FREE Assignment Tracker

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Orange Highlight = Assignment contains the word "Exam" or "Quiz", Purple Highlight = Assignment con
Dark Red → 0-1 Days Left, Light Red → 2-7 Days Left, Blue → 8-14 Days Left
Subject Assignment Name
Class 2 Assignment w/ 1 Day Left
Class 1 Assignment w/ Week Left
Class 3 Assignment w/ 2 Weeks Left
Class 4 More Than Two Weeks Left
Class 2 Big Huge Exam
Class 3 Mini-Quiz
Class 4 Optional Survey
Spring 2024 (ex.)
le Highlight = Assignment contains the word "Optional" (Extra

Blue → 8-14 Days Left

Status Days Left Due on
Done -51 Friday, 2/16
In progress -46 Wednesday, 2/21
Done -39 Wednesday, 2/28
In progress -39 Wednesday, 2/28
Exam/Quiz -80 Thursday, 1/18
Exam/Quiz -73 Thursday, 1/25
Skipped -66 Thursday, 2/1
first off: congratul
step 1: FOR DESKTOP USERS: make a COPY of th
FOR MOBILE USERS: download Google Sheets App, click on 3 dots in
- it takes a lot to start this confusing journey of learning organizational/booooring hard skills. so congrats

here's a quick how to of how to navigate this tracker:

to ADD A NEW 'DAYS LEFT' input:

→ the days left column does NOT automatically fill once you enter the due date. to make a new inpu
right corner of the previously filled out days left column (already done for you) and the cell will autofill


→ simply click on any due date cell and click on desired date in calendar. use instructions above to f

CUSTOMIZING Class Names/Status Dropboxes:

→ click on the dropdown menu like normal, and click on small pencil icon in lower right corner. the e

any new coloring, formatting, functional appearance options need to be changed in conditional formatt
select the row/column you want it to apply to (click the LETTER of the column/NUMBER of row to se
if you want to make this tracker your own with your own rules, you NEED to play around with conditiona

adjusting assignment schedule to your visual liking:

- to make the schedule into your own, go into the settings tab within the assignment schedule. there are s
since it's a new feature. but super helpful!

I'm excited for you. I hope

- my freshman year, i got a 2.0 GPA my first semester, and a 3.7 my second semester (rounding out to a n
i've been working on my organizational skills to ensure i stay on track. i still don't have a 'great' gpa, b
since then, i've failed and failed again, found out i had ADHD, and a whole lot of other tough truths came t
i hope you feel that this can help you get started on that journey. any urgent questions feel free to DM @a

good luck!
e a COPY of this document in order to use it
App, click on 3 dots in the right corner, click "share and export", click "make a copy"

ring hard skills. so congrats! i'm happy you're here.

date. to make a new input for the days left column, simply DRAG DOWN the
ou) and the cell will autofill!

use instructions above to fill out the days left column.

n lower right corner. the edit dropdown window will appear on the right, and you can go from th

ed in conditional formatting.
mn/NUMBER of row to select the whole thing), then format (top menu) > conditional formatting.
lay around with conditional formatting. this is important.

nment schedule. there are some restrictions to how much you can do with it,

r you. I hope this helps!

mester (rounding out to a nice sum 3.0). ever since then,
don't have a 'great' gpa, but i'm trying my best. you are not stupid. you just need a system!
f other tough truths came to light. but i took control, and this has helped me make my academic c
uestions feel free to DM @anjalilifts (my instagram), but most of this you can just google. i'm just as

od luck!

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