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UNIT 10 : MATERNAL AND  uef{j:yfsf] ;ftf} dlxgf b]lv abdominal

CHILD HEALTH (MIDWIFERY) cavity df testes sf] ljsf; x'g ;'? x'G5 / lz;'
sl/j * dlxgfsf] k'u]kl5 df inguinal canal
sf] af6f] x'b} testes x? scrotum ;Dd cfOk'U5g
k|hgg k|0ffnL .
(Reproductive system)
 Testes develop in the lumber region of
the abdominal cavity, just below the
k'?if k|hgg\ k|0ffnL kidneys.
(Male Reproductive system)
 k|To]s testes df @))–#)) v08x? (lobules)
 k'?ifsf] k|hgg\ k|0ffnLdf lgDg c+ux? kb{5g M x'G5g, k|To]s lobules df ! b]lv $ j6f
• Scrotum -1 seminiferous tubules x? x'G5g . lo
• Testes-2 seminiferous tubules leq lgDg k|sf/sf
• Epididymis-2 sf]ifx? /x]sf x'G5g .
• Vas deference-2 A. Spermatogenic cell : Precursor of
• Spermatic cords-2 sperm (produce sperms /
• Seminal vesicle-2
• Ejaculatory duct-2
B. Sertoli cell/Nursing cell: Helps in
• Prostate gland-1
• Penis-1 nourishing of sperm.
C. Interstitial cell of leyding/Leyding
Scrotum cells : Produce Androgens (e.g
 Pp6f y}nL h:t} structure xf], h;leq @ j6f testosterone) which maintain
c08sf]ifx? (testes) /x]sf x'G5g . secondary sexual character.
 of] Ps lsl;dsf] subcutaneous muscle af6  Cryptorchidism : Undescended testes
ag]sf] x'G5, h;nfO{ Dartus muscle elgG5 .
 Orchidopexy : Surgical correction of
 of] inguinal canal sf] dfWodaf6 abdominal
undescended testes.
cavity ;Fu hf]l8Psf] x'G5 .
 Orchidectomy :Surgical excision of
c08sf]if (Testes) testes.
 Scrotum leq @ j6f c08f cfsf/sf testes x?  Testes sf] inflammation nfO{ Orchitis
/x]sf x'G5g , k|To]s c08sf]if spermatic cord elgG5 .
sf] dfWodn] scrotum df c8]sf x'G5g .  Sperm aGg] k|lqmofnfO{ spermatogenesis
 Testes are endocrine glands. elgG5 eg] sperm x? Mature e} o;n]
 They are homologous to ovary in female. motility k|fKt ug]{ k|lqmofnfO{
 They are about 4.5 cm long, 2.5 cm wide spermiogenesis elgG5 .
and 3 cm thick.
 Maturation of spermatids into
 Weight of testis : 10 to 15 gram. spermatozoon, is called
 They are suspended in the scrotum by spermiogenesis.
spermatic cord.
 Spermatogenesis k|lqmof k'/f x'g sl/a ^$
 Inflammation of the spermatic cord is lbg nfUb5 .
known as -Funniculitis.
 o;nfO{ jl/kl/af6 # j6f kqx? (layers) x? n]  Time taken for spermiogenesis : 14
3]/]/ /fv]sf] x'G5 . days.
A. Tunica vaginalis (double layered)  Spermatogenesis k|lqmof ;DkGg x'g testes
B. Tunica albuginea sf] tfkqmd zl//sf] tfkqmd eGbf 3-50C sd
C. Tunica vasculosa x'g'kb{5 .
 Collection of excessive fluid between two  Sperm aGg] k|lqmofnfO{ anterior pituitary
layers of tunica vaginalis is known as -
Hydrocele. af6 pTkfbg x'g] Follicle Stimulating
Hormone (FSH) n] Stimulate ub{5 .

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 To;}ul/, Anterior pituitary gland af6 Epididymis
pKkfbg x'g] Luteinizing Hormone (LH) n]  k|To]s testes df /x]sf ; ;fgf gnLx? Testes
interstitial cell of Leyding nfO{ stimulate sf] dflynnf] 5]pdf cfP/ Pp6f convoluted
u/]kl5 Testosterone (androgen) gnL agfpb5g, h;nfO{ epididymis elgG5 .
hormone sf] pTkfbg x'G5 .  At the upper pole of the testis the
 Testosterone sf] k|efjn] zl//df secondary tubules combine to form a single tubule.
sexual character (puberty) sf] ljsf; x'G5 . This tubule, about 6 m in its full length,
 Puberty occurs between the age of 10 is repeatedly folded and tightly packed
and 14. into a mass called the epididymis.
 Mature sperm have 3 main parts :  It leaves the scrotum as the deferent
Head, Body & tail. duct (vas deferens) in the spermatic
Do you know ? cord.
Spermatozoon = single -Pp6f z'qmls6_  Blood and lymph vessels pass to the
Spermatozoa = multiple -z'qmls6x?_ testes in the spermatic cords.
Testes = multiple -c08sf]ifx?_  o;nfO{ # efudf af8\g ;lsG5 M
Testis= Single -Pp6f c08sf]if_ s_ Head v_ Body u_ Tail
 Fertilizable life span of the sperm is - 48  Epididymis df k'u]/ sperm x?n] motility
to 72 hours k|fKt ub{5g, h;nfO{ Spermiogenesis elgG5
 Sperm is the smallest cell of the human .
body.  Epididymis n] spermatozoa nfO{ testes
 Sperm is the only one motile cell of the af6 vas deference ;Dd k'/\ofpb5g .
Vas deference/The deferent duct
 Sperm is the only one cell having
-z'qmaflxgL gnL_
 Number of chromosomes in sperm : 23  nDafO{ M $% ;]=dL -!* O{Gr_
(22+X or 22+Y).  of] gnL epididymis b]lv seminal vesicle
 Normal sperm count : 60-120 ;Dd km}lnPsf] x'G5, o;n] z'qmls6x? nfO{
millions/ml. epididymis af6 ejaculatory duct ;Dd
 WHO oligospermia : Sperm count
k'/\ofpb5 .
below 15 million/ml.  vas deference / seminal vesicle af6
 Azoospermia: Absence of sperms in cfPsf] gnL ldn]/ ejaculatory duct ag]sf]
semen. x'G5, of] gnL s]lx cuf8L k'u]kl5 urethra ;Fu
 Normal sperm motility is 3mm per
hf]l8Psf] x'G5 .
minute.  Ejaculatory duct sf] nDafO : 2 cm
 Capacitation :  k|To]s testes af6 !–! j6f spermatic cord
• of] sperm df x'g] Pp6f Physiological lg:s]sf x'G5g, h;n] h;n] testes nfO{
process xf], h;af6 sperm n] ovum nfO{ scrotum df ´'08\ofP/ /fVb5 .+
penetrate ug]{ Ifdtf (ability) k|fKt ub{5 .  k|To]s spermatic cord sf] leq Pp6f vas
• Capacitation begins in the female deference /x]sf] x'G5 .
genital tract (cervix) but major part  Vasectomy: Excission & ligation of the
takes place in fallopian tube, takes vas deference
about 6-8 hours. (7 hours)

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Seminal Vesicles -jLo{ y}nL_  Circumscission : Surgical removal of
 @ j6f v08 k/]sf (lobulate) y}nf cfsf/sf foreskin . (Surgical correction for
u|GyLx?nfO{ Seminal vesicle elgG5 . phimosis & paraphimosis)
 Length - 5cm
 o;n] sperm x?nfO{ e08f/0f ug]{ x'gfn] Prostate Gland
o;nfO{ store house of sperm klg elgG5 .  of] k'?if k|hgg k|0ffnLsf] ;xfos u|GyL xf], of]
 o;n] seminal fluid pTkfbg ug{'sf ;fy} urinary bladder sf] tn rectum sf]
sperm x? nfO{ fructose k|bfg ub{5 . cufl8kl§ /x]sf] x'G5 .
 Semen df 60% seminal fluid /x]sf] x'G5 .  Adult df o;sf] tf}n sl/a * u|fd x'G5 eg]
%) aif{sf] pd]/kl5 of] $) u|fd ;Dd k'Ug ;S5
Penis -ln+u_  nDafO{ # ;]=dL / rf}8fO{ $ ;]dL x'G5 .
 of] k'?ifsf] ;+ef]u c+u (copulatory organ) xf] -nDafO{< rf}8fO{_
.  o;n] Prostatic fluid pTkfbg ub{5, h;df
 of] ljz]if lsl;dsf pQ]lht tGt'x? (erectile Prostatic Specific enzyme (PSA) /x]sf]
tissue) / df+;k]zL ldn]/ ag]sf] x'G5 . x'G5 . Prostate sf] SofG;/ ePdf PSA sf]
 o;df @ j6f corpora covernosa / Pp6f level a9]sf] x'G5 .
corpora spongiosum ul/ # j6f erectile  Prostate 7'nf] x'bf urethra df aflx/af6 rfk
tissue x? /x]sf x'G5g . a9\g hfG5, h;n] ubf{ lk;fa /f]lsg]
 corpus spongiosum df penile urethra (retention of urine) ;d:of b]vf kg{ ;S5 .
/x]sf] x'G5 . o;nfO{ Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
(BPH) elgG5 .
 ln+usf] 6'Kkf]df cfP/ corpus spongiosum n]
lqsf]0f cfsf/sf] jgfj6 agfpb5, h;nfO{  of] k|foM %) aif{ pd]/ k'/f ul/;s]sf k'?ifx?df
glans penis elgG5 . b]vf kb{5 .
 o;sf] jl/kl/ kftnf] 5fnfsf] vf]n x'G5, h;nfO{  Prostate u|GyL sf] inflammation nfO{
foreskin jf prepuce elgG5 . Prostatitis elgG5 .
 Penis nfO{ /Qm;~rf/ u/fpg] artery sf] gfd
jLo{ (Semen)
pudendal artery xf] .
 Parasympathetic nerve supply n] penis  Composition:
nfO{ pQ]lht (erection) u/fpb5 eg] • Seminal fluid : 60%
Sympathetic nerve supply n] jLo{ :vng • Prostatic fluid : 25%
(Ejaculation) u/fpb5 . • Sperm: 10%
 Glans penis sf] inflammation nfO{ • Cowper's secretion & mucous : 5%
Balanitis elgG5 .  Normal volume: 3-5 ml per ejaculation
 Penis is homologous to clitoris in  pH : 7.35-7.5 (alkaline).
 Phimosis : Phimosis is defined as the v_ :qL k|hgg k|0ffnL (Female reproductive
inability to retract the skin (foreskin or System)
prepuce) covering the head (glans) of
:qL k|hgg k|0ffnL nfO{ @ efudf laefhg ul/Psf] 5
the penis. It is common in young male. A) External Genitalia
 Paraphimosis : Tight retracted (vulva/pudendum):
foreskin can not be returned to it's • Mons pubis
normal anatomical position. It is • Labia majora
common in old male. • Labia minora
• Clitoris

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• Vestibule Perineum
• Hymen  Perineum is a triangular area extending
B) Internal Genitalia from the base of the labia minora to the
• Vagina-1 anal canal.
• Uterus-1  It consists of connective tissue, muscle
• Uterine tubes/Fallopian tubes-2 and fat.
• Ovaries -2  It gives attachment to the muscles of
C) Accessory organs pelvic floor.
• Breast  Blood supply to vulva & perineum by
• Bartholin's glands (Vestibular pudendal artery.
gland)  Levator ani is a group of muscles found
in pelvis.
Mons pubis : of] external genitalia sf]  Size of obstetric perineum : 4cm X 4
;a}eGbf dflyNnf], symphysis pubis cufl8sf] cm.
efu xf] . of}jg cj:yf (puberty) df o;nfO{ pubic
hair n] 9fs]sf] x'G5 . Vagina :
Labia Majora : Vulva sf] b'a} 5]pdf cjl:yt  of] Pp6f fibromuscular canal xf], h;n] :qL
af];f]o'Qm afSnf] 5fnfsf] efunfO{ labia majora k|hgg k|0ffnLsf] afXo cË (vulva) nfO{
elgG5 . of] 5fnf fibrous tissue / fat n] ag]sf] uterus ;Fu hf]8\b5 . of] urinary bladdder
x'G5 . sf] k5fl8 / rectum sf] cufl8k§L /x]sf] x'G5 .
 o;nfO{ non keratinized stratified
Labia Minora : squamous epithelium n] lining u/]sf] x'G5
 of] urinary bladder ;Fu 450 sf] sf]0f df
 Labia majora sf] leqk§L ljgf af];f]o'Qm
5fnfsf kqnfO{ labia minora elgG5 . /x]sf] x'G5 .
 o;sf] dflyNnf] 5]p clitoris sf] 5]p;Fu  o;sf] anterior wall sf] nDafO{ sl/a 7.5 cm
hf]l8Psf] x'G5 eg] tNnf] efu dWo/]vfdf cfO{ / posterior wall sf] nDafO{ sl//a 9 cm x'G5
hf]l8Psf] x'G5, h;nfO{ Fourchette elgG5 . .
b'O{ labia minora ljrsf] efunfO{ vestibule  Diameter of vaginal canal : 2.5 cm.
elgG5 .  Vaginal introitus - opening of vaginal
 There are four opening in the vestibule- canal.
a. Vaginal orifice
 Fornix : Space between cervix and
b. Urethral orifice
vaginal wall (one anterior, one
c. Opening of Bartholin's duct.
posterior & two lateral fornices)
d. Opening of skene's gland
 Vaginal fluid sf] pH ;fdfGotof acidic (4-
Clitoris : of] pQ]lht tGt' (most erectile 5.5) x'G5 t/ dlxgfjf/L rqm sf] ljleGg
tissue) n] ag]sf] afXo k|hgg\ cË xf] . of] k'?ifsf] r/0fx?df kl/jt{g x'g ;S5 .
lnË ;Fu ldNbf] h'Nbf] (homologous) x'G5 . (According to some references pH of
vaginal fluid : 3.5 to 4.9)
Hymen : of] kftnf] mucus membrane xf] .  Vaginal canal df ljz]if lsl;dsf bacteria
o;n] vaginal orifice nfO{ 9fs]sf] x'G5, /h:jnf x? kfO{G5g,h:t} lactobacillus
x'bf, of}g;Dks{ ubf{, aRrf hGdfpbf of] gi6 eP/ acidophilus, lolgx? n] lactic acid pTkfbg
hfG5 . o;nfO{ s'dfl/Tj sf] lrXg (indicator of ul/ clDnokgf a9fp5 / xflgsf/s bacteria
virginity) sf ?kdf klg lnO{G5 . x? af6 ;'/Iff k|bfg ub{5g .
 Colposcopy - Examination of vagina
and cervix.

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 Colposcope - Instrument used for C. Cervix : of] uterus sf] ;a}eGbf tNnf] efu xf] ,
examination of vagina and cervix. h'g sl/a @=% ;]=ld hlt nfdf] x'G5 . of] Internal
 Functions of vagina : OS af6 ;'? e} external OS ;Dd k'u]sf] x'G5 .
- Coitus : Sexual intercourse.  Uterus df fallopion tube x? k|j]z ug]{
- Provides passage for childbirth. efunfO{ cornua elgG5 .
- Protects pelvic organs from infection due  Uterus nfO{ ljleGg ligaments x?n] support
to it's acidic pH. u/]sf] x'G5 h:t} Broad ligament, round
ligament, cardinal ligament, uterosacral
Uterus/Womb/Hystera ligament cflb
 of] vf]qmf] dfF;k]zLo cË (Hollow muscular  log} supportive ligament x? sdhf]/ eP/
organ) xf], h'g urinary bladder sf] k5f8L k|foM uterine prolapse x'g] ub{5 .
/ rectum sf] cufl8k§L /x]sf] x'G5 .  Uterine prolapse is most common in
 o;sf] nDafO{ sl/a 7.5 cm(3 inch), rf}8fO{ multiparous & aged women.
5cm (2 inch) / df]6fO{ 2.5 cm (1 inch) x'G5  Functions of the uterus : -kf7]3/sf]
. sfo{x?_
 o;sf] tf}n sl/a 50-80 gram (60 gram) s_ Fertilized ovum nfO{ kf]ifs tTj k|bfg ug{'sf
x'G5 . ;fy} z'/Iff ub{5 .
 The normal length of uterine cavity is v_ Fetus sf] j[l4, ljsf;sf] nflu cg's'n jftfj/0f
6.5 to 7cm. k|bfg ub{5 .
 Shape : Pear shaped (Pyriform u_ k'0f{ ljsl;t fetus nfO{ aflx/ lgsfNb5 .
shaped) (labour)
 Normal position: Anteverted and 3_ dlxgfjf/L (menstruation) df e'ldsf lgjf{x
antiflexed ub{5 .
 of] urinary blader ;Fu 90o sf] sf]0f agfP/  Hysterectomy : Surgical excision of the
a;]sf] x'G5 . uterus.
 Uterus lgDg 3 j6f kqx? ldn]/ ag]sf] x'G5 .  Hysteritis : Inflammation of the uterus.
A. Perimetrium (The outer fibrous layer)  g]kfnL dlxnfx?df b]vf kg]{ k|d'v SofG;/
B. Myometrium (The middle muscular kf7]3/sf] d'vsf] SofG;/ (cervix cancer) xf]
layer) .
C. Endometrium (The inner layer of  Hematometra : Collection of blood
endothelial cell that takes part in within uterine cavity.
menstruation, therefore called as  Pyometra : Collection of pus within
"functional layer of the uterus”) uterine cavity.
 Uterus sf lgDg efux? x'G5g M  Endometriosis - A condition in which
A. Fundus : of] ;a}eGbf dflyNnf] efu xf] . h'g endometrium grows outside of the uterus.
uterine tubes hf]l8Psf] efu eGbf dflyNNff] :jtGq common sites are ovaries, fallopian tubes,
efu xf] . ;fdfGotof fundus sf] posterior efudf around uterus etc.
implantation x'g] ub{5 .  Most common cancer in Nepali females is
B. Body (Corpus): of] uterus sf] dWo / d'Vo 'Cervix cancer.'
efu (main part) xf] . h'g ;Dk'0f{ efusf] b'O{  Screening tests for cervical cancer : PAP
ltxfO{ x'G5 . o;sf] b'a} 5]pdf uterine tubes x? smear, VIA (Visual Inspection with
v'n]sf x'G5g . Acetic acid
 Cervical cancer screening - 30 b]lv 60
aif{sf] pd]/ leq k|To]s 5/5 aif{df u/fpg'kb{5 .

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Fallopian tube/Uterine tube/Oviduct A. Cortex :
 nDafO{ M 10 cm  Outer part
 o;nfO{ $ efudf ljefhg ul/Psf] 5 .  Related to sex hormone production &
1. Intramural or interstitial : ovulation.
(Length : 1.25 cm, Diameter : 1mm)  Consists of primordial follicles,
2. Isthmus : maturing follicles, graffian follicles and
(Length : 2.5 cm, Diameter : 2mm) corpus luteum.
3. Ampulla : 5 cm  Ovary nfO{ FSH n] stimulate ub{5, h;n]
-Longest & widest part ubf{ Ovary df Ovum sf] ljsf;
- Length : 5 cm, Diameter : 1 cm (10mm) (oogenesis) x'G5 / oestrogen xdf]{g sf]
4. Infundibulum : 1.25 cm pTkfbg u/fp5 .
;fdfGotof Ampulla efudf fertilization x'g] ub{5 .  Ovary nfO{ LH xdf]{gn] stimulate ub{5,
 Ectopic pregnancy x'g] k|d'v efu kmn:j?k M
ampulla xf] . a. Corpus luteum af6 progesterone sf]
 They are highly sensitive to touch or pTkfbg x'G5 .
pain. b. Ovulation x'G5 .
 Fallopian tube sf] cGtdf finger like B. Medulla : Inner part, consists of loose
projections x? x'G5g, h;nfO{ Fimbriae connective tissue, few unstriped
elgG5 . muscles, blood vessels & nerves.
 Fallopian tube sf] inflammation nfO{  Functions of ovary: Production of Ovum,
salphingitis elgG5 . oestrogen & progesterone.
 Tubectomy: Excision of the part of  Ovary sf] inflammation nfO{ oopharitis
elgG5 .
fallopian tube.
 Ovum aGg] k|lqmofnfO{ oogenesis elgG5 eg]
 Fertilization : Fusion of male gamete ovary sf] graffian follicle af6 ljsl;t
(Sperm) & Female gamete (Ovum) to ovum lgl:sg] k|lqmofnfO{ ovulation elgG5 .
form zygote.  Gametogenesis : Male gamete
 Human body develops from single (spermatozoon) / Female gamete
cell is called- Zygote. (Ovum) aGg] k|lqmofnfO{ elgG5 .
 Zygote is single cell.  A female produce about 400 ova in her
reproductive life.
 Number of chromosomes in zygote -
 Ovum is the largest cell of the human
46 (23 pairs) body. (Size of fully matured ovum is
about 130 µm).
Ovaries  Ovum is non-motile cell while the.
 lolgx? @ j6f x'G5g h;nfO{ female gonads sperm is motile.
klg elgG5 .  Number of chromosomes in ovum- 23
 Almond or oval shaped, (22,X).
 The outer transparent mucoprotein
 Pinkish gray in color. (glycoprotein) layer of the ovum is
 size : 3X2X1 cm called - Zona pellucida
 Lined by single layer of cuboidal cells is  Oestrogen and Progesterones are
known as Germinal epithelium. steroid hormones.
 Ovary x? lgDg b'O{j6f efux? ldn]/ ag]sf]
x'G5 .

