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QUALIFICATION: Graduate Diploma of Management ( Learning)


BSBHRM611 Contribute to organisational performance development


Candidates: Please submit this entire document (unless you have submitted your responses online)

CANDIDATE to complete this section

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Email address:

Trainer name:
Candidate declaration— I declare that this is entirely my own work. I have not plagiarised any materials from any external
source. I have referenced third party content, if applicable. I confirm that I have received, understood and read the Unit of
Competency and the Assessment Plan. I accept the assessment methods in entirety. I confirm that the assessment and
appeals process has been explained to me and I have been offered access to special assistance, if required.
Candidate Date
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BSBHRM611 Contribute to organisational performance development- Assessment Pack- v December 2022 Page 1 of 44
 Please read/ review all the learning materials for the Unit. Please ask your trainer for assistance at any stage during
your training program. After you have completed reviewing the learning materials, you will be ready to undertake
the assessments for this unit.
 For your assessment, you should have received an ‘Assessment Pack’ that includes:
- 1- Unit of Competency
- 2- Assessment Booklet (this document)
- 3- General Assessment Information
- The assessment due date and specific instructions for submission will be given to you by your trainer/ assessor (You may be required to email
your assessment to the assessor; upload your completed assessment via an online portal; or submit the completed assessment as a hard copy)
 Please review the assessment plan and the assessment items included in this document.
 Please complete ALL the assessment items.
 All your answers must be written in the space provided below each question. [If you are undertaking the online
version of this course, you may submit your answers online via your online platform]
 You must attempt all the answers in your own words, where a descriptive response is required. Simply ‘cutting and
pasting’ content from your course materials or other sources, will not be deemed to be a satisfactory response to
the questions. You will be required to resubmit your work, if any instances of plagiarism are identified.
 Please submit your completed assessment as directed by your trainer/ assessor. Your assessor will review your work
and grant you a ‘COMPETENT’ or ‘NOT YET COMPETENT’ overall grade for the unit of competency.
 You need to achieve a ‘Satisfactory’ level in each of the assessments items to be granted an overall ‘Competent’
grade in the unit.
 In case you are not able to achieve a ‘Competent’ grade for the Unit, you will be given two additional opportunities
to resubmit your work.
 Where relevant, reasonable adjustments will be made to accommodate candidates with specific language, literacy
and numeracy needs, learning difficulties, specific support needs or disability. Please discuss your needs with us and
feel free to seek our help.
 Where relevant, responses to oral questioning or additional evidence may be sought to gain more information on
your knowledge, skills and competence in the unit. Additional evidence may include skills/ knowledge assessed in
other relevant units completed as part of the qualification.
If you are not satisfied with your final grade or with any aspect of the assessment process, you can appeal the decision
using our complaints and appeals process.

BSBHRM611 Contribute to organisational performance development- Assessment Pack- v December 2021 Page 2 of 44
ASSESSOR to complete this page

RESULT IN EACH ASSESSMENT ITEM Additional evidence gathered

(Assessor to TICK the relevant section below) (only if required)
Assessors may gather further supporting
Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Did not evidence, where the evidence provided by the
candidate within this assessment pack is
attempt/ deemed to be incomplete or insufficient. All
Incomplete additional supporting documents used to
make an assessment judgment must be
attached and retained as official records
Assessment 1  Oral assessment
KNOWLEDGE QUESTIONS  Third party report/s
 Observation
 Video recording
 Other ____________________
Assessment 2  Oral assessment
CASE STUDY- TEX College  Third party report/s
 Observation
 Video recording
 Other ____________________
Assessment 3  Oral assessment
CASE STUDY- continued  Third party report/s
 Observation
 Video recording
 Other ____________________


Assessor to TICK (√) the relevant overall result below

 

Name of assessor:

Assessor signature Date

CANDIDATE’S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (required if results are not provided to the student via electronic

Candidate to complete this section after the assessment decision has been made.

 I accept the above result.

 I do not accept the above result. (Please discuss your concerns with your assessor or email the manager)

Candidate signature Date

BSBHRM611 Contribute to organisational performance development- Assessment Pack- v December 2021 Page 3 of 44


Assessment 1 1. You are required to complete all the questions

KNOWLEDGE QUESTIONS 2. All your responses must be written in your own words, except in
instances where exact names/ terms/ references are required for the
3. Please do not copy and paste content from your learning materials, the
Internet or other sources. You will be required to re-submit your work if
instances of plagiarism are identified.
4. Word Limit (guide only): Unless otherwise specified, please limit your
responses to a maximum of 100 words per question.
5. Your assessor will assess your work and grant you a ‘Satisfactory/
Unsatisfactory’ result for this Assessment task.
6. Please discuss your results with your assessor and feel free to ask for
assistance and guidance, as needed.
7. You will be able to resubmit your work.

Assessment 2 1. This assessment has four parts. All parts must be completed.
CASE STUDY- TEX College 2. Your assessor will assess your work and grant you a ‘Satisfactory/
Unsatisfactory’ result for this Assessment task.
3. Please discuss your results with your assessor and feel free to ask for
assistance and guidance, as needed.
4. You will be able to resubmit your work.

Assessment 3 1. Your assessor will assess your work and grant you a ‘Satisfactory/
Unsatisfactory’ result for this Assessment task.
2. Please discuss your results with your assessor and feel free to ask for
assistance and guidance, as needed.
3. You will be able to resubmit your work.

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Assessment 1: Knowledge Questions
Answer all the questions below in your own words.

1. What is the purpose of ‘organisational performance development program’?

Enhance Productivity: The program aims to identify and implement strategies to increase the
productivity of the organization. This may involve process improvements, technology upgrades,
or training initiatives.

Improve Employee Performance: Focusing on individual and team development helps improve
the performance of employees. This may include skill development, training programs, and
performance appraisal systems.

Align with Organizational Goals: The program seeks to align the efforts of the organization with
its strategic goals and objectives. This ensures that all activities contribute to the overall success
of the organization.

Promote Innovation: Encouraging a culture of innovation and continuous improvement is often a

key component. This can involve fostering a creative environment and implementing practices
that support innovation.

