Job Trends in 21st Century

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Task 1

Job trends in 21st century

The 21st-century workforce is very different from the workforce of the past.
People are no longer guaranteed a job for life, and many workers have been
made redundant.

It is not uncommon for people to change jobs several times in their lives. The
fast track to promotion that used to be available to many workers is now less
common. Job hunting can be difficult, and some people do not find work for
months. Others may have to take a job they are overqualified for just to pay the

In some industries, there are fewer perks than there used to be. Some
companies no longer offer a pension scheme, and others require employees to
work longer hours. In addition, many employers now hire temporary staff
rather than permanent employees. This means that when the company has a
quiet period, temporary staff can be laid off or given time off work.

On the other hand, some people are able to make a career move that would
not have been possible in the past. For example, an events manager who has
been made redundant might decide to start his own business as a wedding
planner. Today, it is also more acceptable for women to go back to work after
having children. Many working mothers choose to work part-time or to work
from home.


1. How has the 21st-century workforce changed compared to the past?

A. People are guaranteed a job for life.
B. Workers are less likely to change jobs.
C. Fast track promotions are more common now.
D. Some people have to take overqualified jobs to make ends meet.

2. What is a challenge that job hunters may face in the current workforce?
A. Finding a job is easy and quick.
B. Many companies offer generous pension schemes.
C. Some people may remain unemployed for months.
D. Employers no longer require long working hours.

3. How have some companies changed in terms of employee benefits?

A. More companies offer pension schemes now.
B. Employers require fewer working hours.
C. Companies hire more permanent employees.
D. Some companies no longer offer pension schemes.

4. What is a potential downside of being a temporary staff member?

A. Temporary staff are guaranteed job security.
B. Temporary staff are never laid off.
C. Temporary staff may be given time off during quiet periods.
D. Companies do not hire temporary staff anymore.

5. What career move is now more acceptable for individuals in the workforce?
A. Staying in the same job for decades.
B. Choosing not to work after having children.
C. Starting a new business after being made redundant.
D. Working full-time only after having children.

Correct answers:
1. D
2. C
3. D
4. C
5. C

Task 2
Create a discussion question with the given words. Ask your groupmate to
answer it:

List of words:

1. skills/in/demand
2. technology/impacted/workforce
3. remote/work/opportunities
4. traditional/office/jobs
5. choose/freelance/work
6. automation/AI/affected
7. industries/growing/rapidly
8. flexible/work/hours
9. job/security/concerns

optional answers:

1. What skills are most in demand in today's job market?

2. How has technology impacted the workforce in recent years?
3. Are remote work opportunities becoming more common nowadays?
4. Have traditional office jobs been replaced by virtual positions?
5. Why do some people choose freelance work over traditional employment?
6. How have automation and AI affected job prospects for workers?
7. What industries are growing rapidly in the 21st century?
8. Are flexible work hours a popular trend among employees?
9. Have job security concerns increased in recent years?

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