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Medical Applications of Diffraction Enhanced Imaging

Article in Breast Disease · September 1998

DOI: 10.3233/BD-1998-103-419 · Source: PubMed


57 2,033

8 authors, including:

Dean Chapman Etta Pisano

University of Saskatchewan Medical University of South Carolina


Zhong Zhong Krystyna Malinowska Shioura

Brookhaven National Laboratory 179 PUBLICATIONS 1,055 CITATIONS

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Breast Disease 10(3,4) (1998) 197{207 197
IOS Press

Medical Applications of Di raction

Enhanced Imaging
D. Chapman , E. Pisano ,
a; b
W. Thomlinson , Z. Zhong ,
c c

R.E. Johnston , D. Washburn ,

b b Screening mammography has proven to be
D. Sayers and K. Malinowska
d a an e ective procedure in identifying early
a CSRRI, Illinois Institute of Technology, breast cancer. Screening trials have demon-
3101 South Dearborn, Chicago, IL 60616, strated that breast cancer mortality among
USA women can be reduced when compared with
b Department of Radiology, University of unscreened controls (1{4). The cancers found
North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA by mammography tend to be smaller and
c National Synchrotron Light Source, of less advanced stages than those found by
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY breast physical examination or breast self-
11973, USA examination (5{7). Smaller and lower stage
d Department of Physics, North Carolina breast cancers have better survival rates (8{
State University, Raleigh, NC 27695, USA 11). Unfortunately, approximately 10% of
clinically obvious breast cancers are not visi-
ble with mammography (5). This occurs most
ABSTRACT: We have developed a new X-ray imag- frequently in patients with large amounts of
ing technique, di raction enhanced imaging (DEI), breast glandular tissue (5,12). The density
which can be used to independently visualize the re- of this tissue tends to obscure underlying
fraction and absorption of an object. The images are pathology. Premenopausal women and women
almost completely scatter-free, allowing enhanced con- undergoing estrogen replacement therapy are
trast of objects that develop small angle scattering.
The combination of these properties has resulted in im- more likely to have dense glandular breasts.
ages of mammography phantoms and tissues that have Increasing the sensitivity of mammography in
dramatically improved contrast over standard imaging women with dense breasts is an important
techniques. This technique potentially is applicable to
mammography and other elds of medical X-ray imag- goal. Earlier detection may result in signi -
ing and to radiology in general, as well as possible use cantly reduced mortality in this population.
in nondestructive testing and X-ray computed tomog- Mammographic technology has improved
Images of various tissues and materials are pre- dramatically in the last two decades. These
sented to demonstrate the wide applicability of this improvements include the development of ded-
technique to medical and biological imaging. icated mammography equipment with appro-
priate X-ray beam quality, adequate breast
compression, and automatic exposure control
(13). Digital mammography, the most re-

