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GRADE 5 - 7



The first and most important thing is for you to believe in yourself and your
potential. It doesn’t matter how you have performed in previous tests and
exams,what matters now is that you believe in yourself and you are willing to
take the necessary steps to passing the exam. Remind yourself everyday that
you are smart and believe that you will get good results.


1.As you study your notes, summarize what you have studied in point form
highlighting the key points of that topic. You can include formulas, diagrams
and important information from that topic. Briefly go through those notes
the next time you sit down to study.

2.After going through a topic, try to answer some questions from past papers
and pamphlets on that topic. That will help you to fully understand the topic
and it will give you an idea of how questions are asked in the exam.


- Follow all the instructions.
- Make sure you shade your answers correctly.
- Briefly go through your answers after you finish.
- Don’t engage yourself in examination malpractice.

Any mistakes are ‘human error’.

Mr 6points

Mr 6points

i © Mr 6points
1 Which of the following is not an aerobic activity?
A Sprinting
B Swimming
C Jogging
D Cycling
2 The bouncing skill is used in the game ...
A Basketball
B Football
C Netball
D Volleyball
3 To avoid accidents in a playground, learners must ...
A be punctual
B get excited
C obey instructions
D push opponents
4 Wearing proper clothing for swimming activities is necessary to ...
A be admired by others
B get excited
C make free movements
D win a race
5 Which of the following is acceptable in a basketball game?
A Holding on to another player
B Kicking the ball
C Pushing an opponent
D Passing the ball with both hands
6 The money used to start a business is known as ...
A loss
B capital
C profit
D goods

1 © Mr 6points
7 Learners were asked to jump over the vaulting box shown below. The
sport activity they were performing is known as ...

A acrobatics
B aerobic
C gymnastics
D wrestling
8 Drawing things from the mind is called ..... drawing.
A imaginative
B nature
C perspective
D still life
9 The music instrument below is ...

A a western musical instrument for western music only.

B a western musical instrument also used with African music.
C an African musical instrument used for Africa music.
D an African instrument also used with western music.

10 How many players are allowed on each team in a game of soccer?

A 9
B 10
C 22
D 11

2 © Mr 6points
11 Look at the diagram below.

Which point should the shadow of the object be shown?

A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
12 Mulenga threw a javelin during the inter school sports competion as
shown below. His throw was not accepted by the judge. This was
because ...

A he was over aged.

B he stepped beyond the throw mark.
C his throw went beyond the finished line.
D his throw did not go very far.

13 Most Zambian songs are call and response songs. This means they are
sung by ...
A choir members singing and clapping at the same time.
B elders in a community singing and dancing.
C one person starting a song and others completing a line.
D people singing the same line repetitively.

3 © Mr 6points
14 Which poster is good for a road safety message?
Cross Cross Stop hold
check for
while at Zebra hands and
running crossing cross
cars cross

1 2 3 4
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
15 The teacher told pupils to prepare a variety of dances and songs to be
performed during the agriculture show celebration. Which one of the
following songs was appropriate for the occasion? A song about ...
A corruption
B diarrhoea
C maleria
D poultry
16 Tourists like buying carved items which are ...
A carved anyhow
B unique in nature
C very common
D well vanished
17 Which of the following places cannot have art works sold quickly?
A Backyard space
B Curio shop
C Exhibition centre
D Gallery room
18 Which of the following is not a benefit of swimming activities?
A It gives lots of fun
B It is good for health
C It helps to develop muscles
D It is a good skill for catching fish

4 © Mr 6points
19 A pupil was told to do the activity shown below.

This is an example of ...

A Circuit training
B Fartlek
C Isometric exercises
D Isotonic exercises
20 Mrs Kabale always prepares a list of items and their prices she wants
to order from wholesalers. This helps her to know the ...
A expenditure
B income and expenditure
C loss and expenditure
D profits only
21 Suitable crops for a kitchen garden include:
A Bondwe, cabbage, eggplant, rape.
B Cabbage, lemons, onion, oranges.
C Pumkin leaves, maize, groundnuts.
D Sweet potatoes, mango, cowpeas.

22 Over polished floors and banana peels on the floor are common ...
A causes of accidents in the home.
B signs of cleanliness in the home.
C ways of identifying the kitchen.
D ways of showing that there is food in the kitchen.

5 © Mr 6points
23 What should be done to get good ventilation?
A Avoid overcrowding in one room.
B Close all the windows during the day time.
C Keep braziers of fire in the house all day.
D Sleep with flowers in the same room.
24 The reason to leave openings in clothes is to ...
A allow easy wearing.
B look decorative.
C make clothes strong.
D none of them.
25 Happiness, fear, anger, surprise are ways of ... expressions.
A body
B facial
C friendly
D personal
26 Kwashiorkor is caused by lack of ... in the body.
A carbohydrates
B minerals
C proteins
D vitamins
27 ... % of water makes up the body weight.
A 200
B 105
C 85
D 65

28 Give two reasons why the armpits should be washed properly ...
A avoid bad smell and stains that discolour clothes.
B avoid sweating a lot.
C smell good always in clean clothes.
D to be happy and look attractive.

6 © Mr 6points
29 What does human development refer to?
A Confidence of a person
B Complexion of a person
C Growth of a person
D Uniqueness of a person
30 Which of the following is not used when baking?
A flour
B sugar
C mealie meal
D eggs
31 List the equipment found in a traditional kitchen.
A Brazier, sinks, cupboards.
B Mordern stove, table, utensils.
C small cupboards, fire palce, stool.
D winnowing basket, sinks, brazier.
32 Which of the following defines safety in a home?
A Have a first aid kit in the home.
B Keep sharp items where they are easily seen.
C Put medicines on top of cupboards.
D Take medicines whenever you feel sick.
33 Where scales are not available, give one example of handy measures
that can be used instead.
A Chief cup
B Measuring cup
C Water jar
D Wooden spoon
34 The terms level, rounded and heaped are often used in ... measures.
A cup
B handy
C scale
D spoon

7 © Mr 6points
35 ... are known to keep off bad smells in the pin-latrine.
A Ashes
B Bleaches
C Disinfectants
D Soap
36 Explain why ingredients are weighed. To ...
A avoid unnecessary wastage of ingredients.
B discover the exact amount of something.
C find good results when cooking.
D find out how heavy something is.
37 The makishi dance is a cultural ceremony that is performed by ....
speaking people.
A Lozi
B Luvale
C Ngoni
D Tonga
38 Give a reason why a measuring stone is put on a balance scale.
A For ingredients to rest on a panel.
B For the scale to work properly.
C To give an accurate weight.
D To know the weight of a stone and ingredients.
39 Marasmus is caused by lack of ... in the body.
A carbohydrates
B minerals
C proteins
D vitamins
40 Keeping of records in business will help one to know ....
A losses only in his or her busniess.
B profits only that he or she is making.
C where to get goods for business.
D whether there is progress or not in the business.

