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from Citadel Journal #6
Marine Drop Pods are deployed from outer space and drop through the atmosphere at tremendous
speed, firing their braking thrusters only at the last moment before impact.


Drop pods are deployed first during the movement phase after charges are declared, place a 5 cm
radius blast marker for each pod to be landed on a clear area anywhere in the battle zone. You must
mark each blast marker or note down what the contents of each pod are. Do not tell the opposition!
This is because pods that fail to open and become jammed can be opened if they are fired at; this may
bring jammed Deathwind pods into play.
Roll both the artillery dice and 2D6, if the artillery dice shows a HIT the pod lands on target, if it
shows an ARROW and NUMBERS add the roll of the 2D6 to the number shown and move the pod
that distance in inches (2,5 cm) in the direction indicated by the arrow. If a MISFIRE shows on the
artillery dice consult the misfire chart.
Drop pods that land on impassable terrain are automatically destroyed, if they land on very difficult
terrain roll a D6 on a roll of 1-3 the door is blocked. See Blocked Doors.
If the pod lands on a vehicle or building, work out collision damage using the pods underside armour
and the vehicles side armour, if the vehicle is penetrated it is squashed and destroyed, if the pod fails to
penetrate it bounces off treat it as a landing on very terrain, and roll for blocked doors.
If the pod is going to land on troops they can attempt to either stand their ground and destroy it with
weapons fire, rolling to hit and penetrate as normal, or they can flee. Fleeing troops each roll D6+1
against their initiative, if they are successful each model flees their run move away from the blast
marker in a random direction using the scatter dice and counts as broken. Models that fail to destroy
the pod or get out of the way take a S10 hit with a -6 save for D20 wounds, surviving models must
rally/reform as soon as possible.
If the pod goes off the table any troops it contains can be brought on and make a normal move in the
following turn from the point at which it left the table. Deathwind and support pods lost in this way
count as victory points for your opponent.
Once the pods land explosive bolts fire and the sides/doors fold down, however the landing and heat of
atmospheric re-entry may jam the mechanism so roll a D6 for each pod, on a 1 it is jammed see
Blocked Doors. On the turn that they land troops can fire out of the pods if they open but cannot move.
While in the pod they may count it as hard cover, enemy may target the troops or the pod itself.

If the pod has landed in very difficult terrain or collided with a building/vehicle it may have blocked its
doors from opening, or the can jam during the drop. Roll a D6, on a 4+ the doors can be opened
normally next turn, on a 1-3 they are blocked and the pod must be broken open. This can be done by
penetrating the hull armour successfully. Deathwind pods blocked like this will never open, support
pods can only be opened from outside by friendly troops. Note that some damage results will open a
jammed pod if they are shot at. You can shoot at your own jammed pods.
The pod lands hard, buckling the doors. They can only be opened on a D6 roll of 4+ each turn or
by penetrating the hull armour.
The retro rockets/big springs fail and the pod smashes open on impact roll a D6 for each model
on board they are killed on a roll of 4+. Survivors cannot shoot this turn.
The pod accelerates in to the ground and explodes destroying everything in a 7,5 cm radius and
leaves a crater. There are no survivors!

MARINE ASSAULT DROP POD ................................. 50 points
Type: Landing Pod.
Crew: none.
Transport: 10 Marines, 10 Terminators, 1 Dreadnought or 5 Marines on bikes.
Movement: -2 to be hit when landing. If the pod lands successfully and the troops
disembark, the pod cannot be destroyed for victory points. If it is destroyed
with troops on board count victory points as normal.

Ram Speed
Str Dmg Save Mod Slow Combat Fast
10 D20 -6 - - -
Location Bottom Top/Side
Underside 22
Hull 19
Troops firing at descending pods can only hit the underside.
D6 Underside Damage Table
1-2 Gyro stabilisers are damaged. Pod automatically deviates on landing, use
scatter dice.
3-4 A large explosion tears through the crew compartment. Check for each
model, on a D6 roll of 4+ it is killed.
5 Braking thrusters destroyed, roll a D6, 1-3 pod destroyed on landing, 4-6
roll on misfire chart in main rules.
6 The pod blows up in mid-air! Kerboom!
D6 Hull Damage Table
1-2 The pod hull open if previously jammed!
3-4 A large explosion tears through the hull. Check for each model on a D6,
roll of 4+ it is killed.
5-6 The pod explodes, creating a 7,5 cm radius crater.

MARINE SUPPORT DROP POD................................. 85 points
Type: Landing Pod.
Crew: 1 servitor gunner.
Transport: A techmarine and his personal vehicle (bike) may land in the pod.
Movement: -2 to be hit when landing.
Weapons: Turret holds a heavy plasma gun fitted with a targeter, with a 360 degree field
of fire.