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Breast -:tg_ :  Mastitis : Inflammation of the breast.
 of] :qL k|hgg k|0ffnLsf] ;xfos cË  Mastalgia or Mastodynia - Breast pain
(Accessory organ) xf] .  Mastectomy - Surgical
 :tgx? Sternum sf] b'a}k§L bf];|f] rib b]lv excision/removal of breast.
5}7f}+ rib ;Dd /x]sf x'G5g .  Mammogram - Low energy X-ray
 lolgx?sf] ljr efudf r'Rrf] k/]sf] efu x'G5, machine, used for screening of breast
h;nfO{ Nipple elgG5 . o;nfO{ jl/kl/af6 cancer.
sfnf] efu n] 9fs]sf] x'G5, h;nfO{ areola  Mammography - Best Method of Breast
elgG5 . cancer screening using mammogram.
 Round pigmented part of skin at the  Breast self examination (BSE) is
center of the breast - areola another method of screening of breast
 Diameter of areola is about -2.5 cm cancer.
 Muscular projection in breast covered  Best time for Breast self examination is
by pigmented skin- Nipple at the end of menstrual phase.
 About 15-20 lactiferous ducts opens at  Breast tissue is sensitive to the cyclic
Nipple. changes of hormones, oestrogen &
 Milk producing gland in Breast - Progesterone.
Mammary gland.  Women often feel breast tenderness &
 Areola df Ps lsl;dsf modified fullness during the luteal phase of the
sebaceous gland x? /x]sf x'G5g, h;nfO{ menstrual cycle.
Montgomery tubercles elgG5 . ue{jtL
dlxnfdf lolgx? :ki6 b]lvg] (Prominent) Menstrual Cycle/Reproductive cycle
x'G5g . lo u|GyLx?n] Nipple sf] jl/kl/ -dlxgfjf/L jf /h:jnf rqm_ :
Lubrication sf] sfd ub{5g .  Menstruation : k|hgg pd]/ ;d'xsf
 x/]s :tgdf !% b]lv @) j6f lobes x? x'G5g, dlxnfx?sf] kf7]3/af6 ljsf/o'Qm /ut of]lgdfu{
lo lobe x?df y'k|} b'w pTkfbg ug]{ u|GyLx? x'b} aflx/ lgl:sg] k|lqmofnfO{ dlxgfjf/L elgG5 .
(mammary glands) x? /x]sf x'G5g . o;nfO{ weeping of uterus klg elgG5 .
 Thelarche : Development of breast at
puberty.  o;/L periodic ?kdf k|To]s dlxgf e}/xg]
 Pituitary gland af6 pTkfbg x'g] prolactin ePsfn] o;nfO{ dfl;s rqm (menstrual cycle)
xdf]{g n] b'w pTkfbg (production/secretion) klg elgG5 .
df ;xof]u ub{5 eg] oxytocin xdf]{g n] b'w  cjwL (duration) : 28±7 days
lg:sf;g (ejection of milk) df ;xof]u ub{5
.  /Qm>fjsf] cjwL (duration of blood flow) :
 Prolactin -Production/Oxytocin- 3-5 days
Ejection  Normal amount of blood loss : 30-80 ml
 Gynecomastia : Enlargement of breast  klxnf] k6s dlxgfjf/L ;'? x'g'nfO{ Menarche
in male.
elgG5 .
 Galactorrhoea - Discharge of milk from
milk not associated with pregnancy or  klxnf] dlxgfjf/L sl/a !) b]lv !$ aif{sf] pd]/df
childbirth. ;'? x'g] ub{5 .
 Most common cancer in females  $%–%) aif{ kl5 dlxgfjf/L k'0f{tof aGb x'G5,
worldwide - Breast cancer.
h;nfO{ Menopause elgG5 .
 Invasive ductal carcinoma is the most
common type of breast cancer. This type  dlxgfjf/L rqm lgDg cj:yfx?df k'/f x'G5 .
of cancer begins from Milk duct 1.
of the
Menstrual phase : 0-4th day (4 day)
breast. 2. Proliferative phase (Follicular phase) : 5th -14th
 Fibroadenoma is a most common day (10 days)
benign tumor of the breast. (non-
cancerous) 3. Secretory phase (Luteal phase) : 15th -28th day
(14 days)
DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 7
1. Menstrual Phase: 3. Secretory phase
 of] dlxgfjf/L rqmsf] Tof] cj:yf xf] h'g cj:yfdf  Ovulation e};s]kl5 pituitary gland af6
of]gLaf6 ljsf/o'Qm /ut aflx/ lgl:sG5 . of] pTkfbg ePsf] LH xdf]{gn] ovum
k|lqmof sl/a # b]lv % lbg ;Dd /xG5 . lgl:s;s]kl5sf] follicle nfO{ corpus luteum
 olb ovary af6 lgis]sf] ovum fertilize x'g df kl/0ft ub{5, h'g corpus luteum n]
g;s]df corpus luteum gi6 x'g yfNb5, h;n] progesterone xdf]{g pTkfbg ub{5 .
ubf{ /utdf progesterone sf] dfqf 36\g hfG5,
o;/L progesterone sf] dfqf 36\gfn] kf7]3/sf] LH→ Corpus Luteum → Progesterone
endometrium klg 6'lqmg yfNb5 / /ut ;Fu}  Progesterone xdf]{gn] endometrium nfO{
aflx/ lgl:sG5 . c´ j[l4 ljsf; u/fpg'sf ;fy} ;–;fgf u|GyLx?
 Composition of menstrual blood - / /QmgnLx?sf] ljsf; u/fpb5 .
Secretion of endometrial glands,  Ovum / sperm sf] fertilization ePdf
endometrial cells, blood and unfertilized implantation sf nflu cfjZos jftfj/0f
ovum. k|bfg ub{5, progesterone dfqf lg/Gt/
 The level of oestrogen & Progesterone is pTkfbg x'b} uef{j:yf ;'? x'G5 / dlxgfjf/L
very low in this phase. /f]lsG5 . (Amenorrhoea).
2. Proliferative Phase (Follicular phase) :
 olb fertilization gePdf /utdf
progesterone sf] dfqf 36\g uO{ k'gM
 o; cj:yfdf pituitary gland af6 pTkfbg
ePsf] FSH n] ovarian follicle nfO{ graffian menstrual cycle bf]xf]l/G5 .
follicle df ljsl;t u/fp5,h;n] oestrogen  The phase is under the control of
xdf]{g sf] pTkfbg ub{5 . Progesterone.
 Oestrogen xdf]{gn] endometrium sf]
k'glg{df{0f u/fO{ fertilized ovum a:g of]Uo MEDICAL TERMS USED IN
agfp5 . (endometrium becomes thick) REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM
 To;}ul/ Pituitary gland af6} LH xdf]{g klg  Gametogenesis - Germ cell af6 ovum /
pTkfbg e}/x]sf] x'G5, ovulation x'g'eGbf sl/a sperm sf] ljsf; x'g] k|lqmofnfO{
24-36 306f cufl8 PSsf;L LH sf] dfqf
Gametogenesis elgG5 .
pRrtd laGb'df k'Ub5, h;nfO{ LH surge
elgG5 . LH surge kl5 o;sf] dfqf km]/L 36\g  Spermatogenesis - Testes sf] Primordial
yfNb5 . germ cell af6 Spermatids aGg] k|lqmofnfO{
 sl/a !$ cf}+ lbgdf LH surge sf] k|efjn] Spermatogenesis elgG5 .
graffian follicle af6 Pp6f ljsl;t c08f  Spermiogenesis - Maturation of
(ovum) lgl:sG5, h;nfO{ ovulation elgG5 . spermatids into spermatozoa. OR
o;kl5 Process by which spermatids get motility
 This phase is under the influence of
and becomes mature spermatozoa, the
Oestrogen hormone.
process occurs in epididymis.
FSH→ Ovarian follicle →Graffian  Capacitation - A physiological process
follicle → Oestrogen that occurs in spermatozoa by which
they are able to penetrate the ovum.
 At the time of ovulation, the cervical  Ovulation - Release of mature ovum
mucous becomes watery, profuse and
slippery and the body temperature from ovary is called ovulation.
increases by 0.5-10C.  Fertilization - Fusion of sperm and
 Ovulation occurs at the end of ovum to form zygote.
proliferative phase.
 Ovulation is due to LH.

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 Implantation/Nidation - Attachment of NEED TO KNOW
fertilized ovum on the wall of the uterus.
 The cervix are insentive to touch, heat
(Posterior fundus)
and when grasped by instruments.
 Menarche - First menstruation.  The uterus, too is insensitive to
 Thelarche - Beginning of breast handling, and even incision over it's
development. wall.
 Amenorrhoea : Absence of  Narrowest part of fallopian tube is
menstruation. "interstitial" (1 mm)
 Menopause: permanent cessation of  Pouch of douglus also known as
menstruation. rectouterine pouch or Uterovesical
 Dysmenorrhoea : Painful pouch or Cul de sac is the extension of
menstruation. peritoneum between the rectum and
 Menorrhagia : Heavy menstrual posterior wall of uterus.
bleeding.  Aspiration of peritoneal fluid from
 Metrorrhagia : Irregular pouch of douglas (cul-de-sac) is called
bleeding/spotting bleeding between 2 "culdocentesis".
cycles.  Cordocentesis or Periumbilical Blood
 Polymenorrhoea : Menstrual cycle<21 Sampling (PUBS) is blood sample taken
days. (short menstrual cycles) from umbilical cord, most commonly
 Oligomenorrhoea : Menstrual cycle used for evaluation of Rh
>35 days. (long menstrual cycles) Isoimmunization. It is done after >20
 Leucorrhoea : Whitish vaginal weeks of gestation.
discharge.  The purpose of culdocentesis is to
identify Pelvic infections (PID),
 Mastitis- Inflammation of the breast.
ruptured ectopic pregnancy etc.
 Hysteritis -Inflammation of the uterus.
 Salphingitis- Inflammation of the
fallopian tubes.
Homologus Organs
 Oopharitis - Inflammation of the obary.
Male Female
 Orchitis - Inflammation of the testes.
Scrotum Labia Majora
 Ectopic Pregnancy - Implantation
Penile urethra and Labia Minora
occurs outside of the uterus.
 Endometriosis - Growth of
Penis Clitoris
Endometrium outside of the uterus.
Prostate Paraurethral gland
 WHO Oligospermia - Sperm count<15
(Skene's gland)
Cowper's gland Bartholin's gland
 Abortion : termination of pregnancy
(Bulbourethral (Vestibular glands)
before the period of viability (i.e 22
weeks of gestation).
Testes Ovaries
 Infertility : Unable to fertilize up to 12
Bulb of penis & Vestibular bulb
month of regular unprotected sexual
Corpus spongiosum
Interstitial cell Hilus cell (Ovary)
 Sterility: Completely unable to fertilize.

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Midwifery : Introduction and history  cfw'lgs obstetric sf] klxnf] cEof; French
❖ Midwife : Surgeon 'Ambroise pare' n] u/]sf lyP,
 Midwife zAb k'/fgf] c+u]|hL efiffsf] Mid / h;nfO{ clxn] Father of surgery eg]/ lrlgG5
wif ldn]/ ag]sf] xf], h;df Mid sf] cy{ .
'With' / wif sf] cy{ 'women' eGg] x'G5 ,  w]/} jif{ klxnf g]kfndf cg'ejL dlxnfx? 4f/f
o;cg';f/ midwife sf] zflAbs cy{ "With k|;'tL u/fOGYof], h;nfO{ ;'8]gL gfd lbO{{Psf] lyof]
women" eGg] a'l´G5 . .
 Midwife is a health professional who  kl5 o:tf ;'8]gLx?nfO{ g]kfn /]8qm; ;f];fO6L n]
care for mothers and newborn around tflndsf] ;'?jft u/]sf] lyof], To;kl5 :jf:Yo
childbirth. ;]jf ljefu / /fli6«o :jf:Yo tflnd s]Gb| n] klg
 ICM n] lbPsf] kl/efiff tn lbPsf] 5, h'g tflnd ;'? u/]sf] lyof] .
FIGO / WHO n] klg adopt u/]sf] lyof] .  o;/L tflnd lnPsf ;'8]gLx? n] cfkm'n] l;s]sf]
"A midwife is a person who has successfully l;k / 1fg cfkm\gf kl/jf/sf dlxnf ;b:ox?nfO{
completed a midwifery education klg l;sfpby] .
programme that is recognised in the country  ;g !(@* -lj=; !(*%_ df /f0ff sfndf $ hgf
where it is located, has acquired the dlxnfx?nfO{ !* dlxg] Midwifery sf]if{ k9fpg
requisite qualifications to be registered or ef/tsf] cnfxjfb k7fPsf] lyof] / cWoog kZrft
legally licensed to practice midwifery. logLx? lj/ c:ktfndf ;]jf lbg yfn]sf x'g .
 ;g !(%@ -lj=; @))(_ df bf];|f] r/0fdf @ hgf
❖ Midwifery : dlxnf -8f= pdf b]jL bf; / ?lSd0fL r/0f >]i7_
 Midwifery is a health science that nfO{ # jif{ ^ dlxgfsf] tflnd sf nflu ef/t
deals with nursing care during k7fOof] .
Pregnancy, Childbirth and  August 1959 df k/f]ksf/ k|;'tL tyf :qL /f]u
Postpartum period including c:ktfn (Maternity hospital) :yfkgf eP;+u}
newborn care. g]kfndf Midwifery tflndsf] ;'?jft ePsf]
❖ Obstetric : lyof] .
 Obstetric is a branch of medicine that  of] c:ktfn nfO{ k|;'tL u[x eg]/ klg lrlgG5 .
include the basic and clinical  g]kfn ;/sf/ sf] tkm{af6 :jf:Yo dGqL uug
approaches during the pregnancy s'df/ yfkf n] :j=nfd' cdfTo nfO{ g]kfnsf] klxnf]
and childbirth, i.e Changes,
g;{ eg]/ 3f]if0f ul/ pgsf 5f]/f of]u]Zj/ cdfTo
monitoring, evaluation and
nfO{ k|df0fkq x:tf/0f u/]sf lyP .
 In 1972 (2029 BS) all academically run
 A Nursing staff may be obstetrician schools were placed under T.U. Institute
while conducting delivery and s/he
of Medicine.
become midwife when s/he care
 The nursing program was 3½ years
duration previously (before 1972) & it
❖ Gynecology : Gynecology is the medical was reduced in 3 years later in 1973
practice dealing with the health of female
(2030 BS).
reproductive system. In general term,
Gynecology is the 'study of women'.
 School of Nursing in surendra Bhawan
in 2013 (1956).
❖ Andrology : Study of male
reproductive health=Andrology
 School of Nursing in Nirbhawan, Sanepa
2016 (1959)
 ANM Training Center in Bharatpur 2019
History of Midwifery (1962)
 ue{jtL tyf k|;'tL x]/rfx sf] ;'?jft !^ cf}F  ANM Training Center Biratnagar in
;tflAb b]lv ;'? ePsf] dflgG5 . 2023 (1966),
 ;g !%!# df klxnf] k6s Midwifery sf] klxnf]  upgraded in PCL Nursing in 2044 BS.
k':ts Germany df k|sflzt ePsf] lyof] .
 PCL Training Center Nepalgunj in 2026
 h'g k':ts ;g !%$) df English df k|sflzt (1969)
ePsf] lyof] .  upgraded in PCL Nursing in 2044 BS.

DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 10

 SBA Policy was formed in Nepal in c. t];|f] q}dfl;s (Third trimester) : 29-40
2006. weeks
 SBA training has 27 core skills.
 Duration of SBA training : 2 months.  Natal : Birth
 Antenatal/prenatal : period before
Florence Nightingale birth.
 hGd (Birth) : 12 May 1820 (Florence a. Ovum : 0-2 weeks
city, Italy) b. embryo : 2-8 weeks
 d[To' (Death) : 13 August 1910 (England, c. fetus : 9 weeks to birth
UK)  Perinatal period :
 () jif{sf] pd]/df pgsf] d[To' ePsf] lyof] . • Period between 28 weeks of gestation
 pgsf] hGdlbg May 12 df k|To]s jif{ and 7 days after birth.
International Nurses day dgfpg] ul/G5 . • According to WHO, From 22 weeks of
 pgsf] @)) cf}F hGdhoGtLsf] cj;/ df WHO gestation to 7 days after birth, which is
n] ;g @)@) nfO{ "Year of the nurse and also called extended perinatal period.
midwife" gfd lbO{ dgfPsf] lyof] . [Choose answer depending on option
 Theme of International Nurses day given]
2021(given by ICN) : Nurses : A voice  Post natal period : after birth
to lead-A vision for future health • Neonate : 0-28 days
care. . ➢ Early neonate : 0-7 days
 March 1854 df ePsf] Crimean war df ➢ Late neonate : 8-28 days
pgn] lbPsf] of]ubfg n] pgnfO{ Famous • Infant :<1 year
agfPsf] lyof] . • Toddler : 1-3 year
 She was "statistician and • Pre-school : 1-4 year
Researcher". • School children : 5-15 year
 Florence Nightingale is also known as : • Adolescents : 10-19 years
• Lady with the Lamp
• Founder of Modern Nursing.  Preterm birth : Birth before 37
• Father of Nursing completed weeks (<259 days)
• Modern Father of Nursing  Full-term birth : birth between 37-42
• Mother of modern Nursing completed weeks. (259-294 days)
 Post term birth : birth after 42
TERMINOLOGY completed weeks.(after 294 days)
 Gestation : Pregnancy (40 weeks or 280  Gravid: Pregnant uterus
days or 9 month and 7 days from LMP) -  Decidua: Endometrium of pregnant
uef{j:yfsf] cf}ift cjwL $) xKtf jf ( dlxgf & uterus
lbg jf @*) lbgsf] x'G5_  Abortion : Expulsion or extraction of of
 Gestational age : Duration of pregnancy, fetus before the period of viability. (i.e
22 weeks of gestation)
expressed in completed weeks or days. -
 Intrauterine Fetal Death (IUFD) :
uef{j:yfsf] cjwL h;nfO{ xKtf / lbgdf u0fgf IUFD is death of fetus in uterus after the
ul/G5, To;nfO{ Gestational age elgG5 ._ period of viability (>22 weeks of
 Trimester : 3 month duration of gestation or >500 gm) by WHO.
pregnancy, there are 3 trimesters.-  Still birth : A baby who dies after 28
uef{j:yf nfO{ ltgj6f q}dfl;s df ljefhg weeks of gestation but before or during
ul/Psf] 5, h'g tn lbOPsf] 5 _ birth. [WHO]
 Perinatal mortality = Still birth + Early
a. klxnf] q}dfl;s (First trimester) - First 12 neonatal death
weeks from LMP (0-12 weeks)  Gravida :
b. bf];|f] q}dfl;s (Second trimester: 13-28 • Gravida eGgfn] dlxnf slt k6s ue{jtL
weeks of gestation ePsf] xf], ;f] sf] s'n ;+VofnfO{ hgfp5 .
DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 11
• uef{j:yfsf] cGTo lhljt hGd jf d[t hGd  Low birth weight: birth weight
s] af6 eof], o;n] ;/f]sf/ /fVb}g . <2500 gram.
• Gravida indicates the number of  Very low birth weight: birth
times a woman is or has been weight<1500 gram.
pregnant, regardless of the pregnancy  Extremely low birth weight birth
outcome. weight<1000 gram.
• clxn] sf] ue{ klg o;df u0fgf ug{'kb{5 . (  Precocious puberty: Secondary
A current pregnancy is included in sexual character<5 year,
this count) menstruation<10 year.
 Primigravida: A women who  Chorioamnionitis/intra-amniotic
conceive for the first time. -klxnf] k6s infection (IAI) : Inflammation of fetal
ue{wf/0f u/]ls dlxnf nfO{ Primigravidae membrane (amnion & Chorion), most
elgG5_ commonly due to bacterial infection.
 Multi-gravida: A pregnant mother  Amniocentesis :
who has had previously more than one • Amniotic fluid nfO{ syringe n]
pregnancy. -Ps k6s eGbf al9 k6s ue{jtL aspiration u/]/ examination ug]{ k|lqmof
ePsL dlxnf_ nfO{ amniocentesis elgG5 .
 Grand multi-gravida: A women who  Labour -k|;j_ : A series of event takes
has had previously 4 or more place in the genital organ of female
pregnancy. during child birth, which is a
-$ k6s jf ;f] eGbf w]/} k6s ue{jtL physiological process. -aRrf hlGdg] a]nfdf
ePsL dlxnf_ dlxnfsf] hGddfu{df x'g] 36gfx?sf] k|fs[lts
 Para/Parity : qmdnfO{ k|;j elgG5_
• Para jf Parity eGgfn] ;DalGwt dlxnfn]  Delivery: The expulsion or extraction
period of viability -@@ xKtf_ kl5 hGdfPsf] - of fetus out of the uterus. -ue{df /x]sf]
lhljt jf d[t_ aRrfsf] s'n ;+Vof nfO{ a'l´G5_ lzz'nfO{ aflx/ lgsfNg'_
• t/, Ps}k6sdf Ps eGbf al9 aRrf -h:t} M  Eutocia: Normal labour.
Twins/Triplets) hlGdPdf To;nfO{ Pp6}  Dystocia: Abnormal labour.
Parity df u0fgf ul/G5 . [William’s  Braxton hicks contraction
obstetrics] - Painless uterine contraction seen
• csf]{ zAbdf eGg'kbf{ slt j6f ue{n] Period of from first trimester.
viability (22 weeks) k'/f u/] To;sf] s'n  Parturient: Women in the period of
;+Vof nfO{ Para/parity elgG5 . labour.
 Nulli para: Period of viability -@@ xKtf_  Parturition: The process of giving
kl5 aRrf ghGdfPsL dlxnf (A women who child birth.
has not deliver baby after the period of  Puerpera: The women in the period of
viability, also known as zero para) puerperium.
 Multi-para: xfn;Dd @@ xKtfkl5 Ps jf al9  Puerperium: k|;j ;dfKt ePkl5 kf7]3/
k6s hGd -lhljt jf d[t_ lbPsL dlxnf . A nufot cGo k|hgg\ c++ux? k'j{ ue{jtL cj:yf
women who has given birth one or more (Non-pregnant state) df kmls{g nfUg] ;do
time after the period of viability. cjwL nfO{ puerperium elgG5 .
 Primi-para: A women who has  Involution : k|;j ;dfKt ePkl5 kf7]3/
delivered a baby for first time after the nufot cGo k|hgg\ c++ux? k'j{ ue{jtL cj:yf
period of viability. -@@ xKtfkl5 Ps k6s  (Non-pregnant state) df kmls{g] k|lqmofnfO{
dfq aRrfnfO{ hGd -lhljt jf d[t_ lbPsL involution elgG5
dlxnf_  Ectopic Pregnancy : Uterus eGbf aflx/
 Grand multipara: A women who has cGo 7fpFdf ue{ j:g' .
given birth previously 4 times or more. -  ICM
$ k6s jf ;f] eGbf al9 k6s aRrf hGdfPsL • International Confederation of
dlxnf_ midwives

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• Establishment : 1954 AD  Ovulation occurs soon after the
• Members : 143 member formation of the oocytes.
associations of 124 countries.  Secondary oocyte nfO{ g} ovulation e};s]
 FIGO kl5 ovum elgG5 .
• International Federation of  Oogenesis k|lqmof ovary sf] cortex efu df
Gynecology and Obstetrics. x'G5 , h;df germinal epithelium
• Establihsment : 26 July 1954 (Cuboidal cells) x'G5g .
• Head Office : London, UK (Initiatlly  Ovum contains 23 chromosomes (22,X)
in Geneva)  Around 400 ovulation occurs during
• Members : 132 Professional whole reproductive time.
Socities  Maximu number of oogonia in ovary are
 MIDSON seen in 20 weeks (5th month of
• Midwifery Society of Nepal intrauterine life). i.e 6-7 millions
 A fully matured ovum is the largest cell
• Professional forum for Midwives in
of the human body, is about 130 µm in
• Establishment : 2010 AD
 Ovum sf] aflx/ Ps lsl;dsf] mucoprotein
sf] vf]n (envelope) x'G5, h;nfO{ zona
 IUGR : Intrauterine Growth Retardation pellucida elgG5 .
 SBA : Skilled Birth Attendants
Spermatogenesis Process
 Gametogenesis : Sperm / ovum sf] ljsf;
(maturation) x'g] k|lqmofnfO{ gametogenesis
elgG5 .
 Oogenesis : Ovum sf] ljsf; (maturation)
x'g] k|lqmofnfO{ oogenesis elgG5 .
 Spermatogenesis : Sperm sf] ljsf;
(maturation) x'g] k|lqmof nfO{
Spermatogenesis elgG5 . .
 Spermiogensis : Non motile spermatids
x? motile spermatozoa df ljsf; x'g] k|lqmof
nfO{ spermiogensis elgG5 .
Oogenesis x'g] k|lqmof

Germ cell

Primary oocyte

Maturation of graffian follicles  Mitosis sf]if ljefhg df chromosome sf]

Meiosis I ;FVof same /xG5 .
 Meiosis sf]if ljefhgsf] miosis-I df
Secondary oocyte First polar body chromosome df chromosome sf] ;FVof
(23, X) (23, X)
half (Haploid) x'G5 . (reductional cell
Ovum (23, X) dicision)
 Meiosis-II df chromosomes sf] ;FVof
same x'G5 .

DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 13

 Pp6f Spermatogonia af6 16 Primary  Human body develops from a single cell
spermatocyte aGb5g . is called zygote.
 o;/L Pp6f Spermatogonia af6 16 X 4  Number of chromosomes in zygote : 46
=64 sperms x? aGb5g .  Most common site of fertilization is
 Pp6f Primary spermatocyte af6 4 j6f ampulla of the fallopian tube.
sperm sf] ljsf; x'G5 .  About one hundreds of millions of
 Mature sperm has 2 parts : Head & tail sperm deposited into vagina at a single
(tail is further divided into four zones) ejaculation.
 Only 1000 capacitated spermatozoa
 Capacitation : Physiological changes in enters the uterine tube and only 300-
the sperm by which it becomes 500 reach the ovum but only one
hypermotile and able to fertilize a ovum. fertilize.
-z'qmls6x? df b]vf kg]{ kl/jt{g h;df lolgx?  It takes only 30 minute for the sperm to
cem al9 motile e} ovum nfO{ penetrate ug]{ reach the fallopian tube.
zlQm k|fKt ub{5g ._  Important events following fertilization
 Capacitation takes place in genital tract are :
and takes about 6-8 hours. • 0 hour : Fertilization day (Day 15
from LMP)
 Ovulation : Relase of mature ovum • 30 hours : 2 cell stage (Blastomere)
(secondary oocyte) from the ovary • 40-50 hours : 4 cell stage
following the rupture of graffian follicle • 72 hours : 12-cell stage
is called ovulation. • 96 hours : 16 cell stage, Morula
 Ovulation occurs at the end of follicular enters the uterine cavity.
(proliferative) phase of the • 5th day : Blastocyst
menstruation. (14th day of the cycle) • 4-5th day : zona pellucida
 The mature graffian follicle measures disappears. [zona hatching]
about 20 mm in diameter, due to • 6th day : Blastocyst attachment to
accumulation of follicular fluid. endometrium, called implantation
 Ovulation is due to effect of LH (LH or nidation.
surge) • 10th day : Synthesis of HCG by
 Proliferative phase df LH sf] dfqf pRrtd synctiotrophoblast.
ljGb'df k'u]sf] cj:yf nfO{ LH surge elgG5 . • 13 th day : Primary villi
of] cj:yf sl/a 24 hours ;Dd sfod /xG5 . • 16th day : Secondary villi
-Oestrogen sf] level peak level df sl/a 24-36 • 21th day : tertiary villi
306f ;Dd /xG5 _
 LH surge ePsf] sl/a 16-24 306f kl5 • 21-22 days : Fetal heart, Fetal
ovulation x'G5 . circulation.
 Fertilize gePsf] ovum, degeneration • 5 weeks : Gestation sac on USG
process af6 gi6 x'G5g .
 Fertilizable life span of ovum ranges
 Stage which enters uterine cavity is :
from 12-24 hours, where as that of Morulla (4th day)
sperm is 48-72 hours.  Zona hatching occurs just before
 Menstruation is unrelated to ovulation.
implantation. (5 days after
 Ovulation ge} x'g] dlxgfjf/L nfO anovular
 Zona hatching : Implantation x'g' cufl8
menstruation elgG5 , of] adolescence,
after childbirth, near menopause sf] zona pellucida Rofltg' .
 Implantation occurs at Blastocyst stage.
a]nfdf common x'G5 .
(6th days after fertilization)
 Blastocyst contains trophoblast, from
 Fertilization : Fertilization is the
which placenta and membranes are
process of fusion of spermatozoon with
mature ovum to form zygote.
 Zygote is a single cell.