8 © Mr 6points
41 Part A shown on the diagram below is the ...

A bench stop
B bench vice
C sawing board
D well
42 Which of the following is not a text format?
A Bold
B Italic
C Normal
D Round
43 Why do people prefer phone calls to letter writing? Phone calls are ...
A cheaper.
B faster.
C more expensive.
D slower.
44 What do we call drawings done by a builder before building a house?
A Elevations
B Orthographic
C Plan
D Projections
45 An example of a source of light in rural areas is ...
A brazier.
B electricity.
C parafin lamp.
D generator.

9 © Mr 6points
46 Mwate was typing a letter of application for a job on her laptop. Her
address was supposed to be aligned .... of the letter.
A at the bottom left
B at the centre
C on the topleft
D on the topright
47 What is cursor status? It is ...
A the colour of the cursor when typing.
B the shape and position of the cursor when typing.
C when the cursor is not used during typing.
D when the cursor is lost.

48 One of the pupils in grade 5 A was asked by his teacher to add words
to the sign shown below. The words she added were ...

A do not cross the road.

B pedestrians do not cross.
C pedestrians crossing.
D people working ahead
49 Chanda designed the poster below. What type of lettering did he use?


A Alphabet
B Handwriting
C Lower case
D Upper case

10 © Mr 6points
50 The sign below was found on the side of the road. Which of the
following words can be added to it to make it more meaningful?

A There is a railway ahead

B There is no railway ahead
C The road has got lines on it
D The railway is beautiful
51 Mwanga drew the following objects. Which of them does not
represents an isometric drawing?

52 A pupil drew the symbol shown below and stuck it on her bag. It
means ... this bag.

A do not touch
B feel free to touch
C tear
D you can borrow
53 To turn current on and off a ... is used.
A plug
B rubber
C stick
D switch

11 © Mr 6points
54 After being typed, a document was being checked for possible miss
spellings and missing words. The document was being ...
A discarded.
B edited.
C formatted.
D misplaced.
55 To prevent hand tools from breaking in the workshop, Chawa put them
in ....
A boxes.
B sacks.
C the bench well.
D the tool box.
56 To construct a radius of a circle below, the following points should be
joined together by a staight line.

A A and B
B A, B and D
C A and D
D C and D
57 Someone who discloses his/her ATM number or pin may ...
A have his/her money stolen from his/her account.
B have his/her ATM card destroyed or stolen by the bank.
C lose his/her code and the ATM card.
D safeguard his/her account.
58 Which of the following tools is correctly paired with its use?
A Chisel-smoothering
B Hammer-holding
C saw-cutting
D Measuring tape-driving

12 © Mr 6points
59 The diagram below shows a teacher of woodwork demonstrating how
to make a ... joint.

A slot and pinion

B plug and play
C dovetail and hole
D mortice and tenon
60 When information is typed and kept in a computer, it can be retrieved
by ...
A changing windows.
B closing the file.
C deleting the information.
D double clicking on the file.

61 The musical scale below is incomplete, which note is missing?

doh, re, mi, fa, so, ... ti, doh.
A fa
B la
C mi
D re

62 Which set shows primary colours?

A Blue, green, yellow
B Blue, orange, yellow
C Blue, red, yellow
D Blue, white, yellow

13 © Mr 6points
63 A farmer bought a hoe, after a few days the handle was eaten up. The
maker did not ... it.
A decorate
B plain
C sand
D vanish

64 Which of the following is not needed when making letter stencils?

A Coloured pencils
B Pair of scissors
C Sheet is paper
D Water colour

65 A semi quaver represents .... of a crotchet.

D 8
66 The musical note shown below is a ...

A brave
B crotchet
C minim
D quaver

14 © Mr 6points
67 Nyau dancers are practised by the ... people of Zambia.
A Chewa
B Kaonde
C Lozi
D Tonga
68 Drum beat creates ...
A harmony
B melody
C rhythm
D unison
69 Which method is best for saving a drowning person?

A 1 and 3
B 2 only
C 4 only
D 3 and 4

70 A learner pulled the rope tied to the block as shown below. This is
an example of ...

A circuit training
B isometric exercise
C rhythm isotonic excercise
D warm up activity
15 © Mr 6points
71 The learners were asked to perform different jumping skills. The
diagram shows ... jump.

A polevault
B scissors
C straddle
D tripple
72 The diagram below represents a colour wheel.

Which of the two colours when combined will produce a tertiary

A 4 and 5
B 4 and 6
C 2 and 4
D 2 and 6

73 In imaginative drawings, the first is to ... the object.

A arrange
B paint
C shade
D sketch

16 © Mr 6points
74 Bleeding from a cut on the finger can be stopped by putting on ...
A adhesive plaster.
B piece of cloth.
C plastic bag.
D rubber gloves.
75 Learners sang and played musical instruments. This is called ... music.
A computerised
B edited
C live
D recorded
76 Which ethnic group is associated with the musical instruments shown

A Taonga
B Ngoni
C Kaonde
D Lozi
77 Using basic skills of floating, kicking legs and alternating hands in
swimming is called ... stroke.
A back
B breast
C crawl
D side

78 What would a swimmer wear to keep the hair away from the face
while swimming.
A Cap
B Helmet
C Mask
D Goggles
17 © Mr 6points
79 Which sporting activity is associated with the instrument below?

