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com | April 2012


Vinay Mittal CAF
IR Chairman’s vision Developing a portfolio of
for growth PAGE 30 modular designs PAGE 52

Mitigating vibration using

under-sleeper pads
Reprint from Railway Gazette International 4/2012
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Harald Loy

Mitigating vibration using

under-sleeper pads
Installation of concrete sleepers fitted
with Sylomer pads.

he quality of the railway

superstructure has a considerable
inluence on the generation of
vibration. he more even the structure,
the lower the excitation when a train
passes. In a conventional ballasted
trackform, the track itself is ‘loating’,
and repeated static and dynamic loads
result in changes to the geometry over
time. hese deviations lead in turn to
additional acceleration of the wheelsets,
and the resulting forces further alter
the quality of the track bed. Over time,
hollow areas appear below the sleepers
(Fig 2) and the rail surface wears, which
further increase the rate of change. As
the system swings more and more,
emissions increase, until the structure
ADDED BENEFITS Primarily used to improve the stability and life of ballasted is returned to its original geometry by
track, under-sleeper pads have been found to provide a cost-effective way lining and tamping.
of reducing the transmission of ground-borne noise and vibration. he time taken for this deterioration
process is largely dependent on
the initial quality of the track so
Dipl-Ing Dr Harald Loy his sound is sometimes enhanced by establishing as good and stable a
System Development the primary airborne noise on open structure as possible should be the
Getzner Werkstoffe track (Fig 1). primary objective when laying track.
Elastic elements such as under-sleeper

nder-sleeper pads are pri- Tackle the source pads can be a valuable contributor to a
marily used to improve the high-quality structure, ensuring even-
structure of ballasted track, Where it is considered necessary ness and resilience in the trackform.
helping to maintain an even to reduce the impact of noise and In recent years, various European
surface, improve the grip between bal- vibration, particularly in urban areas, railways have been adopting USPs,
last and concrete sleepers and avoid the it is widely accepted that it is most mainly as a way to improve trackbed
development of hollow areas under- efective to concentrate on reducing geometry and protect the ballast.
neath the sleepers. However, ongoing vibration at the point of emission. Adding an elastic layer under concrete
research suggests that these pads can
also ofer an economical way to miti-
gate problems of structure-borne noise
and vibration.
Noise and vibration are an
inevitable but unwelcome side efect
of our mobility. A moving train causes
mechanical vibration from wheel/
rail contact, which is transmitted
through the subsoil. his can be very
annoying for residents in properties
alongside the line. he problem can be
aggravated if the vibration is increased
by resonance within the buildings,
or if structure-borne noise arises as a
Right: Fig 1. result of higher-frequency vibration.
Transmission Secondary airborne noise emitted by
of vibration in
the area around the structures can oten be heard as a
railway lines. muled rumble inside the buildings.

40 Railway Gazette International | April 2012


Fig 2. Hollow
area formation
is reduced by
pads, thanks to
more consistent
deflection of
the concrete

sleepers avoids a hard interface with Sylodyn have been found efective in secondary airborne noise, above 50 Hz
the ballast, allowing the stones to reducing emissions. Depending on the insulation eiciency varies between
bed into the padding material. his local requirements, under-sleeper pads 4 dB and 14 dB at 63 Hz across all types
increases the surface area and avoids made of such materials can be provided of pad.
excessive contact forces, leading to with a more or less pronounced Values of 4 dB to 7 dB are attainable
increased stability, less settlement and damping component by adjusting with regular elastic pads. But to
reduced wear of the track components the dynamic stifness, in order to address structure-borne noise it is
(RG 1.11 p42). Studies by the Technical reduce excessive peaks or resonance worth considering highly-elastic
University of München showed that in the vicinity of the natural frequency. pads, which can achieve insulation
pads with a bigger contact area ofer a As a rule, the higher the dynamic eiciencies of 11 dB to 14 dB with an
further increase in lateral resistance1. eiciency achieved through the choice acoustically-optimised superstructure.
Tests by Austrian Federal Railways of material, the greater the vibration Multiple measurements found that
found that the use of USPs almost protection. the performance of these types of pad
completely eliminated the formation he vibration reduction of elastic signiicantly exceeded expectations.
of hollow areas under the sleepers2. elements is quantiied in terms of For ease of understanding, a 10 dB
Deviations in track geometry were the insertion loss3. his describes the improvement corresponds to an
signiicantly reduced where pads were relative efect of a mitigation measure insulation rate, or a reduction in
used, and ÖBB therefore adopted them against a reference situation. For vibration, of 69%.
as standard for all new main line track example, it could show how the 1/3 With frequencies below 50 Hz, there
and turnouts. octave band spectrum of structure- is hardly any ampliication, whilst
borne noise would change if USPs were below 25 Hz a further reduction of up
Vibration insulation installed, assuming all other inluences to 8 dB is apparent. his is probably
remain constant, for example the same due mainly to the better bedding of the
As well as reducing noise and vehicle, speed and rail roughness. sleepers in the ballast.
vibration by providing a smoother As the elastic element inluences the Vibration insulation theory leads
trackbed, the highly elastic materials system as a whole, the frequency- us to expect a lowered eiciency
can also reduce emissions signiicantly dependent insertion loss could vary at some point due to the inluence
thanks to their physical insulation with other properties of the track, of soter rail pads, and this can be
properties. subgrade and/or vehicles. found between 100 Hz and 160 Hz.
he eiciency of an elastic Fig 3 shows a series of insertion loss Nevertheless, the reduction almost
component is mainly dependent on the curves measured on diferent lines always remains positive, without the
mass, stifness, and damping factors. with various types of polyurethane risk of ampliication which had been
Ideally, the natural frequency of the under-sleeper pads. he natural feared.
resulting vibratory system should be frequencies of the superstructures hese indings prove the
far lower than the insulating excitation with USPs generally lie between 30 Hz fundamental suitability of USPs for
frequency. As elastic components, the and 40 Hz. In the relevant range for reducing vibration and secondary
polyurethane materials Sylomer and emitted structure-borne noise and airborne noise, but selecting the right
Left: Fig 3. Measured
20 insertion loss with various
relevant types of under-sleeper pads.
reduction Highly elastic USPs
... Below: Fig 4. Use of under-
Insertion loss dB

