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Unit 5: Surfing the Web

Writing Skills *Capital Letters and Punctuation Review.
*Present Perfect Tense.
*Object Pronouns.
*Might and Could for possibilities.
*Future will – won´t.
*Cardinal numbers 1 – 1,000,000.
*Because and So.
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
1. radio 1. social code 1. transportation
2. newspaper 2. proofread 2. pleased
3. T.V 3. errors 3. surf the web
4. magazines 4. truth 4. hologram
5. Internet 5. lie 5. jet
6. social networks 6. accountant profiles 6. improve
7. DVD player 7. be yourself 7. wrist phone
8. MP3 player 8. anonymous 8. sensation
9. camcorder 9. online rights 9. more
10. laptop 10. threaten possibilities
11. tablet 11. flame war 10. less
12. console 12. insult possibilities
13. polite request 11. pros and cons
Week 4 Week 5 Week 6
1. electronics 1. one 17. seventeen 1. busy
store 2. two 18. eighteen 2. advice
2. cheap 3. three 19. nineteen 3. mall
3. starving 4. four 20. twenty 4. afford
4. Web page 5. five 30. thirty 5. good idea!
5. proud 6. six 40. forty 6. prices
6. How much? 7. seven 50. fifty 7. sale
7. diamond ring 8. eight 60. sixty 8. it´s not worth it
8. motorcycle 9. nine 70. seventy 9. brand
9. sailboat 10. ten 80. eighty 10. model
10. small jet 11. eleven 90. ninety 11. size of display
12. twelve 100. hundred 12. best feature
13. thirteen 1000. thousand
14. fourteen 1,000,000. million
15. fifteen
16. sixteen
Project 3: Traveling around the world.
Evaluation 5
Thursday May 16th Grammar & Listening Exam.
Friday May 17th Vocabulary, Reading & Writing Exam.

Parents’ Signature


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