A Athletics
B Ball games
C Field events
D Track event
80 Grade 7 Learners were asked by the teacher to make a basket. Which
method would not be used?
A Braiding
B Knitting
C Plaiting
D Weaving

81 Which of these symbols mean, “do not wash”?

82 During puberty ... changes in boys.

A height
B complexion
C habit
D voice

18 © Mr 6points
83 The best and cheap method of making water safe to drink is ...
A boiling
B chlorination
C decanting
D filtration
84 Which crop is not suitable to grow in the kitchen garden?
A Cabbage
B Maize
C Onion
D Tomato

85 In the weekly cleaning of the bedroom. What step should come first?
A Empty the wardrobes
B Open the windows
C Sweep the ceiling
D Tidy up the room

86 The instrument below is used to protect the middle finger when

sewing? Name the instrument.

A Bodkin
B Card
C Tape
D Thimble

87 Which household pest contaminates food?

A Beg bug
B Flies
C Lice
D Mosquitoes

19 © Mr 6points
88 An entrepreneur is a person who starts a business hoping to ...
A overcharge customers.
B maintain capital.
C make profit.
D abuse customers.
89 How can you preserve beans and pumkins leaves?
A Canning
B Drying
C Salting
D Smoking
90 A colander is a kitchen utensils used for ...
A draining
B frying
C mixing
D scooping
91 The stitch shown on the piece of cloth is a ... stitch.

A embroidery
B decorative
C permanent
D temporary

92 A business person can challenge competitors by ...

A changing the place of selling.
B improving the products being sold.
C fighting with the competitors
D reducing the prices of the products.

20 © Mr 6points
93 Which foods are not suitable for people living with HIV and AIDs?
A More fatty foods
B Low fat sources of protein
C food with less sugar
D Diet high in vegetables
94 The best way of cleaning a wound is to use ... water.
A boiled
B cold
C frozen
D hot
95 Which is the common raising agent used for making fritters?
A Air
B Baking powder
C Bicarbonate of soda
D Yeast
96 The ... provides artificial ventilation.
A door
B fan
C vents
D windows

97 Which of the following is correct order of the menstruation process?

A Ovulation menstruation
B Gestation menstruation
C Gestation fertilization
D Fertilization ovulation

98 ... is one of the fastest methods of preparing meat.

A Boiling
B Frying
C Roasting
D Steaming

21 © Mr 6points
99 What key on the keyboard is used to delete text when typing.
A Backspace
B Enter
C Space bar
D Shift
100 A low body weight and a dry skin in children is a deficiency of ...
A carbohydrates
B minerals
C proteins
D vitamins

101 The character shown on the computer below is aligned on the ...

A centre.
B left.
C right.
D top.
102 The key marked y on the common calculator below is used for ...

A adding numbers.
B calculating percentages.
C finding results.
D memory recall.

22 © Mr 6points
103 The acronyms www on internet stands for ...
A world wade web.
B world wide web.
C world with web.
D world work web

104 Study the diagram below.

Which of the following shows how the Front View of the object would

105 How many types of butt joints do we have?

A 1
B 2
C 4
D 5
106 The school tuckshop had goods for sale. In which book where the
finances recorded?
A Evaluation book
B Inventory book
C Sales book
D Stock book

23 © Mr 6points
107 Mary bought a cow at K2 000, she later sold at K2 800. How much
profit did she make?
A K800
B K2 000
C K2 800
D K4 800
108 A learner wanted to make a simple circuit. What materials was he
likely to use?
A Bulb, copper wire and wood
B Copper wire, bulb and paper clip
C Copper wire, rubber and paper clip
D Rubber, paper clip and wood
109 Mulenga constructed the polygon below. What is its name?

A Hexagon
B Octagon
C Pentagon
D Quadrilateral
110 The letters A - D show the keys on a standard calculator. What is the
function of key B?

A Memory addition
B Memory clear
C Memory recall
D Memory call
24 © Mr 6points
111 Which risk would put the computer system and data in danger?
A Electrical
B Financial
C Personal
D Technological
112 Which of the following shapes could be joined to form a triangle?

1 2 3 4
A 1 and 4
B 2 and 4
C 1 and 2
D 1 and 3
113 Orthographic projection usually shows three views namely Front, End
and ...
A middle
B top
C high
D plan
114 What is is a seven-sided polygon called?
A Hexagon
B Octagon
C Septagon.
D Polygon.
115 The correct of stages for land preparation to construct a structure is ...
A clearing, setting, digging, construction.
B digging, setting, digging, construction.
C planning, clearing, setting, construction.
D setting, clearing. digging, construction.

25 © Mr 6points
116 The type of advertising where satisfied customers tell others about
your product is called ...
A displaying goods.
B magazine.
C word of mouth.
D newspaper
117 Which one of the following is not a service?
A Cutting hair
B Painting houses
C Repairing cell phones
D Selling cars
118 How is wood prepared before use?
A Cutting, measuring, marking and planning.
B Marking, measuring, cutting and planning.
C Measuring, marking, cutting and planning.
D Measuring, cutting, marking and planning.
119 Someone can get hold of your online banking details and steal money
from your bank account. This financial internet risk is called ...
A cracking.
B cybercrime.
C hacking.
D phishing.
120 Which one is the most recently invented source of light in rural areas?
A Candle
B Diesel
C Paraffin
D Solar
121 Which of the following is an example of a traditional basic equipment?
A Brazier
B Cooker
C Colander
D Sink

26 © Mr 6points
122 Traditional dance is important in the history and culture of Zambia
because it ...
A helps to separate families in society.
B places men to be superior over women folk.
C passes on belief and history to future generations.
D promotes hatred amongst ethnic groups.
123 Why are swimmers asked to have a shower with soap before they can
swim in a pool? It ...
A helps to keep the swimming poor clean.
B helps swimming to more flexible.
C makes swimming more enjoyable.
D makes the swimming pool slippery.
124 Simutala sales groceries in a shop. Every day he records all his sales
and items. He does this in order to know ...
A groceries to buy again.
B how to be nice to customers.
C how to make more profits.
D whether he makes profit or loss.
125 Mabvuto wanted to stretch a cold muscle but was stopped by his
teacher. This was because ...
A the muscle was going to become weak.
B he was going to injure himself.
C he could not maintain its shape.
D he could not maintain its strength.
126 Kamukape is a player who could run with a ball but only while
bouncing it on the ground. The game is ...
A volleyball.
B netball.
C football.
D basketball.

