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Extended Wordlist

Unit 4

Classroom objects | School subjects | Learning | Prepositions of place

school subject in which painting, drawing, sculpting, etc. are

kunst taught
n. /ɑːt/
I like Art because our teacher is very creative.
behind in or to the back
prep. /bɪˈhaɪnd/ Look who's behind you!
(school) bell a device which makes a ringing sound
n. /(skuːl) bel/ When you hear the bell, stop writing the test, please.
between the time or space separating two things
prep. /bɪˈtwiːn/ There is a long break between English and Geography.
bin a can or box for rubbish (trash, garbage)
n. /bɪn/ Put the rubbish in the bin, please.

a school subject which deals with things that are alive, like
biologie animals and plants
n. /baɪˈɒlədʒi/
My sister loves animals, so Biology is her favourite subject.

a dark smooth surface attached to a wall or frame used for writing

schoolbord on with chalk, often used in schools
n. /ˈblækbɔːd/
Can you clean the blackboard, please?
boarding school a type of school where students live and study
n. /ˈbɔːdɪŋ skuːl/ Are boarding schools popular in your country?
borrow to give something to be used for a (short) time
v. /ˈbɒrəʊ/ Can I borrow your pen, please?
box rectangular container, with a bottom and often a cover
n. /bɒks/ Is this your lunch box, Ollie?
break a pause during a longer activity
n. /breɪk/ How many breaks a day are there at your school?
broken damaged or separated into parts or pieces
v. /ˈbrəʊkən/ Oh no! My pencil is broken, and I can't finish the test.
buddy friend
n. /ˈbʌdi/ Thanks, buddy!
busy active, doing things
adj. /ˈbɪzi/ I am usually very busy at weekends.
electronic device that can do sums
n. /ˈkælkjəleɪtə, rekenmachine
Excuse me, can I borrow your calculator, please?
Chemistry a school subject about the basic characteristics of substances
n. /ˈkeməstri, scheikunde and the way they react when combined
ˈkemɪstri/ I study Chemistry because I want to be a pharmacist.
classmate someone who is in the same class as another person
n. /ˈklɑːsmeɪt/ My classmate John is very clever.
the place where you have lessons
n. /ˈklɑːs-rʊm, - klaslokaal
We tidy our classroom twice a week.
countryside rural area that is away from big towns and cities
n. /ˈkʌntrisaɪd/ Today we're riding our bikes in the beautiful countryside.
course a series of lessons
n. /kɔːs/ When does the mountain bike course start?

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Extended Wordlist
Unit 4

desk a table for writing, reading, studying or work

n. /desk/ I clean my desk first and then I do my homework.
dictionary a list of meanings and sometimes translations of words
n. /ˈdɪkʃənəri/ This English-French dictionary is very good.
difficult not easy, hard
adj. /ˈdɪfɪkəlt/ Mrs Jones gives us really difficult Physics tests.
a small piece of rubber or other material which is used to remove
gum pencil, ink or chalk marks
n. /ɪˈreɪzə/
Mary has more than 300 erasers in her collection.
exam a test of someone's knowledge or skill
n. /ɪɡˈzæm/ I get very nervous before exams.
exercise book a book with assignments and questions used by students in
n. /ˈeksəsaɪz werkboek school
bʊk/ Do we need an exercise book for History lessons?
people who went to a school in the past, but don't go to that
ex-leerling school anymore
n. /eks ˈpjuːpəl/
Do ex-pupils often visit your school?
fantastic extremely good, unbelievable
adj. /fænˈtæstɪk/ It is a fantastic idea to start school at nine o'clock every day.
a teacher who looks after a particular group of students in the
form tutor
klasseleraar same year, and helps them with any problems
n. /fɔːm ˈtjuːtə/
Who is your form tutor this year?
a school subject about the locations of countries, cities, rivers,
Aardrijkskunde etc. and the way they affect one another
n. /dʒiˈɒɡrəfi/
Susan doesn't like Geography, she thinks it's boring.
(hard) work something that takes a lot of time and effort
(hard) werken
n. /(hɑːd) wɜːk/ I think that learning a foreign language is hard work.
History a school subject about (important) past events
n. /ˈhɪstəri/ My favourite school subject is History.
hope to want something to happen
v. /həʊp/ I like Julie and I hope she likes me too.
in located within
prep. /ɪn/ She's got lots of things in her bag.
in front of in a forward position
prep. /ɪn frʌnt əv/ Mary is sitting in front of me.

Technology (IT) the science the science involving development, use and maintenance of
n. /ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃən Informatietechnologie computers and software
tekˈnɒlədʒi (aɪ (IT) My uncle George is an Information Technology specialist.

irritate to make angry, to annoy

v. /ˈɪrəteɪt/ Stop that! This sound irritates me.
laugh to smile while making a happy sound
v. /lɑːf/ She is a very nice person and she laughs a lot.
lesson the time when something is taught, a (part of a) class
n. /ˈlesən/ We never have lessons at school at weekends.
lucky feeling or showing pleasure
adj. /ˈlʌki/ I am a very lucky person.

