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Major Project Synopsis 8th Semester

Bone Fracture detection using deep
supervised learning
Name: Aman
Enrollment No.: 01314803120
Name: Rahul Negi
Enrollment No.: 09614803120

Guided by
Dr. Sachin Gupta (Head R&I)
Dr. Vaishali Goel (Prof. ,IT, MAIT)


GGSIPU, DELHI: PSP Area, Plot No. 1, Sector-22, Rohini,
New Delhi, Delhi 110086

Accurate and timely identification of bone fractures is a critical aspect of modern

healthcare. This project addresses this imperative need by employing state-of-the-
art machine learning techniques, specifically Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNNs). The objective is to revolutionize orthopedic diagnostics through
Leveraging the extensive MURA dataset, which comprises musculoskeletal
radiographs, serves as the foundation for training and validating our models. By
seamlessly integrating deep learning with orthopedic imaging, this endeavor
aspires to substantially elevate the field of bone fracture diagnosis.

Our approach entails harnessing the prowess of CNNs, a class of neural networks
known for their exceptional image recognition capabilities. These networks,
inspired by the intricacies of the human visual cortex, excel at processing grid-like
data, rendering them indispensable for tasks like image analysis. In the context of
musculoskeletal radiographs, CNNs present a potent tool for the automatic
detection of bone fractures.

This project assumes paramount importance owing to its potential to alleviate the
workload of healthcare professionals and expedite patient care. By automating
the process of identifying and classifying bone fractures, we seek to enhance the
capabilities of medical practitioners, enabling them to focus on more intricate
aspects of patient treatment.

The reliable and precise diagnosis of bone fractures has long relied on the
discerning eyes of medical professionals. However, human diagnostics, while
invaluable, can be susceptible to errors. In recent years, the integration of
machine learning and artificial intelligence in the medical field has shown
immense promise. This project extends this potential to the realm of orthopedics,
where automated diagnostics can significantly advance patient care.
The advent of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) has opened up new vistas
in image recognition and classification. These neural networks, inspired by the
structure of the human visual cortex, are particularly adept at processing grid-
like data, making them invaluable for tasks like image analysis. In the context of
musculoskeletal radiographs, CNNs offer a powerful tool for the automatic
detection of bone fractures.
The significance of this project lies in its potential to alleviate the burden on
healthcare professionals and expedite patient care. By automating the process of
identifying and classifying bone fractures, we aim to augment the capabilities of
medical practitioners, enabling them to focus on more complex and nuanced
aspects of patient treatment.
The MURA dataset, a comprehensive collection of musculoskeletal radiographs,
provides a robust foundation for this project. With over 20,000 images spanning
different bone types, the dataset encompasses a diverse range of cases, mirroring
the complexity encountered in real-world clinical settings. This diversity is
essential for training our models to generalize effectively and accurately detect
fractures in various scenarios.
In essence, this project endeavors to seamlessly integrate advanced machine
learning techniques with the field of orthopedic diagnostics. By harnessing the
potential of CNNs and leveraging a rich dataset, we aim to create a tool that not
only matches but potentially surpasses human expertise in bone fracture
detection. The implications of this advancement are far-reaching, promising to
enhance patient outcomes and streamline the diagnostic process in orthopedic
Through this project, we expect to achieve the following goals.

1. Develop a robust bone fracture detection system utilizing state-of-the-

art CNN architectures.
2. Attain a high level of accuracy in both bone type classification and
fracture detection to rival or surpass human expertise.
3. Provide a user-friendly interface for medical professionals to easily
interpret and utilize the results generated by the algorithm.
4. Establish a foundation for future advancements in automating
medical diagnostics, paving the way for enhanced patient care.


The project follows a structured approach:

1. Data Preparation and Augmentation: The MURA dataset, consisting of

X- ray images, undergoes extensive preprocessing and augmentation to
optimize model training.

2. Bone Type Classification: A ResNet50 neural network, a deep

learning architecture known for image classification, is employed to
accurately classify the type of bone in each X-ray image.

3. Fracture Detection: Based on the predicted bone type, a specialized

pre- trained model is employed to discern the presence of a fracture.
Three distinct models cater to each bone type.

4. Result Presentation: The algorithm provides clear and intuitive results to

the user, indicating whether a fracture is detected and, if so, which
specific bone type is affected.

 Datasets: MURA dataset containing musculoskeletal radiographs.

 Language: Python (utilizing libraries such as TensorFlow and Keras).

 Software Requirements: Jupyter Notebook for code development, Git

for version control.

 Hardware Requirements: A computer equipped with a GPU for

efficient model training.

 Other Software: Image editing tools for data preprocessing.


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