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Initial Estimate of Air Conditioning (Cooling) Load

Q  qH  qT  q E  qV  qL

Q= Total Cooling Load, W
qH = Human heat generation, W
qT = Transmitted heat load, W
qE = Heat Load due to various equipment, W
qV = Heat Load due to ventilation and fresh air intake, W
qL = Heat Load due to infiltration air, W

Human Heat Generation

Transmitted Heat Load

Windows exposed to Sun (Values in W/m ) Factor A in Calculation Sheet

Windows, Walls, Floorings, Ceilings (Values in W/m ) Factor B in Calculation Sheet
Heat Load due to various equipment, W

Heat Load due to ventilation and fresh air intake, W

Air in air-conditioned areas in circulated, filtered and partly replaced by fresh air.
Rates of circulation and fresh air intake ratio's vary with the functional use of the enclosed space.
The cooling load which results is proportional to the product of both factors (see ventilation factor C below)

Heat Load due to infiltration air, W

Air will infiltrate through doors and various leaks which will add to the cooling load.
Since leakage represents a non-intentional fresh air intake, it can be compensated for by reducing the
intentional fresh air intake somewhat. For an initial estimate of the cooling load, infiltration can be ignored.

Calculation Sheet
Human Heat Generation
No. Factor Load, W
Persons - sitting / standing 120
Persons, physically working 230
0 Total
Transmitted Heat Load
Total Area, m Factor Load, W
Windows exposed to sun Factor "A"
Windows non-exposed to sun Factor "B"
Nett Walls / Partitions Factor "B"
Floors Factor "B"
Ceilings Factor "B"
0 Total

Heat Load due to various equipment, W

No. Factor Load, W
Lighting Load, Total Rated
Electric Motors, total rated
Gas Burner 1750
Gas Burners with exhaust 825
Coffee Machine 425
0 Total
Heat Load due to ventilation and fresh air intake, W
V  C   h1  h2   
qV 

qV = Heat Load due to ventilation and fresh air intake, W
V= space to be air-conditioned, m
C= Ventilation factor, dimensionless (see above)
h1 = enthalpy of external air, kJ/kg
h2 = assumed enthalpy of exit air, kJ/kg
ρ= avg. density of air, kg/m3

V= m
h1 = kJ/kg
h2 = kJ/kg
ρ= kg/m

qV = 0W

Total Cooling Load


Prepared by: Ankur Srivastava

Chemical Engineer

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