Corresponding author: Dean Chapman, Center cent development, is just being introduced
for Synchotron Radiation Research and Instrumen- into the clinic and holds promise of improved
tation, Illinois Institute of Technology, 3101 South early detection of breast cancer (14). How-
Dearborn, Chicago, IL 60616, USA. Tel.: +1
312 567-3575; Fax: +1 312 567-3576; E-mail: ever, all of these currently existing systems
chapman@sparky.csrri.iit.edu. depend on the depiction of X-ray absorption
0888-6008/98/$8.00 c 1998 { IOS Press. All rights reserved
198 D. Chapman et al. / Medical Applications of Di raction Enhanced Imaging
to de ne the di erences between normal and information is lost in normal radiography be-
abnormal tissues. This paper describes a new cause of its small angle nature. The refrac-
method, di raction enhanced imaging (DEI), tion of X-rays inside the object also is not de-
that partly depends upon the refractive prop- tectable in conventional radiography due to its
erties of an object in the creation of a scatter- small angle nature (on the order of microradi-
free image. This new method, which seeks ans).
to improve the X-ray beam properties and X-ray di raction from perfect crystals,
analysis for improved contrast, along with the whose narrow re ection angular width (on the
new digital mammography detectors, could order of a few microradians) and peak re ec-
improve early detection of occult disease. tivity of close to unity, provides the tools nec-
Other researchers have applied di ractive essary to prepare and analyze X-ray beams
optics to imaging problems (15{18) and have traversing an object on the microradian scale
observed refraction e ects. Also, there is great (23). Such crystals, typically silicon, rou-
interest in phase contrast imaging that uses tinely are used in the semiconductor indus-
high transverse coherence of third generation try to make integrated circuits and electronic
synchrotron sources. However, these measure- devices. The purity and perfection of these
ments are limited to materially thin objects crystals have allowed many advances in X-ray
and/or high X-ray imaging energies to obtain di raction techniques and in particular at X-
phase contrast images of the object (19,20). ray synchrotron sources.
The DEI technique works for thick samples The condition for X-ray di raction from a
and does not require the use of a synchrotron. crystal is met only when the incident beam
The mammography imaging technique un- makes the correct angle to the atomic lattice
der development utilizes the high intensity planes in the crystal for a given X-ray energy
and collimation of synchrotron radiation to or wavelength. When this condition is met,
create a monoenergetic line scan imaging sys- the beam \Bragg" di racts from the planes
tem that has very little scatter (21). One as- over a narrow range of incident angles. As
pect of this program has been to study the use the crystal is rotated about an axis parallel to
the lattice planes and perpendicular to the in-
of an analyzer crystal as a scatter rejection cident beam direction, the intensity variation
optic. Experiments performed with this scat- observed is referred to as the rocking curve.
ter rejection optic revealed an imaging sys- The shape of this curve is roughly triangular
tem that is sensitive to refractive index e ects with the peak re ectivity approaching nearly
within the object being imaged as well. 100%.
In DEI, an imaging beam is prepared by
di racting the polychromatic beam from the
PRINCIPLES OF DEI synchrotron to create a nearly monoenergetic
imaging beam. This beam is then passed
Conventional radiography uses an area beam through the object being imaged as in con-
that, after traversing and interacting with the ventional radiography. However, a matching
subject, is intercepted and recorded by an area crystal is placed between the object and the
detector. The interaction of X-rays with the detector. This crystal, which is called the an-
subject is complex, involving absorption, re- alyzer crystal, is set at or near the peak of
fraction (15{18) and scattering. The scatter- Bragg di raction.
ing may include small angle scattering (22) Since the condition for di raction from this
(scattering angles less than milliradians) that crystal limits the X-rays that can be di racted
carries information about the subject's struc- into the detector, it automatically provides
ture on the length scale up to microns. This a high degree of scatter rejection, resulting
D. Chapman et al. / Medical Applications of Di raction Enhanced Imaging 199
in improved image contrast. The acceptable EXPERIMENTAL SETUP
range of angles is a few microradians; there-
fore, the analyzer provides scatter rejection at The experimental setup used to apply this
the microradian level that is below the capa- technique is shown in Figure 1. The white
bilities of conventional antiscatter techniques synchrotron beam is made nearly monochro-
such as slit collimation and grids. The scat- matic by a silicon double crystal monochro-
ter rejected falls into a category referred to as mator. For the measurements described
small angle scattering (24), which arises from here, the beam energy was either 18keV
or 30keV. The pilot experiments were car-
di raction from organized structures with di- ried out at the National Synchrotron Light
mensions up to micron sizes. This scattering Source (Brookhaven National Laboratory, Up-
intensity, which would normally appear in the ton, NY) using the X27C Research and Devel-
image, is missing and appears in the same way opment Group beamline. Subsequent experi-
as absorption in the image. This scatter re- ments were performed at the Advanced Pho-
jection contrast is called extinction contrast, ton Source (Argonne National Laboratory,
drawing from a similar term used in optics Argonne, IL) using the Synchrotron Radiation
and X-ray di raction to describe intensity loss Instrumentation Collaborative Access Team
due to di raction and scattering. Therefore, 1-BM beamline. The imaging beam was ap-
in DEI, the image representing the absorption proximately 80mm wide and 1mm high at the
of the object by X-rays is referred to as the ap- location of the object. An ionization chamber
parent absorption image since it has contrast was used to measure the radiation exposure at
derived from both absorption and scatter re- the surface of the object. Images taken with
jection, or extinction. and without the analyzer were at exposure lev-
The analyzer rocking curve shape will in- els comparable to conventional mammography
X-ray systems. The object to be imaged was
troduce a sensitivity to refraction occurring mounted on a scanning stage that was driven
within the object when the analyzer is de- by a stepping motor. The X-ray beam trans-
tuned from the peak position. Density, thick- mitted through the object could be either im-
ness and/or material variations in an object aged directly as in normal radiography or fol-
will refract the X-rays as they cross through lowing di raction in the vertical plane by the
the material. These small, angular variations silicon crystal analyzer. Radiation exposure
are generally in the submicroradian range. to the image plate was controlled by adjust-
The steep sides of the re ectivity curve will ing the scan speed and absorbers in the inci-
convert these subtle angle variations into in- dent beam to maintain an exposure of about
tensity variations, thus making refraction ef- 1.3C/kg (5mR) to the plate. Typical scan-
fects visible in an image. By acquiring an im- ning times for these experiments were on the
age pair with the analyzer set to di ract on order of 4 to 200 seconds. These limits were
each side of the rocking curve, we can sepa- dictated by our scanning motors and mechan-
rate refraction e ects from combined absorp- ical system.
In acquiring the DEI apparent absorption
tion and extinction e ects (25,26). and refraction images the phantom was ex-
With the DEI technique, we have intro- posed to approximately four times the expo-
duced two new sources of image contrast to sure compared to the nonanalyzer synchrotron
radiography: refraction and extinction (26). radiographs. A factor of two in increased ex-
Each of these new image contrast sources have posure compensates for the 0.5 re ectivity of
been found to apply to medical and biological the Bragg analyzer crystal, and another fac-
imaging. tor of two in increased exposure compensates
200 D. Chapman et al. / Medical Applications of Di raction Enhanced Imaging