Address Weaknesses: The program identifies and addresses weaknesses or areas of

improvement within the organization. This may involve conducting assessments, gathering
feedback, and implementing targeted interventions.

Enhance Communication and Collaboration: Improving communication and collaboration among

employees and teams is crucial for organizational success. The program may include initiatives
to strengthen communication channels and teamwork.

Talent Development: Focusing on the development of talent within the organization ensures
that employees have the skills and knowledge required to perform their roles effectively. This

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may involve training programs, mentorship, and career development initiatives.

Employee Engagement: A performance development program often includes strategies to

enhance employee engagement. Engaged employees are more likely to contribute positively to
organizational success.

Adapt to Change: In a dynamic business environment, organizations need to be adaptable. The

program may include components that help the organization adapt to changes in the market,
technology, or regulatory environment.

Measure and Monitor Performance: Establishing metrics and performance indicators allows the
organization to measure progress and success. Regular monitoring and evaluation help in
identifying areas that need further attention or improvement.

2. List any five objectives that you may find in an organizational performance
development program.

Improve Employee Skills and Competencies:

Objective: Enhance the skills and competencies of employees through targeted training programs,
workshops, and professional development initiatives. This could include technical skills, leadership skills,
and soft skills.

Increase Employee Engagement and Satisfaction:

Objective: Implement strategies to boost employee engagement and job satisfaction. This may involve
creating a positive work culture, recognizing and rewarding achievements, and providing opportunities
for employee feedback and involvement.

Optimize Organizational Processes and Efficiency:

Objective: Identify and streamline organizational processes to improve efficiency. This could involve
analyzing workflows, implementing technology solutions, and eliminating bottlenecks to enhance

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overall productivity.

Align Individual and Team Goals with Organizational Objectives:

Objective: Ensure that individual and team goals are in alignment with the overall strategic objectives of
the organization. This helps create a cohesive and focused workforce, with everyone working towards
common goals.

Foster Innovation and Continuous Improvement:

Objective: Promote a culture of innovation and continuous improvement within the organization.
Encourage employees to generate new ideas, take calculated risks, and actively participate in initiatives
that drive positive change.

3. List any five benefits of an organisational performance development program.

Increased Productivity and Efficiency:

A well-designed program can lead to streamlined processes, improved workflows, and increased
productivity. By identifying and addressing inefficiencies, employees can work more efficiently,
resulting in higher overall output.

Enhanced Employee Skills and Performance:

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Investing in employee development through training and skill-building programs can lead to a
more skilled and capable workforce. This, in turn, improves individual and team performance,
contributing to the overall success of the organization.

Improved Employee Engagement and Morale:

Performance development programs often include initiatives to boost employee engagement

and morale. When employees feel valued, supported, and engaged in their work, it can lead to
increased job satisfaction, reduced turnover, and a positive work culture.

Better Alignment with Organizational Goals:

By aligning individual and team goals with the strategic objectives of the organization,
employees become more focused on contributing to the overall success of the company. This
alignment ensures that everyone is working towards common goals and objectives.

Enhanced Adaptability and Innovation:

Performance development programs that encourage a culture of continuous improvement and

innovation can make an organization more adaptable to change. Employees become more open
to trying new approaches, contributing to a more innovative and agile organization.

Effective Succession Planning:

These programs often include talent development initiatives that identify and groom potential
leaders within the organization. This helps in creating a pool of qualified individuals who can
step into key roles, ensuring continuity and stability in leadership positions.

4. What is the key purpose of the following legislation?

a. Anti-Discrimination Act 2004
b. Racial Discrimination Act 1975
c. Fair Work Act 2009
d. Privacy Act 1988

a. Anti-Discrimination Act 2004:

Key Purpose: The Anti-Discrimination Act 2004 (specifically referring to the legislation in Tasmania,
Australia) aims to prohibit discrimination and harassment on various grounds, including race, gender,

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age, disability, and sexual orientation. It promotes equal opportunity and fair treatment in various areas
such as employment, education, and the provision of goods and services.

b. Racial Discrimination Act 1975:

Key Purpose: The Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Australia) aims to eliminate racial discrimination and
promote equality. It makes it unlawful to discriminate against someone based on their race, color,
descent, national or ethnic origin. The Act covers areas such as employment, education, access to goods
and services, and the administration of laws.

c. Fair Work Act 2009:

Key Purpose: The Fair Work Act 2009 (Australia) governs the employment relationship in Australia. Its
primary purpose is to provide a framework for a fair and balanced industrial relations system. The Act
sets out the rights and responsibilities of employers and employees, including issues related to
employment contracts, minimum wages, working conditions, and dispute resolution.

d. Privacy Act 1988:

Key Purpose: The Privacy Act 1988 (Australia) regulates the handling of personal information by
organizations and government agencies. Its key purpose is to protect the privacy of individuals by
establishing principles for the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information. The Act also gives
individuals the right to access and correct their personal information held by organizations.

5. What is the difference between ’privacy’ and ‘confidentiality’?


Definition: Privacy is a broader concept that pertains to an individual's right to keep their
personal information and activities free from unauthorized access or interference.

Scope: It encompasses various aspects of an individual's life, including personal, family, health,
and financial information.

Application: Privacy is not limited to specific relationships or contexts; it is a fundamental right

that individuals expect in various aspects of their lives.


Definition: Confidentiality, on the other hand, is a narrower concept that specifically relates to

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the protection of information and the assurance that it will not be disclosed to unauthorized

Scope: It often applies within specific relationships or contexts, such as those between a
professional and a client, an employer and an employee, or between individuals who have
agreed to keep certain information private.

Application: Confidentiality is often a legal or ethical obligation in certain professions or settings,

where individuals or organizations are entrusted with sensitive information.

Key Differences:

Scope: Privacy is a more comprehensive concept covering a broad range of personal information
and activities. Confidentiality, in contrast, is more focused on the protection of specific

Applicability: Privacy is a general right that individuals expect in various aspects of their lives,
while confidentiality is often a specific obligation or agreement applicable within certain
relationships or contexts.

