Chapter 5 - ISC2

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➢ Scans

➢ Firewalls
➢ Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
❖ On-Premises Data Centers
➢ Data Center
➢ Power
➢ Fire Suppression
❖ Redundancy
➢ Multiple sources of power
❖ Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)/Memorandum of Agreement
➢ If one of the parties experiences an emergency and cannot operate
within their own facility, the other party will share its resources
and let them operate within theirs in order to maintain critical
❖ Cloud
➢ Service Models
■ Software as a Service (SaaS)
■ Platform as a Service (PaaS)
■ Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
➢ Resource Pooling
■ Broad Network Access
■ Rapid Elasticity
■ Measured Service
■ On-Demand Self-Service
➢ Deployment Models
■ Public
■ Private
■ Hybrid
■ Community
❖ Managed Service Provider (MSP)
➢ A company that manages information technology assets for
another company
❖ Service-Level Agreement (SLA)
➢ An agreement between a cloud service provider and a cloud
service customer based on a taxonomy of cloud computing
❖ Network Design
➢ Network Segmentation
➢ Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)
■ Multi tiered protections
➢ Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN)
■ allow network administrators to use switches to create
software-based LAN segments, which can segregate or
consolidate traffic across multiple switch ports
➢ Virtual Private Network (VPN)
■ a point-to-point connection between two hosts that allows
them to communicate
➢ Defense in Depth
➢ Network Access Control (NAC)
❖ Zero Trust
➢ Micro Segmented networks with firewalls at all connecting points
❖ Segmentation for Embedded Systems and IoT
➢ any type of portable or non portable device that has native network

Official Notes:

Chapter 5:

Security Operations:

❖ Data Handling
➢ Create
➢ Store
➢ Use
➢ Share
➢ Archive
➢ Destroy
❖ Handling Practices
➢ Classification
➢ Labeling
➢ Retention
➢ Destruction
❖ Logging and Monitoring Security Events
➢ User id and system activities
➢ Dates, times, locations of key events
➢ Configuration and changes to event systems
❖ Event Logging Best Practices
➢ Ingress Monitoring: Surveillance and assessment of all inbound
communication traffic
➢ Egress Monitoring: regulate data leaving IT
■ Data loss prevention (DLP)
❖ Encryption Overview
➢ Cryptography
■ Ciphertext
➢ Encryption System: hardware, software, algorithms, control
parameters and operational methods
■ Plaintext: unencrypted form
➢ Symmetric Encryption: same key for encryption and decryption
■ Encryption Bulk Data, Messages and Streaming Large
➢ Asymmetric Encryption
■ Different key in encrypt and decrypt processes
➢ Hashing: alphanumeric code that changes with every detail
■ Shorters data to hash value
■ digital signatures, message authentication codes and other
forms of authentication
❖ Understanding System Hardening
➢ Configuration Management
■ Identification
■ Baseline
■ Change Control
■ Verification and Audit
❖ Common Security Policies
➢ Data Handling Policy
➢ Password Policy
➢ Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
➢ Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
➢ Privacy Policy
➢ Change Management Policy
❖ Change Management Components
➢ Request, Approval and Rollback
❖ Understanding Security Awareness Training
➢ Education
➢ Training
➢ Awareness
❖ Security Awareness Examples
➢ Social Engineering
■ Phone phishing or vishing
■ Pretexting
■ Quid Pro Quo
■ Tailgating

Official Notes:

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