Fig. 1. A simpli ed schematic diagram of the DEI setup.

for the two images on each side of the rocking with the analyzer tuned to various positions
curve. on the rocking curve by translating the sam-
The detector was a photo-stimulative phos- ple and the image plate in opposite directions
phor image plate, typically used for radiology at the same speed through the fan beam. The
(Fuji Medical Systems high resolution HR5 change in scanning direction arises from the
and standard resolution ST5 image plates, beam inversion from the analyzer crystal. At
Fuji Medical Systems USA, Stamford, CT). a scan speed of about 10mm/s, the surface
The image recorded on the plate was digitized, dose on the sample was a few mGy at 18keV
stored, and displayed by a Fuji Medical Sys- and tenths of mGy at 30keV. Rocking curves
tems AC3 reader and workstation or a Fuji through a line on the phantom were obtained
BAS2000 reader system. The image plates by xing the phantom in the fan beam and
were read out at 2560  2048 matrix size, performing a series of exposures by incremen-
which resulted in an image of 100 microns per tally changing the analyzer position and im-
pixel (0.1  0.1mm2 ). age plate vertical position. The rocking curve
The di raction angle of the analyzer crystal is useful for quickly visualizing the optimum
could be nely tuned using a stepper-motor analyzer position for contrast enhancement of
driven translation stage pushing on a long bar the desired features.
attached to an axle to which the crystal was
attached (tangent arm). The resolution limit AMERICAN COLLEGE OF
of the tangent arm was 0.1 microradian, which RADIOLOGY (ACR) PHANTOM
was sucient for placing the Bragg analyzer RESULTS
crystal at a selected position on its rocking
curve. Because the initial interest was in studying
For each sample, a \normal" radiograph the use of this new method for early detection
with the monochromatic beam was taken by of breast cancers, a mammography phantom
moving the analyzer out of the beam and scan- was used as the test object. The standard
ning the image plate and sample through the phantom used for quality control in mam-
fan beam in the same direction and at the mography is the American College of Radiol-
same speed. DEI images then were acquired ogy (ACR) phantom manufactured by Gam-
D. Chapman et al. / Medical Applications of Di raction Enhanced Imaging 201

Fig. 2. The American College of Radiology quality assurance phantom for mammography. Figure 2a is a schematic
of the phantom with each feature identi ed. Figure 2b is a conventional radiograph of this phantom taken with
a Siemen's Mammomat II system. Figure 2c is a DEI image taken at 18keV with the analyzer in place and at 3
microradians from the peak position.
mex RMI: Model 156 (Gammex RMI, Middle- University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
ton, WI). It contains features that simulate le- Figure 2c is a DEI image taken with the ana-
sions commonly found in breast tissue, namely lyzer set 3 microradians from the peaked posi-
tumor-like masses (lens-shaped objects of dif- tion. Note that all the features of the phantom
ferent thicknesses and diameters), simulated are visible in the image, as is some tape used
microcalci cations arranged as vertices of ve- to hold the phantom to a Lucite holder. Also
point stars, and cylindrical nylon brils (21, note that the tumor simulations have excess
27). A schematic of this test object is shown intensity compared to the surrounding area.
in Figure 2a. The features are xed in a wax This is a result of the analyzer di racting the
block contained in a thick acrylic base. This small angle scattering from the simulations at
phantom approximates a 40 to 45mm thick the 3 microradian o set angle.
compressed breast. Figure 2b is a conven- Figure 3 shows the ACR phantom imaged
tional radiograph of the ACR phantom taken at 18 and 30keV. The use of higher X-ray en-
with a Siemens Mammomat II system at the ergy to image soft-tissue may be tenable with
202 D. Chapman et al. / Medical Applications of Di raction Enhanced Imaging
Normal Radiograph Apparent Absorption Refraction Image