Legal and Ethical Considerations: Both privacy and confidentiality can have legal and ethical
implications. Breaching someone's privacy or violating confidentiality agreements may result in
legal consequences or professional sanctions.

6. Research task:

Identify at least two relevant requirements from each legislation that should be considered during the
organisational performance development.

a. Sex Discrimination Act 1984

Equal Opportunity in Employment:
i. Requirement: The Sex Discrimination Act prohibits discrimination based on sex,
marital status, pregnancy, or family responsibilities in employment. Therefore,
organizations need to ensure equal opportunities for all employees, irrespective of
their gender or family status, in training, promotions, and other aspects of
performance development.
Prevention of Sexual Harassment:
i. -Requirement: The Act mandates that organizations take steps to prevent sexual
harassment in the workplace. During performance development, organizations
should provide training to employees and create a work environment that is free
from any form of sexual harassment.

b. Privacy Act 1988

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Collection and Handling of Personal Information:
i. Requirement: The Privacy Act regulates the collection, use, and disclosure of
personal information. Organizations must ensure that any personal information
collected during performance development activities is handled in accordance with
privacy principles. This includes obtaining consent for collecting information and
ensuring it is used only for the intended purposes.
Access and Correction Rights:
i. Requirement: Individuals have the right to access and correct their personal
information held by organizations. During performance development, organizations
should have mechanisms in place for individuals to access their own data and
request corrections if needed. This promotes transparency and accountability in the
handling of personal information.

7. Briefly explain the importance of the following components of an organisational performance

development program:
a. Microlearning
b. Multimedia content
c. Easy delivery and access
d. Pre and post program assessments
e. Learning paths

a. Microlearning:

Importance: Microlearning involves delivering content in small, focused segments that are typically brief
and targeted. This approach is important in a performance development program because it
accommodates the modern learner's preferences for shorter attention spans and on-the-go learning. It
allows employees to acquire knowledge and skills in manageable, bite-sized portions, making learning
more accessible and adaptable to busy schedules.

b. Multimedia Content:

Importance: Multimedia content includes a variety of formats such as videos, infographics, and
interactive modules. Using multimedia is crucial as it caters to different learning styles and preferences.
Visual and interactive elements enhance engagement and understanding, making the learning
experience more dynamic and effective. It also allows for the presentation of complex information in a
more digestible and memorable format.

c. Easy Delivery and Access:

Importance: Accessibility and ease of delivery are critical in a performance development program.

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Providing content through user-friendly platforms and ensuring easy access from various devices
facilitate continuous learning. This flexibility enables employees to engage with the material at their
convenience, fostering a culture of self-directed learning and professional development.

d. Pre and Post Program Assessments:

Importance: Assessments before and after a program serve multiple purposes. Pre-assessments help in
gauging the existing knowledge and skills of participants, allowing for targeted content delivery. Post-
assessments measure the effectiveness of the program, helping organizations evaluate the impact on
performance. Both assessments contribute to a data-driven approach, enabling organizations to tailor
future programs based on identified strengths and areas for improvement.

e. Learning Paths:

Importance: Learning paths are predefined sequences of learning activities that guide individuals
through a structured program. They are important as they provide a clear roadmap for skill
development and progression. Learning paths help align individual and organizational goals, ensuring
that employees acquire the necessary competencies in a logical and systematic manner. This structured
approach enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of the performance development program.

8. Give an example of a program ‘design principle’ that might influence the development of
performance development programs within an organisation.

Principle: Personalization and Customization

Explanation: This principle emphasizes tailoring performance development programs to the

individual needs, preferences, and learning styles of employees. It recognizes that different
employees have varying skill levels, experiences, and learning preferences. Therefore, providing
a personalized and customized learning experience ensures that each participant receives
content and activities that are relevant to their role and career goals.


Individual Learning Plans: Develop individualized learning plans for each employee based on
their current skill set, career aspirations, and performance objectives.

Adaptive Learning Platforms: Utilize adaptive learning technologies that adjust content and

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difficulty based on an individual's progress and performance.

Flexibility in Learning Paths: Allow employees to choose from a variety of learning paths or
modules that align with their specific needs and areas for improvement.


 Increased engagement and motivation as employees see direct relevance to their roles.
 Improved learning outcomes as content is more targeted and meaningful to individual

 Better alignment between individual development goals and organizational objectives.

9. Explain the following key responsibilities and accountabilities of the following roles in relation to
a performance development program:

a. Program owner
b. Program champion
c. Trainer
d. Facilitator
e. Coaches/Mentors
f. Participants
g. Coordinators

a. Program Owner:


Develop the overall strategy and objectives of the performance development program.

Secure necessary resources and budget for the program's implementation.

Oversee the design, development, and execution of the program.

Ensure alignment with organizational goals and priorities.

Monitor and evaluate the program's effectiveness and make adjustments as needed.

b. Program Champion:

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Advocate for the program at the leadership level.

Provide visible support and endorsement to encourage participation.

Address any barriers or challenges faced by the program.

Communicate the program's benefits and successes to stakeholders.

Act as a liaison between program stakeholders and leadership.

c. Trainer:


Develop or deliver training content based on program objectives.

Assess the learning needs of participants and tailor content accordingly.

Facilitate engaging and effective training sessions.

Provide resources and materials to support learning.

Evaluate participants' progress and adjust training methods as needed.

d. Facilitator:


Guide group discussions and activities during training sessions.

Create a positive and inclusive learning environment.

Manage the flow of the program and ensure adherence to the agenda.

Encourage participant interaction and engagement.

Address questions or concerns raised by participants.

e. Coaches/Mentors:


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Provide one-on-one guidance and support to individuals.

Help participants apply new skills or knowledge to their specific roles.

Offer feedback and constructive criticism for improvement.

Assist in setting and monitoring individual development goals.

Serve as a resource for addressing challenges and obstacles.

f. Participants:


Actively engage in the program, attending sessions and completing assignments.

Apply the learning to their day-to-day responsibilities.

Seek clarification or additional support when needed.