27 © Mr 6points
127 Shila performed a dance where she could follow specific steps and
moves. This dance is called ... movement.
A structured
B masked
C freestyle
D energetic.
128 In which swimming race are participants allowed to use all the types
of strokes?
A Backstroke
B Breaststroke
C Forward stroke
D Freestyle

129 The important reason for weighing and measuring ingredients is to ...
A avoid mistakes in measuring.
B balance the quantities.
C get good results.
D make sure all ingredients are available.

130 The efficiency of the heart, the blood vessels and the lungs is called ...
A cardiovascular fitness.
B flexibility test.
C muscular endurance.
D side stretch.

131 Which craft technique uses paper, water and mixing flour to produce
an artefact?
A Collage
B Macrame
C Papier Mache
D Weaving

28 © Mr 6points
132 Mumba always dresses nicely and decently. This means he looks ...
A happy
B humble
C majestic
D respectable

133 Colours that are opposite each other on the colour wheel are called ...
A primary colours
B secondary colours
C tertiary colours
D complementary colours

134 To compose African music one should start with a ...

A dance, theme then a tune.
B dance, tune then a theme.
C theme, tune then a dance.
D tune, theme then a dance.

135 A picture made from a collection of different pictures that fitted

together to make one picture is called ...
A collage.
B montage.
C mosaic.
D papier mache.

136 Enala mixed blue and green colours during a practical lesson. What
type of colour did she make?
A Intermediate colour
B Primary colour
C Secondary colour
D Tertiary colour

29 © Mr 6points
137 The five lines on which music is written are called ...
A rhythm
B stave
C tonic
D melody

138 Jane made it difficult for the opponent player in a volleyball game to
return the ball by ...
A volleying the ball.
B tossing the ball.
C doing overhead serve.
D doing underhand serve.

139 In which of the gymnastics styles below is energy produced without

oxygen being supplied to the muscles?
A Acrobatic
B Aerobatic
C Anaerobic
D Artistic

140 To produce good and strong clay bricks, John was advised to use clay
from ...
A an ant hill
B swampy area
C top soil
D undergound

141 A sprint race is started by the following steps.

A Go, set, on your marks.
B Go, on your marks, set.
C On your marks, set, go.
D Set, go, on your marks.

30 © Mr 6points
142 What is pool hygiene?
A Keeping the swimming pool clear.
B Keeping the water levels high.
C Making sure the water is flowing.
D Painting the wall of the swimming pool blue.
143 Applying safety rules help people ...
A avoid getting injured.
B get a lot of illnesses.
C not to work well.
D to get injured.

144 Why should finger nails be kep short? To ...

A file them.
B paint them.
C make them look smart.
D keep them clean.

145 Describe one way to have good ventilation at night.

A Close windows in the room.
B Do not over crowd in the room.
C Keep brazier in the room.
D Sleep with flowers in the room.
146 Which of these statements describe the function of the skin?
A Expose the body to dust.
B Expose the body to air borne diseases.
C Protects the body from germs.
D Protects the body with water.
147 What else do we use to unlock the kitchen sink apart from the suction
A Chlorine.
B Hot water.
C Paraffin.
D Used oil.
31 © Mr 6points
148 Which of the following set has a correct list of measuring and
weighing equipment?
A Bowls and Bottles.
B Cups and Spoons.
C Folks and Jugs.
D Plates and knives.
149 Choose suitable foods which can be used to garnish a vegetable salad
(cabbage salad).
A Hard boiled egg, cucmber, tomato.
B Lemon, lettuce, banana.
C Mayonnaise, fried tomato, cheese
D Onion, fried eggs, tomato
150 Luwa started with measuring ingredients before baking the cupcakes.
He did that in order to ...
A avoid running our of ingredients.
B avoid unnecessary wastage.
C bake a lot of cupcakes.
D make good use of ingredients.
151 In the diagram below, identify the part marked Y.

A Bulb holder
B Bulb switch
C Socket
D Glass
152 It is advisable to wear appropriate clothing whenever working in a
workshop so as to ...
A be a role model to junior employees.
B look presentable at place of work.
C have favours from the superiors.
D protect oneself and work properly.

32 © Mr 6points
153 When making wood or plastic items ... can be used to join the pieces.
A cellotape
B glue
C paint
D putty
154 Which of the following symbols compose parts of a simple electric

155 Doctors and nurses always wear masks and gloves whenever they are
operating on a patient. This is practice helps them avoid contracting ...
A diabetes.
C maleria.
D whooping cough.
156 First aid is the ...
A attention given to a dead person.
B initial help given to a casualty.
C money given to the hospital.
D money given to an injured persons relatives.

157 Who is an entrepreneur? One who ...

A buys goods online from abroad.
B runs another person’s business without getting paid.
C takes an idea and uses it to make money using required skills
and resources.
D runs a shop on behalf of another person who lives abroad.

33 © Mr 6points
158 A pupil used a copper wire, a bulb and metal paper clip to ...
A construct a simple circuit.
B construct a trip switch.
C create short circuit.
D make an electric toy house.

159 A customer at an Automated Teller Machine(ATM) was advised to

move back when another customer was withdrawing money. This
was to ...
A let him see the ATM card number of the customer.
B prevent him from seeing the pin number of the other customer.
C prevent the ATM from retaining the card.
D protect the ATM from being damaged.

160 Posters are widely used to communicate messages because they ...
A are always big and bright.
B are cheap to obtain.
C are easy to make.
D can depict different situations.

161 Lukonde made a switch to a simple circuit using a ...

A metal paper clip.
B peice of wood and a rubber.
C plastic paper clip.
D rubber band and a sick.

162 Before a builder starts building, he will first draw the ... of the building
he intends to build.
A elevation
B orthographic construction
C plan
D project outline

34 © Mr 6points
163 Nyirenda used a ... calculator to perform other operations apart from
addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.
A cell phone
B scientific
C standard
D toy
164 How can we prevent metal tools from rusting? By ...
A applying them with chemicals.
B applying them with oil.
C exposing them to moisture.
D washing then with water.
165 Which of the following correctly pairs the tools and their use?
A Cutting: saws, chisels
B Driving: trowel, sprint level
C Holding: hammer, mallet
D Measuring: steel rule, try square
166 Manipulating a graphic image involves three of the following except ...
A changing colour
B filling colour
C deleting
D resizing
167 What is text alignment in computer studies? It is ...
A increasing the size of text.
B positioning a text in a straight line.
C reducing the size and font of the text.
D underlining and reducing the font of the text.