Fig. 3. Images taken of the ACR phantom at 18 and 30keV. The upper row of images are acquired at 18keV; the
lower row at 30keV. Figures 3a and 3d are synchrotron radiographs taken without the analyzer in place. Figures
3b and 3e are apparent absorption images resulting from images taken with the analyzer in place and the DEI
analysis. Figures 3c and 3f are the matching refraction images.
DEI since there are substantial di erences be- signal-to-noise is to skew the optimal imag-
tween the DEI sources of contrast and absorp- ing energy to higher energies when compared
tion and those available with conventional ra- to an optimal absorption contrast energy. For
diography. example, in mammography, the optimal ab-
Conventional radiography depends on the sorption imaging energy is near 18keV for 5cm
absorption of X-rays by an object to create the of soft tissue. With DEI, the optimal imag-
radiograph. In DEI, the energy dependence of ing energy for refraction is near 30keV. The
the refraction and extinction e ects di er from transmission through the tissue increases dra-
that of absorption. Also, the sensitivity of the matically over this energy range, and the skin
analyzer crystal to these e ects depends on entry exposure drops by a factor of 15 while
the imaging energy. In general, for a feature maintaining the same exposure to the detec-
in an object that refracts X-rays, the DEI sen- tor. Obviously, lower patient glandular radia-
sitivity will be proportional to 1/E. For extinc- tion doses might be possible if this technique
tion features, the ability of the system to re- could be optimized at a higher beam kVp than
ject scatter will be energy independent, while is used with conventional mammography.
the scattering intensity from the object will Figures 3a{c are ACR phantom images
decrease with energy. Therefore, sensitivity taken at 18keV, while Figures 3d{f are taken
of the DEI technique to refraction and extinc- at 30keV. Figures 3a and 3d are radiographs
tion is decreased as the imaging energy is in- taken with the analyzer removed; 3b and 3e
creased. Since the X-ray transmission through are the DEI apparent absorption images; and
an object is a very strong function of imag- 3c and 3f are DEI refraction images. At
ing energy in the photoelectric range, the net 30keV, note that the radiograph shows very
e ect on the DEI refraction and extinction little contrast for any of the ACR features,
D. Chapman et al. / Medical Applications of Di raction Enhanced Imaging 203

Fig. 4. Rocking curve of a xed X-ray beam striking the row of four tumor simulations in the ACR phantom. Each
simulation is identi ed at the top of the gure. The analyzer crystal is rotated in angle through the peak position
while the intensity is recorded on the image plate.
while the DEI images at 30keV retain much As the analyzer is moved from the peak posi-
of the information. tion, the de cit of intensity will become excess
A series of images at various settings of the intensity (this is the e ect observed in Figure
analyzer crystal could be acquired to deter- 2c). This is the small angle scattering cre-
mine if extinction contrast exists in a par- ated by the tumor simulations. In a normal
ticular material. As illustrated in Figure 4, radiograph, this small angle scattering is in-
this data was acquired for xed position of distinguishable from the normal transmission
the ACR phantom, with the X-ray beam cen- through the simulations, and each pixel will
tered over the row of four mass simulations. record the sum.
The image plate then was moved in coordina-
tion with the analyzer angle to obtain a \rock- EXCISED BREAST TISSUE
ing curve" pro le. The locations of the tumor IMAGING
simulations are marked above. When the an-
alyzer is at or near the peak position, there is Various formalin-preserved human breast
a marked decrease in intensity at the tumor tissue samples were imaged, including sam-
simulation positions. The contrast obtained ples containing in ltrating ductal carcinomas.
is approximately 25 times higher than the ra- Each biological sample was sealed in a plas-
diographic value for this analyzer setting (26). tic bag and compressed between two Lucite
204 D. Chapman et al. / Medical Applications of Di raction Enhanced Imaging