Participate in assessments and feedback sessions.

Take ownership of their professional development.

g. Coordinators:


Manage logistical aspects of the program, such as scheduling and venue coordination.

Communicate program details to participants and stakeholders.

Track participant progress and attendance.

Handle administrative tasks, including documentation and reporting.

Serve as a point of contact for inquiries related to the program.

10. Explain the following established methods for evaluating and reporting on organisational
performance development programs:
a. The Kirkpatrick taxonomy

b. The Phillips ROI model

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c. CIPP Evaluation Model

a. The Kirkpatrick Taxonomy:

Overview: The Kirkpatrick Model, developed by Donald Kirkpatrick, is a widely used framework for
evaluating training and development programs. It consists of four levels, each representing a
different aspect of evaluation:

Level 1: Reaction - Participant Feedback: Measures participants' reactions and perceptions of the

Level 2: Learning - Knowledge and Skill Acquisition: Assesses the extent to which participants
acquired new knowledge and skills.

Level 3: Behavior - Application of Learning: Examines changes in behavior and performance on the

Level 4: Results - Organizational Impact: Focuses on the broader organizational outcomes resulting
from the program.

Importance: The Kirkpatrick Model provides a systematic approach to evaluating the effectiveness
and impact of a performance development program at multiple levels, from immediate reactions to
long-term organizational results.

b. The Phillips ROI Model:

Overview: The Phillips Return on Investment (ROI) Model, developed by Jack Phillips, extends the
evaluation beyond traditional measures by calculating the financial return on investment. It involves
five levels of evaluation:

Level 1: Reaction and Planned Action: Similar to Kirkpatrick's Level 1, it assesses participant

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reactions and their planned actions.

Level 2: Learning: Evaluates the extent to which participants gained knowledge and skills.

Level 3: Application and Implementation: Assesses the application of learning on the job.

Level 4: Business Impact: Measures the impact of the program on key business metrics.

Level 5: ROI: Calculates the financial return on investment by comparing the program's costs to the
monetary benefits.

Importance: The Phillips ROI Model provides a comprehensive evaluation approach that links the
effectiveness of a program to tangible financial outcomes, making it valuable for demonstrating the
business value of performance development efforts.

c. CIPP Evaluation Model:

Overview: The CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) Evaluation Model, developed by Daniel
Stufflebeam, provides a framework for evaluating various aspects of a program:

Context Evaluation: Examines the needs, problems, and opportunities within the organizational

Input Evaluation: Assesses the resources, strategies, and activities planned for the program.

Process Evaluation: Analyzes the implementation of the program and the quality of the delivery.

Product Evaluation: Evaluates the outcomes and impacts of the program on participants and the

Importance: The CIPP Model emphasizes a comprehensive evaluation approach, considering not
only the outcomes but also the context, input, and process factors influencing the success of a
performance development program.

11. Give three examples of data and reporting tools that you can use to monitor organisational
performance development.
Learning Management System (LMS):

Description: An LMS is a software application that helps organizations manage and track
employee training and development activities. It typically includes features for creating,
delivering, and tracking training content, as well as generating reports on learner progress and

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Use Cases:

Tracking completion rates for various training modules.

Assessing quiz or assessment scores to measure knowledge retention.

Monitoring the time spent on different learning activities.

Human Resources Information System (HRIS):

Description: An HRIS is a comprehensive software solution that integrates various HR functions,

including performance management, employee records, and training. It provides a centralized
database for employee information and often includes reporting tools to analyze HR-related

Use Cases:

Analyzing employee skill gaps and training needs.

Reviewing performance development plans and progress.

Generating reports on workforce development trends and outcomes.

Business Intelligence (BI) Tools:

Description: BI tools, such as Tableau, Power BI, or Qlik, enable organizations to visualize and
analyze data from various sources. These tools allow for the creation of interactive dashboards,
reports, and data visualizations, providing insights into organizational performance.

Use Cases:

Creating dashboards to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) related to training


Analyzing trends in employee performance and development over time.

Integrating data from different sources for a comprehensive view of organizational performance.

These tools help organizations gather, analyze

Record of results

Office Use Only: Assessor to complete


(Please TICK below)

BSBHRM611 Contribute to organisational performance development- Assessment Pack- v December 2021 Page 18 of 44
  
Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Did not

Name of assessor:

Assessor signature Date

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Assessment 2: CASE STUDY- TEX College
This assessment has FOUR parts.

YOUR TASK: Read the scenario below and complete the tasks that follow

Case Study- TEX College

Imagine that you have been recently employed as the Employee Relations Manager at TEX College

TEX College is a registered training organisation located in the city centre in Brisbane. TEX has 300
students enrolled for online study and 800 students enrolled for on-campus courses. TEX has a team of
30 staff in total. This includes the CEO (Suzy Key), Training Manager (Anna Sligh), Administration
Manager (Nancy Blatt), Finance Manager (Mike Rhine) and Employee Relations Manager (you) who are
all part of the leadership team. The College employs 16 trainers, 8 additional Administration Staff and
an Accountant. Out of the 16 trainers, four trainers are highly experienced. They have been working at
TEX since the very beginning. They feel that the College management should recognize them for their
seniority through some incentives. Currently, they are not given any additional responsibilities or
recognition. Six trainers have very limited training experience. The other trainers have industry
experience but are also quite new to teaching at a College. The College also has a dedicated marketing
team of 3 full time staff. The administration staff report to the Administration Manager. The marketing
staff report directly to the CEO. All the trainers report to the Training Manager.

The College started three years ago with only 30 students. Due to high demand for city-based colleges,
TEX grew rapidly and increased its student numbers to 1100 without too much strategic and operational
planning. However, now the competition has increased, and students are seeking high quality learning
and training options.