168 Which of the following is a text format?

A Alignment
B Bold
C Centre
D Right

35 © Mr 6points
169 A teacher of a grade 5 class demonstrated to her class how to bisect
a 90 angle using a ruler. a pencil and a ...

A pair of compasses and set square.

B pen and pair of compasses
C protractor and pair of compasses
D T. square and pen.

170 To produce a three sided object, one would use ... projection.
A a drawing
B an isometric
C an orthographic
D sketch

171 Why should learners obey instructions in the play park?

A To be punctual.
B To get excited.
C To avoid getting injured.
D To push opponents

172 Most Zambian songs are ‘call and response songs’. This means they
are sang by ...
A people singing the same line repetitively.
B one person starting a song and others completing a line.
C elders in a community singing and dancing.
D choir members signing and clapping at the same time.

36 © Mr 6points
173 Singing in harmony involves signing ...
A alto voice only.
B two or more voices.
C soprano voice only.
D tenor voice only.

174 The bouncing skill is used in the game of ...

A Basketball.
B Football.
C Hand ball.
D Volleyball.
175 What colours should be mixed to get green?
A Yellow and Red
B Yellow and Blue
C Red and Green
D Blue and Red

176 Wax resist techniques works are used on ...

A fabrics and paper
B metal and plastics
C paper and metal
D soil and leaves

177 The musical instrument below is ...

A an African drum.
B an African shaker.
C a Western drum
D a Western shaker

37 © Mr 6points
178 The music note below is called ...
A crotchet.
B minim.
C quaver.
D semi-quaver

179 A learner arranged objects in an Art lesson and started to draw. What
type of drawing is this?
A Composition
B Imaginative
C Still life
D Sketching
180 Which of the following is not a benefit of performing physical
activities? They ...
A reduce risks of heart diseases.
B reduce risks of suffering from ulcers.
C make the body work better.
D make the body get tired easily.
181 A learner wanted to obtain a tertiary colour. What colours could be
A Yellow and purple
B Yellow and red
C Blue and green
D Blue and yellow

182 Which not was wrongly placed on the staff below?

A do
B mi
C so
D ti
38 © Mr 6points
183 ... is an example of a track event.
A High jump
B Long jump
C Relay race
D Straddle style
184 Which of the following colours are complementary to each other?
A Blue and red
B Orange and green
C Purple and indigo
D Yellow and red
185 Which group consists of Western musical instruments only?
A Trumpet, xylophones, ngoma
B Saxophone, rattles, mbalute
C Piano, guiter, trumpets
D Banjo, guitar, thumb piano
186 What physical activity is being perfromed by a learner?
Activity 1 Activity 2
Stretching Jumping

Activity 3 Activity 4
Lifting hands Push ups
up and down

A Circuit training
B Flexibility
C Isotonic exercise
D Isometric exercise
187 Which of the following describes a collage? It is a picture made by ...
A joining small pieces of wood together.
B putting different seeds together.
C sticking different materials on hard paper.
D sticking different types of soaked paper.
39 © Mr 6points
188 Musonda bought goods worth K3500 and later sold them for K4200.
What was his profit?
A K400
B K700
C K7700
D K3000
189 Which of the following is not used to pass the ball in basketball?
A One hand overhead
B One head over
C Two hand bounce
D Two head bounce
190 Hop, step and jump is a skill in the game of ...
A long jump
B high jump
C pole vault
D triple jump
191 The money used to start a business is called ...
A capital.
B goods.
C loss.
D profit.
192 Chuma was cooking food by covering it with water. What method of
cooking was she using?
A Boiling
B Poaching
C Steaming
D Stewing
193 A chef always weighs and measures ingredients in order to ...
A find out the size or amount of something.
B increase amount of something.
C have plenty to share.
D reduce the quantity.

40 © Mr 6points
194 Which of the following shows a weighing equipment?

195 The laundry symbol below means ...

A bleach with chlorine.

B do not bleach.
C dry cleaning is not allowed.
D do not wet clean.

196 Which of the folowing is not a weighing and measuring equipment?

A Cup
B Hand
C Scale
D Spoon

197 To look neat, tidy and have good posture, a learner must have ...
A beautiful body.
B good grooming.
C handsome body.
D nice shape

198 The following is true about the importance of first aid except to ...
A make the dead person alive again.
B reduce the pain.
C stop the injury from becoming worse.
D save life.

41 © Mr 6points
199 Mrs Kasongo bought a set of knitting cotton at K25 and made two
sweaters which she sold at K50 each. How much profit did she make?
A K25
B K50
C K75
D K100
200 Fasteners are for ...
A closing openings on garments.
B decorating garments.
C neatening garments.
D reducing the fullness on garments.
201 Which of the following modern kitchen equipment is correctly paired
with its use?
A Blender It is used to mix or crush food and other
B Electric kettle It is used for boiling water and cooking
more quickly.
C Pressure cooker It is used to heat slices of bread on both
D Toaster It is used to cook food more quickly.

202 A thimble is used for ...

A cutting material.
B making seams.
C protecting the finger.
D scrubbing the needle.

203 Which of the following is the reason for preserving food?

A increasing food wastage
B making food expensive
C making food unavailable
D preventing food decay

42 © Mr 6points
204 Jane cleaned the spills in the kitchen after cooking to ...
A attract visitors
B avoid sliding
C have fresh air
D make it look shine
205 ... and ... are factors which influence physical appearance.
A Heredity and nutrition
B Friends and environment
C Friends and marriage
D Race and marriage
206 James wanted to hold two pieces of cloths together. Which
needlework tool would he use?
A Measuring card
B Pins
C Tape measure
D Thimble
207 The following are plaited articles, except ...
A basket.
B door mat.
C hat.
D pin cushion
208 Using materials like grass, banana stem, maize and sisal, a learner
can easily make a ... item.
A knitted
B plaited
C sawn
D wooven
209 Which of the following diseases is as a result of lack of carbohydrates?
A Goitre
B kwashiokor
C Marasmus
D Rickets
43 © Mr 6points
210 Lukonde lost a lot of blood due to an injury. She should eat a lot of
food rich in ...
A carbohydrates.
B fats.
C iron.
D protein.

