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Client Project start end 27%

Stage 1 Individual Consultancy Project Proposal 05/02/24 07/04/24 100%

Briefing on Project 05/02 05/02 100%
Website Creation & Project Research 06/02 13/02 100%
Meeting with Client 14/02 14/02 100%
Project Overview, Scope & Exclusions 15/02 23/02 100%
Data Model & Data Analysis Hypothesis 25/02 08/03 100%
Key Assumptions, Constraints & Dependencies 11/03 15/03 100%
RACI & Communication Plan 18/03 22/03 100%
Project Plan & Project Risk Register 25/03 29/03 100%
Draft of First Client Blog Page 01/04 05/04 100%
First Client Blog Page: Proofreading & Submission 07/04 07/04 100%

Stage 2 Literature Review & Case Study Analysis 04/04/24 16/05/24 3%

Current State Analysis & Exploratory Data Analysis 04/04 09/04 20%
Literature Review 09/04 15/04 0%
Comparable Case Studies & SWOT Analysis Summary 17/04 26/04 0%
Identification of Key Gaps, Pressure & Pain Points 29/04 06/05 0%
Draft of Second Client Blog Page 08/05 15/05 0%
Second Client Blog Page: Proofreading & Submission 16/05 16/05 0%

Stage 3 Business Analytics Methods & Methodology 20/05/24 04/07/24 0%

Solution/Model Methodologies 20/05 30/05 0%
Solution/Model Evaluation 31/05 09/06 0%
Recommended Solution/Model Methodology 10/06 23/06 0%
Draft of Third Client Blog Page 20/06 02/07 0%
Third Client Blog Page: Proofreading & Submission 04/07 04/07 0%

Stage 4 Conclusion, Recommendations & Personal Reflection 09/07/24 05/09/24 0%

Solution/Model Testing Plan, Criteria, Evaluation & Outputs 09/07 19/07 0%
Solution/Model Adjustments, Amendments & Recommendation 19/07 28/07 0%
Data Visualisation, Communicating Insight & Application 28/07 03/08 0%
Next Steps Recommended to Client 05/08 07/08 0%
Client Feedback 08/08 12/08 0%
Key Lessons Learnt & Personal Reflection 13/08 19/08 0%
Draft of Video Presentation 20/08 04/09 0%
Final Video Presentation & Submission 05/09 05/09 0%

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