TEX has primarily relied on more traditional operational methods and training systems. For the first two
years of its operations, TEX was using simple spreadsheets to manage its student enrolments. The
finances were managed with spreadsheets as well. The marketing was primarily done by visiting local
education agents who sourced students for TEX. The trainers were using pre-purchased course
materials that had not been reviewed internally for relevance or quality. Often the trainers accessed
the course materials just before the training date, resulting in very poor teaching quality. The junior
trainers felt that they often did not have sufficient knowledge about the subjects they were teaching.
There was a lot of rivalry between groups of trainers, resulting in high levels of conflict, poor team-
work and reduced efficiency. There was one trainer who had a physical disability and required
additional assistance in terms of wheelchair access. Another trainer was from a certain faith and
needed a private space for her prayer ritual during the day. One Administration officer had hearing
impairment. While the College had had generally accommodated the needs of people from diverse
backgrounds, there was no policy to ensure that this was ingrained in practice. There was a real need to
make the training team work cohesively to optimize the outcomes for the College, its students and its

Over the last 12 months, however, the new CEO implemented rapid changes to the operating systems
and procedures. The pace of change was so fast that there was limited training given to staff and there
was very little time allocated to transferring the processes systematically from the old systems to the
new systems. This resulted in staff making decisions on the run, developing their own procedures to
manage their tasks, creating their own workflows and methods to manage students. The marketing
staff have been randomly creating social media accounts, Gmail accounts, changing passwords and
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developing individual systems for social media marketing. Similarly, the administration and training
staff have their own systems for their tasks, and they use the available resources randomly. It was
particularly concerning to the CEO that staff were not aware of the legislative requirements. She felt
that the College must be in breach of various compliance requirements, particularly in relation to
employment law and privacy laws.

In addition, staff turnover is high. Staff often leave for better job prospects. Often, they leave as they
feel that the college is very poorly managed with no proper training, direction or incentives given to
staff to help improve performance.

Due to so many random changes to internal processes, staff conflict is high. Staff often blame each
other for errors. As there is no performance management system in place, there is limited

The lack of a performance management system has resulted in:

1. Increased number of complaints from students
2. Significant errors in enrolment data and financial records
3. Marketing staff using their personal social media accounts for marketing
4. Loss of knowledge and information when staff leave the College
5. Loss of control over the overall administration of the College
6. Low staff morale, high turnover, high levels of conflict among staff
7. Likely breaches of legislative requirements

The CEO has asked you to immediately develop an organisational performance development
program. As there are currently so many issues, she wants you to focus on developing a program for
trainers’ performance development in the first instance. She wants to utilise the skills and knowledge
of the senior trainers. In particular, she wants the trainers to undertake coaching through the senior
trainers. She feels it will be useful to provide high quality training , learner engagement and
classroom management skills to all trainers.

However, she has also identified the need to train all staff regarding compliance and key legislative

She has allocated $10,000 towards the program. She wants to achieve measurable outcomes within 6

Complete the following tasks based on the above scenario.

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PART A: Contribute to planning of organisational performance development


1 Why is an Operational Inefficiencies:
program needed at The rapid growth of TEX College without strategic planning has resulted in
TEX? operational inefficiencies and a lack of standardized processes.

The absence of systematic training during the transition to new operating

systems has led to staff developing their own procedures, workflows, and
methods, contributing to confusion and errors.

Compliance Concerns:

The CEO is concerned about potential breaches of legislative requirements,

particularly in employment law and privacy laws.

The lack of awareness among staff regarding legislative requirements poses

a risk to the college's legal standing and reputation.

Staff Turnover and Morale Issues:

High staff turnover is indicative of dissatisfaction and a perception of poor


The absence of a performance management system, coupled with the lack of

training and incentives, has contributed to low morale among staff.

Student Complaints and Errors:

Increased complaints from students suggest dissatisfaction with the quality

of education and services.

Errors in enrolment data and financial records indicate a lack of control and
standardization in administrative processes.

Team Conflict and Poor Collaboration:

 Rivalry among trainers, conflicts between staff groups, and a lack of

accountability contribute to poor teamwork and reduced efficiency.

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 The absence of a cohesive approach to diversity and inclusion hinders
optimal collaboration and communication among staff.

Loss of Knowledge and Information:

Staff turnover without a structured knowledge transfer system leads to a loss

of institutional knowledge, impacting the continuity and efficiency of

Inadequate Training and Professional Development:

Trainers, especially junior ones, lack proper training and support, leading to
poor teaching quality.

Recognition and incentives for experienced trainers are lacking, affecting

motivation and overall performance.
2 Define the TEX’ Purpose:
development The purpose of TEX College's performance development program is to
program purpose strategically enhance organizational effectiveness, foster a positive and
and TWO key inclusive workplace culture, and ensure compliance with legislative
objectives requirements. This program aims to address existing challenges, optimize
internal processes, and create a conducive environment for sustained
growth and success.

Two Key Objectives:

 Improve Trainers' Performance and Collaboration:
 Objective: Enhance the teaching quality, learner engagement, and
classroom management skills of all trainers at TEX College.
 Rationale: By focusing on the professional development of
trainers, the program aims to improve the overall educational
experience for students. This includes coaching sessions
facilitated by senior trainers to leverage their experience,
fostering teamwork among trainers, and establishing a culture of
continuous improvement in teaching practices.
 Ensure Compliance and Legislative Adherence Across All Staff:
 Objective: Provide comprehensive training to all staff members,
including trainers, administration, and marketing teams, to ensure
compliance with relevant legislative requirements, particularly in
employment law and privacy laws.
 Rationale: To mitigate legal risks and uphold the college's
reputation, it is essential to educate all staff on their
responsibilities and legal obligations. This objective aims to create

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a uniform understanding of compliance standards, reducing the
likelihood of breaches, errors, and conflicts. The program will
include both external training workshops and in-house modules
tailored to TEX College's specific needs.

3 Who are the key CEO (Suzy Key):

stakeholders at TEX

As the leader of the organization, the CEO is a crucial stakeholder responsible

for setting the strategic direction, making executive decisions, and ensuring
the overall success of TEX College.

Leadership Team:

This includes the Training Manager (Anna Sligh), Administration Manager

(Nancy Blatt), Finance Manager (Mike Rhine), and the Employee Relations
Manager. They play essential roles in managing their respective departments
and contributing to the overall functioning of the college.