Ram Speed
Str Dmg Save Mod Slow Combat Fast
10 D20 -6 - - -
D6 Location Bottom Top/Side
Underside 22
1-4 Hull 19
5-6 Turret* 20
Troops firing at descending pods can only hit the underside.
*When the pod is closed, all attacks hit the Hull.
D6 Underside Damage Table
1-2 Gyro stabilisers are damaged. Pod automatically deviates on landing, use
scatter dice.
3-4 A large explosion tears through the crew compartment. Check for each
model, on a D6 roll of 4+ it is killed.
5 Braking thrusters destroyed, roll a D6, 1-3 pod destroyed on landing, 4-6
roll on misfire chart in main rules.
6 The pod blows up in mid-air! Kerboom!
D6 Hull Damage Table
1-2 The pod hull open if previously jammed!
3-4 A large explosion tears through the hull. Check for each model on a D6,
roll of 4+ it is killed.
5-6 The pod explodes, creating a 7,5 cm radius crater.
D6 Turret Damage Table
1 The heavy plasma gun mounted in the turret is damaged and may only be
fired if you first roll a 4 or more on a D6.
2 The turret is jammed and may no longer rotate. The heavy plasma gun
may only fire In a straight line at targets directly in front of it.
3 The servitor is killed, the heavy plasma gull may no longer be fired.
4-6 The power supply for the turret explodes and the pod is destroyed. Any
models in the pod are killed and the turret is blown off, flying 2D6 x 2,5
cm in a random direction before it crashes to the ground. Anything under
ifs landing spot lakes D6 strength 9 hits with a -6 saving throw.

MARINE DEATHWIND DROP POD ............................ 75 points
Type: Landing Pod.
Crew: None.
Movement: -2 to be hit when landing.
Weapons: Deathwind multi-launcher (see below)

Ram Speed
Str Dmg Save Mod Slow Combat Fast
10 D20 -6 - - -
Location Bottom Top/Side
Underside 22
Hull 19
Troops firing at descending pods can only hit the underside.
D6 Underside Damage Table
1-2 Gyro stabilisers are damaged. Pod automatically deviates on landing, use
scatter dice.
3-4 Hull is penetrated! Roll a D6. On a 4+ the pod explodes in mid air, with
no other effect.
5 The pod controls detonate and it launches all bombs! Any model under it
within 30 cm radius of its landing spot is hit on a D6 roll of 6.
6 The pod blows up in mid-air! Kerboom!
D6 Hull Damage Table
1-2 The pod hull splits open! If previously jammed, the multi-launcher
Immediately activates.
3-4 Hull is penetrated! Roll a D6. On a 4+ the multi-launcher activates if previously
jammed, on a 1-3 it explodes ! Anything within 7,5 cm is killed.
5-6 The pod is destroyed. If it was previously inactivated it blows up
creating a 7,5 cm crater.

The Deathwind Pod has a multi-launcher which sprays all targets in a 30 cm diameter with bombs. The
pod fires all its bombs at once and then is used up.

Target type To hit

Trooper 4+
Bike 4+
Dreadnought 3+
Rhino/Gobsmasha Automatic 1-2 hits
Land Raider Automatic 1-4 hits
Baneblade Automatic 1-6 hits
Titan Automatic 1-8 hits

Range To Hit Save Armour

Short Long Short Long Str Dmg Mod Pen Special
special - special - 10 D6 -4 2D6+10 Blast diameter 30 cm

from Epicast
TERMITE...................................................................... 60 points
Type: Tunneller Vehicle.
Crew: 1 driver.
Transport: It can carry one group of 10 space marines in power armour, 10 imperial
guardsmen, 5 space marines in terminator armour or 2 support weapons.
Special: Termites begin play off the board, underground at slow speed. They move to
their emergence point and check for deviation of 5 or 6 on a D6. Deviation is
2D6 x 2,5 cm or half movement. If a termite emerges under a building or
vehicle it counts as a 2D6 ram bar (see page 92, rulebook). After emerging the
termite can travel on the surface, ignoring difficult terrain.

Ram Speed
Str Dmg Save Mod Slow Combat Fast
8 2D8 -7 15 25 35
D6 Location Front Side/Rear
1-4 Drill 25 25
5-6 Hull 25 18

D6 Drill Damage Table

1 The drill is damaged but keeps running. The termite may only move at
slow speed for the rest of the game.
2-6 The termite's drill is shattered. The termite moves out of control next
turn and then comes to a permanent halt for the rest of the battle.
D6 Hull Damage Table
1 The driver is hit and killed. The termite will move out of control until
another model takes over.
2-4 A large explosion tears through the hull compartment. Roll a D6 for each
model on board. On the roll of 4+ they are hit and killed.
5 The termite's engine explodes, killing everyone on board. The vehicle is
spun around to face a random direction by the force of the explosion and
then comes to a permanent halt.
6 A spark ignites the termite's fuel tank and it bursts into flames, killing
everyone on board. The flaming wreck moves out of control next turn
and then explodes. Anything within 7,5 cm of the point where it ends up
is caught in the explosion, suffering damage exactly as If hit by a heavy

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