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 The embryo can be differentiate as  Parts of female pelvis are:
human at 8th weeks A. A basin like structure
 After 8 weeks of fertilization, B. Composed of 4 bones:
Trophoblastic cells differentiated into • 2 innominate bones (nameless) or hip
two layers : bone :
 Cytotrophoblast • 1 sacrum bone
 Synctiotrophoblast • 1 coccyx bone
• Secretes HCG hormone & Human  Each innominate bone has 3 parts.
placental latogen (HPL) (Ilium, Ischium, pubis)
• Also known as 'hormone factory of  Pelvic joints:
placenta'. • 1 symphysis pubis
• 2 sacro-iliac joints
Decidua • 1 sacro-coccygeal joint
 Endometrium of the pregnant uterus.  Pelvic ligaments :
 Well-developed decidua differentiated • Sacro tuberous ligament
into three layers : Compact, spongy • Sacro spinous ligament
and thin basal layers.  Pelvis is divided into 2 parts :
 It's main functions are : • The false pelvis : Part of pelvic above the
• Provide environment for pelvic brim, has no obstetrical
implantation. significance.
• Supplies nutrition to growing • The true pelvis : Part of pelvis below the
ovum. pelvic brim, plays important role in
• Decidua basalis provide basal childbirth & delivery.
plate to placenta.  True pelvis is divided into 3 parts;
pelvic outlet, pelvic brim, and the pelvic
 A germ layer is primary layer of cells
that forms during embryonic Diameter Antero- Oblique Transverse
development. posterior
 Three germ layers are : Ectoderm, Brim 11 cm 12 cm 13
mesoderm & endoder. (Inlet)
 ECTODERM LAYERS : It forms Central Cavity 12 cm 12 cm 12
and peripheral nervous system, Outlet 13 cm 12 cm 11
epidermis of the skin, hair, nail,
pituitary gland, salivary gland, roof of  There are 4 types of female pelvis:
mouth, paranasal sinuses etc. Gynaecoid, android, anthropoid and
 MESODERM LAYER : It forms Bone, platypelloid.
cartilage, muscles, cardiovascular
system, kidney, testes, ovary, adrenal A. Gynaecoid:
glands, spleen, genital tract, pericardial,  Most common type (Approximately
peritoneal and pleural cavity etc. 50%).
 ENDODERM LAYER : It forms lining of  Shape of brim is round.
gastrointestinal tract, liver, gall bladder,  Cavity is wide and shallow.
pancreas, lining of respiratory tract,  Sacrum is well curved.
mucous membrane of urinary bladder  Ischial spines are blunt.
and urethra, bulbourethral gland etc.  The fetal head often engage in the
transverse diameter of the brim in
The pelvis occipito-anterior position.
 A basin like structure formed anteriorly
and laterally by the innominate bone B. Anthropoid:
and posteriorly by the sacrum and  Approximately 25%.
coccx.  Shape of brim is oval.

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 Anterioposterior diameter is more (D) face presentation
than transverse diameter in (E) Cord prolapsed
anthropoid pelvis.
 Cavity is wider and side walls are Trial Labour :
straight.  Mild to moderated degree sf] CPD df
 Sacrum is long and narrow. vaginal delivery sf]lz; ug{' nfO{ Trial
 Ischial spines are prominent. labour elgG5 .
 The fetal head may engage with the  This is done in hospital settings.
occipito-posterior.  Trial labour is best management of
 Face to pubis delivery is most CPD at the level of inlet.
common in anthropoid.  Contraindications of trial labour :
a. Severe degree of contracted pelvis.
C. Android: b. Previous cesarian section
 Approximately 20%. c. Elderly primigravidae
 Male type pelvis. d. Malpresentation
 Shape of inlet triangular, like heart. e. Previous history of trial labour.
 Sacrum is straight and inclined f. Severe PIH, diabetes & heart disease
 Side walls of the cavities are Cephalopelvic Disproportion (CPD)
convergent.  Fetus eGbf pelvis ;fgf] x'g' nfO CPD elgG5
 Ischial spines are prominent. .
 The fetal head may engage  of] clxn]sf] pregnancy df 5 eg] csf]{ k6sdf
transversly or occipito-posterior gx'g ;S5 .
position, chance of perineal tears  CPD / contracted pelvis Pp6} xf]Og .
during delivery.  CPD ePls dlxnfdf Ps k6s C/S u/]klg ;w}
ug{' kb}{g t/ Contracted pelvis ePls
D. Platypelloid: dlxnfdf x/]s ue{df C/S delivery cfjZos
 Approximately 5%. x'G5 .
 Least common type.  Trial labour is best management of
 Broad flat pelvis. CPD at the level of inlet
 Pelvic inlet- oval, like kidney.
 Sacrum is straight and inclined Fetal head
 Ischial spines are not prominent.
 Sutures : Joint between cranial bones of
the skull is called sutures.
 The fetal head will engage in the
a. Frontal/metopic suture : joint
transverse diameter.
between two frontal bones
b. Coronal suture : Between parietal
Contracted pelvis
and frontal bone.
 A contracted pelvis is one in which one
c. Sagittal suture or longitudinal
or more diameter are reduced by 0.5
suture : Between two parietal bones.
cm or more and interfere with labour.
d. Lambdoid suture : Between parietal
 The diameter may be reduced by 1 cm
and occipital bone.
or more.
 Common in women with height <140
 Management of choice for contracted
pelvis is 'Cesarean section'
 Effect on labor :
(A) Major degree of cephalopelvic
disproportion (CPD)
(B)Obstructed labor
(C) Need C/S delivery

DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 16

 Gliding movement -vlK6g'_ overlapping AREAS OF SKULL
of one bone of skull over the other bone (Presenting parts of cephalic presentation)
is called Moulding.  Vertex : Area between anterior
 Grading of moulding fontanelle & posterior fontanelle. (Or
0-No moulding between coronal suture and lambdoid
1-Bone touching but not overlapping suture)
2-Overlaping but easily separated.  Brow : Forehead, the presenting
3-Fixed overlaping diameter is occipito-mental or
 Fontanelles : mentovertical diameter, which is the
• The membranous space (wide gap) longest anterio-posterior diameter of
between cranial bone is called fetal head. (14 cm)
fontanelle.  Face : From root of the nose to
junction of the chin.
• At the time of birth , fetal skull has 6
 Occiput : Area limited to occipital
fontanelles, out of which two are of
obstetrical significance.
 Mentum : Chin of the fetus.
(A) Anterior fontanelle :
 It is also called Bregma.
Swelling of Fetal Head
 Located at the junction of the
sagittal, coronal and frontal suture.  Caput succedaneum
 Diamond shaped • Formation of swelling due to
 Anteroposterior and transverse accumulation of fluid in scalp.
diameter : 3 cm • Not limited by suture, can cross
 Ossified (Closed) at 18 months suture line.
after birth. (should be closed within • Appears at birth.
24 months, if not it is pathological) • Caput disappears after 24 hours.
 It facilitates moulding during labour.  Cephalhematoma :
(B) Posterior fontanelle : • Collection of blood between the
 It is also called Lambda bones, usually due to forcep delivery.
 Located at the junction of the sagittal • It is not develops at birth but
and lambdoid suture. develops after 12-24 hour, the
 Shape : like inverted letter 'Y'. swelling is limited. The
 Closes at 6 to 8 weeks. cephalhematoma may disappear
after 6-8 weeks
Diameter of the skull
• Biparietal diameter -9.5 cm Feto-pelvic Relationships
• Bitemporal diameter -8.0 cm 1. Lie
• Suboccipito-bregmatic diameter -9.5 cm  The relationship between long axis of
• Occcipitofrontal diameter -11.5 cm the fetus to the long axis of the mother.
• Mento-vertical diameter -14 cm  The lie of fetus may be :
• Submento bregmatic diameter -9.5 a. Longitudinal lie : When fetal axis &
maternal axis corresponds, it is
longitudinal lie, the commonest lie.
b. Transverse lie : Maternal axis &
fetal axis cross at 450.
c. Oblique lie : Maternal axis & fetal
axis cross at 450.

2. Presentation
 Presentation refers to the part of the
fetus which lies over the pelvic brim

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 Presentation may be : 3. Right Occipito-posterior (ROP)
a. cephalic (96.8%) : when Head is 4. Left Occipito-posterior (LOP)
lower pole, Most common 5. Right occipito-lateral (ROL)
presentation. 6. Left Occipito-lateral (LOL)
b. Breech (2.7-3%%) : When 7. Right occiput transverse (ROT)
buttocks are in lower pole. 8. Left occiput transverse (LOT)
 When more than one part of the
fetus is present it is called  Normal Position : Occipito-anterior.
compound presentation.  The commonest position is left occipito
anterior (LOA).
3. Presenting part  The commonest position during labour
 The part of the presentation which left occipito-Transverse (LOT).
overlies the internal os and felt by the
finger on vaginal examination. 7. Station :
 Most dependent part of the fetal body is  Station is the relationship of the
called presenting part. presenting part to the ischial spine.
 In cephalic presentation, presenting  If head is at the level of ischial spine,
parts may be : the station is 0.
• Vertex : Most common (96%)  If the head is above the level of ischial
• Face (0.5%) spine, the station is negative.(-ve)
• Brow (0.01%) .  If the head is Below the level of ischial
spine, the station is positive.
4. Attitude
 The relation of the different parts to the PLACENTA, FETAL MEMBRANES AND
fetus to one another. UMBILICAL CORD
 The basic attitude may be : Flexion and
extension PLACENTA
 The universal attitude in uterus is  Also known as 'Fetal lung'
Flexion.  It occupies 1/4th of the uterine cavity.
 It occupies 30% of the uterine wall.
5. Denominator  Human placenta is :
 An arbitrary -dgdfgL_ bony • Discoid : Disc shaped.
pointschosen for each fetal presenting • Hemochorial : Direct contact of the
part. chorion with maternal blood.
Presentation Denominator • Deciduate : attached with decidua,
Vertex Occiput and some maternal tisse shed
Face Mentum during childbirth .
Brow Sinciput  Establish connection between mother
Breech Sacrum and fetus through the umbilical cord.
Shoulder Scapula (acromian  Weight: 500gm (1/6th of the fetal
process) weight)
 At 17 weeks of gestation the weight of
6. Position the fetus & placenta are equals.
 The relation of denominator to the  Ratio of weight of placenta to the weight
denominator to the different quadrants of the baby at term - 1:6.
of the maternal pelvis.  At term, 15-20 cm diameter and 3 cm
 The pelvis is divided into 8 equal thickness.
segments of 450 each. (total 3600)  It begins at 6th weeks and formation of
 Thus, 8 positions are possible. placenta completes by 12th week.
 They are :  Maternal blood enters placental
1. Right occipito-anterior (ROA) circulation by 15 days after
2. Left Occipitoanterior (LOA)

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fertilization. (uteroplacental Placental hemodynamics
circulation).  Volume of blood in mature
 Feto placental circulation is established placenta -500 ml.
by 17 days after fertilization.  Volume of blood in intervillous
 It has 2 surfaces: Fetal and maternal space -150 ml (maternal blood).
surface.  Volume of blood in Villi : 350 ml.
(A) Fetal surface (Chorionic (feta blood)
Frondosum):  Blood flow in intervillous space
• Covered by the smooth and glistering -500-600 ml/min
amnion.  Fetal blood flow (feto-placental
• At term, about 4/5 of the placenta is of blood flow) Through the placenta
fetal origin - 400 ml/min
• Umbilical cord is attached at center  Utero-placental blood flow at term,
(B) Maternal surface (Decidua basalis) : 500-750 ml/min (400-600
• Rough, shaggy and fleshy in ml/min in some source)
appearance.  Uterine blood flow at term : 750
• Has many finger like projections, ml/min (non-pregnant : 50
called Villi. ml/min)
• Villi have syncytiotrophoblast and  Fetal blood volume at term :
cytotrophoblast. 125ml/min.
• Space between the villi, there are  Pressure in umbilical artery
intervillous spaces. -60 mm of Hg
 Villi caries fetal blood. (Volume : 350  Pressure in umbilical vein
ml). -10 mm of Hg
 Intervillous space has maternal blood.  Pressure in the uterine artery
(Volume : 150 ml) -70-80 mm of Hg
 Thus volume of blood in placenta is
500 ml. (350+150 ml)  The blood in the intervillous space is
 Oxygen saturation of placental blood replaced about 3-4 minute.
: 65-75%  The immunoglobulin which can cross
 Oxygen delivery to fetus per minute placental barrier is -IgG.
is about : 8 ml/kg  IgG can cross placental barrier after 12
 Placenta contains fetal and maternal weeks.
blood, but do not mix with each other.  For placental localization, USG be
 Functional unit of the placenta is called should be done in 3rd trimester.
fetal cotyledons or placentome or  Functions of the placenta:
lobe or lobule. • Transfer function : transfer
 Placenta consists of 15-20 lobes. nutrients, oxygen, antibodies, etc
 Placenta is usually attached to the • Immunological function
upper part of the uterine body. • Enzymatic function
 Placentomegaly : Thickness of placenta • Barrier function : protect from
>40 mm at term transfer of drugs, viruses etc.
 Most common benign tumor of placenta • Endocrinal function: Produce
is : Chorangioma progesterone (beta-HCG), Human
 Placenta separates after the birth of the placental Lactogen (HPL),
baby, by two ways Progesterone, oestrogen.
a. Central separation
b. Marginal separation  Main site of placenta for hormone
production is : Syntiotrophoblast.
(also called Hormone factory of

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 Main hormone during pregnancy : Abnormalities of Placenta & cord
Progesterone. 1. Battledore placenta : Umbilical cord is
 In first trimester of pregnancy attached to the margin of the
progesterone is mainly produced by : placenta.(Racket placenta)
Corpus luteum 2. Velamentous insertion : Umbilical cord
 During first 6-7 weeks, progesterone is is attached with membrane.
synthesized by corpus luteum. 3. Placenta Succenturiata : one or more
 After 8-10 weeks, placenta secretes lobe (cotylydon) is placed at varying
progesterone. distance from main placental margin. (Also
 Level of progesterone at term : 300 called lobed placenta)
ng/ml. 4. Circumvallate placenta : Chorionic
 Low progesterone is seen in ectopic plate is covered by a double fold of amnion
pregnancy, abortion etc. and chorion so between maternal surface
 High progesterone level is seen in and fetal surface a valve like structure is
Molar preganancy, Rh seen.
isoimmunization. 5. Placenta accreta : Chorionic villi are
 Human Placental lactogen (HPL), also attached to the superficial myometrium.
secreted by synctiotrophoblast, It 6. Placenta increta : Villi penetrates deep
increases insulin resistance during in myometrium.
pregnancy, hence blood glucose is high 7. Placenta percreta : Villi penetrates the
during pregnancy. full thickness myometrium and reach upto
 Main source of energy for fetus : serosa
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) FETAL MEMBRANES
Hormone A. Amnion
 Secreted by synctiotrophoblast of • Innermost fetal membrane
Placenta. • It is avascular.
 Two subunits : α HCG (non-specific) • Formed between 10-11days after
& β-HCG (Specific) fertilization.
 Half life : 24-36 hours B. Chorion
 Doubling time : 2 days • Formed 8 days after fertilization.
 HCG can be detected : • Placenta is formed from chorion.
• 8-9 days following fertilization C. Yolk Sac : First site of hemopoiesis.
or ovulation. D. Allantosis : umbilical cord is developed
• 3 weeks (DAY 22) of LMP. from allantosis. (connecting stalk)
• Soon after implantation.
• 5-6 days before missed period. Umbilical cord:
 Level of HCG at missed period :
100 IU/L.
 Reaches maximum (100,000
IU/L) at : 8-10 weeks (70 days)
 Level of HCG becomes minimum at
: 16 weeks
 HCG disappears from urine after :
48 hours after delivery
 HCG disappears from blood after
1-2 weeks of delivery  Length: 35-55 cm (40 cm)
 Function of HCG : Maintain corpus  Long cord > 55 cm.
luteum during pregnancy. (similar  Short cord : <32 cm.
as LH)  Diameter: 1.5 to 2 cm.
 Develops from allantosis (connecting

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 Covered only by amnion. (no chorion)  Fetal swallowing of amniotic fluid :
 Structures : 750 ml/day.
A. Covering epithelium  Normal range: 500-1500 ml.
B. Wharton's jelly • 12 weeks -50 ml
C. Blood vessels : • 20 weeks -400 ml
• It consist of Two arteries and one • 36-38 weeks -1000 ml (maximum)
vein. • 40 weeks -600 to 800 ml
• Initially there are four vessels - Two • 43 weeks -200 ml
arteries and two veins, The right
vein disappears by 4th month  Functions of amniotic fluid :
 Cord is attached at the center of the a. The main function is to protect
placenta. fetus.
 When the cord is attached to margin of b. Helps in development of fetal lungs.
placenta, it is called : Battledore c. Maintains even body temperature.
placenta. d. Prevents adhesions between fetal
 Short umbilical cord is associated part and amniotic sac.
with : e. It provides water supply to the
• IUGR fetus during pregnancy.
• Abnormal lie/presentation. f. helps in dilatation of cervix.
• Congenital malformations g. It flushes the birth canal at the end
• Premature separation of placenta of the first stage of labor.
(Abruptio placentae) Amniotic fluid has no role in nutrition.
 Long umbilical cord is associated
with :  Abnormal colors
• Cord prolapse a. Meconium stained (green)
• Cord around neck of fetus -Fetal distress is suspected.
• Fetal distress etc. b. Golden color
-Rh incompatibility
Amniotic Fluid (Liquor amnii) c. Greenish yellow -
 Color : Pale, straw color near term. Post maturity
 Colourless in early pregnancy. d. Dark colored -
 Specific gravity: 1.008 to 1.010. accidental hemorrhage.
 PH : 7.0-7.5 e. Dark brown -
 Osmolarity : 250 mmol Intrauterine death (IUD)
 It is hypotonic to maternal serum.
 Composition : Water 98-99%, Solid  Daily output of fetal urine at term is
1-2% (Protein, glucose, urea, uric acid, about 400-1200 ml.
creatinine, lipids, hormones)  Normal Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI) =
 Replaced in every 3 hours. 5-24 cm
 The precise origin of amniotic fluid is
not well understood. Oligohydrominous
 Amniotic fluid originates from  Amniotic fluid <200 ml or AFI<5cm.
maternal and fetal sources : (AFI= Amniotic Fluid Index)
 In early Pregnancy : From maternal  Causes :
plasma. • Drugs : Indomethacin, ACE
 2nd trimester : Diffusion from fetal inhibitors.
skin. • IUGR
 After 20 weeks : Fetal urine and fetal • Leaking of fluid following
lungs are main contributors. (fetal amniocentesis.
lungs also produce fluid) • Hypertension, pre-eclampsia
 Major contribution of amniotic fluid : • Post term pregnancy
fetal urine. • Premature rupture of membrane
DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 21
• Renal abnormalities of fetus. (B) Late months
• Fetal maturity
 Complications : • Lungs development
(A) Fetal complications : • Rh isoimmunization
• Pulmonary hyperplacia • Meconium stained liquor
(undeveloped lungs) - Most • Sex determination
common.  Therapeutic purpose
• IUGR • Induction of abortion
• Meconium aspiration syndrome • Amnioinfusion
• Fetal distress • To dilute meconium stained liquor.
(B) Maternal complications • Management of oligohydroamnios
• Prolonged labour and polyhydramnios
• Malpresentations  The main purpose of amniocentesis is to
• Increase maternal morbidity. detect genetic/chromosomal
 Management abnormalities.
• Supportive management  The best time for amniocentesis is 15-
• Oral administration of water 20 weeks of gestation.
• Amnioinfusion
Foetal Circulation (Feto-placental
Polyhydrominous Circulation):
 Amniotic fluid >2000 ml or AFI>24 cm.
(25 or more).  cfdfsf] uterus leq /x]sf] aRrfdf x'g]
 Causes /Qm;~rf/nfO{ foetal circulation elgG5
• Twins/multiple pregnancy (more  Fetal circulation k|lqmof uef{j:yfsf] s/La !&
fetus→more urine) lbg b]lv ;'? x'G5 eg] sl/a # xKtfb]lv d'6'n] klg
• Maternal hyperglycemia or diabetes sfd ug{ yfNb5 .
• Difficulty in swallowin amniotic
 Fetal cardiovascular system develops
 Complications : from mesoderm layer.
• Premature rupture of membrane  Embryo nfO{ rflxg] cfjZos tTj / clS;hg
• Preterm labour Placenta af6 umbilical vein n] n}hfG5 eg]
• Abruptio placenta cz'4 /ut umbilical arteries n] Placenta
;Dd k'¥ofpb5g .
• Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
(PIH)  ha umbilical vein, placenta af6 lg:s]/
• Cord prolapse, malpresentation, umbilicus x'b} fetus sf] zl//df k|j]z x'G5,
unstable lie To;kl5 of] portal vein ;+u ldNb5, h;n] ubf{
• In fetus : Prematurity, LBW, o;n] Nofpg] /utsf] s]lx dfqf sn]hf]df k'Ub5 /
congenital abnormalities, increased sn]hf]af6 hepatic vein dfkm{t inferior
perinatal mortality.
 Management : Amniocentesis, venacava df k'Ub5 .
Indomethacin therapy etc.  o;sf cltl/Qm umbilical vein l;w} Ductus
venosus dfkm{t inferior venacava ;+u
AMNIOCENTESIS hf]l8Psf] x'G5 . o;n] Nofpg] w]/}h;f] /ut
 Amniocentesis is a medical procedure
Ductus venosus dfkm{t l;w} inferior
used for aspiration of amniotic fluid for
diagnostic or therapeutic purpose. venacava x'b} d'6'sf] right atrium df k'Ub5 .
 Diagnostic Purpose :  d'6'sf] right atrium / left atrium sf] leQfdf
(A) Early months (15-20 weeks) Pp6f Kjfn x'G5, h;nfO{ Foramen ovale
• Genetic abnormalities elgG5, sl/a 75% /ut olx foramen ovale
• Neural tube defects.
x'b} right atrium sf] /ut left atrium df k'Ub5
DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 22
. o;kl5 left atrium sf] /ut left ventricle • Anatomical closing : 7 days.
df k'Ub5 / aorta sf] dfWodaf6 d'6' / • Reminent -cjz]if_ M Ligamentum
dl:tisnfO{ z'4 /ut k|bfg x'G5 . venosum.
 Right atrium sf] sl/a 25% /ut tricuspid 2. Formanen ovale :
valve sf] af6f] x'b} Right ventricle df klg • Connection/shunt between Right
hfG5 . Right ventricle sf] /ut o;kl5 atrium & Left atrium.
pulmonary artery df k'Ub5 . Pulmonary • Bypass the lungs
artery / aorta aLr Pp6f gzf • Physiological change : 5 minute after
(Shunt/connection) x'G5, ,h;nfO{ Ductus birth .
arteriosus elgG5 . olx ductus arterious • Anatomical closure : 1 year.
dfkm{t pulmonary artery sf] ;a} /ut aorta • Reminent -cjz]if_ M Fossa ovalis.
df ldl;G5 .
3. Ductus arteriosus
 Pulmonary artery af6 s]lx /ut kmf]S;f]df
• Connection between Pulmonary
klg k'Ub5, t/ fetus df kmfS;f] n] :jf; gkm]g]{
artery and Aorta. (Artery+artery)
x'bf ;f] /ut Pulmonary vein x'b} d'6'sf] left
• By pass lungs.
atrium →Left ventricle→Aorta df k'Ub5 .
• Physiological closure : 5 minute after
 Aorta af6 ;—;fgf arteries x? lg:s]sf x'G5g
h;n] zl//nfO{ ;'4 /ut k|bfg ub{5g . o;/L
• Anatomical closure : 3 months after
;'4 /ut k|bfg ug]{ qmddf cz'4 /ut klg cln
cln hDdf x'b} @ j6f umbilical arteries x?
• Reminent -cjz]if_ M Ligamentum
dfkm{t Placenta df k'Ub5g . Placenta df z'4
eO k'gM umbilical vein x'b} z'4 /ut Fetus sf]
zl// ;Dd k''Ub5 . 4. Umbilical vein :
• Reminent-cjz]if_ M Ligamentum teres
5. umbilical artery :
• Reminent-cjz]if_ M Median umbilical

➢ Umbilical cord consists of two arteries

and one veins.
➢ Initially umbilical cord consists of two
arteries and two veins, after 4 month,
the right vein disappears.
➢ Umbilical vein carries oxygenated blood
(80% saturated) from the placenta.
➢ The mean cardiac output is
Change After Birth
comparatively high in fetus and is
1. Ductus Venosus : estimated to be 350 ml/kg/min.
• Connection between umbilical vein and ➢ Within 1 or 2 hours following birth, the
inferior venacava. (Vein+vein) cardiac output is estimated to be about
• Bypass the liver. 500 ml/min, the heart rate varies from
• Physiological change 5 minute after 120 to 140/minute.

