Car Travel and Transfer - Domiciliary

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20/07/2022 Risk assessment for : Grace Live In Carers Ltd

Risk assessment name Car travel and transfer - Domiciliary Assessment type General

Assessor name Joanne Kelly Affected site(s) Grace Live In Care Ltd t/a Grace 24/7 Care (M35 9BG)
Assessment date 20/07/2022 Review period Annually
Approved by Joanne Kelly Review date 20/07/2023
Approved date 20/07/2022 Reference GRA1540421


Car Travel

Who could be Risk rating

Hazard Existing controls
harmed and how? (L x S)

Operators Suspending work Weather conditions planned for 2x2

The Team Leader will be responsible Take account of weather conditions,

for suspending work if weather wear appropriate clothing and take
Increased risk of injuries
from slips, trips or falls,
conditions make the task unsafe. warm drinks in cold weather, cover up
or apply sun block to prevent sunburn.
Adverse weather especially when working at
High winds, heavy rain, heat waves, height, hypothermia, heat
snow and ice. stroke, frost bites. Low

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20/07/2022 Risk assessment for : Grace Live In Carers Ltd

Who could be Risk rating

Hazard Existing controls
harmed and how? (L x S)

All staff, Members of the Alcohol and drugs policy in place Competent drivers 2x3
Drivers are not allowed to work whilst Drivers are competent and have
under the influence of alcohol or drugs received relevant training to the
Other road users
and face severe disciplinary measures
for breaches.
environment and are licensed on the
particular vehicle type concerned.
Driving Activities How?
Driving company vehicles. Driver Risk of road traffic Driver licence Mobile phones are not used whilst
fatigue, distraction leading to loss of accidents resulting in driving Low
concentration and potential The Company will hold a copy of each
sever injuries to the driver,
collision. drivers license on file. This is reviewed Drivers are not expected to take calls
others in the vehicle, other every 6 months and drivers instructed whilst driving - unless using suitable
road users and possible to report any traffic offences and hands free equipment.
fatality. points to their licence

Routine maintenance undertaken Speed limits

All vehicles used for company business Staff will adhere to speed limits at all
are maintained and serviced on a times and drive within national speed
regular basis. limits for type of road.

Vehicle checks
Drivers will carry out vehicle checks
prior to starting work including tyres
pressures and damage, oil and water
levels, headlights side lights and
indicators, windscreen washers etc.

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20/07/2022 Risk assessment for : Grace Live In Carers Ltd

Who could be Risk rating

Hazard Existing controls
harmed and how? (L x S)

All staff Appropriate transfer procedures Assessment by competent person 2x4

Appropriate procedures are to be Where suitable aids are not available,

developed to suit the individual client a competent person must carry out an
Risk of back,
musculoskeletal Injuries,
to ensure minimal need for lifting
assistance during transfer activities.
assessment in order to determine if
additional assistance may be used or
Manual Handling spinal Injuries, sprains and
Lifting, carrying, pushing and pulling strains. the activity abandoned.
of heavy, bulky, unwieldy loads Manual handling avoided where Supporting aid provided Low
resulting in twisting, over-reaching
possible Support aids must be made available
and poor handling techniques
Manual Handling of the client must be as necessary and the client trained
minimised to prevent possible injury to and assessed in use.
the client.

Transfer activities
The client/ service user must be
assessed by a competent person to
determine the extent of assistance
necessary during transfer activities.

All staff, Operators Avoid steps and steep ramps Employees are provided with anti 2x3
Avoid steps and steep ramps when slip footwear
Service users
using wheelchair All staff will wear suitable footwear with
non slip soles at all times 6
Slips, trips & falls Risk of slips, trips and fall Fire exits unobstructed
Caused by items left on the floor, injuries resulting in
water, oil and other slippery surface Ensure walkways and Emergency
bruising, cuts, sprains, Low
or poor footwear Escape routes are kept clear of
obstruction at all times

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20/07/2022 Risk assessment for : Grace Live In Carers Ltd

Who could be Risk rating

Hazard Existing controls
harmed and how? (L x S)

All staff 2x3

Wheelchair manoeuvre Avoid pulling
The carer must be familiar with the Pulling the wheelchair will increase the
Service users
manoeuvring and braking of the risk of backstrain. Minimise activity.

wheelchair operation. 6
Use of wheelchairs Risk of manual handling Safe lifting techniques observed Use of ramps
Misuse of wheelchairs injuries, bumps, bruises,
The carer must be familiar with the Where possible, ramps should be used
lifting technique required to load and to access raised levels. Negotiating
unload the wheelchair safely from the steps should be not be attempted.
vehicle Routes should be planned in advance

Wheelchair must be PUSHED Wheelchair operation

where possible. The carer must be familiar with the
Wheelchair must be PUSHED where folding and opening up of the
possible. wheelchair operation.

Wheelchair secured in position

Where the service user remains in the
wheelchair for the journey, the
wheelchair should be secured in
position with the brakes on before the
journey begins.

Further control measures

Operating procedures

All Carers using their car for work purposes MUST have business insurance. Evidence of this is to be provided to the office to go on their file, and a full driving licence and MOT. This is
the responsibility of the carer not the company.

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20/07/2022 Risk assessment for : Grace Live In Carers Ltd

Risk rating explanation

Risk ratings are calculated by considering the likelihood of an event occurring along with the severity of the potential consequence should an accident occur. After considering existing
control measures, values are assigned to the likelihood and severity from the scales below and these figures multiplied to established the risk rating.

Highly unlikely Likely Highly likely

1 5 9

1 5 9
No injury / harm Minor injury / harm Fatality

What do your risk ratings mean?

Risk is categorised as LOW: Look to reduce risk if practicable

Risk has been categorised as MEDIUM: Begin to plan your action to reduce the risk immediately
Risk has been categorised as HIGH: Immediate action required to reduce the risk

Assessor's signature: Joanne Kelly Approved by signature: Joanne Kelly

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