Elastic USPs sleeper pads in the ballast

10 ... structure of a single-bore
... tunnel.
0 Average overall curve


4 8 16 31·5 63 125 250
Frequency Hz

Railway Gazette International | April 2012 41



Hz Hz

Fig 5. Model pads for the local application is vital, Another approach for better Ideally, both approaches are
approaches for both on open tracks and in tunnels forecasting of track behaviour might be necessary for efective vibration
forecasting the
insertion loss of (Fig 4). to adopt a ‘semi-empirical’ model using protection. A combination of diferent
under-sleeper multiple ranges (Fig 5, right). However, materials could be used to reduce
pads. In the Modelling performance this has yet to be explored fully, and an the creation of disruptive vibration
approach (right), empirical model may require more site by ensuring a stable geometry, and
Range 1 shows he measurements in Fig 3 show measurements for calibration. reducing the transmission of vibration
the offset that the efect of USPs is frequency- at the same time using the physical
for improved
trackbed dependent. One relatively simple option Primary airborne noise insulation principles. Fig 6 shows such
quality; Range to forecast the vibration mitigation a sandwich pad arrangement. he sot
2 considers performance mathematically is to use Measurements suggest that the use and acoustically highly-efective elastic
the alleviative
influence of soft
an impedance model3,4,5. Originally of USPs has no signiicant impact layer made from Sylodyn is embedded
rail pads; and designed for ballast mats, this can in on the emission of primary airborne between a mechanical adhesion mesh
Range 3 shows principle also be used for calculations noise. Although a short-term increase next to the concrete sleeper and a visco-
an optional
declining curve
involving under-sleeper pads. he amounting to a maximum of 5 dB plastic layer on the ballast side. his
taking account insertion loss indicates the ratio of within the frequency range 50 Hz to separates the various functions in order
of the decreasing the vibration velocity amplitudes in 100 Hz must be expected following to cater for the difering requirements.
influence of the the ground for track without elastic installation, this is ofset by a reduction Our research suggests that
components to those when such of up to 5 dB in the higher frequency appropriate under-sleeper pads can
components are installed. spectrum above 100 Hz6. be used to reduce vibration within the
In addition to the spring impedance hese comparisons use a new track frequency range relevant to structure-
of the elastic material, the terminating without USP as a reference, and it borne noise by more than 10 dB.
impedance of the subgrade is taken into should be borne in mind that the Nevertheless, we have not established
account. With a soter subgrade in the geometry of that track will deteriorate any signiicant impact on primary
frequency range greater than 125 Hz more quickly, which could lead to airborne noise. Technically-optimised
this can typically lead to a declining a signiicant increase in airborne pads ofer an economic improvement
curve with a decreased efect in the 1/3 noise. For example, rails with short- for vibration protection in traditional
octave band spectrum, as shown on the pitch corrugation may result in an track structures, but the choice of
let in Fig 5. he possible reduction in increase of more than 15 dB in noise material is of vital importance. he
the insulation eiciency in the 100 Hz levels when a train passes. Given the initial results from using under-sleeper
Fig 6. A sandwich to 160 Hz range with sot rail pads is improved long-term quality of track pads to mitigate vibration have been
under-sleeper pad not seen. Nor does the model show ofered by the use of USPs, the short- very promising, and research into this
using different the positive changes measured in the term impact on primary airborne noise application is continuing. l
materials to
provide multiple frequency range below 25 Hz thanks to appears negligible, although further
functional layers. the improved trackbed. investigation is needed. References
1. Iliev D. Evaluations of sleepers equipped with USP
Improved pads – elasticity, contact stresses and lateral resistance.
Getzner Bahnfachtagung Schwarzenberg, October
Under-sleeper pads that are 2. Auer F. The influence of elastic components on
predominantly used to improve track behaviour. ÖVG Tagung, Salzburg, Vol 104, p53.
trackbed geometry ideally consist of a 3. DIN V 45673-4 (2008-07): Mechanical vibration –
resilient elements used in railway tracks – Part 4:
resistant material with a visco-plastic analytical evaluation of insertion loss of mounted
property. his allows the ballast stones track systems.
4. Wettschureck R and Kurze U. Einfügungsdämm-
to become properly embedded, even Maß von Unterschottermatten. Acustica Vol 58,
if the pads are very stif. On the other 1985, p177.
5. Müller G and Möser M. Taschenbuch der Techni-
hand, pads used primarily for vibration schen Akustik. 3rd Edition, 2003, p545.
insulation require a soter, dynamically 6. Behr W. Innovation Project LZarG – effect of differ-
highly-elastic material with low ent USP in real tracks. Getzner Bahnfachtagung
Schwarzenberg, October 2011.
damping properties.

42 Railway Gazette International | April 2012

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