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Physiological Changes During  Becomes oedematous, more vascular,
Pregnancy: becomes bluish (Jacquimer's
1. General consideration sign/Chadwick's sign)
 Basal metabolic Rate (BMR) increases  Secretion becomes copius, thin and
by 10-20%. curdy white.
 Total amount of water retained during  pH becomes more acidic. (3.5-6)
pregnancy : 6.5 Liter (Hypervolemia) (B) Uterus
 Extra calorie requirement : +350 Kcal  At term, uterus weighs about 900-
 Weight gain : 10-12 kg. 1000 gm. (Non pregnant : 60 gm)
 Ideal weight gain : 11 kg (24 Ib)  Lenghth measures about 35 cm (
• First trimester : 1 kg non pregnant : 7.5 cm)
 Capacity becomes 5000 ml. ( non-
• Second trimester : 5 kg
pregnant -10 ml)
• Third trimester : 5 kg
 Change in Shape :
 Insulin secretion is increased.
• Globular : 8-12 weeks
 But insulin resistance occurs during
pregnancy, due to oestrogen, • Pyriform : 12-36 weeks
progesterone, cortisol, HPL. • Spherical : 36 weeks after
 HPL is main hormone causing insulin  Size of uterus :
resistance during pregnancy. • Hen's egg size : 6 weeks
 Gestational diabetes is due to insulin • Cricket ball size : 8 weeks
resistance. • Fetal head size : 12 weeks
 Best time for screening of gestational  Increase in fundal height
diabetes is 24-28 weeks, when the • Within pelvic cavity : <12 weeks
insulin resistance is maximum. • At symphysis pubis : at 12 weeks
 During fasting : Hypoglycemia (due to • Between symphysis pubis & umbilicus :
glucose used by fetus) 18 weeks
 Post prandial : Hyperglycemia occurs • At umbilicus : at 24 weeks
due to insulin resistance. • Between umbilicus & Xiphisternum :
 Oral Glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is 30 weeks
best method for screening gestational • At Xiphisternum : 36 weeks
diabetes mellitus.  Uterus becomes palpable after 12
 Glycosurea may be seen in 50% of weeks.
pregnancies.  Increased uterine blood flow : 500-750
 Total iron required during whole ml/min (non-pregnant -50 ml/min)
pregnancy is about 1000 mg  Change in position : rotate on it's long
 Daily requirement of Iron : axis to right (dextroroatation), uterus
• Adult male : 0.84 mg lies on bladder, hence cause frequency
• Adult women : 1.65 mg of micturition.
• Pregnant women : 2.80 mg (K. Park  Braxton Hicks contractions :
psm 24th edt) irregular, painless contractions, not
• Daily requirement in second half of related to cervical dilatation. (felt from
pregnancy : 6-7 mg (DC Dutta) second trimester)
• Lactating : 1.65 mg  Braxton hiicks contractions are not felt
• Daily loss : 1 mg/day in abdominal pregnancy.
 Increased level of steroid hormones  The endometrium in pregnancy, called
(Porgesteroen & oestrogen) decidua.
 Increased level prolactin hormone.  Softening of the cervix (Goodel's sign)
 Forms lower uterine segment (LUS)
2. Changes in Genital organs (C) Ovary
(A) Vagina  No ovulation during pregnancy.
 Corpus luteum is non-functional 6-7
DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 24
 Placenta takes over the function of  Maximum cardiac output during
corpus luteum by 8-10 weeks. pregnancy is seen in : 28-32 week.
3. Breast Changes  During pregnancy, uterus presses on
 Increased size (marked hypertrophy & inferior venacava→femoral venous
proliferation) pressure increases→may cause pedal
 Nipple becomes larger, erectile and oedema/varicose vein,
deeply pigmented. Hemorrhoides.
 Montgomery's tubercles are  Postural hyptension is common due to
prominent. venous compression.
 Irregular pigmented area around  Pregnancy is a state of hypervolemia.
nipple : Secondary areola  Erythropoietin level is raised.
 Colostrum can be squeezed at about 12  Increase plasma volume results into
weeks which is sticky, after 16 weeks hemodilution and causes physiological
it becomes thick yellowish. anemia.
4. Skin Changes  At term, Hb is reduced by about 2gm%.
 Hyperpigmentation on cheek, forehead  ESR increases by 4 folds.
and around eyes, called cholasma.  pH increased, respiratory alkalosis.
(Also known as 'Pregnancy mask'), (7.42)
disappears after delivery.  There is overall decrease in blood
 Linea nigra : Brownish black pressure, due to reduced Systemic
pigmented straight line in the midline Vascular Resistant (SVR). BP=COX SVR
from xiphisternum to symphysis pubis.  Systolic murmur can be heard at apical
(Sometime seen in OCP users) region.
 Striae gravidarum : Linear stretch
marks with varyin length on abdominal DIAGNOSIS OF PREGNANCY
wall below the umbilicus, during  The total duration of pregnancy is 9
pregnancy they are pinkish in color. months and 7 days, or 40 weeks or
 After delivery, striae gravidum 280 days.
becomes white, called striae albicans.  This is also called 'gestational age'.
 Pseudocyesis : False pregnancy
5. Change in cardiovascular system (women has some sign/symptoms of
Which increases Which decreases pregnancy but no positive signs)
Blood volume (30- Packed cell  Expected Date of Delivery can be
60%) volume (PCV), calculated by Naegele's formula :
Viscosity of blood. EDD= LMP + 9 month & 7 days
Plasma volume Viscocity of blood  The entire duration of pregnancy is
divided into three trimesters.
RBC count Hematocrit,
• First trimester : 0-12 weeks
Hemoglobin (gm) Hemoglobin
• Second trimester : 13-28 weeks
or total (gm/dl), or % due
to hemodilution • Third trimester : 29-40 weeks
WBC count Platelet count
(A) FIRST TRIMESTER (0-12 weeks)
Plasma proteins Serum albumin  Symptoms :
(gm) U = Incresed urinary Frequency
Cardiac output Peripheral Are = Amenorrhoea
(40%) resistance My= Morning sickness
Heart rate (by 10- Blood pressure Best = Breast tenderness
15bpm) Friend = Fatigue
 PCV (Packed cell volume) : % of cells
in blood.
 Hematocrit : % of RBC in blood.

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 Signs :  The first sign of pregnancy on USG is
• Jacquemier's sign/Chadwick's sign : appearance of gestatitonal sac.
Bluish discoloration of vulva & Vagina.  Earliest abnormality to be detected on
(8 weeks) USG : Anencephaly. (<10 weeks)
• Goodel's sign : Softneing of cervix (6
weeks) Signs & symptoms of pregnancy
• Osiander's sign : increased pulsation s_ uef{j:yfsf cg'dflgt nIf0fx?
at lateral fornices. (8 weeks) (Presumptive signs)
• Hager's sign : On bimanual  dlxgfjf/L aGb x'g' (Amenorrhoea)
examination, lower uterine segment  ljxfg ljxfg jfsjfsL nfUg' (morning
feels empty and soft while mass sickness)
palpable in upper segment. (6-10  w]/}k6s lk;fa nfUg' (frequency of
weeks) micturation)
• Palmer's sign : on bimanual  cToflws ysfg nfUg' (unexplained fatigue)
examination, rgular & rhythemic  :tg 7'nf] x'b} hfg' / b'vfO{ dz;'; x'g' (Breast
contraction felt on palm. (4-8 weeks) enlargement and tenderness)
• FHS can be recorded by USG after 6  5fnf lrnfpg' (itchy skin), rfofF kf]tf] cfpg'
weeks. (Cholasma)
• FHS can be recorded by Doppler  aRrf rn]sf] dx;'z x'g' (Sensation of
after 10 weeks. quickening)
• Enlarged abdomen
v_ uef{j:yfsf ;Defljt nIf0f tyf lrXg x?
(B) SECOND TRIMESTER (13-28 weeks) (Probable signs)
 Symptoms  Goodell’s sign : Softening of cervix (6
• Quickening : Active fetal movement weeks)
felt by mother after 16-20 weeks  Chadwicks sign/Jacquimer’s sign:
pregnancy. (Primi = 18 weeks, Multi Bluish discoloration of vulva & vagina.
= 16 weeks) (about 8 weeks)
 Hager’s sign : Lower uterine segment
• Cholasma
feels soft and empty.(6-10 weeks)
• Secondary areola
 Osiander’s sign : increased pulsation at
• Secretion of Colostrum
lateral fornices. (at 8 week)
• Braxton hicks contractions  Palmer’s sign : during bimanual
• Fetal parts palpable (after 20 weeks) examination (at 4-8 weeks) regular
• Ballotement of uterus : Finger n] uterine contraction can be felt.
cervix df tap ubf{ Fetus dfly jump  Ballottement : A method of diagnosing
u/]h:tf] x'g' . (When lower uterine pregnancy, in which the uterus is
segment is tapped by examiner's pushed with a finger to feel whether the
finger, the fetus floats upwards) fetus moves away and returns.
• Ballotement can be felt at 16-20  Positive pregnancy test (HCG +ve) :
weeks of pregnancy. HCG positive in Urine after 3 weeks from
• Ausculatation of fetal heart sound LMP (8-9 days following fertilization,
by stethoscope after 18-20 weeks. soon after implantation).
 Enlargement of abdomen
(C) Third Trimester (29-40 weeks)  Braxton hicks contraction.
 Lightening : After 36 weeks, fetal head
settles into pelvis, called lightening, also u_ uef{j:yfsf ;sf/fTds nIf0f tyf lrXgx?
known as 'welcome sign of labour'. (Positive signs)
 Amenorrhoea, enlarged abdomen,  USG jf X-ray df fetus visible x'g' .
frequency of micturition, quickening etc  Fetal Heart Sound (FHS) ;'lgg' .
also persists in 3rd trimester.  lzz'sf] zl//sf] efu 5fDbf cg'ej ug{ ;Sg'

DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 26

 hl6ntfx? sf] pkrf/ ug{' (To treat the
Signs Time of complications)
occurrence  uef{j:yf / k|;jsf] af/]df dlxnfnfO{ lzIff
1. Amenorrhoea 4 weeks + k|bfg ug{' . (To educate the pregnant
2. morning sickness 4-14 Weeks women about the physiology of
4. Quickening 16-20 weeks pregnancy and labour)
5. HCG Positive (urine) 3 weeks+ (from  k|;'tLsf] ;do, 7fpF / k|;'tLsf] tl/sf af/]
LMP) 5nkmn ug{' jf k'j{tof/L ug{' . (Birth
8-9 days after preparedness and complication
6. Braxton hicks 16 weeks
 uef{j:yfsf] cGTodf Pp6f :j:y cfdfaf6 Pp6f
7. Ballottement of fetus 6-28 weeks
:j:y aRrf k|fKt ug{' g} o;sf] d'Vo p4]Zo xf] .
(The main objective of ANC is to have
8. Visualization of fetus 6 weeks+
on USG normal pregnancy, delivery of a healthy
9. Visualization of fetus 16-28 weeks baby by a healthy mother)
on X-ray
10. FHS by USG 6 weeks + Antenatal visits
11. FHS by Doppler 10 weeks +  Ideal number of ANC visit is 11.
11. FHS by fetal 20 weeks+  Ideally the mother should attend the
stethoscope (Fetoscope) ANC visit once a month during first 7
12. Uterus palpable 12 weeks + month; twice a month, during next
13. Fetus movement 22 weeks + month; and thereafter once a week.
14. fetal parts palpated 24 weeks  New WHO ANC model 2016 ;
15. Fetal movement Late pregnancy
visible WHO FANC 2016 WHO ANC
model (old) model (new)
 Maternal age 35 years and <18 years. Visit 1 : 8-12 Contact 1 : upto 12
 Height <140 cm, Weight<40kg weeks weeeks
 Rh Negative mother Second trimester
 Breech presentation. Visit 2 : 24-26 Contact 2 : 20 weeks
 Poor weight gain (Normal weight gain weeks Contact 3 : 26 weeks
is: 10-12 kg).
Third trimester
 Twins pregnancy
Visit 3 : 32 Contact 4 : 30 weeks
 H/O previous Caesarian section.
weeks Contact 5 : 34 weeks
k'j{k|;'tL ;]jf÷Antenatal care (ANC) Visit 4 : 36-38 Contact 6 : 36 weeks
weeks Contact 7 ; 38 weeks
 Systemic supervision (examination and
Contact 8 : 40 weeks
advice) of a women during pregnancy is
called antenatal care. (prenatal care). Source : WHO recommendation on antenatal
uef{j:yfdf dlxnfsf] :jf:Yo ;DalGw ;'kl/j]If0f care for a positive pregnancy experience
-hfFr / ;Nnfx_ k'0f{?kn] ug]{ k|lqmofnfO{ (FANC : Focused ANC Visit)
“k'j{k|;'tL ;]jf” elgG5 .
 gofF k|:tfljt ANC Visit cg';f/ * k6s
❖ Objectives of Antenatal care -k'j{k|;'tL
ue{hfFr ug{'kg]{5 .
ue{ /x]sf] cjwL
;]jfsf p4]Zox?_
klxnf] k6s !@ xKtf
 pRr hf]lvd ue{ kQf nufpg' (To detect high
bf];|f] k6s !^ xKtf
risk pregnancy)
t];|f] k6s @) b]lv @$ xKtf
 uef{j:yfsf hl6ntfx? kQf nufpg' (To Rff}yf] k6s @* xKtf
detect the complications of pregnancy) kfFrf} k6s #@ xKtf

DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 27

5}7f}F k6s #$ xKtf b. Obstetric grip palpation (Leopold
;ftf}F k6s #^ xKtf maneuver) :
cf7f}F k6s #* b]lv $) xKtf
There are four maneuvers.
i. Fundal grip(First Maneuver):
How to Provide ANC care? • Palpation by facing the women’s face.
1. History taking • Use : What fetal parts lies in uterine
• LMP fundus. (to know fetal lie)
• Obstetric history of all pregnancies. • Broad, soft, irregular mass : Buttocks
• Write gestational age in weeks in • Smooth, hard, globulllar mass : head
each visit. ii. lateral grip (Second Maneuver):
2. Examination • Palpation by facing the women’s face.
• Measure vital signs • To find out Position of the back, limbs &
• Measure height, weight, MUAC anterior shoulder.
• Abdominal examination iii. Powlik's grip/pelvic grip-2 (Third
• Check fundal height and compare maneuver):
with weeks of gestation. • Palpation by facing the women’s face
• If uterus is small than date, consider • To determine the what fetal parts are
➢ Wrong dates lying above the inlet.
➢ Miscarriage • Determine the fetal presentation and
➢ Growht retardation enagagement.
• If uterus is larger than date, consider iv. Pelvic grip-1 (Forth Maneuver) :
: • Palpation by facing the women’s feet.
➢ Wrong date • Determines the presenting part, fetal
➢ Multiple pregnancy attitude, engagement, degree of fetal
3. Screening of risk factors : extension and flexion.
• Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD)
• DM, HTN 3. Auscultation : Listen for FHS
• Kidney disease • Below umbilicus : in cephalic
• Anemia • Around the umbilicus : in breech
• Mental Health problems • FHS normal : 120-160/min
• Sexually Transmitted infections 4. Lab examination during pregnancy:
(STIs) • Hb%, Blood grouping
• HIV • Rh determination
• Age <18 years or over 35 years • Urine examination : albumin & sugar
• Grandmultipara • PMTCT/HIV test
• Rh Negative • VDRL/Hepatitis
• Previous history of C/S delivery • HBsAg
• Previous still birth • Blood sugar at 24-28 weeks : If
• Habits : Smoking, alcohol FBS >126 mg/dl or RBS >200 mg/dl,
• Maternal malnutrition or obesity refer to higher center for
• Weight < 40 kg management of diabetes mellitus.
➢ Molar pregnancy • Ultrasound (before 24 weeks) : To
➢ Polyhydramnios estimate gestational age, for
detection of fetal anomalies, multiple
Antenatal Abdominal examinations pregnancy
It is done through : 5. Drugs and immunization during
1. Inspection : Look for Striae, linea nigrae, pregnancy:
scars, skin changes etc.  Tab. Folic acid 5 mg OD : ue{sf] of]hgf
2. Palpation agfPb]lv ue{ /x]sf] klxnf] # dlxgf ;Dd .
a. Measurement of fundal height

DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 28

 ue{ /x]sf] # dlxgf b]lv ;'Ts]/L x'g] a]nf ;Dd M 4. USG : USG can be performed. Time for
180 tablets (during pregnancy) USG scan is :
 ;'Ts]/L ePsf] $% lbg ;Dd M 45 tablets • At booking visit : First trimester
 Total IFA required during a pregnancy & • To detect fetal abnormality : 18-20
postpartum period : 180 +45 = 225 weeks (Most important time)
tablets • To localize placenta : third trimester
 Tab. IFA contains 60 mg elemental 5. Diet: high protein, Iron and calcium
iron + folic acid 400 mcg containing balance diet, plenty of fluid,
dietary fiber. Folic acid required most in
 Advice for iron : first trimester to prevent Neural tube
➢ Take IFA after food at night to avoid defect.
nausea. 6. Rest: Pregnant women needs at least 10
➢ Do not take iron tablet with milk or tea. hours rest (8 hours at night and 2 hours
➢ If constipation, drink more water and at day). Sleep in Left lateral position is
take fiber diet. comfortable.
➢ Donot worry about black tarry stool, 7. Sexual intercourse/coitus: Avoid in
this is normal. first and 3rd trimester, especially in first
 Give calcium supplementation if low trimester.
intake of dairy products. 8. Drugs: Use only safe drugs as
 Tab. Albendazole, 400 mg single dose prescribed by obstetrician.
after first trimester.
 Danger Signs in Pregnancy:
 Injection TD : at first visit, second -uef{j:yfdf b]vf kg]{ vt/fsf nIf0fx? _
dose after 1 months. • PV bleeding
Dose When to give Expected • Severe headache
of TD duration of
protection • Blurring vision
1st At first contact None • Swelling of face and upper limbs
(TD1) • Severe vomiting
2nd 1 month after 1st 1-3 years • Premature rupture of membrane
dose (TD2) • Decreased or absent FHS.
3rd At least 6 weeks At least 5
after TD2 or during year
subsequent Disorders of pregnancy:
pregnancy (TD3) 1. Minor disorders:
4th At least 1 year At least 10 • Morning sickness (nausea, vomiting)
after TD3 or during years • Heart burn (common during 30-40
pregnancy (TD4)
5th At least one year All
• Constipation, indigestion,
after TD4, or childearing hemorrhoids
during subsequent age • Excessive salivation (Ptylism)
pregnancy (TD5) • Backache and cramps
• Frequency of micturation
 Antenatal Advice: • Leucorrhoea, itching, fainting,
1. Smoking: Avoid it; smoking in insomnia
pregnancy may cause LBW, still birth, • Varicose vein
placental insufficiency etc. 2. Major disorders of pregnancy:
2. Alcohol: Avoid it; it may cause Fetal A. Hyperemesis gravidarum
Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)-FAS is B. Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
characterized by poor growth and (PIH) : Pre-eclampsia, eclampsia
development, prematurity and poor C. Bleeding
nutrition. a. Bleeding in early pregnancy:
3. X-ray: Frequent x-ray may cause • Implantation bleeding
leukemia, malformations.
DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 29
• Abortion 7. Surgical abortion : pks/0f tyf surgical
• Ectopic pregnancy procedure sf] k|of]u 4f/f ul/g] ue{ktg nfO{
• Hydatiform mole surgical abortion elgG5 .
b. Bleeding in late pregnancy: 8. Recurrent miscarriage or habitual
• APH abortion : nuftf/ # k6s jf ;f] eGbf al9 k6s
• Placenta previa Abruptio placenta x'g] abortion nfO{ Habitual or recurrent
• abortion elgG5 .
Abortion (ue{ktg_
 @@ xKtf leqsf] ue{ s'g} klg sf/0f n] v]/ Threatened abortion :
uPdf jf kmflnPdf To;nfO{ ue{ktg elgG5 .  The type of abortion In which
 Abortion is defined as termination of pregnancy can be continued. (recovery
pregnancy or expulsion of fetus before is possible).
the period of viability." (i.e 22 weeks  h'g ue{kgtdf ue{ nfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbg ;lsG5,
of gestation or 154 days, according to To:tf] ue{ktgnfO{ Threatened abortion
WHO). elgG5 .
 Or abortion is defined as when the fetus  nIf0f tyf lrXgx? (Sign and symtoms) :
is expelled out from the uterus when it's • of]gLaf6 /ut aUg' (Spotting PV
weight is below 500 gm. bleeding : Light, brownish or red,
usually painless
Types of abortion -ue{ktgsf k|sf/x?_ • Abdominal pain (-/+)
1. Spontaneous abortion/ Miscarriage - • kf7]3/sf] d'v aGb x'G5 . (Cervical OS
ue{ t'lxg'_ closed)
A. Threatened abortion : • kf7]3/ sf] prfO{ uef{j:yfsf] cjwL hlt g}
B. Inevitable abortion : x'G5 . (Height of uterus = period of
C. Incomplete abortion gestation)
D. Complete abortion • e|'0f sf] s'g} klg efu aflx/ lg:s]sf] x'b}g .
E. Missed abortion (No expulsion of product of
F. Septic abortion : (Less common) conception)
• USG : Live fetus
2. Induced abortion :  Joj:yfkg (Management) :
A. Legal abortion : sfg'gL dfkb08 cg';f/ u/fO{g] • s'g} cf}ifwL tyf ;Nolqmof cfjZos x'b}g
ue{ktg . (No medical or surgical treatment
B. Ilegal abortion : sfg'g ljkl/t u/fO{g] ue{ktg required)
. (Septic abortion is most common in illegal • ufx|f] sfdx? gug{ / of}g ;Dks{ g/fVg
abortion) ;Nnfx lbg] (Avoid heavy work and
3. Septic Abortion : ;Fqmd0f sf] hl6ntf ePsf] • k|z:t cf/fd ug]{ (Adequate rest) : BED
ue{ktg, of] Spontanous jf Induced h'g klg REST is not necessary.
x'g ;S5 .
4. ;'/lIft ue{ktg (safe abortion) : ;/sf/ af6 Inevitable abortion
;'lrs[t :jf:Yo ;F:yfdf, ;'lrs[t :jf:YosdL{4f/f,  In this abortion, pregnancy will not
;'lrs[t cf}ifwL jf ljwLsf] k|of]u ul/g] ue{ktgnfO{ continue, recovery is not possible.
;'/lIft ue{ktg elgG5 . -of] ue{ktg df uef{j:yfnfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbg
5. c;'/lIft ue{ktg (Unsafe abortion) : ;lsb}g_
;'/lIft ue{ktgsf] dfkb08 lakl/t u/fO{g] ue{ktg  of] vfnsf] ue{ktg kl5 Complete or
nfO{ c;'/lIft ue{ktg elgG5 . incomplete abortion df kl/0ft x'g ;S5 .
6. Medical abortion : cf}ifwLsf] k|of]u af6  Clinical features:
u/fO{g] ( xKtf jf ^# lbg ;Dd -!) xKtf leq_ sf] • of]gL af6 /ut aUg' (Heavy PV bleeding)
ue{ktg nfO{ medical abortion elgG5 . + Abdominal pain

DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 30

• kf7]3/sf] d'v aGb v'nf x'g' (Cervical os • Mild abdominal pain or cramps
Open/dilated) • Height of uterus is less than period of
• kf7]3/sf] cfsf/ ue{sf] cjwL hltg} x'G5 . gestation.
(Height of uterus = Period of gestation) • Closed cervix.
• No expulsion of POC (product of • History of expulsion of POC.
conception)  Management :
 Management -Joj:yfkg_ • Usually no treatment required.
• olb heavy bleeding ePsf] 5 / ue{sf] cjwL • If heavy bleeding : MVA for <12
!@ xKtf eGbf sd 5 eg] MVA ug]{ / ue{ktg weeks or D & E for >12 weeks.
kZrft x'g] /Qm>fj (post abortal • Give 800 mcg misoprostol to prevent
hemorrhage) x'g glbg 800 mcg post abortal hemorrhage.
misoprostol lbg] .
• ue{sf] cjwL !@ xKtf eGbf al9 ePdf Missed Abortion
Dilatation & evacuation ug]{ .  When the fetus is dead and retained
inside the uterus for variable period.
Incomplete abortion  Clinical features (almost similar to
 e|'0f tyf kf7]3/ leq /x]sf Products of threatened abortion but fetus is dead)
conception cfFlzs ?kdf dfq aflx/ lg:s]sf] • Brownish vaginal discharge
ue{ktg nfO{ incomplete abortion elgG5 • Subsidance of pregnancy
 Clinical features : symptoms.
• of]gLaf6 cToflws /Qm>fj x'G5 . (Heavy • Uterine growth stops. (smaller than
PV bleeding)+ Abdominal pain. gestational age)
• kf7]3/sf] d'v v'nf x'G5 . (Cervical OS • FHS Absent
dilated/Open) • Firm cervix
• kf7]3/sf] cfsf/ ue{sf] cjwL eGbf sd x'G5 . • Cervical OS closed
(Height of the uterus : less than  Management
period of gestation) A. Uterus<12 weeks
• Partial expulsion of product of • May be expelled spontaneously.
conception (POC). • Misoprostol 800 mcg per vaginally,
 Joj:Yffkg (management) : repeated after 24 hours if needed.
• ue{sf] cjwL !@ xKtf eGbf sd ePdf M • MVA can be used.
A. Medical management : Misoprostol B. Uterus >12 weeks
400 mcg sublingual or 600 mcg by • Oxytocin induction : 10-20 units
mouth for one dose. oxytocin in 500 ml NS at 30
B. Surgical management : Mannual drops/min.
vacuum Aspiration (MVA) • Surgical induction : Dilatation &
( Note : MVA sf] ;'ljwf pknAw gePsf] Evacuation.
cj:yfdf dfq D & C (Dilatation and
curettage) ug{'kb{5 ) Septic abortion
• ue{sf] cjwL !@ xKtf eGbf al9 ePdf  ;Fqmd0f sf] hl6ntf ePsf] ue{ktg, of]
A. Medical management : Misoprostol Spontanous jf Induced h'g klg x'g ;S5 .
200 mcg by vagina every four hours (Septic abortion is defined as abortion
until expulsion, maximum 800 mcg OR complicated by infection. Sepsis may
Oxytocin 40 units in 1L IV fluids at 40 result from infection if organisms rise
drops per minute. from the lower genital tract following
B. Surgical management : Dilatation either spontaneous or unsafe abortion)
and evacuation (D & E)  Clinical features :
• Fever with chills and rigors.-Hj/f] cfpg'_
Complete Abortion • Lower Abdominal pain -tNnf] k]6 b'Vg' _
 Clinical Features : • Rebound tenderness -k]6 lyr]/ 5f]8\g]
• Light PV Bleeding a]nfdf b'vfO{ dxz'; ug{' _

DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 31

• Tachycardia -gf8L sf] ult a9\g'_  g]kfndf 26 September 2002 af6 ue{ktgnfO{
• Offensive, purulent, vaginal discharge, sfg'gL dfGotf lbO{Psf] lyof] . (Abortion was
tender uterus -of]gLaf6 uGxfpg] vfnsf] legalized in Nepal on 26th Sept. 2002)
;]tf] kfgL] aUg'_  ue{ktg eP kl5 tTsfn} ue{jtL x'g' x'b}g .
•Cervical motion tenderness k'0f{tof recover ePkl5 jf ue{ktg ePsf] #
 Management -Joj:yfkg_ M b]lv ^ dlxgf kl5 ue{jtL x'g' /fdf|] dflgG5
• Hospitalization  Ovulation may occurs 2 weeks (14 days)
• Examination of cervical fluid after abortion.
• Broad spectrum antibiotic Vomiting In Pregnancy
• Evacuation of the uterus.  Severeity sf] cfwf/df uef{j:yfdf x'g]
vomiting @ k|sf/sf] x'G5 .
Legal aspects of Abortion In Nepal (A) Simple vomiting (Milder type)
ue{ktg ;DaGwL sfg'gL k|fjwfg) (B) Hyperemesis gravidarum (Severe type)
❖ z'/lIft dft[Tj tyf k|hgg :jf:Yo clwsf/ P]g
@)&% cg';f/ b]xfosf] cj:yfdf ue{jtL dlxnf (A) Simple vomiting
nfO{ ;'/lIft ue{ktg ug{ kfpg] clwsf/ x'g]5 .  o;nfO{ Morning sickness jf emesis
 ue{ktg u/fpg] dlxnfsf] dGh'/Ldf !@ xKtf gravidarum klg elgG5 .
;Ddsf] ue{ .  common at morning.
 hj/hl:t s/0fL -anTsf/_ / xf8gftf s/0fLsf]  Common during early pregnancy.
 o;nfO complication ge} uef{j:yfsf]
xsdf ue{jtL dlxnfsf] dGh'/Ldf @* xKtf
symptom sf] ?kdf lnOG5 .
;Ddsf] ue{
 lagf s'g} pkrf/ klg 12-14 weeks kl5 of]
 ue{ktg gu/fPdf cfdfsf] :jf:Yodf ulDe/ cfkm} lgsf] eP/ hfG5 .
c;/ kg]{ ePdf Ohfht k|fKt lrlsT;ssf]  HCG / oestrogen xdf]{gsf] a9\bf] dfqfsf sf/0f
/fodf @* xKtf ;Ddsf] ue{ jfGtf x'G5 .
 Pr=cfO=le jf To:t} k|sf/sf] lgsf] gx'g] /f]u  Most commonly due to HCG.
nfu]sf] dlxnfsf] dGh'/L df @* xKtfsf] ue{ .
 e|'0fsf] sdhf]/Lsf] sf/0f e|'0f ue{d} gi6 x'g  Management :
;Sg] jf hGd]/ klg afFRg g;Sg] ul/ e|'0fdf • Assurance is important.
v/faL /x]df pkrf/df ;+nUg :jf:YosdL{sf]
/fodf @* xKtf ;Ddsf] ue{ . • Take dry toast or biscuits.
 z'/lIft dft[Tj tyf k|hgg :jf:Yo clwsf/ lgodfjnL • Avoid Fatty and spicy food.
@)&& cg';f/ ;'/lIft ue{ktgsf] nflu lgDg ljlwx? • Vitamin B1 100 mg daily is helpful.
;'lrs[t ul/Psf 5g . • Vitamin B6 25 mg +Doxylamine 25 mg
is also safe & effective.
xKtf k|ljwL • Anti-emetic drugs can be used : e.g
!) xKtf leq MA or MVA Metoclopramide, promethazine,
!) xKtf ;Dd MA or MVA ondansetron etc.
!@ xKtf ;Dd MVA • Advice to take plenty of fluid .
!# b]lv !* xKtf MI or D & E
!( b]lv @* xKtf MI (B) Hyperemesis Gravidarum
MA = Medical Abortion  uef{j:yfsf] sf/0fn] x'g] severe vomiting
MVA = Mannual Vacuum Aspiration h;n] cfdf sf] :jf:Yodf k|lts'n c;/ ub{5
MI = Mannual Induction jf b}lgs ls|ofsnfkx?nfO{ c;xh agfp5,
D & E = Dilatation & Evacuation To;nfO{ hyperemesis gravidarum elgG5
gf]6 M  The effect of vomiting may be :
 Medicine used in MA : Misoprostol 800 mcg Dehydration, metabolic acidosis (if
+ Mifepristone 200 mg starvation), or metabolic alkalosis

DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 32

(loss of HCL), electrolyte imbalance 3. Antiemetic drugs : Promethazine
(Hypokalemia) & weight loss. (Phenergan) or Prochlorperazine (Stemetil)
 Incidence : <1 in 1000 pregnancies. or Metoclopramide (perinorm)
 Aeteology : exact cause is unknown. 4. Vitamin B6 25 mg +Doxylamine 25 mg
 Risk factors : is also safe & effective
5. Nutritional supplementation : Protein,
• More common in first pregnancy.
vitamin B1, B6 diet.
• More common in first trimester. 6. Good nursing care, psychological and
• Younger age. social support.
• Low body weight.
• History of motion sickness. Ectopic pregnancy
• Family history  kf7]3/ eGbf aflx/ ue{ j:g'nfO{ Ectopic
pregnancy elgG5 . (An ectopic pregnancy
• Hydatiform mole, multiple is one in which implantation occurs
outside the uterine cavity.)
• Psychogenic  The fallopian tube (ampulla) is the
• Dietary defeiciency of Vitamin B1, most common site of ectopic pregnancy.
B6 & protein. (greater than 90%).
 Some theories explained about  Risk factors are:
hormonal cause. • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
• High level of B-HCG hormone. • Use of IUCD
• High oestrogen & Progesterone. • Previous exposure to DES
 Clinical features : (Diethylstibestrol)
• Severe vomiting, may occurs throughout • Tubal surgery
the day. • Intrauterine surgery. eg. D & C
• Smoking
• Features of dehydration : Dry &
coated tongue, sunken eyes, loss of skin • Previous ectopic pregnancy.
elasticity, hypotension, tachycardia, • Endometriosis (growth of
Oligurea etc. endometrial tissue outside of the
uterine cavity)
• Features of ketoacidosis : Fruity
smell breath, kussmaul
breathing.(Deep and labored  Clinical features :
breathing) A) Unruptured ectopic pregnancy :
• Epigastric pain, constipation may • Signs of early pregnancy
occurs. (amenorrhea, morning sickness,
frequency of micturation, bluish
• Investigations : USG (to confirm vagina and cervix, softening of cervix)
pregnancy), Urine examination (Ketone
• Positive pregnancy test
bodies) , Electrolyte (Na+, K+), ECG (To
• lower abdominal pain
assess potassium level, hypokalemia).
• Slight Vaginal bleeding
 Management • Tender cervix
Principles of management are : B) Ruptured ectopic pregnancy :
• Maintenance of hydration. • Collapse and weakness
• To control vomiting. • Fast, weak pulse (110 beats per
• To correct fluid and electrolyte minute or more)
imbalance. • Hypotension
• To correct acidosis or alkalosis. • Hypovolaemia
• To provide nursing care. • Acute abdominal (one sided) and
pelvic pain
1. Hospitalization : • Abdominal distension
2. IV fluid : RL + D5% • Rebound tenderness

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• Pallor • Vasa previa (When fetal blood vessel
 Diagnosis : crosses the near the internal OS of
• HCG (pregnancy test) the uterus, it is difficult to diagnose)
• USG abdomen • Cervical polyps
• Culdocentesis (cul-de-sac puncture) is • Local trauma
an important tool for the diagnosis of Differences Between Placenta Previa &
ruptured ectopic pregnancy. Abruptio Placentae
 The most common differential diagnosis
for ectopic pregnancy is 'Threatened Placenta Previa Abruptio
abortion'. (other D/D are PID, ovarian placentae
cyst, acute appendicitis) 1. Placenta is implanted 1. Detachment of
 Management : partially or completely normally located
over lower uterine placenta from the
• Cross-match blood and arrange for
segment. uterus before
immediate laparotomy (Do not wait delivery.
for blood before performing surgery) (premature
• If there is extensive damage to the separation of
tube, perform salpingectomy (the placenta)
bleeding tube and the products of 2. Painless vaginal 2. Bleeding occurs
bleeding present. with sharp
conception are removed together) – abdominal pain.
most common cases 3. Repeated bleeding. 3. Single sudden
• Rarely, if there is little tubal damage, bleeding
perform salpingostomy (the products 4. Bright red blood. 5. Dark red blood.
of conception can be removed and the 5. FHS can be heard 6. FHS difficult to
tube conserved). normally, normal fetal hear or absent.
condition. (fetal distress)
• Blood transfusion or auto-transfusion.
6. PV examination 7. Can be
• Correct anaemia with ferrous sulfate or should not be performed PV
ferrous fumarate 60 mg by mouth daily performed. examination.
for three months
Placenta Previa
Antepartum hemorrhage (APH)  When the placenta is implanted
partially or completely over the lower
 APH is defined as bleeding from or into uterine segment, it is called placenta
the genital tract after 22 weeks of  Most common in multiparous women
gestation but before birth of the baby. (80%).
(uef{j:yfsf] @@ xKtf kl5 / k|;j ;'? x'g'eGbf  Common in >35 years of age.
cuf8L of]gLaf6 x'g] /Qm>fj nfO{ APH elgG5  Other risk factors : Previous history of
.) C/S, smoking etc.
 Limitation and spacing of birth may
 If bleeding is stained with mucous reduce the risk of placenta previa.
(show) at term, suspect labor.  Exact cause is unknown.
 Causes:
A. Placental bleeding (70%): Most Degree of placenta previa
common cause
• Abruptio placentae (35%)
• Placenta previa (35%
B. Unexplained -25% (Placental & local
cause afx]s_
C. Extra-placental cause (5%) or local
• Ruptured uterus

DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 34

(A) Type-I (Low lying) : Placenta sf] d'Vo  If bleeding is light to moderate &
efu upper segment df /x]sf], Placenta sf] FHS normal or absent : Oxytocin
tNnf] 5]p lower segment ;Dd k'u]sf] t/ augmented vaginal delivery or C/S
Cervical OS ;Dd gk'u]sf] . delivery.
(B) Type-II (Marginal) : Placenta n]  If bleeding is light to moderate &
cervical os 5f]Psf] t/ g9fs]sf] . FHS abnormal : Perform rapid
(C) Type-III (Incomplete or partial centr vaginal birth, if not possible plan for
al) : Placenta n] cervical os fully dilate x'bf C/S.
cf+lzs (partially) ?kdf 9fs]sf] .
(D) Type-IV (Central or total or (B) Placenta previa :
complete) : Cervix fully dilate x'bf klg  Assessment of mother and fetus.
placenta n] cervix nfO{ completely cover u/]sf]  Hospitalization.
.  Immediate delivery indicated if the
 Clinically, type-I / type-II (anterior) nfO{ fetus is mature or fetus and mother
mild degree / type-II posterior, Type- are in distress.
III & type-IV nfO{ major degree elg  Mode of delivery:
grading ul/G5 . • For type-I and type-II : Vaginal
 Most dangerous placenta previa : Type- delivery
II posterior placenta previa • Type III and Type-IV : C/S is
 Clinical features :
 Blood volume replacement.
• Vaginal bleeding : sudden onset,  Corticosteroids are indicated at 24-
painless, commonly causeless, 34 weeks of gestation.
recurrent. Bright red blood.  Do not perform per vaginal
• Anemia examination in placenta previa.
• Height of uterus = Gestational age.
• Persistence malpresentations : Ufef{j:yfdf pRr /Qmrfksf] ;d:of
Breech or transverse or unstable (Hypertension during pregnancy )
• FHS usually present. $ 306f jf ;f] eGbf a9L ;dosf] cGt/fndf
nuftf/ @ k6s olb /Qmrfk !$)÷() mm of Hg
Management of Antepartum jf ;f] eGbf a9L ePdf pRr /Qmrfk
hemorrhage (Hypertension) ePsf] dflgG5 . uef{j:yfdf x'g]
1. General management : pRr /Qmrfk @ k|sf/sf x'G5g .
 Rapid evaluation of patient (BP, Pulse, s_ uef{j:yf ;Fu ;DaGw gePsf] bL3{sflng pRr
level of consciousness, volume of blood /Qmrfk (Chronic Hypertension in
loss, color of skin) pregnancy)
 Open IV line  olb ue{ /x]sf] @) xKtf eGbf cufl8 pRr
 If shock is suspected: Manage /Qmrfk (Hypertension) b]vf k/]df To;nfO{
immediately. uef{j:yf ;Fu ;DaGw gePsf] bL3{sflng pRr
 Listen FHS : /Qmrfk (Chronic hypertension) elgG5 .
• If FHS abnormal (<100 or
>180/min) : Suspect fetal distress v_ uef{j:yfsf] sf/0fn] x'g] pRr /Qmrfk
• Absent FHS : Suspect fetal death. (Pregnancy Induced Hypertension-PIH) :
 Blood grouping & cross matching olb ue{ /x]sf] @) xKTff kl5, k|;j Joyf nfu]sf]
 Blood transfusion if required. a]nf jf k|;'tL ePsf] $* 306f leqdf pRr /Qmrfk
b]vf k/]df To; k|sf/sf] /QmrfknfO{ uef{j:yfsf]
2. Specific management : sf/0fn] x'g] pRr /Qmrfk (Pregnancy Induced
(A) Abruptio placentae : Hypertension, PIH) elgG5 .
 Perform bed side clotting test
 Heavy bleeding + Fully dilated cervix
: vaccum or C/S delivery
DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 35
Sign & symptoms



Severe pre-


Mild pre-
Pregnancy Chronic HTN

Induced HTN
HTN occurs due to Hypertensive
pregnancy women becomes Diastolic 90- 90- ≥110 >90
(Placental pregnant. BP 110 110
pathology) (mm of Hg)
No past history Past H/O HTN Proteinure x'b}g Trace 3+ or 2+ or
Present a (Nill to 2+ more more
Increase BP after Rise in BP seen
Others dflyNnf] sDkg
20 weeks of before 20 weeks. -xft / cg'xf/ k]6 b'Vg', cfpg' /
pregnancy. ;'lGgg]_ 6fpsf] a]xf];
b'Vg', cfFvf x'g'
May associated No proteinuria. wldnf] (Conv
with proteinurea. b]Vg', ulsion
BP Backs normal BP does not come lk;fa sd s and
before 12 weeks of back to normal jfsjfsL uncon
delivery. after delivery. nfUg', scious
jfGtf x'g' )
PIH klg # k|sf/sf x'G5g . • Epigastric pain
!= k|f]l6go'l/of lagfsf] pRr /Qmrfk • Nausea, vomiting
(Hypertension without proteinurea) • Headache & Dizziness
@= lk|–OSn]Dkl;of (Pre-eclampsia) • Blurring of vision, diplopia
s_ ;fdfGo (Mild) • Oligurea
v_ ulDe/ (Severe)
#= OSn]Dkl;of (Eclampsia) jf uef{j:yf sf] Management of severe pre-eclampsia
laiffQmtf (Toxemia of pregnancy) and eclampsia
A. Management During Convulsion
 Risk factors for pre-eclampsia  ;xof]usf] nflu u'xfg]{ (SHOUT FOR HELP)
• Previous history of pre-eclampsia.  Vital Signs, x?sf] l;3| cg'udg ug]{ .
(reccurance rate : 15-25%)  :jf; lng ;lhnf] kfg{ tyf
• Primigravida Secretions/blood/vomiting cflb nfO{
• Obesity Aspiration x'g glbg afofF sf]N6] (left lateral)
• Diabetes kN6fP/ ;'tfpg] .
• Chronic renal disease  Never leave women alone, prevent
• Extreme of maternal age. (<18 years or injuries.
>35 years)
• Rh negative pregnancy B. If convulsion stops,
• Heridity  Check airway, Suctioning if necessary
 Less chance in smoker. (Protective  O2 inhalation : 4-6 liter/min
factor)  Open IV line, give IV fluid slowly (RL)
 PIH is a placental pathology.  Urinary catheterization, maintain fluid
balance chart, check for proteinurea.
PIH sf nIf0f tyf lrGxx?  Bed side clotting test
(Sign and symptoms of PIH)  Anticonvulsant: Magnesium sulphate
 Pre-eclampsia = HTN+ Proteinurea ± is Drug of choice .
Oedema  Diazepam is used if magnesium sulphate
 Eclampsia = Severe pre-eclampsia + is not available.
Convulsion ± unconsciousness  Regular monitoring of Vital signs,
 C/F of severe pre-eclampsia are patellar reflex, urine output, FHS.

DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 36

 If diastolic BP>110 mm of Hg, give  To;nfO{ k|To]s $ 306fdf kfn} kfnf]
antihypertensive drug. buttocks df deep IM lbg'kb{5 .
 Hydralazine is the drug of choice.  aRRff hGd]sf] jf clGtd k6s sDkg cfPsf]
 Give 5 mg hydralazine IV in every 5 @$ 306f ;Dd k|To]s $ 306fdf
minutes till BP falls to normal. Maintenance dose lbO{ /fVg' kb{5 .
 If hydralazine not available, give
labetalol 10 mg IV. MgSO4 sf] ljifQmtf (Toxicity) sf] cg'udg
 Conduct delivery, within 12 hour of  MgSO4 sf] maintenance dose lbg'eGbf
starting convulsion or within 24 hour of cufl8 lgDglnlvt s'/fx?sf] hfFr ug{'kb{5 /
severe pre-eclampsia.
• Patellar reflex (Reflex b]lvg'k5{ _
Ante-Hypertensive drugs in pregnancy • cl3NNff] $ 306fdf lk;fasf] dfqf -!
Safe Contraindicated 306fdf slDtdf #) ld=ln x'g'kb{5 ._
• Methyl-Dopa • ACE • Zjf;k|Zjf;b/ -! ldg]6df !^ jf Tof]
• Labetalol Inhibitors eGbf al9 x'g'kb{5 _
• Nifedipine (For (Enalapril,  DofUg]l;od ;Nkm]6sf] toxicity b]vf k/]df
emergency captopril) antidote sf] ?kdf Calcium gluconate
management) • Diuretics k|of]u ug{'kb{5 . (10% calcium gluconate
• Hydralazine • Losartan 1gm/10ml IV)
(Drug of choice) • Diazoxide
Source : MNH Update manual, Prevention of Pre-eclampsia &
Governement of Nepal.
 Focused ANC
Magnesium Sulphate Dose for severe pre-  Calcium supplementation : After first
eclampsia & Eclampsia trimester 1 gm/day for at least 90 days.
50% MgSO4 1 Ampule = 1 gm =2ml (3 month)
!= nf]l8Ë 8f]h (Loading dose)  Regular exercise decreases the chance
klxnf] r/0f M 4 gm 50% MgSO4 nfO{ 20% of PIH.
agfP/ IV lbg' kb{5 .  Drugs : Aspirin, Heparin
• 20 ml syringe lng'kb{5 .  Should not restrict salt, calories, fluid
• 4 ampule (4 gm or 8 ml) 50% MgSO4 df etc.
12 ml distilled water jf normal saline
ld;fO{ hDdf 20 ml agfpg] . KEY POINTS
• To;nfO{ % ldg]6 eGbf al9 ;do nufP/ IV  Proteinurea is excretion of urine >300
lbg'kb{5 . mg in 24 hours or >30 mg/dl of urine.
 In Mild pre-eclampsia, BP is more than
bf];|f] r/0f M t'?Gt} !) u|fd (20 ml) 50% 140/90 but less than 160/110 mm of
MgSO4 IM lbg'kb{5 . Hg.
 In severe pre-eclampsia, BP is more
• @ j6f 10 ml sf] syringe lng] / b'a}df 1/1
than or equals to 160/110 mm of Hg.
ml 2% Lignocaine nf]8 ug]{ .
 Placenta is most important/common
• To;kl5 b'a}df 5/5 Ampule -k|To]s df 10 pathology of PIH.
ml) 50% MgSO4 /flv 11 ml agfpg] .  PIH is multi-system disorder.
• To;nfO{ b'a} buttocks df deep IM lbg] .  Definitive management of PIH is
'Termination of pregnancy'
@= Joj:yfkg dfqf (Maintenance Dose) irrespective of gestational age.
5 gram 50% MgSO4 IM lbg'kb{5 .  Most common cause of death in
 10 ml syrine lng'kb{5 . eclampsia & Pre-eclampsia is :
 To;df 1 ml 2% Lignocaine nf]8 ug]{ . Intracranial bleeding.
 5 ampule (10 ml) MgSO4 ldnfO{ hDdf 11  Magnesium sulphate is anti-convulsant.
ml agfpg] .  Incidence of eclampsia : 1 in 2000
DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 37
 First line management of eclampsia • Spontaneous expulsion may occurs at
is : airway management. around 16 weeks.
 First sign of MgSo4 Toxicity : absent • Treatment of choice for H. Mole :
patellar reflex. Suction evacuation. (MVA)
 Most severe hematological complication • Hysterecomy can be done, if patient
of severe pre-eclampsia is 'HELLP has completed family size or age >40
Syndrome'. years.
 Most common cause of convulsion in • Anti-D is given to all Rh-Negative
eclampsia : Cerebral anoxia due to women after suction evacuation.
arterial spasm. • Regular follow up
• Drug of choice for prophylactic
HYDATIDIFORM MOLE chemotherapy : Methotrexate.
 Hydatidiform mole is benign neoplasm
of chorion. (Placenta)  Complications : Most common in
 It is due to hyperproliferation of complete mole.
gestational trophoblastic cells. • Hyperthyroidism
 It is the most common gestational • Pre-eclampsia (PIH)
trophoblastic disease. • Hyperemesis gravidarum
 Abnormal condition of placenta,
• Choriocarcinoma (Benign neoplasm
characterized by multiple grape like
or trophoblastic cancer of placenta)

Rh incompatibility
• Age >35 years or <18 years.
 Rh system was discovered by Karl
• Low socioeconomic status. Landsteiner in 1940.
• Past history of molar pregnancy.  RBC df lgDg antigen x? x'G5g .
• Deficiency of Protein, folic acid & Antigen-A, Antigen-B, Antigen-D
Vitamin A.  D-antigen nfO{ Rh factor klg elgG5 .
• Blood group A mother & O group  lo antigen sf] lj?4df @ lsl;dsf antibody
father. x? /utdf aGb5g .
 Types IgM : for Anti-A, Anti-B
A. Partial mole : Some fetal parts IgG : acts as anti-Rh antibody
grow.  IgM ;a}eGbf klxn] aGg] antibody xf], o;n]
B. Complete Mole : No fetal parts placental barrier cross ug{ ;Sb}g . / o;n]
grows. fetus nfO{ s'g} xfgL k'/\ofpb}g .
 Pathology : abnormally Increased  IgG eg] placenta cross ug{] / fetal
number of chromosomes in zygote. damage ug]{ vfnsf] x'G5 . o;nfO{
 Clinical Features :
incomplete or bloking antibody klg
• Per vaginal bleeding in first elgG5 .
trimester. (Most common)  olb fetus sf] group klg negative ePdf
• Raised HCG Level o;n] fetus nfO{ c;/ ub}{g . jf Mother /
• Positive Pregnancy test father b'a} Rh-negative ePdf Rh
• Excessive nausea, vomiting due to incompatibility x'b}g .
High HCG. (hyperemesis  t/ cfdf sf] group negative / fetus sf]
gravidarum). Positive ePdf, klxnf] pregnancy sf] labor
• Height of the uterus is same or less sf] a]nfdf Fetus sf] Rh -positive RBC cfdf
than POG (in partial mole) sf] /utdf k'Ug ;S5 . h;af6 mother
• Height of uterus is more than POG. Rh+ve blood ;Fu sensitize dfq x'G5g . t/
(in complete mole) klxnf] aRrf ;'/lIft x'G5 .
• FHS absent.  csf]{ k6ssf] ue{ ;Dd cfdfsf] /utdf Anti-
 Diagnosis : USG + Clinical features RhD antibody (IgG) x? alg;s]sf x'G5g . /
 Management : lolgx? placenta cross ul/ fetus sf] zl//df

DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 38

k'lu Toxf hemolytic disorder jf fetal • Primigravidae : 12 weeks, if
damage u/fpb5g, h;nfO{ Rh- negative, repeat at 20 weeks & 28
Incompatibility elgG5 . weeks.
• Multigravida : Monthly, after 24
weeks of gestation.
 Prevention
• Administration of Anti-D antibody
• Given intramuscularly within 72
hours of delivery or abortion (>12
weeks) or before or during
• Dose
 After delivery/postpartum
prophylaxis (sensitized) : 300 mcg
(1500 IU)
 After 12 weeks of pregnancy
(Antepartum prophylaxis) : 300 mcg
(1500 IU)
 Before 12 weeks of pregnancy
(unsensitized) : 50 mcg (200 IU)
• Not given for abortion <12 weeks.
 Effects of Rh incompatibility
 Rh-antigen develops in fetus 30-40
(A) Fetal effects
days after fertilization. (7.5 weeks)
• Distruction of red cells
/Erthroblastosis fetalis
(Hemolytic anemia) k|;j (Labour)
• Hyperbilirubinemia (Jaundice)  Labour is defined as the physiological
• Kernicterus (Brain damage due process by which the fetus, placenta and
to hyperbilirubinemia) membranes are expelled through birth
canal. -k|;j Pp6f k|fs[lts k|s[of xf], h;4f/f
• Hydrops fetalis (Heart failure,
fluid overload or may cause still
kf7]3/ leq /x]sf] aRrf, ;fngfn / l´NnL
of]gL4f/sf] af6f] x'b} aflx/ lgl:sG5g ._
(B) Maternal effects : Maternal effects  Delivery -k|;'tL_ : is expulsion or
are rare, sometime cause Pre- extraction of a viable fetus out of the
eclampsia, polyhydraminous, PPH uterus. (kf7]3/ leq /x]sf] lzz' aflx/ lgl:sg'
etc. jf lgsfNg' nfO{ k|;'tL elgG5 ._ Labour /
 Diagnosis delivery sf] cy{ s]xL km/s 5 . lagf labour
• Antenatal investigation for Rh-factor klg Caesarean section ljlw4f/f delivery
& Blood grouping. u/fpg ;lsG5 .
• Obsteteric history of abortion, still  Normal Labour (eutocia) : The labour
births etc. is called normal if it fulfill the following
• History of Anti-D antibody criteria.
administration a. Spontaneous onset at term.
• Indirect coomb's test. b. With vertex presentation.
• USG for fetal damage. c. Without undue prolongation.
d. Natural termination with minimal
• New born & placenta
e. Without having any complication to
mother and fetus.
 When to do indirect coomb's test ?

DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 39

 Abnormal labour (dystocia) eGgfn] In some references :
To:tf] k|;j xf] h;n] normal labour sf] Latent phase 0-3 cm
criteria k'/f u/]sf] x'b}g Active phase 4-7 cm
Transitional phase 8-10 cm
;fFrf] k|;j / ´'6f] k|;j lar km/s (Differences
between true labour and false labour)
@_ bf];|f] r/0f (Second stage of labour)
nIf0f tyf ;frf] k|;j ´'6f] k|;j  Cervix k'/f v'n]b]lv aRrf ghlGdP ;Ddsf]
lrGxx? (true (False
cj:yf nfO{ k|;jsf] bf];|f] r/0f elgG5 .
(Sign and labour) labour)
 of] cj:yfdf aRRffsf] hGd x'G5 .
1. Painfull Regular Irregular
 o;sf] cjwL primipara df ! b]vL @ 306f (1
hour) nfdf] x'G5 eg] multipara df #) b]lv
^) (30 minute) ldg]6sf] x'G5 .
2. Severity of Increases Same
 It is divided into two phases :
A. Propulsive phase : No urge to push
B. Expulsive phase : Urge to push & fetal
3. Cervical Present Absent
4. Cervical Present Absent #_ t];|f] r/0f (Third stage of labour) :
 aRRff hlGdPb]]lv ;fngfn / l´NnL k'/}
5. Pain relief Not relieved Pain glg:sP;Ddsf] cjwL nfO{ k|;jsf] t];|f] r/0f
by enema or relieved by elgG5 .
sedatives. enema and
 o;sf] cjwL primipara / multipara b'a}df
al9df #) ldg]6;Ddsf] x'G5 . #) ldg]6 eGbf
6. Show Present Absent al9 ePdf Retained placenta elgG5 .
 Effacement : Shortening and thinning of (WHO : >15 min, retained placenta)
cervix during labour.  Average duration : 15-20 minute.
 Show : Blood stained mucus that can be  t/, active management u/]df % ldg]6
observed in first stage of labour. ;Dd 5f]6\ofpg ;lsG5 .
 Placenta sf] delivery of] r/0f df x'G5 .
k|;jsf r/0fx? (Stages of labour)
k|;jsf $ j6f r/0fx? x'G5g . $_ rf}yf] r/0f (Fourth stage of labour) :
!_ klxnf] r/0f (First stage of labour) :  ;fngfn / l´NnL k'/} lgl:s;s]kl5sf] klxnf] @
 k|;j Joyf ;'? ePb]lv kf7]3/sf] d'v 306f ;Ddsf] cjwL nfO{ k|;jsf] rf}yf] r/0f
(Cervix) k'/f -!) ;]=dL_ v'Ng] a]nf ;Ddsf] elgG5 . (in some source : 1 hour also
cjwL nfO{ First stage elgG5 . mentioned)
 o;sf] cjwL klxnf] k6s k|;'tL x'g] dlxnf
(primipara) df * b]lv !) 306f -!@ 306f_
;Dd nfdf] x'G5 eg] Ps eGbf al9 k6s k|;'tL Prelabor
x'g] dlxnf(Multipara) df ^ b]lv * 306f -^  It is premonitory stage of labour and
306f_ nfdf] x'G5 . begins 2-3 weeks before onset of true
 o;nfO{ cervical state of labour klg elgG5 . labour.
 of] stage nfO{ @ efudf ljefhg ul/Psf] 5 .  The signs of pre-labour stage are :
s_ ;'?sf] cj:yf (Latent phase) : ;frf] Joyf ;'? • Lightening : Sinking (descend) of
ePb]lv cervix $ ;]=dL eGbf sd v'n]sf] cj:yf presenting part into true pelvis or
nfO{ latent phase elgG5 . (0-3 cm) decrease in fundal height seen at term.
v_ ;lqmo cj:yf (Active phase) : Cervix $ b]lv • Cervical ripening : Softeneing of
!) ;]=dL ;Dd v'nsf] cj:yf nfO{ active phase cervix.
elgG5 . o; cj:yfdf kf6f]{u|fkm eg{ ;'? ug{'kb{5 . • False labour pain.
(4-10 cm)

DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 40

 During labour the contractions are :  Pain during early stage of labour is due
painful and leads to dilatation of to : Uterine contractions
cervix.  Pain during later stage of labor is due to
 Uterine contraction ;'? x'g] 7fpF M Cornua : Cervical dilatation.
of the uterus or uterine horns. (also
known as pacemaker of uterine
 Cornua or uterine horns : Uterus sf] Mechanism of labor
fudus part hxfF Uterus / fallopian tube  There are 8 cardinal movements of
hf]l8G5g . head in normal bour.
 Contractions are predominant over 1. Engagement
the fundus. 2. Descent
 Adequate contraction means : 3 3. Flexion
contractions in 10 minute each lasting 4. Internal rotation
for 45 seconds. 5. Crowning
 Uterine contractions are measured in 6. Extension
mm of Hg. 7. Restitution
 Uterine contraction excessive ePdf 8. External rotation
precipitate labour x'g ;S5 .
 Precipitate labour : @ 306f eGbf sd Induction of labor
;dodf delivery sf] ;Dk'0f{ k|lqmof k'/f x'g' . • Inductuction of labour means initiation
(DC Dutta : <3 hours) of uterine contraction by any method
 Normal labour x'g rflxg] # dxTjk'0f{ (medical, surgical or combined) for the
s'/fx? (3P) : purpose of vaginal delivery
• Push/Power (uterine contraction)
• Passage (Normal pelvis) Indications for induction of labour:
• Passanger (fetus) • Post maturity
 Normal or minimum rate of cervical • IUFD
dilatation during active phase of labour • Premature rupture of membrane
should be : (PROM)
• 1.2 cm/hour for primigravidae • Rh-Isoimmunization
• 1.5 cm/hour for multigravidae. • Congenital malformation of the fetus
 According to WHO, minimum dilatation • Pre-eclampsia & Eclampsia
should be 1 cm/hour. • Maternal distress
 Normal rate of descend of fetal head :  Contraindications of induction of
• Primigravidae/Nulliparous : 1cm/hr labour:
• Multigravidae/multiparous : 2 cm/hr • Contracted pelvis.
 If head is engaged, the station is 'O'. • Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD)
 Most common position during labour : • Malpresentation
Left occipito-transverse. (LOT>LOA) • Heart disease
 Most imporatant step in delivery is : • Previous C/s, Grand multipara,
Delivery of head. Carcinoma of cervix
 Modifeid ritgen Maneuver is used for
delivery of head.  Bishop Score :
 When the duration of first & second • labour induction ug{' cuf8L induction
stage of labour is >18 hours, it is called ug{' pko{Qm 5 5}g elg ul/g] Scoring nfO{
Prolonged labour. Bishop score elgG5 .
 Best method to assess the progress of • o;nfO{ cervical scoring klg elgG5 .
labor : Partograph • Dr. Edward Bishop n] ;g 1964 df o;sf]
 Main purpose of use of partograph is : ljsf; u/]sf lyP .
To avoid Prolonged labor.

DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 41

• o;df lgDg % j6f component x? /x]sf 5. Formation of active (lower) and
5g . passive(Upper) segment.
A. Cervical position
B. Cervical consistency ❖ Physiological Changes in First stage
C. Cervical dilatation of labour:
D. Cervical effacement  Involuntary Uterine contraction
E. Fetal station  Fundal dominance : Each contractions
• Most important parameter is : starts in the fundal region and spread
Cervical dilatation downwards
• k|To]s component df minimum 0 /  Formation of upper and lower uterine
maximum 2 score /fv]sf] x'G5 . segment
• Minimum score : 0  Development of the retraction ring or
• Maximum score : 10 bandl’s ring.
• Score 6 or less : indication of  Cervical effacement (shortening and
induction. thinning of cervix during labour)
• Before induction, Bishop score should  Cervical dilatation
be at least 8 or more.  Presence of show (Blood stained mucoid
discharge seen in few hours before or
• Score >9 : chance of spontaneous
within a few hours)
 Formation of bag of water
 General fluid pressure
Augmentation of labour
 Fetal axis pressure
 Process of stimulation of uterine
 Rupture of the membrane
contraction that is already present but
found to be inadequate.
❖ Nursing management of the women
 Cervical Dilation and Measurement
in First stage of labour:
through finger:
1. Position and posture:
• If the index finger can insert, then
 There is no hard and fast rule for
dilatation is 1.5 cm.
position of women in labour but left
• One finger loose=2cm
lateral position is commonly used.
• Two finger tight=3cm  In early stage, women should encourage
• Three fingers=4.5cm for ambulation.
• Four fingers=6cm 2. Diet:
• No feel of cervix=10cm.  Tea, digestive biscuits, soup, fruits can
be given.
 Personal protective measures  Only fluid and liquid diet is given by
include: mouth as labour starts.
• Gloves, footwares (Rubber boot or  No intravenous fluid is needed in
lather shields) normal labour.
• Eyeware (Goggles, glasses or face  If food is not taken by women for many
shield) hours, dextrose 5% or 10% should be
• Apron of rubber or plastic. given.

FIRST STAGE OF LABOUR 3. Bowel and bladder:

 Sign and symptom of First stage of  Encourage to pass urine every 2 hours,
labour:  Catheterization if can not pass urine.
1. Painful Uterine contraction  Enema should not be given in first stage
2. Dilatation of cervix up to 10 cm. of labour.
3. Bulging of the membrane during 4. Rest and sleep:
contraction. • The women need adequate rest and
4. Rupture of the membrane. sleep, In early stage of labour mild
sedation and analgesics can be given.

DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 42

5. Encourage and reassurance. —k|;jsf] ;lqmo r/0f (active phase) df h;df
6. Teaching about bearing down effect. kf7]3/sf] d'v $ ;]=dL= v'n]sf] x'G5 To; cj:yf
7. Medications: Buscopan, oxytocin b]lb kf6f]{uf|km eg{ ;'? ug{'k5{ .
8. Prevention of infection • Kff6f]{uf|km s;/L eg]{ <
9. Examination & monitoring != dlxnfsf] ljj/0f M gfd, s'g k6ssf] ue{ slt
• Monitor FHS half hourly. aRrf hGdfPsf], :jf:Yo ;+:yf btf{ gDa/, egf{
• Filling of partograph started when ePsf] ldlt / ;do, kfgLsf] kmf]sf km'6]sf] ;do
cervical dilatation is 4 cm. cflb ljj/0f eg{'k5{ .
• Vaginal examination in every 4 hours. • Gravida eGGffn] slt k6s ue{jtL ePsf] xf]
• Monitor color of amniotic fluid ;f] sf] s'n ;+VofnfO{ hgfp5 .
• Assess umbilical cord, prolapsed or not.
• Para eGGffn] ;DalGwt dlxnfn] slt k6s @@
• Monitor Frequency, duration and
xKtf eGbf al9sf] aRrf hGdfPsf] -lhljt jf
intensity of uterine contraction.
d[t_ xf] ;f] sf] s'n ;+Vof nfO{ hgfp5 .
Phase or Frequency of Duration of @= aRrfsf] d''6'sf] w8sg M k|To]s #) ldg]6df
stage contraction contractions
Latent 5-10 minutely 20-35 seconds
aRRffsf] d''6'sf] w8sg ;'Gg] / -●_ lrXg nufO{
phase kf6f]{u|fkmdf eg{'kb{5 .
Active 3-5 minutely 40-55 seconds #= Amniotic fluid M k|To]s $ 306fdf PV hfFr
phase u/L kfgL kmf]sf km'6]÷gkm'6]sf] x]g{'k5{ / km'6]sf] eP
Second 2-3 minutely 55-65 seconds fluid sf] /Fu x]/L lgDg cg';f/n] kf6f]{uf|kmdf eg{'k5{
stage .
• Record contractions in every 30 minute C : Clear -;kmf_
intervals for 10 minutes and record in M : Miconium stained -aRrfsf] lb;f ldl;Psf]_
partograph. B : Blood stained -/ut ldl;Psf]_
• If contraction within 10 minutes I : Intact -kfgL kmf]sf gkm'6]sf]_
remains for : A : Absent -kfgLsf] kmf]sf km'6]sf] t/ kfgL gePsf],
a. <20 seconds : Mild contractions ;'Vvf_
b. 20-40 Seconds : Moderate $= Moulding (Overlappig of skull bone) :
contractions aRrfsf] 6fpsf] sf] moulding kgL PV hfFr u/L
c. >40 Seconds : strong contractions
lgDgfcg';f/ /]s8{ ug{'kb{5 .
 Adequate uterine contraction refers
:- 3 contractions in 10 min each lasting O M Suture ;fdfGo cj:yfdf ePsf]
for 40 seconds. + : Suture hf]l8Psf] .
++ : Suture vlK6Psf] t/ km6\ofpg ;lsg]
+++ : Suture vlK6Psf] t/ km6\ofpg g;lsg] .
WHO PARTOGRAPH %= Cervical dilatation:
• Kff6f]{Uff|km s] xf] < • kf6f]{uf|km eg{ ;'? ubf{ kf7]3/sf] d'vsf] v'nfO -
• ljZj :jf:Yo ;+3 (WHO) n] s]lx ;dfof]hg x_ lrXg k|of]u u/L hlxn] kgL cn6{ nfOgaf6}
u/L k|sflzt u/]sf] of] o:tf] uf|km xf] h;n] z'? ug{'kb{5 .
Labour sf] progress , k|;jsf] a]nfdf cfdf
/ aRRffsf] cg'udg ub{5 . • x/]s k6s of]gLsf] hfFr ubf{ kf7]3/ sf] d'v sf]
• Best method to assess the progress of v'nfO{ kf6f]{uf|kmdf /]s8{ ug{'k5{ .
labor : Partograph • k|To]s $ 306fdf PV ug{'kb{5 .
• Main purpose of partograph is : To • Alert Line : kf7]3/sf] d'vsf] v'nfO{ olb alert
avoid Prolonged labor. line sf] afofFlt/ /x]df k|;j Joyfsf] k|utL
• Action line n] alert line nfO cross u/]df ;Gtf]ifhgs ePsf] dfGg'k5{ . olb of] line cn6{
Prolonged labor elg diagnose ul/G5 . nfOgsf] bfofF lt/ k/]df k|;j Joyfsf] k|ult
• Peripheri level df action line n] alert line c;Gtf]ifhgs ePsf] jf nfdf] Joyf nfu]sf] eg]/
cross u/]df dflyNnf] :t/df l/km/ ug{'kb{5 . d'Nof+sg ug{'kb{5 .
• Action Line : kf7]3/sf] d'vsf] v'nfO{ olb
• Kff6f]{u|fkm slxn] k|of]u ug]{ < action line df k/]df t'?Gt nfdf] k|;j Joyfsf]
Joj:yfkg ug{'kb{5 . olb cfkm\gf] :jf:Yo
DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 43
;F:yfdf ;f] sf] Joj:yfkg ug{ g;lsg] eP • Full effacement
action line df k'Ug' cufj} dlxnf nfO t'?Gt • Uterine contractions
plrt 7fpF (CEONC service site) df k]|if0f • Rupture of membrane
ug{'kb{5 . • Anal gaping
^= aRRffsf] 6fpsf] tn ´g]{ k|lqmof (Descend of • Bulging of perineum
head ) : • Desire of bearing down.
• aRRffsf] 6fpsf] tn ´g]{ k|lqmofnfO{ (O) lrXg • Crowning
nufO{ kf6f]{uf|kmdf /]s8{ ug{'k5{ .  Nursing care of the women during
• o;sf] hfFr k]6df 5fd]/ ul/G5 . aRRffsf] 6fpsf] second stage of labour:
nfO{ % efudf af8]/ % efusf] slt efu k]6sf • Never leave the women alone.
5fDbf Symphysis pubis eGbf dfly e]l6G5 , • Empty the bladder every 2 hourly,
To;nfO{ /]s8{ ug{'k5{ . catheterized if necessary.
• )÷% x'bf aRrfsf] 6fpsf] k]6df 5fDbf e]l6b}g • Provide hot or cold drinks in between
eg] %÷% x'bf k'/} 6fpsf] Symphysis pubis contractions.
eGbf dfyL e]l6G5 . • Check FHS every 10-15 minutes.
• Liquor amnii is checked for meconium
• !÷% jf Tof] eGbf sd -%÷% ;Dd_ x'bf aRRffsf]
staining because it indicates fetal
6fpsf] Abdominally palpable x'G5 .
&= kf7]3/sf] v'DrfO{ (uterine contraction) • Check pulse of mother every 15 minute
• k|To]s #) ldg]6sf] km/sdf !) ldg]6;Dd and BP every hourly.
uterine contraction hfFrL partograph • Check and record the Uterine
df eg'{kb{5 . contractions every 15 minute.
• Methods of recording uterine • Encourage for bearing down effects.
contraction: • Recheck the delivery equipments,
A. Duration : how long they lasts. resuscitation set, essential drugs, O2
B. Frequency: Time interval between 2 cylinder.
contractions.(How often they come) • Toileting the external genitalia and
C. Strength : The degree of hardness of inner side of the thigh with cotton swab
the uterus. (how strong they come) soaked in antiseptics.

*= cGo cf}ifwL / IV fluid sf] dfqf .  k|;jsf] bf];|f] r/0fdf b]vf kg{ ;Sg] ;Defljt
• s'g} cf}ifwLx? clS;6f]l;g, PlG6afof]l6s, hl6ntfx? (Complications of Second
;nfOg x? lbPsf] eP o; uf|kmdf eg{'k5{ . stage of labour)
• Maternal distress
(= cfdf sf] cj:yf M • Fetal distress
s= gf8Lsf] ult (pulse) M k|To]s #) ldg]6df • Cord prolapsed
cfdfsf] gf8Lsf] utL x]/L -●_ lrXg n] hgfpg'kb{5
. Maternal Distress
v= /Qmrfk (Blood pressure) M k|To]s $ 306fdf • Maternal condition is a of mental and
physical exhaustion of the women
cfdfsf] /Qmrfk hfFr]/ partograph df /]s8{ ug{'5{
during labour usually caused by
. prolonged labour characterized by
u= tfkqmd (Temperature) M x/]s $ 306fdf maternal dehydration, altered vital sign,
tfkqmd hfFrL /]s8{ ug{'k5{ . ketoacidosis.
3= lk;fk (Urine) M k|To]s $ 306fdf lk;fasf] • It is an indication of that labour should
dfqf hfRg] / lk;fkdf k|f]l6g / Pl;6f]g ePsf] be terminated.
gePsf] hfFrL x]g'{k5{ . • Causes:
A. Prolonged labour:
• Contracted pelvis
 Signs of second stage of labor • CPD
• Full dilatation of cervix (10cm) • Big baby

DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 44

• Malpresentation • Persistent bradicardia(<110/min) after
• Regid cervix tachycardia
• Regid pelvic floor & perineum in • Irregular heart rate
primigravidae. • Meconieum stained liquor amnii.
B. Insufficient uterine contraction (Green colored liquor amnii)
C. Low maternal bearing down effect • Excessive fetal movement in early
 Sign & Symptoms: • Very slow or absent fetal movement in
• Increased pulse rate (>120/min) late stage.
• Increased respiration (24-26/min) • Increasing caput succedaneum.
• Increased temperature (swelling of the scalp during labour)
• Looking ill & worried
• Marked restlessness, weakness,  Management:
sweating • Place the women in left lateral
• Severe dehydration: dry lips, tongue, position, which helps to improve
presence of acetone in breath and placental circulation.
urine. • Stop oxytocin drip, if giving.
• Abdominal distension • IV fluid: RL & 5% dextrose.
• Dark vomitus • Give O2 inhalation to mother 6-8
• Women may died if not managed liter/min.
properly • Check uterine contraction: strength,
 Management frequency and duration.
• Adequate rest, sedative. • FHS should be recorded every 15
• Good nursing care, monitor vital signs. minute.
• Encourage to empty bladder every 2 • Make ready the resuscitation set.
hours. • If there is sign of infection, give
• Provide reassurance and emotional antibiotic.
support. • If cord is prolapsed, manage it.
• Provide plenty of fluid orally. • If the cervix is fully dilated, and the
• Inform to doctor immediately when the fetal head is not more than 1/5 above
sign of maternal distress seen. the symphysis pubis or fetal head is
• Give IV fluid : RL & 5% dextrose. at ‘0’ station, deliver by vacuum or
• Definitive management : Labour forceps.
should be terminated by C/S. • If cervix is not fully dilated , and the
• Complete rest after delivery. fetal head is more than 1/5 above
symphysis pubis or fetal head is at
Fetal distress: above ‘0’ station, deliver by cesarean
 Causes: section.
• Malpresentation and position of the • With miconeum stained, baby’s
fetus mouth and throat should be
• Maternal distress suctioned.
• Pre-eclampsia & eclampsia
• Prolonged labour Cord prolapsed:
• Pre-term and post term labour.  The umbilical cord lies in the birth canal
below the fetal presenting part.
• Weak uterine contraction
 The umbilical cord is visible at the
• Placenta previa & Abruptio placenta
vagina following rupture of membrane.
• Cord prolapsed, Short umbilical cord
 Incidence : 1 in 300 deliveries.
• Excessive moulding
 Clinical types:
 Sign & Symptoms :
A. Occult prolapse: The cord is placed by
• Fetal tachycardia (FHS>160/min) the side of the presenting part and is

DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 45

cannot be seen & felt by fingers PV method or can be wait for spontaneous
examination. delivery. .
B. Cord presentation: The cord cannot be • Prepare for resuscitation.
seen but can be felt as pulsating mass on • C/S delivery is the choice of
PV examination. managemet for cord prolapsed.
C. Complete cord prolapsed: The cord is
seen outside the vulva after rupture of
• Malpresentation : transverse lie, breech  k|;jsf] t];|f] cj:yfsf] ;lqmo Joj:yfkg
or foot presentation (Active management of third stage of
• Malposiition: Occipito-posterior labour) : k|;jsf] t];|f] r/0fsf] ;lqmo
• Multiparity Joj:yfkg eGGffn] x/]s aRRff hGd] nuQ}
• Contracted pelvis cfdfnfO{ PPH af6 arfpg ul/g] # j6f sfo{
• Ployhydrominos a'l´G5 .
• Prematurity 1. clS;6f]l;g (Oxytocin) :
• Placenta previa • aRRff hGd]sf] ! ldg]6 leq csf]{ aRRff gePsf]
• Long umbilical cord ;'lgl:rt ul/ klxn] g} tof/ Ul/ /fv]sf !)
o'lg6 clS;6f]l;g IM lbg'k5{ .
 Clinical features: 2. Delayed cord clamping (≥1-3 minute) :
• Umbilical cord may palpate or seen 80 ml of blood (50 mg iron) present in the
during PV examination. cord goes to fetus, prevent anemia.
• FHS decreased
• Excessive fetal movement 3. lgolGqt ?kdf tfGg] ljlw (Controlled Cord
• Miconium stained liquor Traction) : CCT ul/ ;fngfn k'/f lgsfNg' kb{5
 Management:
• Treatment of choice :Cesarean kf7]3/sf] xNsf ;Fu dfln; (Uterine massage) :
delivery. • o;nfO{ WHO New guideline n] Third
• Keep the patient in Exaggerated and stage sf] active management sf] r/0f
elevated Sim’s position or Knee chest af6 x6fPsf] 5 . cyf{t PPH sf]
or trendelenberg position. prevention sf] nflu of] r/0f k|of]u gug]{ .
• Immediately inform the obstetrician. • t/, PPH sf] treatment sf] ?kdf eg]
• Stop oxytocin infusion immediately. uterine massage nfO{ k|of]u ug{ ldNg]
• Give 02 inhalation at 4-6 liter/minute. elgPsf] 5 .
• Immediately do PV examinations to • ;fn lgl:s;s]kl5 kf7]3/nfO{ k]6 dfyLaf6 s8f
check the cord for pulsating or not. ;Fu gv'lDrP ;Dd sxNsf dfln; ug{'kb{5 . o;f]
• If the cord is pulsating, fetus is alive, if ug{ cfdfnfO{ klg l;sfpg'k5{ / a]nf a]nfdf
the cord is not pulsating, fetus is dead. kf7]3/sf] dfln; ug{ nufpg'k5{ .
• For pulsating cord: • ;fnsf] t'?Gt kl/If0f u/L ;fngfn / l´NnL
A. If women is in first stage of labour, ;fdfGo lx;fan] k'0f{?kdf lgl:sPsf] olsg
give salbutamol 0.5 mg IV slowly to ug{'kb{5 .
reduce contractions and perform • aRrf hlGdPsf] @ 306f ;Dd k|To]s !%–!%
immediately C/S delivery. ldg]6df kf7]3/ s8f ;Fu gv'lDrP ;Dd of]
B. If the women in second stage of k|lqmof bf]xf]/\ofpg' kb{5 .
labour, delivery with episiotomy and
vacuum or forcep delivery. If not  The earliest sign of placental
possible, prepare for C/S. separation : Uterus becomes globular &
• If the cord is not pulsating, the fetus is firm.
dead. (Confirm by USG) Perform  Most commonly placenta should be
delivery in the manner that is safest separated from it's center. (80%)

DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 46

 Third stage of labour is the most  PPH x'g] k|d'v sf/0fx? lgDglnlvt 4T sf]
crucial/critical/most important one ?kdf ;lD´g ;lsG5 .
for women. T1 = TONE
Average Blood loss During labor T3 = TISSUE
 After vaginal delivery : 500 ml T4 = THROMBIN
 After Cesarean section : 1000 ml s_ Tone /Atonic Uterus : aRrfsf] hGdkl5
 After twin vaginal delivery : 1000 ml kf7]3/ s8f;Fu v'lDrPg eg] ;fn 6fl;Psf] 7fpFaf6
 After cesarean hysterectomy : 1500 x'g] /Qm>fj nfO{ atonic PPH elgG5 . Post
ml partum hemorrhage sf] k|d'v sf/0f atonic
uterus xf] . sl/a &) k|ltzt PPH o; sf/0fn]
k|;jsf] t];|f] / rf}yf] cj:yfdf b]vf kg{ ;Sg] x'G5 . kf7]3/ atonic x'g] k|d'v sf/0f x? tn
hl6ntfx? lbO{Psf 5g .
(Complications of third & fourth stage of  ;fn k'/f g5'l§Pdf
labour)  ;fnsf] 6'qmf jf l´NnL c8\lsPdf
• Post partum Hemorrhage  Pricipitate labour ePdf .
• Retained placenta  Nffdf] k|;'tL Joyf nfu]df
• Inversion of the uterus  Polyhydroamnious or multiple pregnancy
• Ruptured uterus or grand multipara
• Vulval hematoma
• Amniotic fluid embolism v_ Trauma /Traumatic PPH : of]gLdfu{df 3fp,
rf]6 nfu]/ x'g] /Qm>fjnfO{ Traumatic PPH elgG5
k|;'ltkl5sf] cToflws /Qm>fj . Traumatic PPH kf7]3/sf] d'v, of]gL, k]l/lgod
(Post partum hemorrhage, PPH) RofltP/ jf kf7]3/ km'6]/ klg x'g ;S5 . sl/a
 aRrf hlGdPkl5 olb of]gLaf6 %)) ld=ln eGbf @)% PPH o; sf/0fn] x'G5 .
al9 /Qm>fj ePdf To;nfO{ k|;'ltkl5sf]
cToflws /Qm>fj (PPH) elgG5 . u_ Tissue/Retained tissue : cfFlzs ?kdf
 t/ /ut slt au]sf] 5 eGg] af/]df cg'dfg ubf{ ;fngfn (placenta), lemNnL (Membrane) jf
k|foM h;f] Tof] jf:tljs gf]S;fgL sf] cfwfh:tf] /utsf l9Ssf (clots) afFsL eP/ To;n] kf7]3/
dfq} x'g] ub{5 . lsgsL /ut Amniotic fluid v'lDrg glbO{ x'g] /Qm>fjnfO{ o; sf/0fn] ePsf]
jf lk;fa ;Fu ldl;Psf] x'g ;S5 . To;}ul/ /ut PPH elgG5 . sl/a !) k|ltzt PPH o; sf/0fm]
Sponges, perineal towel, bedsheet, floor x'G5 .
cflbdf ;d]t nfu]sf] x'g ;S5 .
 ;DalGwt dlxnfsf] /utdf ePsf] hemoglobin 3_ Thrombin sf] sldn] x'g] PPH
sf] dfqf (Level) cg';f/ /Qm>fjsf] c;/df /ut hDg] k|ls|ofdf c;/ ug]{ cj:yf
leGGftf x'g ;S5 . Pp6f /QmcNktf ePsf] (Coagulopathy) sf] sf/0fn] x'g] /Qm>fjnfO{
dlxnfsf] lglDt clnslt /Qm>fj -%)) ld=ln o;sf/0f n] ePsf] PPH elgG5 . sl/a ! k|ltzt
eGbf sd_ n] klg c;fdfGo l:ylt pTkGg x'g PPH o; sf/0f n] x'G5 .
;S5 .
 To;}n] aRrf hGdfPkl5 b]lv $@ lbg -^ xKtf_ k|;'tLkl5sf] cToflws /Qm>fj sf] Joj:yfkg
;Ddsf] cjlwdf s'g} klg kl/df0fsf] /Qm>fj (Management of PPH)
h;n] ;DalGwt dlxnfsf] :jf:Yodf ulDe/ c;/ !_ ;fdfGo Joj:yfkg (General management)
kf5{, To;nfO{ klg PPH elgG5 .  ;xof]usf] nflu u'xfg]{ (SHOUT FOR HELP)
 dlxnf ;'t]sf] a]8sf] tNNff] efu -v'§flt/sf] efu_
 PPH @ k|sf/sf x'G5g .
clnslt prfn]/ /fVg] h;n] ubf{ vital organ
A. Primary PPH : aRrf hGdfPsf] @$ 306f x? df /ut ;Grfng x'gdf dbt u5{ .
leqdf of]gLaf6 x'g] cToflws /Qm>fjnfO{  dlxnfsf] vital sign x? -Pulse, Respiration,
Primary PPH elgG5 . temperature, BP) af/]df rapid assessment
B. Secondary PPH : aRrf hGdfPsf] @$ ug]{ .
306fb]vL ^ xKtf;Dd of]gLaf6 x'g] cToflws  olb shock ePdf tTsfn To;sf] Joj:yfkg
/Qm>fjnfO{ Secondary PPH elgG5 . yfngL ug]{ .

DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 47

@_ PPH sf] j:t'ut Joj:yfkg (Specific
management) :  PPH is bleeding more than 500 ml
 kf7]3/ 5fDg] / s8f;Fu v'lDrPsf] 5 , 5}g hfFr following vaginal delivery & 1000 ml
ug]{ . kf7]3/ s8f;Fu gv'lDrPsf] eP xNsf following C/S delivery.
 dfln; ug]{ . To;n] /ut / /utsf] l9Ssf  The most common cause of PPH is Atonic
(blood clots) aflx/ lgsfNg / kf7]3/nfO{ uterus.
k|efjsf/L tl/sfn] ;+s'rg (contraction)  The most common cause of Primary PPH
u/fpg d4t u5{ . is : Atonic uterus.
 The most common cause of secondary
PPH is : Retained placenta
 !^ u]hsf] canula n] IV line vf]Ng] / IV fluid
 Misoprostol nfO{ dft[ z'/Iff rlSs elgG5, h'g
rnfpg ;'? ug]{ . /utdf Hemoglobin sf] PPH sf] prevention jf treatment sf] ?kdf
dfqf hfFr ug{ tyf cross match ug{ t'?Gt k|of]u ug{ ;lsG5 . of] pregnancy df lbg' x'b}g
k7fpg] . /utsf] cfjZostf kg]{ s'/fnfO{ klxn] -k|of]u ug{' x'b}g_ .
af6} cg'dfg ug{'kb{5 / cfjZos eP /ut  Dose and route of Misoprostol in PPH
r9fpg] Joj:yf ug]{ . a. For prevention of PPH : 600 mcg orally
b. For management of PPH : 800 mcg
 Foley’s catheter nufpg] (Bladder vfln ug{ sublingually
/ input/output monitor ug{_  Delivery kl5 shock df hfg] k|d'v sf/0f M PPH
 klxn] glbPsf] eP oxytocin 10 IU IM lbg] .
klxn] lbPsf] eP 20 IU oxytocin 1 liter RL
jf NS df (500 ml RL jf NS df 10 unit
oxytocin ) /flv 60 drops/min sf] b/n] ;'?
ug]{ . o:tf] oxytocin ePsf] IV fluid # ln6/
;Dd lbg ;lsG5 . (Maximum dose)

 ;fngfn (placenta) k'/f lgl:sPsf] 5, 5}g eGg] RETAINED PLACENTA

s'/f lgl:rt x'g] ul/ km]/L /fd|/L hfFr ug]{ /
c8\lsPsf] eP ltgnfO{ kf7]3/af6 lgsfNg] . Retained placenta is called when placenta is
 RofltPsf]÷3fp (tears) ePsf] 5, 5}g af/]df not expelled out even 30 minutes after the
hfGgsf] lglDt kf7]3/sf] d'v (cervix) (vagina) birth of the baby. [WHO > 15 minutes]
, Perineum sf] hfFr ug]{ . RofltPsf] eP t'?Gt
l;Nffpg] .  Signs of Placenta Separation
1. The uterus becomes firm and globular.
 To; kZrft klg /Qm>fj hf/L /x]df, Bedside 2. umbilical cord lengthen at the vulva.
clotting test sf] dfWod af6 /ut hDg] l:ytL 3. A gush of blood usually comes out from
(clotting status) sf] hfFr ug]{ . Bedside vagina.
clotting test ubf{ & ldg]6 ljlt;Sbf klg /ut 4. Lower abdominal pain
ghd]df coagulopathy ePsf] cfz+sf ug{'k5{ , 5. The uterus rises in the abdomen.
o:tf] l:yltdf blood transfusion ug]{ jf ;f]
;]jf lbg ;Sg] 7fFp (CEONC service site) df  There are three methods of placenta
t'?Gt k|]if0f ug]{ . delivery :
1. Control Cord Traction (CCT)
 dfly pNn]v ul/Pcg';f/sf] Joj:yfkg ubf{ ub}{ 2. Fundal Pressure (FP)
klg /Qm>fj g/f]lsPdf b'a} xft k|of]u ul/ 3. Maternal Effort (ME)
kf7]3/nfO{ RofKg] ljlw (Bimannual
compression) ckgfP/ kf7]3/nfO{ s8f;Fu  Naturally, there are two methods of
v'Drfpg d4t ug{‘'kb{5 jf To;sf] ljsNkdf placenta separation :
aortic compression ug{'kb{5 . A. Central separation (Schultz method) :
More common.
B. Marginal separation (Mathews Duncan

DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 48

d. fetal macrosomia
 Causes of Retained Placenta  Dangers
1. Atonic uterus : Most common a. shock : Neurogenic
2. Adherent placenta b. Hemorrhage
3. Full bladder c. Pulmonary embolism
4. poor voluntary effort d. Infection
5. separated placenta hold by Constriction  Clinical features
ring. a. Sudden onset of shock due to severe pain.
 Complications/Effects of retained b. Anemia : Mild to severe.
placenta : c. persistent vaginal bleeding.
1. Hemorrhage d. Pelvic pain
2. Shock e. history of something coming down per
3. Peurperal sepsis vagina
4. Risk of reccurance
5. Thrombophlebitis  Diagnosis : USG
6. Embolism  Management
 Management of retained placenta : A. General care : Open IV line, Give IV
1. empty bladder by rubber catheter fluid and prophylactic antibiotic.
2. Manage bleeding as PPH B. Food end of the bed elevated.
3. if placenta is separated : Express placenta [Trendelenburg position]
by Controlled cord traction. C. Replace the first part which is inverted
4. Unseparated placenta : Manual removal last.
of placenta under general anesthesia. D. After replacement, the hand should
remain inside the uterus until the uterus
INVERSION OF UTERUS becomes contracted.
 Inversion means ‘turn inside out’ E. Hydrostatic replacement is quite effect.
 Inversion of uterus means the uterus is F. If not successful with hydrostatic
partially or completely turns inside out. correction : reposition of uterus under
 Incidence : 1:20,000 deliveries General anesthesia or refer.
 Degree of inversion : G. Treatment of shock.
A. First degree : Dimpling of the fundus
, which still remains above the internal PROLONGED LABOR
os.  Prolonged labor is defined when the
B. Second degree : The fundus passes first and second stage of labour last
through the cervix but lies inside the more than 12 hour without including
vagina. false labor. (Source : WHO IMPAC &
C. Third degree (Complete) : the Roshani tuitui, textbook of obstetric)
endometrium with or without the attached  According to DC Dutta : >18 hours
placenta is visible outside the vulva.  Labor is considered prolonged when
 Causes : the cervical dilatation rate is less than
A. Spontaneous (40%) <1 cm/hour and descend of the
B. Induced (60%) : Iatrogenic presenting part is less than 1 cm/hour
a. Pulling the cord (CCT) when uterus is for a period of minimum 4 hour
atonic observation. [WHO 1994]
b. Faulty technique in manaual removal  Prolonged latent phase : If the cervix
c. Fundal pressure when uterus is atonic. is not dilaeted 4 cm after 8 hour of
d. Adherent placenta regular contraction is called prolonged
e. Sudden emptying the distended bladder latent phase.
 Risk factors  Causes of prolonged labor :
a. short umbilical cord 1. Fault in Power
b. uterine malformations a. Hypotonic uterine dysfunction (uterine
c. prolonged labor inertia)
DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 49
b. hypertonic uterine dysfunction After 3 weeks 100 gm
- incordinate, asymemetrical uterine After 6 weeks 60 gm
 The rate of uterine involution is about
- Hyperactive lower segment
1.25 cm (1/2 inch) per day.
- constriction ring, Bandl’s ring
 Soon after birth of the baby fundal
- cervical dystocia
height is just below umbilicus.
2. Fault in Passage
 At 10 days of delivery, fundal height is
a. Contracted pelvis
just above symphysis pubis & after 10
b. Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD)
days it reaches below symphysis
c. Pelvic tumor
d. rigid perineum
 Best time for post-partum tubectomy
e. cervical dystocia (rigid cervix)
(Post-partum sterilization or post
f. Full bladder
partum minilaparotomy) is : within 1
3. Fault in Passanger
week of delivery.
a. Malposition : Occipito posterior
 Delayed involution is called :
b. Malpresentation
c. Macrosomia (big baby)
d. Fetal malformation : hydrocephalus
2. Puerperium :
 Most common cause of prolonged  Puerperium is the period following
labor is : CPD
childbirth during which pelvic organs
 Dangers or effects of prolonged labor reverts back approximately to the non-
a. Maternal distress pregnant state. (Puerperium eGGffn] ;'Ts]/L
b. Fetal distress kl5sf] Pp6f cj:yf xf], h;df ;Dk'0f{ k|hgg
c. Post partum hemorrhage c+ux? k'j{ ue{jtL cj:yfdf kmls{G5g ._
d. increased chance of C/S delivery
 jf, involution k|ls|of k'/fx'g nfUg]
e. subinvolution
;docjwLnfO{ Peurperium elgG5 .
f. Peurperal sepsis
 Management  Placenta delivery ePb]lv sl/a ^ xKtf -$@
a. Early detection of causes during ANC
lbg_ sf] cjlwnfO{ Puerperium elgG5 . of]
b. Use of Partograph
cj:yfnfO{ # efudf ljefhg ul/Psf] 5 .
(A) Immediate puerperium : Within 24
c. Treatment of maternal and fetal distress
hours following delivery.
d. treatment of acidosis with RL
(B) Early puerperium : upto 7 days
e. Find the cause and treat the cause
(C) Late puerperium : upto 6 weeks
f. Termination of pregnancy with C/S.
3. Lochia Formation:
 Discharge from the uterus following
1. Involution
childbirth or abortion. -;'Ts]/L ePsf]
 Delivery kl5 uterus nufot cGo k|hgg
c+ux? non-pregnant cj:yfdf kmls{g'nfO{ ;'?sf] !% lbg ;Dd b]vf kg]{ vaginal
discharge nfO{ Lochia elgG5 ._
involution elgG5 . (involution is a
 The discharge originates from uterine
process by which the reproductive
body, cervix and vagina.
organs returns to their non-pregnant
 It has offensive fishy smell.
 It is of 3 types.
 of] k|lqmof sl/a ^ xKtfdf k'/f x'G5 .
(A) Lochia rubra :
 Labour sf] cGtdf uterus sf] tf}n sl/a ())-
• Color : Red,
!))) u|fd x'G5 eg] ^ xKtf kl5 o;sf] tf}n
• Seen on first 1-4 days of puerperium.
^) u|fd hlt x'G5 .
• Composition : Blood (RBCs main),
Postpartum period Weight of uterus
Shreds of fetal membranes &
At delivery 1000 gm deciduda, vernix caseosa, lanugo &
After 1 week 500 gm meconium
After 2 weeks 300 gm

DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 50

• Vernix caseosa : Waxy white 3_ rf}yf] k6s M ^ xKtfkl5 . (Near after 42
substance found on the skin of days)
newborn babies.
• Lanugo : Very thin, soft, unpigmented Peurperal Pyrexia
hair found on the body of new born  ;'Ts]/L ePsf] !) lbg leq @$ 306fsf]
babies. cGt/fndf Hj/f] gfKbf 100.40F (380C) eGbf
al9 ePdf o;nfO{ Peurperal pyrexia elgG5
(B) Lochia serosa .
• Color : Yellowish or Pink  Causes : Peurperal sepsis, UTI, Mastitis,
• Seen during 5-9 days of puerperium. breast abscess, wound infections etc.
• Composition : Less RBCs but more  Most common cause of puerperal
leucocytes, wound exudate, mucus pyrexia : Endometritis.
from the cervix, micro-organisms  Commonest organism : group A
(Streptococci, staphylococci) streptococci.
 Highest chance of endometritis occurs
(C) Lochia alba : in : C/S delivery.
• Color : pale white Puerperal Sepsis
• Seen upto 10-15 days of puerperium.  An infection of genital tract which
• Composition : Plenty of decidual cells, occurs as a complication of delivery is
leucocytes, mucus, epithelial cells & called puerperal sepsis.
micro-organisms.  Peurperal sepsis is commonly due to :
(A) Endometritis (Most common) or
4. Other Changes after delivery (B) Endomyometritis or
 Delivery ePnuQ} zl//sf] tfkqmd 0.5 F n] (C) Endoparametritis : Combination
a9\g ;S5 h'g 12 hour leq normal df of these, also called Pelvic
cfp5 . cellulitis.
 t/, Delivery ePsf] @$ 306f leq zl//sf]  Causative agents :
tfkqmd 990F eGbf al9 x'g' x'b}g . • Group A beta hemolytic streptococcus
 Overdistended bladder→incomplete (Most common)
emptying→UTI may be common. • Group B Beta hemolytic
 Constipation is common. streptococcus. (Main cause of
 Delivery nuQ} sl/a 5 kg weight loss x'G5 neonatal sepsis/deaths)
/ ^ xKtfsf] cGTodf yk 4 kg weight loss • E. Coli
x'G5 . • Others : Staphylococcus,
 About 2 liter fluid loss occurs in first Pseudomonas, proteus, chlamydia etc.
week.  Commonest site of infection is
 1.5 Liter fluid loss occurs in next 5 'Placental implantation site at
weeks. endometrium'
 Female should be adviced for coital  Clinical features :
activity (sex) minimum after 6 weeks • Rise in body temperature (>100.40F)
of delivery. • Chills & rigor
 Menstruation occurs after 36 weeks of • Tachycardia
delivery if mother is lactating • Lochia becomes offensive & copious.
 In non-lactating mother, menstruation • Uterus may be subinvoluted, tender &
usually returns betweens 6-12 weeks. soft.
 Delivery kl5 @$ 306f;Dd ;'Ts]/L cfdfnfO{ • Wound infections.
Close observation df /flv @$ 306f kl5 dfq
discharge ug]]{ .  Management :
 Postnatal visit $ k6s ug{'kb{5 . • Hospitalization & isolation
s+_ klxnf] k6s M hGd]sf] @$ 306fdf . • Adequate fluid & calorie by IV infusion.
v_ bf];f| ] k6s M @ jf # lbgdf . (48-72 hours) • Correct anemia
u_ t];|f] k6s M & lbgdf . (7-14 days) • Catheterization.
DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 51
• Monitor intake output & Vitals. • Antipsychotic drugs : Chlorpromazine
• Antibiotics based on Culture & .
sensitivity report. • Temporary separation and nursing
• Without culture report, IV antibioics : supervision needed.
Ampicillin + Gentamycin +
Metronidazole can be used. 3. Post-partum Depression
 It is observed in 10-20% of mothers.
 Prevention :  Moderate type.
• Prophylactic antibiotic at the time of  Gradual onset, usually over the first 4-6
Cesarean section. months after delivery.
• Full surgical asepsis during delivery.  Characterized by : loss of energy &
• Screening for Group B streptococcus in appetite, insomnia, social withdrawl,
high risk patient. irritability & suicidal attitude.
• Postpartum prophylactic antibiotic.  Treatment : Fluoxetine or paroxetine.
 Need psychological support.
Psychiatric Disorders during pregnancy  If no improve, refer for psychiatric
1. Peurperal Blues consultation.
 Seen in 50-60% of postpartum  Highest chance of reccurance : 50-
mothers. 100%.
 Most common psychiatric disorder in
postpartum period. Oxytocin
 Occurs after 4-5 days after delivery and  Oxytocin is a oxytocic agent, which
lasts for few days. have the power to excite contractions of
 Gradual onset the uterine muscles.
 Mildest psychiatric disorder in  Discovery : de Vigneaud (in 1950)
postpartum period..  Oxytocin hormone is secreted by
 Clinical features : Depression, anxiety, posterior pituitary.
tearfulness, insomnia, helplessness and  Mode of action : It stimulates amniotic
negative feelings towards the infant. & decidual Prostaglandin production.
 Due to progesterone withdrwal.  Indications : can be used during
 Treatment : reassurance & pregnancy, labour & postpartum for
psychological support by the family following purpose :
members. (A) During pregnancy :
2. Post-Partum Psychosis • To accelerate abortion
 Seen in <1% (0.14-0.26%) of • To treat post abortal hemorrhage.
postpartum mothers. • To induce labour
 Sudden onset, usually within 4 days of • To ripen the cervix before
delivery. induction.
 Most dangerous psychiatric disorder in • Augmentation of labour.
peurperium. (B) During labour
 Breastfeeding is contraindicated in • Active management of third stage of
this case. labour.
 Chance of reoccurance is 20-25%. (C) During puerperium
 Clinical features : • To control PPH or to minimize blood
• Fear, restlessness, loss.
• Hallucinations, delusions  Oxytocin : responsible for milk ejection
• Confusion, disorientation. & involution.
• Suicidal, infanticidal attempts.  Method of administration : IM or IV
 Treatment : infusion.
• Psychiatric consultation  Preparation most commonly used :
• Hospitalization Syntocinon 5 IU/ml (ampule) OR
Pitocin 5 IU/ml

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 Contraindications of Oxytocin : Degree Description
• Grand multipara First Tear involving vaginal
• Contracted pelvis epithelium or skin only
• History of cesarean section or Second Tear involving both vaginal
hysterectomy skin and muscles.
• Malpresentation (Mediolateral episiotomy hltg}
• Obstructed labor level df Rofltg]_
• Precipitate labor Third Involvement of anal sphincter.
• Fetal distress Fourth Involvement of anorectal
• Hypovolemic state mucosa (anal epithelium)
• Cardiac disease  Prevention of perineal tears : ritgen
maneuver (Head delivery u/fpg] ljlw_,
EPISIOTOMY Episiotomy.
 Delivery sf] a]nfdf perineum jf vulva df
lbO{g] surgical incision nfO{ episiotomy MULTIPLE PREGNANCY
elgG5 .  When more than one fetus develops
 ofgLdfu{ (vulval outlet) nfO{ v's'nf] kfg{ simultaneously in the uterus, called
k|;jsf] bf];|f] r/0f (Second stage of multiple pregnancy.
labour) df of] lbOG5 . • Two fetus : Twins (most common)
 Ideal time of episiotomy : Bulging • 3 fetuses : Triplets
thinned perineum during contraction • 4 fetuses : quadruplets
just prior to crowning of head. (When • 5 fetuses : quintuplets
3-4 cm head is visible) • 6 fetuses : Sextuplets
 Perineal tear x'g glbg' episiotomy sf]  Types of twins :
k|d'v p4]Zo xf] . (A) Dizygotic twins :
 Indications of episiotomy : • Most common (80%).
(A) Inelastic (rigid) perineum • Results from the fertilization of two
(B) Chance of perineal tears ova.
• Big baby (B) Monozygotic twins (20%)
• Face to pubis delivery • Also known as 'identical twins'.
• Breech delivery • Results from the fusion of single
• Shoulder dystocia ovum.
(C) Operative delivery : Forcep, ventouse
delivery etc.
(D) Previous perineal surgery : pelvic floor Monozygotic Dizygotic
repair. 1. One uvum 1. Two ova
 Types of episiotomy : fertilized. fertilized.
• Median/midline 2. One placenta 2. Two placenta
• Mediolateral (most common) 3. Two amnions, 3. 2 amnions &
• Lateral No chorion two chorion
• 'J' Shaped 4. Sex : Same 4. Sex : differ
 Most common type of episiotomy: Right 5. Blood 5. Blood
Mediolateral (first answer), median group/fingerprint group/fingerprint
(second answer). : Same : differ
 Muscles also cut in mediolateral 6. Skin grafting : 6. Skin grafting :
incision. Acceptance Rejection.