211 Mulenga is preparing to make a Mortice and Tenon joint below.

Which parts should be joined?

A B and D
B B and C
C A and D
D A and C
212 Which of the following is the best use of internet? For ..
A searching information.
B spreading viruses.
C phishing.
D cybercrime.

213 A learner made the simple circuit below.

The part marked A is ...

A batteries.
B bulb.
C switch.
D wire.
44 © Mr 6points
214 The isometric drawing below shows ... as the plan view.


215 Transferring of typed work from the computers to paper is ...

A cutting.
B editing.
C pasting.
D printing.

216 A switch is used to ...

A brighten the bulb.
B create a short.
C make the light dim.
D turn the current on and off.

217 To join two pieces of metal, a learner used ... glue.

A contact
B common
C manufactured
D P. V. A

218 Someone who discloses the ATM number or pin may ...
A have the money stolen from his/her account.
B have the ATM card destroyed or stollen by the bank.
C lose the code and the ATM card.
D safeguard the account.

45 © Mr 6points
219 Which of the following activity comes first in working with metal?
A Cutting the metal into pieces.
B Filing the metal to the required size.
C Marking out out the measurement needed.
D Polishing up the metal pieces.
220 To make a price on the item, one needs to ...
A always aim at making more profit.
B consider the profit, labour and time spent.
C increase the price compared to others at the market.
D sale an item less than the cost price.

221 Which of the following sysmbols is correctly paired with its


222 ... is used to plug in two or more electrical appliances.

A Meter box
B Bulb holder
C Adapter
D Amp

223 The following are different ways of formatting a text except ...
A Normal.
B Italic.
C Bold.
D Arial.

46 © Mr 6points
224 Which icon should be clicked to print a document?

225 Which button on the keyboard is used to create space between

A Enter
B Shift
C Delete
D Spacebar
226 When bisecting angle 90° shown below, a pupil should place and
mark points ... and draw a line from O to E.

227 The ... is the commonest source of lighting in rural areas of Zambia.
A electricity
B generator
C paraffin
D Solar

47 © Mr 6points
228 We can know the cursor status by its ...
A events position.
B position on the monitor.
C shape and task.
D shape position.
229 We can mould good and strong clay bricks using clay from ...
A a dambo
B an anti-hill.
C deep layer of soil.
D topsoil.
230 Tri squares and spirit levels are used in building for ...
A cutting.
B driving.
C marking.
D testing.
231 A student was going to work in the workshop and was to observe
three of the following rules except ...
A wear loose clothes
B wear protective goggles.
C do not play with the machines.
D do not smoke cigarettes.
232 To do lettering print, one should ...
A click the lettering icon.
B pick the print icon.
C selecting the format.
D use words only to print text.
233 The two ways in which you can make a drawing are ...
A land scape and society.
B land scape and portrait.
C imaginative and still life.
D portrait and sideway.

48 © Mr 6points
234 Which of the following will help a musician to raise money?
A Entertaining people at a show.
B Practising how to play.
C Singing during an initiation ceremony.
D Using instruments at a funeral.

235 In the game of netball, the role of the goal attacker is to ...
A begin the game.
B defend the ring.
C protect the team.
D score the goals.
236 Rules are applied in games to ...
A ensure fair play.
B favour one team.
C make the game interesting.
D punish all players.

237 Identify one physical change in boys at puberty.

A The hips become enlarged and widened.
B The voice breaks and deepens.
C The breasts enlarge.
D They produce milk.

238 Katiti used ... to download different softwares.

A internet websites
B Microsoft excel
C Microsoft office
D windows movie maker
239 Give an example of a raising agent you can use to make a Swiss roll.
A Baking powder
B Bicarbonate of soda
C Egg white
D Yeast

49 © Mr 6points
240 What is described as the feeling of personal worth, liking oneself?
A Good dressing
B Good grooming
C Physical appearance
D Self respect
241 Non-verbal communication involves the following except ...
A dressing.
B e-mail.
C space.
D tone of voice.
242 Poor ventilation results in ...
A short supply of clean air.
B pneumonia and tuberculosis.
C excess supply of clean air.
D colds and coughs.
243 Mangoes, avocadoes, peas and bananas are good for making ... salads.
A cabbage
B fruit
C potato
D vegetable

244 Explain what food budgeting is.

A A plan of how food is bought from the market.
B A plan of how food is shared in the home.
C A plan of how much you spend your money on food.
D A plan of how you want to eat your food.

245 How do we care for our feet?

A Apply Vaseline every morning.
B Put on socks all the time.
C Wear correct size of shoes.
D Scrub feet before wearing shoes.

50 © Mr 6points
246 Explain the general rule of dyeing a fabric.
A Add salt to the material before dyeing.
B Boil the dye together with the material.
C Coil both ends of the material.
D Wet the material before dyeing.

247 The method of adding chlorine to drinking water helps in ... water
borne diseases.
A preventing
B promoting
C protecting
D spreading

248 How has a cellphone made communication easier? People are able to
communicate ...
A anywhere in towns.
B anywhere in villages
C as long as there is network.
D easily with expensive phones.

249 Why is it better to use iron roofing sheets than grass when roofing
a house? Roofing sheets ...
A are cheaper.
B easily worn out.
C lasts longer.
D smell good

250 When preparing land for construction, setting is done in order to ...
A clear the land.
B harden the land.
C make the foundation.
D soften the ground

51 © Mr 6points
251 Which of the following is not a risk associated with the use of the
A Destroyed reputation
B Difficult to hide identity
C Exposure to immorality
D Easy business contacts

252 Machana was adding the cost of items he was buying using a
calculator which ran out of power. Which other tool could be
used to complete the addition quickly?
A Brick game
B Cell phone
C Digital watch
D Mechanical watch
253 Mulenga wanted to make a simple electric circuit, he needed dry
cells, a bulb, copper wire and a ...
A generator
B meter box
C socket
D switch

254 Chileshe used ... to send her email.

A Gmail
B Microsoft excel
C Microsoft office
D windows movie maker

255 A student was typing a composition for her assignment. The title of
the composition was supposed to be ...
A at the end of the composition.
B deleting after typing.
C written in capital letters and underlined.
D written in small letters and not underlined.