Trainers are vital stakeholders responsible for delivering high-quality

education to students. This group includes both experienced and junior
trainers, all of whom contribute directly to the learning experience of

Administration Staff:

This group, reporting to the Administration Manager, is responsible for

various administrative tasks, including student enrolment, record-keeping,
and day-to-day operations.

Marketing Team:

The marketing staff, reporting directly to the CEO, plays a crucial role in
promoting TEX College, attracting new students, and managing the college's
public image.


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Students are the primary beneficiaries of the college's services. Their
satisfaction and educational outcomes are significant indicators of the
college's success.

External Trainers (Senior Trainers):

The senior trainers, with their extensive experience, are essential

stakeholders involved in mentoring and coaching junior trainers as part of
the performance development program.


The Accountant is responsible for managing the financial aspects of the

college, making financial decisions, and ensuring compliance with financial

Diverse Staff Members:

Individuals with specific needs, such as a trainer with a physical disability or

an Administration officer with hearing impairment, are stakeholders whose
requirements should be considered to create an inclusive work environment.

External Agencies and Compliance Authorities:

Regulatory bodies, accreditation agencies, and other external entities

overseeing compliance and educational standards are stakeholders whose
expectations must be met to ensure the college's legitimacy and adherence
to regulations.
development 1. Coaching Sessions by Senior Enhanced teaching quality through
program plan for the Trainers: personalized coaching.
trainers with
appropriate Improved learner engagement
outcomes, based on strategies.
the TWO objectives
noted above. Increased proficiency in classroom

Fostering a collaborative and

supportive trainer community.
2. Professional Development Expanded knowledge on innovative

BSBHRM611 Contribute to organisational performance development- Assessment Pack- v December 2021 Page 25 of 44
Workshops: teaching methodologies.

Skill enhancement in adapting to

diverse learning styles.

Increased effectiveness in utilizing

technology in education.

Encouraging a culture of continuous

3. Team-Building Activities: Improved communication and
collaboration among trainers.

Enhanced teamwork, reducing

conflicts and rivalry.

Strengthened mutual support and a

positive working environment.

Establishment of a sense of
collective responsibility.

5 Draw the relevant CEO (Suzy Key)

structure diagram |
and determine wider
support |---------------|----------------|
| | | |

Training Manager Administration Manager Finance Manager

(Anna Sligh) (Nancy Blatt) (Mike Rhine)

| | |

|--------|--------| |------------| |

| | | | |

Trainers Admin Staff Accountant Employee Relations Manager

| | |

|-----------| |

BSBHRM611 Contribute to organisational performance development- Assessment Pack- v December 2021 Page 26 of 44
Marketing Team (Reports to CEO)

| | |

Marketing Staff 1, 2, 3

Additional support structure required:

Human Resources Specialist:

To provide expertise in developing and implementing HR policies and


Addressing employee relations issues and supporting performance


Compliance Officer:

Ensuring TEX College's compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

Conducting regular audits and providing guidance on adherence to


IT Specialist:

Supporting the transition and ongoing maintenance of new operating


Ensuring data security and privacy compliance.

Training and Development Coordinator:

Facilitating and coordinating ongoing training programs for staff.

Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of training initiatives.

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Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator:

Promoting a diverse and inclusive workplace culture.

Developing policies and initiatives to support staff with diverse needs.

Quality Assurance Specialist:

Ensuring the quality of education and training programs.

Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of teaching practices.

Communication and Engagement Coordinator:

Managing internal communication strategies.

Facilitating team-building activities and improving staff engagement.

Legal Counsel:

Providing legal advice to address compliance and employment law concerns.

Assisting in policy development and ensuring legal compliance.

Data Analyst:

Analyzing performance metrics and providing insights for decision-making.

Ensuring accuracy and integrity of enrolment data and financial records.

Change Management Consultant:

Supporting staff during organizational changes and transitions.

Facilitating effective change communication and addressing resistance.

Customer Support Coordinator:

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Addressing student complaints and feedback.

Ensuring a positive experience for students and maintaining high satisfaction


6 Determine TWO Program methods and modes Trainers' Performance Improvement Program
development Program method Mode of delivery to be used
program modes and 1 Trainers' Performance Mode of Delivery: One-on-One Sessions
methods. Improvement Program

Description: Senior trainers will

conduct personalized coaching sessions
with junior and less experienced
trainers. These sessions will focus on
improving teaching quality, learner
engagement, and classroom
management skills. Mentoring
relationships will be established to
provide ongoing support and guidance.


Tailored support addressing individual

trainer needs.

Direct transfer of experience from

senior to junior trainers.

Building strong interpersonal

relationships for ongoing collaboration.
2. ode of Delivery: Group Workshops

Description: Conduct workshops

facilitated by experienced educators
and external experts to share best
practices, innovative teaching
methodologies, and technology
integration in education. These
sessions will encourage collaboration
and knowledge exchange among

BSBHRM611 Contribute to organisational performance development- Assessment Pack- v December 2021 Page 29 of 44


Collective learning and idea


Exposure to diverse teaching


Creation of a community of practice

among trainers.
2 Program Method: 1. Mode of Delivery: External
Compliance Training and Compliance Workshops

Description: Engage external experts in

employment law, privacy laws, and
other relevant compliance areas to
conduct comprehensive workshops.
These workshops will cover key
legislative requirements and their
practical implications for staff. Q&A
sessions will facilitate understanding.


Access to specialized knowledge.

Exposure to real-world compliance


Opportunities for staff to clarify doubts


2. Mode of Delivery: In-House Training


Description: Develop customized, in-

house compliance modules tailored to
TEX College's specific needs. These
modules will be delivered through a
combination of online and in-person
sessions. Interactive elements will be
incorporated to ensure engagement.


Targeted training on internal policies

BSBHRM611 Contribute to organisational performance development- Assessment Pack- v December 2021 Page 30 of 44
and procedures.

Flexibility in delivery to accommodate

staff schedules.

Integration of real-life examples

specific to TEX College.