Fig. 5. Images taken of an excised breast tissue sample with in ltrating ductal carcinoma. Figure 5a shows an
image taken of this sample with a Fischer digital mammography unit at the University of North Carolina, Chapel
Hill. Figure 5b shows the DEI apparent absorption image, and 5c shows the refraction image. Figure 5d show a
DEI refraction image taken at 30keV. The circled regions indicate refraction from spiculations (Figures 5c and 5d)
which is not readily apparent in the radiograph or apparent absorption images (Figures 5a and 5b).
plates. Additional Lucite plates were added rocking curve. Compared to the \normal"
during the imaging to make the absorbing radiographs, the apparent absorption image
thickness on the order of 30{50mm. (Figure 5b) shows more contrast for the tu-
Images of a breast tissue acquired at 18keV mor when compared to the background nor-
are shown in Figure 5. Figure 5a shows a \nor- mal breast tissue. The DEI apparent absorp-
mal" specimen radiograph; Figures 5b and 5c tion image shows clearer calci cations (clus-
show the apparent absorption and refraction ters of white dots in the image) than does
images, respectively, of the sample. These normal radiography. The most striking fea-
images are derived from the images taken at ture is the refraction image (Figure 5c) that
1.5 microradians on each side of the analyzer shows small spiculations not observable in the
D. Chapman et al. / Medical Applications of Di raction Enhanced Imaging 205
conventional image. As seen in the circled re- long scan times required to deliver a DEI im-
gions, these likely indicate extension of tumor age set would be unacceptable. Presently,
or brosis into surrounding breast tissue. investigations are underway to enhance the
An image of the tissue sample at a 30keV source and optics throughput suciently to
imaging energy is shown in Figure 5d. This is make such imaging practical.
the refraction image from a DEI image pair.
Note that the image content at 30keV is sim-
ilar to that obtain at 18keV, even though the CONCLUSION
exposure to the sample is somewhat less than
that of the 18keV image. By comparison, We believe that this new imaging tech-
the apparent absorption image at 30keV (not nique may provide signi cant improvements
shown) shows very little structure due to the in image contrast, both in soft tissue imag-
weak absorption of the sample. ing in mammography and in other areas of
medical and nonmedical radiology. This sys-
tem's unique ability to provide an essentially
POTENTIAL FUTURE FOR scatter-free image of the object's apparent ab-
CLINICAL APPLICABILITY sorption, as well as an image of the refrac-
tion e ects, may provide radiologists with suf-
This technique was developed using a syn- cient additional information to allow detec-
chrotron X-ray source. The availability of tion of malignancies at an earlier stage than is
high intensity, collimation, and tunability us- presently possible, even in patients with dense
ing synchrotron sources creates an ideal en- breasts. Since the new sources of contrast,
vironment in which to develop new imag- refraction, and extinction do not depend on
ing technologies, such as DEI. An obvious absorption, DEI may be applied optimally at
drawback is the translation of this technol- higher X-ray energies, thus allowing dose re-
ogy to more conventional X-ray sources in duction and, in the case of mammography, less
a laboratory or clinical environment. The breast compression.
DEI technique delivers X-ray exposures to tis- More studies using real tissue samples and
sue and phantoms, similar to that delivered patients are needed before concluding that
by conventional X-ray mammography units. this technique can lead to improved breast
The diculty arises in generating the highly imaging. A clinically useful device that can
collimated-monoenergetic imaging beam. The function separately from a synchrotron facil-
monochromating crystal and analyzer crys- ity must be developed for this technique to be
tal must use the same Bragg re ection to a practical bene t to women.
achieve the high degree of collimation neces-
sary to observe the refraction and scatter re-
jection presented earlier. Perfect, single crys- FUTURE RESEARCH
tal silicon monochromators and analyzer are
used to achieve the DEI e ect. Such sys- This work will be extended to a wide vari-
tems are used routinely with conventional X- ety of biological and materials samples at the
ray sources; however, for DEI to be applied to X15A beamline at the National Synchrotron
mammography, the source intensity and prop- Light Source (Brookhaven National Labora-
erties must be such that exposures are ob- tory, Upton, NY), and in future work at the
tained in a few seconds to avoid image blurring Advanced Photon Source (Argonne National
due to patient motion. Laboratory, Argonne, IL). Many questions
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have yielded scan time estimates of approxi- ity of DEI to soft-tissue di erentiation, opti-
mately 1,000 to 10,000 seconds. Clearly, such mization of energy and analyzer position, the
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