PERINEAL TEAR  In twins pregnancy :

 Tear involving the perineum are • Increased nausea, vomiting in early
perineal tears. pregnancy.
 Classification
• Unusual weight gain

DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 53

• Barrel shaped abdomen. • Cephalopelvic disportion (CPD)
• The height of the uterus is more than • Pelvic mass causing obstruction
the period of gestation. • Advanced carcinoma of cervix.
• Palpation of too many fetal parts. • Vaginal obstructions (stenosis etc)
• Two diferrent FHS herd at separate (B) Relative indications
region. • Vaginal delivery may be possible but
 Complications of multiple pregnancy : risk to mother & fetus are high.
(A) Maternal : • Cephalopelvic disproportion
• Nausea, vomiting • Previous history of C/S delivery
• Anemia • Dystocia due to Large fetus (passanger),
• PIH small pelvis (passage), insufficient
• Oligohydramnios/polyhydramnios uterine contractions. (power).
• Preterm labour • Malpresentations : Breech, shoulder etc.
• APH, PPH • Hypertensive disorders : Pre-eclampsia,
• Malpresentations eclampsia.
• Prolonged labour etc. • Antepartum hemorrhage (APH)
• Failed to induction
(B) Fetal • On patient request.
• Abortion
• Preterm birth  g]kfndf dft[ d[To'sf sf/0fx?
• Low birth weight (Causes of maternal mortality in Nepal)
• IUFD 1. Hemorrhage : 24%
• Cord prolapsed etc • PPH : 19%
• APH : 5%
Miscellaneous 2. Eclampsia (Toxemia) : 21%
 Contraindications of breastfeeding 3. Abortion complications : 7%
(A) Maternal conditions 4. Obstructed labour : 6%
• Acute puerperal illness 5. Peurperal sepsis : 5%
6. Other causes : 37%
• Acute breast complications : Cracked
nipple, mastitis or breast abscess
• Herpes simplex lesion of the breast.
 New borne danger signs -gjhft lzz'df
• Active untreated pulmonary
b]vf kg]{ vt/fsf lrGxx?_
• cfdf sf] b'w r':g g;Sg' .
• Peurperal psychosis.
• ;':t jf a]xf]; sd rnfO{ .
• Mother taking high dose of anti-
epileptic, anti-thyroid, anti-psychotic • l56f] l56f] :jf; km]/]df .
or anticancer drugs. • s8f l;t sf]vf xfg]df .
(B) Neonatal Conditions • Hj/f] cfPdf .
• Very low birth weight baby • l;tf+u (hypothermia ) : Temp <36.50C
• Asphyxia • gfO{6f] kfs]df jf 5fnfdf kmf]sfx? cfPdf .
• Acute illness
• Severe degree of cleft palate.  Immediate essential new born care -
• Galactosemia : High galactose in gjhft lzz' hlGdg] ljlQs} ul/g] cTofjZos
blood. :ofxf/x?_ : o; cGt{ut lgDg % j6f sfo{x?
================================ kb{5g .
 Indications of Cesarean Section !_ g/d, ;kmf / ;'Vvf sk8fn] k'5\g' kb{5 / .
(A) Absolute indications: (Dry, stimulate and wrap the baby)
• When vaginal delivery is not possible @_ gfeL nfO{ sterile wfuf] jf cord clamp n] afwLF
even in dead fetus, sterile cf}hf/n] sf6\g] .
• Central placenta previa
• Contracted pelvis
DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 54
• ;fdfGotof % b]lv !) leqdf gfle ´g]{ ub{5 . Step 3 : Decide the baby need
(5-8 days or 7-10 days also mentioned resuscitation.(breathing<30/min or
in various sources) gasping)
• Cord clamp ug{ cl3 ev{/} hGd]sf] aRrfnfO{ Step 4: Tie and cut the cord, take birth
sk8f n] a]l/ tray df /flv cfdfsf] @ v'§fsf] weight, note APGAR score, record sex
aLrdf /fVg'kb{5 . (should be placed lower and time of birth.
level than uterus). o;f] ubf{ gravity n] Step 5: Place the baby in skin to skin
placenta / cord df ePsf] /ut fetus lt/ contact with the women.
hfg ;xh x'G5 . Step 6: Start breastfeeding within one
#_ lzz'sf] ;Dk'0f{ zl//nfO{ ;kmf sk8fn] a]/]/ hour of birth.
cfdfsf] 5ftLdf Gofgf] kf/]/ /fVg'kb{5 . Step 7: Give eye care within one
$_ hjhft lzz'nfO{ hGd]sf] ! 306fleq cfdf sf] hour of birth.
b'w r';fpg] Step 8 : Explain both normal and abnormal
%_ lzz'nfO{ hGd]sf] @$ 306f leq g'xfpg' x'b}g . findings to the mother
 Tie the first one 3 cm away from the
baby’s abdomen and second tie 5cm
 gjlzz'sf] k|f/lDes :ofxf/ (Initial care) : away from the baby’s abdomen and cut
o;cGt{t lgDg s'/fx? kb{5g . the cord between two ties.
!= lzz'nfO{ Stimulation ug]{ M ;kmf, ;'Vvf  Do not put anything on the curd stump
sk8fn] aRrfsf] lk7\o' d';fg]{ . except NAAVI MALAM (4%
@= Zjf;gnLaf6 >fj lgsfNg] (Suction) chlorhexidin ointment)
• /ut / >fj (mucus) nfO{ ;kmf sk8f jf  Use silver nitrate 1% solution or
gauge n] k'5\g] . tetracycline 1% ointment for eye care.
• lzz'n] lb;f (Meconium) lgn]sf] eP  Do not bath baby for first 24 hours.
suction ug]{ .
 Post-natal visit (PNC)
Neonatal Resuscitation • First visit : within 24 hour of
 hGdbf lg;fl;Psf] lzz'nfO{ Neonatal delivery (at health facility before
resuscitation sf] cfjZos x'G5 . tnsf dWo] discharge)
s'g} klg Pp6f cj:yf ePdf lzz' lg;fl;Psf] • Second visit : on day 3 (48-72
dflgG5 . hours)
s_ hGdbf g/f]Psf] jf ;f; gkm]/]sf] [At mother’s home]
v_ l3l6Ss l3l6Ss ;f; km]/]sf] (gasping) : • Third Visit : 7 days (7-14 days)
Zjf;k|Zjf;b/ ult #) ldg]6 k|lt ldg]6 jf ;f] eGbf [At mother’s home]
sd ePsf] gjlzz' . • Fourth Visit : 42 days. (6 weeks)
 Steps of Newborn Resuscitation [At Health facility or vaccination
1. Immediate Essential Newborn Care center, with DPT]
(hlGdg] lalQs} ul/g] cTofjZos :ofxf/x?_
 gjhft lzz' d[To' x'g'sf sf/0f x? :
+ (Common causes of neonatal
2. Initial Care -gjlzz'sf] k|f/lDes :ofxf/_ mortality)
+ A. Globally :
3. Ventilation -s[lqd Zjf; lbg] tl/sf_ • Preterm Birth (28%)
 tflnd k|fKt :jf:YosdL{n] dfq Neonatal • Severe infections (26%)
resuscitation ug{'kb{5 . • Asphyxia (23%)
• Neonatal tetanus (7%)
Eight steps of immediate new born care: B. In Nepal
Step 1: Dry, stimulate and wrap the baby. • NDHS 2006 : Infection (39%)
Step 2: Assess the baby’s breathing and • NDHS 2016 - Respiratory &
color cardiovascular disorder (31%)

DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 55

Physical examination of Newborn Infant  Milia : Seen in nose, cheeks & forehead
 Term baby eGGffn] #& xKtf k'/f ePb]lv b]lv due to plugged sweat glands. -3df}/f h:t}
$@ xKtf leq hGd]sf] aRrfnfO{ elgG5 . b]lvg]_
 New born baby sf] normal weight 2.5 b]lv  Mongolian spot : Bluish spot, seen
3 kg x'G5 . commonly in back, buttocks or thigh.
• <2500 gm : low birth weight Disappears by 4 years of age.
• <1500 gm : very LBW.  Erythema toxicum : Papular lesions
with erythromatous base seen after 48
• <1000 gm : extremely LBW hours of birth. Resolves spontaneously.
 Length of new born baby : 50 cm  Diaper rash : It is a form of irritant
 The newborn baby should cry contact dermatitis, usually the skinfolds
immediately after birth and quickly are involved.
adapts to the changed environment.

1. Examination of Vital signs : 3. Examination of the Head :

 Temperature : Recorded from axillary,  Head circumference : 34 cm
rectal or oral.  Chest circumference : 32 cm
 Respiration : 30-60 breaths/min  At birth : HC>CC
 Pulse/heart rate :
• 100-160 beats/min (Sources : DC
 At 12 months (6-9 months) : HC=CC
Dutt's textbook of obstetrics/Standard  After 12 months = CC>HC
treatment protocol, 2078 Nepal, CBIMNCI  Large fontanels: Hypothyroidism,
Guideline 2078) Down’s syndrome
• 120-140/min, (Source : Nelson's  Small fontanels : Hyperthyroidism
textbook of Pediatric)
 Blood pressure : 45-60/25-40 mm of
 Bulging fontanels : Meningitis,
Increased ICP, Hydrocephalus
 Depressed fontanels : Dehydration
2. Examination of Skin  Molding : Seen in prolonged labor,
 It is the single Most important subsides within 5 days.
parameter of cardiovascular  Caput succedaneum : Formation of
function. swelling due to accumulation of fluid in
 Normal Color : Pink scalp, not limited by suture. Appears at
 Pallor : /QmcNktf, lg;fl:;g', ;F3ft cflb birth. Caput disappears within 24
sf/0f n] lzz'df pallor b]lvg ;S5 . hours.
 Cyanosis : 5fnf / Do's; l´NnL lgnf] x'b}  Cephalhematoma : Collection of blood
hfg' nfO{ Cyanosis elgG5 . Reduced between the bones, usually due to
hemoglobin sf] dfqf 3-5 gm/dl eGbf al9 forcep delivery.It is not develops at
x'bf ;fdfGotof Cyanosis b]lvG5 . birth but develops after 12-24 hour, the
 Jaundice : Bilirubin sf] dfqf /utdf 5mg swelling is limited. The
/dl eGbf al9 ePdf ;fdfGotof Jaundice bvf cephalhematoma may disappear after
kb{5 . 6-8 weeks.
 Vernix caseosa : Waxy white 4. Examination of Chest :
substance found on the skin of  Any asymmetry , tachypnoea, grunting,
newborn babies. This forms around 21 Breath sounds etc
weeks of gestation.  The newborn’s breast may be enlarged
 Lanugo : At 16th weeks, downy, thin, due to maternal oestrogen. (Normal 1
soft, colorless hair appears, which cm in diameter)
almost disappears at term.  The white discharge from infant’s breast
is known as “Witch milk”.
5. Examination of Abdomen :

DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 56

 Look for hepatomegaly (Sepsis),  v'§fsf] k}tnfdf (Plantar surface df_ s'g}
Spleenomegaly (Rubella, CMV infection) xNsf ltvf] j:t'n] k5f8L b]lv cuf8L sf]bf{
 Omphalocele (Liver & Intestine remains v'§fsf] cf}nfx? Pscfk;af6 separate x'b}
outside of abdomen) (fanning out) a'l9 cf}nfsf] extention x'g' -
 Umbilicus for any redness, discharge or toes up_ nfO{ Babinski reflex elgG5 .
infection.  of] normal Planter reflex sf] l7s pN6f] xf] .
 A greenish yellowish cord suggest  Infant df of] normal xf] eg] adult df
meconium aspiration. (fetal distress) pathological x'G5 . adult df of] sign n]
upper motor neuron damage sf] ;+s]t
 Genitalia : ub{5 .
• Male : Size of penis (Normal>2cm), 7. Planter reflex : v'§fsf] k}tnfdf (Plantar
testes within scrotum, Hydrocele, surface df_ s'g} xNsf ltvf] j:t'n] k5f8L b]lv
• Female : enlargement of clitoris, cuf8L sf]bf{ v'§fsf] cf}nfx? Pscfk;af6 separate
blood stained vaginal discharge. ge} cf}nfx? e'Olt/ kmls{g' (Toes down).
(due to maternal oestrogen 8. Tonic neck reflex : olb aRrfsf] 6fpsf] nfO{
withdrawal) bfFof jf afofF k§L kmsf{pbf, 6fpsf] kms]{sf] side sf]
 Rectum and anus : arms & leg sf] extension x'G5 eg] csf]{ k§Lsf]
• Checked for any imperforation and arm & leg sf] flexion x'G5 . o;nfO{ Fencing
position. reflex klg elgG5 .
• Stool & Urine :
A. Urine : Pass by 24 hours after APGAR Score
birth. (Ghai Essential Pediatrics)  Used for rapid assessment of new born
B. Stool (meconium) : Passed baby.
within 24 hours after birth.  Components of APGAR score
(Reference : A textbook of Child health APGAR Score
Nursing, Kamala Uprety,First edition, Signs 0 1 2
2018, page 59) - Best Answer for Appearance Blue, Body pink, Complete
PSC (color) pale extremities pink
• First urine & stool should be blue
passed within 48 hours, if not Pulse Absent Below 100 Above
occurs further investigation needed (Heart 100
Grimace No Grimace Cry/
Neonatal reflexes (reflex) response cough or
1. Rooting reflex : d'vsf] 5]plt/ cf}nfn] sneeze
la:tf/} rnfpbf aRrf 5f]Psf] lb;ftkm{ kmls{G5 / Activity Flaccid Some Active
(Muscle Flexion of flexion of
d'v v'nfp5 . tone) extremities extremitis
2. Glabellar reflex : aRRffsf] lgwf/df cf}nfn] Respiration Absent Slow, Good
lj:tf/} lyRbf aRrfn] cfFvf aGb ub{5 . irregular crying
3. Grasp reflex : aRrfsf] xTs]nfdf s'g} s'/f -
h:t} M cf}Fnf_ /fVbf ;dfTg vf]H5 .  APGAR score aRrf hGd]sf] ! ldg]6 / %
4. Moro reflex : ldg]6df lng'kb{5
 aRrfsf] 6fpsf] nfO{ lj:tf/} dfly p7fP/ 5f]8\bf  o;sf] Go'gtd c+s (minimum score) ‘0’ x'G5
aRrfn] xft v'§fx? PSsf;L k5f8L n}hfG5 . eg] clwstd c+s (Maximum score) ‘10’
 Extension of extremities due to CNS.
 Startle reflex is also known as
 Most important component of APGAR :
moro reflex. Pulse (heart rate)
5. Sucking and swallowing reflex : aRrfsf]  Total score : 10
d'vleq s'g} s'/f h:t} Nipple /fv]df p;n] To;nfO{  No depression : 8-10
r':g yfN5 / d'vdf b'w el/Pdf lgNg] ub{5 .  Mild depression : 5-7
6. Babinski reflex :  Moderate depression : 3-4
 Severe depression : 0-2

DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 57

Growth and development  Growth chart df aRrfsf] pd]/ cg';f/sf] tf}n
1. Prenatal periods : /]s8{ ul/G5 .
• Ovum : 0-2 weeks (0-14 days)  Community level df aRrfx?sf] tf}n gfKg
• Embryo : 2-8 weeks salter’s scale sf] k|of]u ul/G5 .
 kxlnf] Ps aif{df aRrfsf] j[l4 (growth)
• Fetus : 9 weeks to birth
2. Perinatal periods :
;a}eGbf al9 x'G5 eg] klxnf] @ jif{df sl/a *)
k|ltzt dlit:s sf] ljsf; x'G5
• 22 weeks of gestation to 7 days after
 Increase of weight in children :
• 0-3 months : 200 gm per week
3. Postnatal periods :
• 4-6 month : 150 gm per week
• Neonate : first 4 weeks (up to 28 days)
• 7-9 months : 100 gm per week
• Infant : less than 1 year
• 10-12 months : 50-75 gm per week
• Toddler : 1-3 years
• 1-2 year : 2.5 kg per year
• Pre-school : 1-4 years (Source : K. park
PSM 24th edt. Page 566) • 3-5 year 2.0 kg per year
• School children : 5-15 years
Height (Length) for age
• Childhood : 1-15 years
 aRrf hlGdg] a]]nfsf] nDafO{ sl/a %) ;]=dL
• Adolescenets : 10-19 years -
x'G5 .
lszf]/fj:yf_  $ aif{df aRrfsf] prfO{ bf]Aa/ x'G5 .
 Preterm baby : uef{j:yfsf] #& xKtf k'/f
 klxnf] % aif{df aRrfsf] prfO{ lgDgcg';f/ j[l4
x'g'eGbf cuf8L hGd]sf] aRrf (Before 259 x'G5 .
• First year : 25 cm/year
 Full term baby : uef{j:yfsf] #& xKtf
• Second year : 12 cm/year
k'/fePkl5 t/ $@ xKtf k'/f x'g'eGbf cuf8L
hGd]sf] aRrf (Born between 259-293 days • Third year : 9 cm/year
of gestation) • Fourth year : 7 cm/year
 Post- term baby : uef{j:yfsf] $@ xKtf k'/f • Fifth year : 6 cm/year
ePkl5 hGd]sf] aRrf (After 294 days)
 Normal birth weight : 2.5-3 kg  Lenghth of baby <2 year is measured
 Low birth weight (LBW) : hGdbfsf] tf}n by : Infantometer
@%)) u|fd eGbf sd ePsf  Height of the baby >2 years is
 Very low birth weight : hGdbfsf] tf}n !%)) measured by : Stadiometer
u|fd eGbf sd ePsf] .
 Extremely Low birth weight : hGdbfsf] Head and chest circumference
tf}n !))) u|ffd eGbf sd ePsf] .  At birth head circumference(HC) is about
34 cm and chest circumference (CC) is 2
Weight for age cm less than head circumference (i.e 32
 Weight is the best single parameter to cm). [HC>CC]
 HC & CC becomes equals at 1 years.
assess the physical growth.
References :
 aRRffsf] hGdbfsf] cf}ift tf}n 2.5 to 3 kg x'G5 . : 1) : A textbook of Child health Nursing,
 Weight initially decreases but regains Kamala Uprety,First edition, 2018, page 59
after 7-10 dayss. 2)Dr. Y.R Bhattarai, Quick review of HEALTH
 aRRffsf] tf}n % dlxgfdf bf]Aa/ x'G5 eg] !@ SCIENCE, 7th Edition (2016), page 294,
dlxgf df # u'0ffn] / @$ dlxgfdf $ u'0ffn] j[l4 Samikshya Publication
x'G5 .
 “Road to health chart” sf] k|of]u aRrfsf]  At 6-9 months, HC=CC, according to
j[l4 cg'udg(Growth monitoring) sf nflu K.Park, Preventive and social medicine)
k|of]u ul/G5 .
 Road to health chart was first designed
by David morley and later modified by

DN Bhatta Midwifery (MCH) Page | 58

MUAC (Mid Upper Arm Circumference)  The main focus of Baby friendly
 Measured by Shakir’s tape hospital initiative is “To promote
Color MUAC sf] gfk kf]if0fsf]  g]kfndf ;g !(($ af6 BFHI sfo{qmd sf]
cj:yf ;'?jft ePsf] lyof] .
/ftf] <115 mm (<11.5cm) SAM  There are Ten steps of successful
kx]nf] ≥115 mm to <125 MAM breastfeeding.
cm  Rooming in : Keeping the baby by the
xl/of] ≥125 mm (≥12.5cm) Normal side of the mother.-rf}la;} 306f cfdf /
aRrfnfO{ ;Fu;Fu} /fVg'_
Developmental Milestones  Breastfeeding nfO{ infant feeding sf]
 1 month : Alert to sound, turn head to gold standard dflgG5 .
sound, strong grasping  The most common organism causing
 2 month : Social smile diarrhea in infants and children :Rota
 3 months : Neck holding, recognize virus
mother  gjhft lzz'df @$ 306fkl5
 5-6 month : sitting with supports, Physiological jaundice b]vf kb{5, rf}yf]
Mono-Syllables (ma, ma) / kfFrf} lbgdf ;a}eGbf al9 Jaundice
 8 months : Sitting without support b]lvG5 eg] *–!) lbg kl5 x/fP/ hfG5 .
 9 months : stand with support  aRrfn] hGd]sf] t];|f] / rf}yf] lbgdf u/]sf]
 9 months : starts crawling -afd] ;5{_, lb;fnfO{ Transitional stool elgG5 .
waves (Bye-Bye), Bi-syallables (mama)  ;fdfGotof aRrfx?df :tgkfg u/fO{;s]kl5
 10 Months : Standing without support af8'NsL (hiccup) nfUg] ub{5, Stomach
 12 months : walking with support. el/Pkl5 o;n] Diaphragm nfO{ irritation
 13 months : walking without support, u/fp5 / af8'NsL nfU5 .
two words with meaning.  Prolonged labour is duration of :
 15-18 months : Runs First + Second stage : ≥12 hours
 36 months : Rides tricycles, Knows [IMPAC], >18 hours [DC Dutta]
his/her gender  SBA core skills contains : 27 skills

Better to Know !!
 Most common cause of uterine
inversion is : Mismanagement of
third stage of labour.
 Most common cause of postpartum
shock (After delivery) : PPH
 aRrfsf] hGd ePsf] #) ldg]6 ;Dd klg
placenta delivery ePg eg] To;nfO{
'Retained Placenta' elgG5 . (WHO,
>15 minute)
 When fetus frequently changed lie &
presentation even after 36 weeks of
pregnancy is called : Unstable lie
 Diabetic mother may give birth to :
Big baby
 Baby Friendly Hospital Initiatives
(BFHI) created and promoted by
WHO & UNICEF in 1991.

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