Contraceptive Methods. Dox

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Contraceptive methods are objects, substances and procedures used to prevent unwanted

pregnancies. Twenty contraceptive methods have been catalogued, but in this exposition I
will only talk about two, the male condom and the pill, one of the most commonly used

If contraceptives did not fail, there would not be so many unwanted children at this time.
However, this is not the case, so here is what would happen if contraceptives had not

The condom is a barrier that prevents the passage of sperm, and it is the only
contraceptive method that protects us from STDs, so if the condom did not exist, most
people would be infected by some STD. Although a point in favor would be that if the
condom had not been invented, surely there would be more research on STDs and we
would have a treatment or vaccine for most of these diseases.
If condoms, one of the most accessible and cheapest methods on the market, did not
exist, our population would be much larger and we would overpopulate the world much
faster, and all our social issues would multiply.

If condoms did not exist, the sexual health of humanity would be in a critical state.
Pregnancies would increase and so abortions would increase hand in hand.

In addition, if we were to have so many pregnancies because we could not take care of
ourselves, we would increase the cases of child abandonment.

Second method, the pill, this is a hormonal method that prevents women from ovulating
and getting pregnant. If these did not exist, society would try to invent other ineffective
methods to avoid pregnancies and we would have to come up with the solution of not
being able to have sex until we wanted a child.

Although these are only two of 20 methods to prevent pregnancies, they have
undoubtedly been great discoveries for human sexuality. if these did not exist, society
would be in chaos and would be full of many people with STDs.

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