52 © Mr 6points
256 To print words, a Grade 5 pupil used an alphabet stencil and ...
A markers
B paper
C pencil
D pen

257 Mubita burnt the clay after mulding them. He did this to ...
A harden the bricks.
B make the bricks look attractive.
C make the clay bricks look dark.
D soften the clay bricks

258 A carpenter was preparing wood to make a table. The wood was
supposed to be ... first.
A cut
B measured
C planned
D smoothend

259 When an entrepreneur makes less money that what was used to
start the business, he/she has made a ...
A loss.
B profit.
C capital gain.
D bonus.

260 What is the use of maize straws in craft work?

A Produce a dye for colouring
B Stuffing the itms made.
C To plait mealie meal sucks.
D To plait reed mats

53 © Mr 6points
261 A minim has got ... beats.
A 3

B 3
C 2

D 2

262 A ... is made up of repeated stripes, shapes, lines or colours.

A colour wheel
B pattern
C shade
D tint

263 Wearing the appropriate dress in practical activities enables one to ...
A work well.
B look smart.
C become strong.
D be healthy.

264 Scissors style is a skill performed in ...

A long jump.
B high jump.
C 4 × 800 relay.
D 4 × 100 sprint.

265 Which of the following is not a reason for warm up in physical

A Improve flexibilty and strength.
B Make the body rest.
C Prepare the body before vigorous activities.
D Prevent injuries to the muscles.

54 © Mr 6points
266 Which technique is used to make reed mats?
A Weaving
B Sewing
C Plaiting
D Carving
267 Sisal, maize raw and grass are materials used to make ...
A brooms.
B jerseys.
C knives.
D mats.
268 A learner joined the musical notes below. How many quaver beats
are there?

A 1

B 1 1
C 2

D 2 1
269 Which of the following lists show skills used in football?
A Digging, dribbling, serving.
B Serving, feinting, trapping.
C Shooting, volleying, dribbling.
D Trapping, dribbling, feinting.
270 Which of the following places cannot have artworks sold quickly?
A Gallary room
B Exhibitor centre
C Curio shop
D Backyad space
55 © Mr 6points
271 On which side of the cylinder will the shadow fall?

2 6

A 2
B 3
C 4
D 8
272 Which of the following items can be made by carving?
A Motar
B Mat
C Hat
D Basket
273 Which of the following excercise will help develop your leg muscles?
A Press-ups
B Sit-ups
C Throw and catch
D Weight lifting
274 The musical note below is called ...

A quaver.
B minim.
C crotchet.
D brave

56 © Mr 6points
275 Which of the following has the correct order of steps taken in drawing?

A Align, observe and decide.

B Decide, align and observe.
C Decide, observe, align.
D Observe, decide and align.

276 Which musical instrument do musicians use to produce sound by

blowing air inside it?

A Pinto
B Mondodrum
C Kalimba
D Hard piano

277 ... is a craft of sewing fabric shapes onto large pieces of cloth.

A Mosaic
B Montage
C Collage
D Applique
278 ... can be used to draw figures in action.

A Cone shapes
B Dotted lines
C Oval shapes
D Zigzag lines

279 A grade seven learner transcribed the minim by adding a dot to it.
How many crotchet beats does it have now? ... beats.
A 2
B 3
C 4
D 8

57 © Mr 6points
280 The physical activity that involves balancing, making a human pyramid
and performing on the floor is called ...
A stunt.
B rhythmic.
C artistic.
D aerobic.
281 Knives and other objects in a house should be properly stored in order
to ...
A make them remain new.
B make them remain sharp.
C prevent accidents.
D prevent people from borrowing.
282 The best needlework tool used for cutting fabric is ...

283 Laundry starch can be obtained from all the following except ....
A wheat.
B rice
C maize.
D fish.

284 Which of the following is the best way of promoting privacy and
bodily integrity for both boys and girls?
A Building them separate bathrooms
B Building them communial toilets
C Allowing them to use same bathroom
D Allowing them to use the same bedroom

58 © Mr 6points
285 A ... is used to store pins in needlework and crafts.
A tool box
B pin foam
C pin box
D pin cushion

286 To have energy, one should eat foods such as ...

A butter, beef, chicken.
B chibwabwa, rape, cabbage.
C fish, eggs, beans.
D nshima, rice, cassava.

287 ... is used to measure short lengths on fabrics.

A Tailor’s chalk
B Measuring tape
C Measuring hem
D Measuring card

288 ... need a diet with large quantities of vitamins, calcium and proteins.
A Expectant mothers
B Lactating mothers
C Old people
D Young children

289 The following is true about food preservation except ...

A adding variety to the diet.
B keeping food for growing children only.
C making seasonal foods available throughout the year.
D preventing food decay.
290 The following types of food are prepared by stewing except ...
A beans.
B beef
C fish.
D groundnuts.

59 © Mr 6points
291 Bathing, dressing and applying makeup are ... practices.
A beautiful
B immoral
C personal grooming
D self pride
292 The first set of teeth in human beings is called ... teeth.
A milk
B permanent
C strong
D weak
293 Which of the following foods are used for garnishing?
A Beans, rape.
B Cabbage, potato
C Cucumber, tomatoes
D Kapenta, onion
294 Which of the following would be used for cleaning the backyard? ...
A Hard
B Mopping
C Scrubbing
D Soft
295 A Home Economics learner bought a table cloth at K150.00 and later
sold it at K250.00. How much profit did she make?
A K50.00
B K100.00
C K300.00
D K400.00
296 A person’s feelings of beauty and attractiveness to others is called ...
A body image.
B body structure.
C mental image.
D mental makeup.
60 © Mr 6points
297 Communication, pricing the products or services and distribution are
factors in ...
A banking.
B manufacturing.
C marketing.
D saving.
298 Which of the following is not an example of decorative stitch?
A Blanket stitch
B Chain stitch
C Running stitch
D Stem stitch
299 Tailors display sewn items in order to ...
A attract buyers.
B copy the patterns.
C dry the cloths.
D measure different sizes.
300 ... is the type of stitch used to prevent edges from fraying.
A Blanket
B Chain
C Back
D Running