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Extended Wordlist
Unit 4

school subject about numbers, quantities, shapes and

Wiskunde measurements and the relations between them
n. /mæθs/
She isn't good at Maths.
memories (of
herinneringen (aan the things that are remembered
iets) Jake has very happy memories of his first school.
n. /ˈmeməriz/
school subject about the arrangements of sounds, melody,
Muziek rhythm, and harmony
n. /ˈmjuːzɪk/
Music is Paula's favourite subject.
need have to
v. /niːd/ We need to practise more before the final test.
next to beside
prep. /nekst tə/ My best friends are always next to me.
object voorwerpen (in de item, thing
n. /(ˈklɑːsrʊm) klas) How many classroom objects can you name in Spanish?
on in a position above something else
prep. /ɒn/ he has got a lot of books on her desk.
pen a long object with ink inside, used for writing or drawing
n. /pen/ Can I use your pen?
long, thin, wooden object with sharp coloured point at one end,
pencil used for drawing and writing
n. /ˈpensəl/
She loves buying pencils.
pencil case small bag with a zipper for holding pens, pencils, etc.
n. /ˈpensəl keɪs/ My brother likes his new Star Wars pencil case.

Education (PE)
Lichamelijke school classes which focus on exercise and sports
n. /ˈfɪzɪkəl
Opvoeding (LO) I'm not very fit and Physical Education is not my favourite subject.
ˌedjʊˈkeɪʃən (piː

School subject about matter and energy and the effects they have
Natuurkunde on each other
n. /ˈfɪzɪks/
In our school we do lots of experiments in Physics lessons.
piece of paper a thin sheet made from fibres (of cloth or wood), used to write,
n. /piːs əv stuk papier draw or print on
ˈpeɪpə/ Take a piece of paper and a pencil.
a small bag for carrying things, made of fabric and sewn onto
zak another piece of fabric or clothing
n. /ˈpɒkət/
There are many pockets in my school bag.
large sheet of paper with writing and/or pictures on it, usually
poster used as notice or for decoration
n. /ˈpəʊstə/
We are making Christmas posters to decorate the classroom.
private (school)
a school that does not get money from the government
n. /ˈpraɪvət prive(-school)
Private schools are usually expensive.
(school) project a longer task that school wants you to do in a certain period of
n. /(skuːl) (school)project time, usually at home
ˈprɒdʒekt/ I think I need help with this school project.

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Extended Wordlist
Unit 4

projector a machine which projects images on a screen by means of light

n. /prəˈdʒektə/ Do you often use projector in the classroom?

pupil a young person who goes to school

n. /ˈpjuːpəl/ There are about 200 pupils in this school, so it's not a big school.

ready prepared to do something

adj. /ˈredi/ My sister is five years old, but she is not ready to start the school yet.

register an official (note)book for keeping records of something

n. /ˈredʒəstə/ The register is always in our teacher's bag.
Education (RE) a school subject about different beliefs in and worship of God or
n. /rɪˈlɪdʒəs Godsdienstles gods
ˌedjʊˈkeɪʃən (ɑːr Is Religious Education compulsory in your school?
a long flat narrow piece of wood or plastic with marks on it for
ruler measuring distance and drawing straight lines
n. /ˈruːlə/ Please bring your rulers to our next class', said the Maths teacher to his
run to use your legs and feet to move at a speed faster than walking
v. /rʌn/ I run for about forty minutes every evening.
school bag a bag that is used for carrying books in and to school
n. /skuːl bæɡ/ I buy a new school bag before every new school year.
school year the period of the year when students must go to school
n. /skuːl jɪə/ When does the school year end in your country?
sports bag a bag used to put sportswear (tracksuit, trainers, etc.) in
n. /spɔːts bæɡ/ I keep my PE T-shirts and shorts in this blue sports bag.

(school) subject
area of knowledge that is taught at school
n. /(skuːl) (school)vak
What subject do you like best?

teach to help in learning, to show how (something is done)

v. /tiːtʃ/ Mrs Jolie teaches both French and Spanish.
a set of questions and/or problems which students have to
test answer/solve to demonstrate their knowledge (of a certain
n. /test/ subject), skill or level of intelligence
Where do you study for tests - at home or in the library?
a book that contains (detailed) information about a subject, used
leerboek for studying
n. /ˈtekstbʊk/
Can I look at your textbook?

a table showing when each thing happens on which day and at

timetable what time (e.g. lessons, when the train arrives, when the bus
n. /ˈtaɪmˌteɪbəl/ leaves, etc.)
I don't like our school timetable for this year.

under below
prep. /ˈʌndə/ There is so much rubbish under your bed! Tidy it up now!
usually often, normally
adv. /ˈjuːʒuəli/ She normally walks to school but she often rides a bike.

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Extended Wordlist
Unit 4

a white smooth surface attached to a wall or frame used for

whiteboard writing on with a felt pen, often used in schools
n. /ˈwaɪtbɔːd/
We use a whiteboard in our class.


My best friend is Daniel and we spend a lot of

best friend beste vriend
time together.

do homework huiswerk maken You can watch TV after you do your homework

It takes some time to get to know somebody

get to know sb iemand leren kennen

go to school naar school gaan What time do you usually go to school?

Do students in your country have classes on

have classes les hebben
I'm quite shy, so it's not easy for me to make
make friends with sb vriendschap te sluiten met iemand
friends with other people.
I sometimes feel nervous when I meet people
meet sb for the first time iemand voor het eerst ontmoeten
for the first time. P.49
Sally revises for exams, so she's not going to
revise for exams/tests voor examens / toetsen studeren
the cinema with us.
start school met school beginnen I start school at 8 o'clock every day.

Tomorrow is our last day at school and we

wear school uniform een schooluniform dragen
don't have to wear school uniforms.

Can I borrow a piece of paper? I need to write

write a note een briefje schrijven
a note for my sister.

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