Complete the table

below to list the roles,
responsibilities, Roles Responsibilities Accountabilities
accountabilities of the Program Owner Overall ownership Achievement of
relevant stakeholders (if and strategic program goals and
applicable). direction of the objectives.
Program Advocating for Ensuring
Champion the program at organizational
the executive support and
level. resources.
Trainer/s Actively Improving teaching
participate in quality and
coaching and classroom
mentoring management.
- Attend Implementing new
workshops and strategies in the
training training sessions.
Facilitator Leading and Ensuring active
organizing participation and
workshops and engagement.
Mentors/Coaches Providing guidance Success of mentees
and support to in improving their
junior trainers. teaching skills.
Participants Actively engage in Applying new
workshops and knowledge and
training activities. skills in daily tasks.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

7 Explain the methods
and resources
required to report on
the above Methods:

BSBHRM611 Contribute to organisational performance development- Assessment Pack- v December 2021 Page 31 of 44
development Establish measurable KPIs aligned with the program objectives.
program outcomes.
Use quantitative metrics, such as student satisfaction scores, error rates,
completion rates for compliance training, and the number of coaching
sessions conducted.


Implement data tracking systems to collect relevant KPI data.

Utilize reporting tools or software to analyze and visualize KPI trends.

Surveys and Feedback Mechanisms:


Implement surveys to gather feedback from trainers, staff, and students.

Conduct focus group discussions or interviews for more in-depth insights.


Develop survey instruments and discussion guides.

Allocate time for data collection and analysis.

Engage external consultants if expertise is required.

Data Analysis and Evaluation:


Regularly analyze performance metrics, comparing them to baseline data.

Evaluate the success of coaching sessions, training workshops, and

compliance training.


Employ data analysts or use statistical tools for thorough analysis.

Allocate time for continuous evaluation, with periodic comprehensive


Performance Reports:

BSBHRM611 Contribute to organisational performance development- Assessment Pack- v December 2021 Page 32 of 44

Develop detailed performance reports summarizing program achievements,

challenges, and recommendations.

Provide a breakdown of outcomes for each program element, such as

coaching, workshops, and compliance training.


Design report templates or dashboards for easy visualization.

Involve program coordinators, facilitators, and data analysts in report


Feedback from Stakeholders:


Collect qualitative feedback from stakeholders, including trainers, staff, and


Encourage open communication to gather insights into the perceived impact

of the program.


Establish feedback mechanisms, such as suggestion boxes or regular

feedback sessions.

Design qualitative analysis frameworks for in-depth feedback interpretation.

Case Studies and Success Stories:


Develop case studies highlighting success stories resulting from the program.

Showcase positive outcomes, improvements in teaching quality, and

compliance adherence.


Collaborate with trainers, mentors, and participants to document success


Utilize multimedia elements such as videos or testimonials.

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Executive Briefings and Presentations:


Conduct executive briefings and presentations to communicate program

outcomes to the leadership team.

Use visuals, charts, and graphs to convey key achievements and areas for


Prepare presentation materials summarizing the key findings and


Schedule regular briefings to keep the leadership team informed.

Continuous Improvement Plan:


Develop a continuous improvement plan based on program outcomes.

Identify areas for refinement and adjustment to enhance future program



Engage program coordinators, facilitators, and relevant stakeholders in the

planning process.

Allocate resources for implementing recommended improvements.

Establish Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):
8 Explain the method
you will use to report
and collate
outcomes of the Identify specific and measurable KPIs aligned with the program objectives.
above organisational Examples include student satisfaction scores, error rates, completion rates
performance for compliance training, and the number of coaching sessions conducted.
program. Implement Data Tracking Systems:

Utilize data tracking systems to collect and store relevant KPI data. This may
involve implementing or leveraging existing systems for tracking student
feedback, compliance training progress, and other program-related metrics.

BSBHRM611 Contribute to organisational performance development- Assessment Pack- v December 2021 Page 34 of 44
Regular Data Analysis and Evaluation:

Implement a regular schedule for data analysis and evaluation. This could be
monthly or quarterly, depending on the nature of the KPIs. Analyze trends,
compare data to baseline measures, and evaluate the success of different
program components.

Surveys and Feedback Mechanisms:

Administer surveys to trainers, staff, and students to gather feedback on the

program's impact. Include questions related to coaching effectiveness,
workshop satisfaction, and perceived improvements in teaching quality and
compliance awareness.

Qualitative Data Collection:

Conduct interviews, focus group discussions, or open-ended survey questions

to gather qualitative insights. This can provide a deeper understanding of the
experiences, challenges, and successes associated with the program.

Case Studies and Success Stories:

Develop case studies and success stories to highlight specific instances of

positive outcomes resulting from the program. Showcase improvements in
teaching quality, collaboration, and compliance adherence through real-
world examples.

Performance Reports:

Develop comprehensive performance reports summarizing quantitative and

qualitative findings. These reports should include an overview of KPIs, trends,
feedback from stakeholders, and recommendations for improvement.

Executive Briefings and Presentations:

Conduct executive briefings and presentations to communicate program

outcomes to the leadership team. Use visual aids, charts, and graphs to
convey key achievements and areas for improvement. Highlight success
stories and key learnings.

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Continuous Improvement Plan:

Based on the outcomes and recommendations identified in the performance

reports, develop a continuous improvement plan. This plan should outline
specific actions to address areas for refinement and enhance the
effectiveness of future program iterations.

Stakeholder Engagement:

Engage with stakeholders, including trainers, staff, and participants,

throughout the reporting process. Seek their input, address concerns, and
incorporate their perspectives into the overall assessment of program

Feedback Loops:

Establish feedback loops to ensure that the reporting process is iterative.

Encourage ongoing feedback from stakeholders and use this input to adjust
reporting methods, KPIs, and program strategies as needed.

Documentation and Archiving:

Document all aspects of the reporting process, including methodologies,

findings, and recommendations. Archive reports for future reference and as
part of the institutional knowledge base.


TASK: You are required to participate in a 5- minute telephone meeting with the CEO

 You will play the role of the Employee Relations Officer.