301 A learner drew the picture below and stuck it on the bag. The sign
means ...

A do not tear.
B do not touch.
C feel free to touch.
D you can get.
61 © Mr 6points
302 Why is a money clip used as a switch in an electric circuit? It is a ...
A bad conductor of electricity.
B good conductor of electricity.
C nicely shaped object.
D very shiny and attractive object.
303 ... is one of the safety rules in a workroom.
A Playing with sharp tools
B Running about
C Touching electrical installations
D Wearing appropriate clothes

304 Which group has the correct names for the following tools?

A Tri aquare Hand saw Mallet Marking knife
B Mallet Marking knife Hand saw Tri square
C Marking knife Hand saw Mallet Tri square
D Hand saw Tri square Marking Knife Mallet
305 Which of the following are basic parts of a circle?
A Breadth and length
B Diameter and radius
C Width and length
D Width and radius

62 © Mr 6points
306 Hairdressers, bricklayers, bankers, tailors and plumbers offer ...
A credits.
B debts.
C loans.
D services.
307 John drew a triangle with sides of the same measurement. It is called
... triangle.
A equilateral
B right angled
C isosceles
D scalane
308 Someone who discloses their ATM number or PIN may ...
A have the money stolen from his/her account.
B have the ATM card destroyed by the bank.
C lose the code and ATM card.
D safeguard the account.
309 Hydroelectricity is that which ...
A cannot be used at home.
B does not finish.
C is generated from water.
D is generated from wind.
310 The following are reasons for giving first aid except ...
A preserving life.
B preventing further harm.
C stopping bleeding.
D worsening the situation.
311 In ... projection, the object is usually drawn as three seperate views.
A a first angle
B a third angle
C an isometric
D an orthographic

63 © Mr 6points
312 Which of the following shapes can be joined to form a Hexagon?

A A and C
B A and D
C B and C
D B and D
313 Which of the following is a part of a work bench?
A Handle
B Saddle
C Vice
D Wheel
314 Which of the following is a risk associated with the internet?
A Browsing
B Downloading
C Hacking
D Searching
315 After a document was typed, it was checked for possible mis - spellings
and missing words. The document was being ...
A discarded.
B edited.
C formatted.
D misplaced.
316 To join two pieces of wood quickly to form a joint, Mwiya used ...
A bridge joint.
B butt joint.
C lap joint.
D nailing.
64 © Mr 6points
317 Which of the following internet risks is correctly paired with its
A CRIME Predators using social media
to get people they want

B CYBER CRIME Someone getting your banking

details and steal money.

C HACKING Someone getting information

on social media when you will
be away so they rob your home.

D SEXUAL ABUSE Someone getting security

measures on website and
computer networks.

318 Cash, stock and sales books are ... records.

A calculation
B costing
C financial
D selling
319 Unwanted mail appeared in one of the learners email inbox in form of
advertising. This is called ...
A craking.
B cybercrime.
C phising.
D spam.
320 The mouse cursor changes its shape for different ...
A microsoft applications.
B programme icons.
C tasks.
D windows.

65 © Mr 6points
1 A 16 B 31 C 46 D

2 A 17 A 32 A 47 B

3 C 18 D 33 B 48 C

4 C 19 A 34 D 49 D

5 D 20 A 35 A 50 A

6 B 21 A 36 C 51 A

7 C 22 A 37 B 52 A

8 A 23 A 38 C 53 D

9 B 24 A 39 A 54 B

10 D 25 B 40 D 55 D

11 C 26 C 41 B 56 A

12 B 27 D 42 D 57 A

13 C 28 A 43 B 58 C

14 B 29 C 44 C 59 D

15 D 30 C 45 C 60 D

66 © Mr 6points
61 B 76 A 91 D 106 C

62 C 77 C 92 D 107 A

63 D 78 A 93 A 108 A

64 D 79 C 94 D 109 A

65 A 80 B 95 D 110 C

66 D 81 D 96 A 111 D

67 A 82 D 97 A 112 A

68 C 83 A 98 B 113 D

69 C 84 B 99 A 114 C

70 C 85 B 100 A 115 C

71 B 86 D 101 A 116 C

72 A 87 B 102 C 117 D

73 D 88 C 103 B 118 C

74 A 89 B 104 A 119 C

75 C 90 A 105 B 120 D

67 © Mr 6points
121 A 136 B 151 A 166 C

122 C 137 B 152 D 167 B

123 A 138 A 153 B 168 B

124 D 139 C 154 D 169 C

125 B 140 A 155 B 170 B

126 D 141 C 156 B 171 C

127 A 142 A 157 C 172 B

128 D 143 A 158 A 173 B

129 C 144 D 159 B 174 A

130 A 145 B 160 C 175 B

131 C 146 C 161 C 176 A

132 D 147 B 162 C 177 A

133 D 148 B 163 B 178 D

134 C 149 A 164 B 179 C

135 B 150 D 165 A 180 D

68 © Mr 6points
181 C 196 B 211 C 226 D

182 C 197 B 212 A 227 C

183 C 198 A 213 B 228 B

184 C 199 C 214 B 229 B

185 C 200 A 215 D 230 C

186 A 201 A 216 D 231 A

187 C 202 C 217 A 232 A

188 B 203 D 218 A 233 B

189 D 204 B 219 C 234 A

190 D 205 A 220 B 235 D

191 A 206 B 221 C 236 A

192 A 207 D 222 C 237 B

193 A 208 D 223 A 238 A

194 A 209 C 224 D 239 A

195 B 210 C 225 D 240 D

69 © Mr 6points
241 D 256 B 271 D 286 D

242 A 257 A 272 A 287 B

243 B 258 B 273 D 288 D

244 C 259 A 274 B 289 A

245 C 260 D 275 D 290 D

246 B 261 D 276 A 291 C

247 A 262 B 277 D 292 A

248 C 263 A 278 B 293 C

249 C 264 B 279 B 294 A

250 A 265 B 280 A 295 B

251 D 266 A 281 C 296 A

252 B 267 D 282 C 297 C

253 D 268 B 283 D 298 C

254 A 269 C 284 A 299 A

255 C 270 D 285 D 300 A

70 © Mr 6points
301 B 316 D

302 B 317 A

303 D 318 C

304 A 319 D

305 B 320 C

306 D

307 A

308 A

309 C

310 D

311 D

312 D

313 C

314 C

315 B

71 © Mr 6points

Mr 6points

72 © Mr 6points

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