personal Swot Analysis

MBTI profile: ISTJ

Belbin preference: Completer finisher, Monitor Evaluator and Plant


ORIGIN Presentation skills: provide intricate Presentation skills: will get nervous in
information in an organized and easily large group setting (Belbin preference),
understandable form (Feedback, lack of confidence (Experience and
Belbin, MBTI: J) Belbin)

Critical thinking skills: feel

uncomfortable venturing outside of my
Critical thinking skills: “meticulous
comfort zone or taking measured
approach” (Belbin and MBTI: I, S),
chances (Experience and feedback)
thinks creatively and outside the box
(Belbin and feedback) Career management: refuses to take
guidance from others (Experience,
feedback and MBTI)
Career management: decisive (MBTI:
J), possess a distinct goal to focus on Wellbeing: As a goal-oriented person,
(Experience and MBTI: T) neglect to take break at tight deadlines
(Belbin and experience), often
experiences stress and anxiety

ORIGIN Career growth: As strong Belbin Adaptability: As strong MBTI “I”, not
preferences “CF” (and ME), have able to adapt unexpected disruptions,
opportunities for advancement into not open minded to new ideas and
roles which require decision making, approach.
quality assurance.

Critical Incident

Log the Event - the facts about what happened and why.

In Accounting and finance for business lecture class, the lecturer gave students a task of
short role play regarding which type of budgeting is best suitable for NHS, where five
group of 10 students were formed. Four group were given a budgeting type where they
have to explain their budgeting type is best suitable for NHS and why other type are not
suitable and one group act as a judge where they will decide which budgeting is suitable
for NHS based on the presentation done by different group. We were given 15 minutes to
prepare for the role play.

My group have to present about the incremental budgeting. I was supposed to do the
introduction part. During the preparation time, as I was the one who prepared slides for
our group presentation, so I didn’t find time to prepare my part. But just skimmed
through the topic what it is.

After 15 minutes, we were the first group to present. I introduced my team members and
started to talk about our topic. But suddenly I forgot the points which I have to tell. I got
nervous and started to stammer and repeated the same sentence again and again. My
friend who has to talk next came forward and he told the points which I have to tell and
he continued his portion. After presentation, I was also not able to answer the questions
asked by the judges. Finally, other group’s presentation is considered best suitable for
Record your Reaction - note down how you felt, how you thought, how others felt and

Initially, I felt confident about my ability to introduce the topic of incremental budgeting,
but as I started speaking and realized I had forgotten the key points, I felt a wave of
nervousness and anxiety wash over me. My mind went blank, and I struggled to gather
my thoughts, leading to stammering and repetition of sentences. I felt embarrassed and
frustrated with myself for not adequately preparing my part of the presentation. Despite
my efforts to recall the points I had intended to make, I found myself unable to
concentrate or think clearly under pressure.

As my friend took over and continued the presentation, I couldn't help but feel grateful
for his quick thinking and support. However, I also felt a sense of guilt for letting down my
team and contributing to a less than ideal presentation. I appreciated his support but also
felt a sense of frustration with myself for needing assistance. I wished I had been able to
handle the situation independently and deliver a more polished presentation. He
demonstrated quick thinking and adaptability in responding to the unexpected challenge.

After the presentation, I felt deflated and disheartened by my performance, especially

when I was unable to answer the judge’s questions. I wished I had been better prepared
and more composed under pressure. The judges may have observed my nervousness and
struggle to articulate my points, which could have influenced their perception of our
group's presentation.

Think about what you have learned. What might have influenced the event – previous
experience, external factors, the situation?

Firstly, my lack of previous experience in similar role-playing scenarios have contributed

to my nervousness and difficulty in managing unexpected challenges. If I had participated
in similar exercises before, I might have been better equipped to handle the pressure and
think on my feet when faced with forgetting my lines. My introverted nature has made it
challenging for me to assert myself during the short preparation time, as I have been
more inclined to focus on individual tasks, such as preparing slides (represents Belbin
“CF”), rather than practicing my speaking portion in a group setting (this recognise
challenge as a MBTI “I”). I have underestimated the time needed to also prepare my
speaking portion, leading to a lack of sufficient rehearsal (prioritizing the tangible task of
slide preparation over practicing my points (MBTI “S”)).

Additionally, I felt more pressure to make a good first impression on our team because I
am the first person in my group to present. My nervousness has increased and my
inability to recall my points has been exacerbated by the additional pressure of starting
the presentation (MBTI “J” and Belbin “CF” expresses difficult for me to adapt when the
unexpected situation of forgetting my points).

My friend's prompt action and assistance in filling in for me were essential in preventing a
crisis and guaranteeing the presentation went on without a hitch. The presentation's
outcome may have been considerably more difficult without his immediate action
(represented in his Belbin preference “SH”).

What changes you are going to make? Pull out your learning experiences - what would
you do differently next time, how have your values changed

Before presentation, I should be thorough what I am going to talk about. I should allocate
sufficient time to prepare all aspects of the presentation, including preparation of slides,
individual speaking parts. I recognized the importance of rehearsing and familiarizing
myself with the content to ensure confidence and clarity during the presentation
(learning from experience MBTI “S”).

In a teamwork, I should collaborate with the team members and divide the
responsibilities, instead focusing on the individual task (as mentioned in Belbin preference
“TW” as least preferred role). Also, I should learn to adapt to the unexpected challenges
and approach with problem solving mindset (open to alternative solutions (challenge for
MBTI “I”)).

Action Plan

Goal: What do I How will I What resources What will my Target Dates for
want/ need to be achieve this? or support will I success criteria review and
able to do/ need? be? completion

Avoid getting Breathing Listening more Should able to April 2024

nervous/ exercise to keep online shows do the
anxious while myself calm like TED talks presentation
presenting in confidently
front of big Focus more on Mentorship
gatherings the topic and from
present it with professors/
the confidence friends

Get placed in a Attending job Networking Feeling of March 2025

job related to fairs, explore with people achievement
agri-business job sites and working in this
industry through sector and
LinkedIn getting
guidance from

Develop a start- Gaining work Inspiration from Achieve target May 2028
up business of experience successful goals
my own from company entrepreneur
of same sector and support
from friends
Develop and family

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