 Your trainer/ assessor will play the role of the CEO.

BEFORE THE MEETING: What you need to do:

 You need to organise a time with your trainer/ assessor for this telephone meeting. The
meeting can also be held face-to-face or online via Skype/ Zoom/ Teamviewer.
 You need to prepare for the meeting as you will be leading the discussion.

BSBHRM611 Contribute to organisational performance development- Assessment Pack- v December 2021 Page 36 of 44
During the meeting, you need to lead the discussion on the following key matters with the CEO:
a. Provide a brief summary of your performance development program for the trainers.
Include information on the key objectives, methods and modes that you plan to use for
the program.
b. Ask the CEO for any additional instructions. Ensure you take relevant notes.
c. Discuss the plan for evaluating the success of the proposed performance development
d. Thank the CEO for her time.
[Role-Play Transcript]

Employee Relations Officer (ERO): (Dialing the CEO)

CEO: (Answering the call) Hello, this is Suzy Key, CEO of TEX College.

ERO: Good [morning/afternoon], Ms. Key. This is [Your Name], the Employee Relations Officer. I
hope I'm not catching you at a busy time.

CEO: No problem at all, [Your Name]. What can I do for you today?

ERO: Thank you, Ms. Key. I wanted to provide you with an update on the performance development
program we're planning for the trainers at TEX College. We aim to improve their teaching quality,
learner engagement, and overall collaboration. The program focuses on coaching sessions by senior
trainers, professional development workshops, team-building activities, and a recognition and
incentive program. For compliance training, we're organizing external workshops and developing in-
house modules.

CEO: That sounds like a comprehensive plan. I appreciate the initiative. How do you plan to evaluate
the success of this program?

ERO: Great question, Ms. Key. We're looking at a multi-faceted approach. Firstly, we'll track key
performance indicators such as student satisfaction scores, completion rates for compliance
training, and the number of coaching sessions conducted. Additionally, we're planning to collect
feedback from trainers and participants through surveys and focus group discussions to gauge the
qualitative impact of the program.

CEO: Excellent. It's important to have both quantitative and qualitative measures. Anything else you
need from me?

ERO: Yes, Ms. Key. I wanted to check if you have any specific instructions or additional insights
regarding the program.

CEO: I trust your judgment, [Your Name]. Just ensure that the program aligns with our overall goals
and that the trainers are actively involved. Also, keep a close eye on the budget.

ERO: Noted, Ms. Key. I appreciate your guidance. We'll make sure to stay within the budget and
align the program with our strategic goals.

CEO: Perfect. Anything else on your end?

ERO: Just one more thing, Ms. Key. I wanted to express my gratitude for your time and support in
advancing this program. Your input is invaluable.

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CEO: You're welcome, [Your Name]. I appreciate your dedication to improving our organizational
performance. Keep up the good work, and feel free to reach out if you need further assistance.

ERO: Thank you, Ms. Key. Have a great day.

CEO: You too. Goodbye.

ERO: Goodbye.

(End of Role-Play)

Your assessor will observe your performance against the ‘Observation Checklist’ below:


Office Use Only: Assessor to complete


Did the candidate cover the following…

a. Provide a brief summary of the proposed

performance development program for

b. Seek input from the CEO.

c. Discuss the proposed review and evaluation


BSBHRM611 Contribute to organisational performance development- Assessment Pack- v December 2021 Page 38 of 44
d. Thank the CEO for the meeting.

During the meeting, did the candidate:

e. Present the information clearly and succinctly?

f. Use language appropriate for a meeting with

the CEO?

g. Seek advice and input from the CEO?

h. Used appropriate listening and questioning

techniques to clarify or confirm understanding?

CANDIDATE NAME: __________________________________


DATE OBSERVED: _________________________________

ASSESSOR NAME: _________________________________

ASSESSOR SIGNATURE: _____________________________

PART C: Contribute to development of program tools and materials

1 Develop the following tools and resources for the organisational performance development
program modes and methods (as per your discussions with the CEO in Part B above.

BSBHRM611 Contribute to organisational performance development- Assessment Pack- v December 2021 Page 39 of 44
a. Code of conduct for coaches for coaching sessions

b. Code of conduct for trainers participating in coaching sessions.

c. Standard Operating Procedures for a timetabled coaching program.

2 Develop Tex College Performance Development Policy and Procedures, including key
accountabilities and responsibilities.

PART D: Facilitate organisational performance development

1. Draft an email to send to the senior trainers to ensure that they develop the plans required for
personal growth for junior trainers.






Write your detailed message here:

BSBHRM611 Contribute to organisational performance development- Assessment Pack- v December 2021 Page 40 of 44
2. Identify and explain how you will address cultural differences and diversity issues in the
organisational performance development communications. Refer to the relevant legislation.

Record of results
Office Use Only: Assessor to complete


(Please TICK below)

  
Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Did not

BSBHRM611 Contribute to organisational performance development- Assessment Pack- v December 2021 Page 41 of 44
Name of assessor:

Assessor signature Date

BSBHRM611 Contribute to organisational performance development- Assessment Pack- v December 2021 Page 42 of 44
Assessment 3: Evaluate the performance
development program

YOUR TASK: Refer to the TEX College Case Study in Assessment 2 above and complete the following

CASE STUDY- TEX College- continued

Imagine that six months have gone by since you implemented a coaching program for trainers. Refer to
the ‘Coaching Feedback Form and Survey Results’ that have been provided to you. Respond to the tasks

Evaluate organisational performance development program

1. How will you maintain the TEX College coaching and performance development record-keeping
and reporting requirements according to TEX Record Keeping policies and procedures.

2. Refer to the survey results and evaluate the organisational performance development program
against the expected outcomes and email a brief summary to the CEO.






Write your detailed message here:

BSBHRM611 Contribute to organisational performance development- Assessment Pack- v December 2021 Page 43 of 44
3. Identify two improvement opportunities for future organisational performance development
programs based on the program evaluation.

Record of results
Office Use Only: Assessor to complete


(Please TICK below)

  
Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Did not

Name of assessor:

Assessor signature Date

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