Stoichiometry Grade 12 2024

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CHEMICAL HHANGE Quawt'betlve aopects ef Sumical change | Amount of Substance (mole) /number of motes @1) One mvle of @ Substance Centains 6, 022048 x 1073 Perticles. Tis number i$ called the Avogadro s number /constant .*. NA = 6,022045x 10%? Amore of Carbon -12 atoms = 12.9 Carbon= Gonousxies Gabon ates. ® net » 12 Number of moles N> nunthey ef particles number of mélecules. Ne Avogadrrs constant - Example 4 Explain the difperence between tle masopa mole of otygen atom andthe mas of a méle of exygen mblecule arin #In One oxigen akon, Atonuc. man ist6.g-mold' . (ee #In oxygen molecule CO), thawbleculea, mar a 32g-mol Example 2)Determine the number ef méles O2 NHa coutalur yn isi x 1024 Da glcompriving of 1, 806.xXI0 determina the number o ato presenk inthis Amount ef Ammowa CRS Solution - N io “ay Nee ul) Atoms are N,H,HandH - Na: au Total=4. = 1806x107 Ns BXA H12mol 602023 ©f ATOMS: cBme | i This is number of moles nen Of MbLECULES (NHZ) j2 massn grams @ tA a M5 molar mars: g/mbl- Example 4, Coteutate the number of moles tht al. 218g of Clerine gas (cy) 1 4:2. 34,59 KMn Oy oe MCh) = 2x35,5 ' mam, MK MWDy) ieee = Tgftmal - i M 734 4554+4()6) 213 E 2345. 2 1S g/mol. aay \ 158 } %0,25mol., Actiutty u (1) How many moles of Naot th "60. of Scotian hy droxicle Noone Anis Lait 4 (2) Calculate the mars og 95 v0! of Copper( i) sulphate Cryralt ( Cu8Oy 54,0). ANS 126. Volume of a at STP (stondard temperate pressure) OR the molar ped Yhana CV). gre at STP has a Volume of 22,4 obm*® Pue mole of a a Von = AR, 3 v - ms. fate V2 real volume Of Oe ek Ege time Fem PV enRT (Tdeal (nas a : : get Law) N= n® ap 4. 31x 278,15, =" OL, 3x10 = 0,0224m" Example : = 22,tdm> PES 5. havering tie volume: S|. 2mol S' at §T tee |. Of 2mol Scat STP , 5.2 occupied by 11,5q NOq abst ea : MCN0.)= 46g fmol Vin + , im 2 ne ne N Hes ' ae = 1 #0,25 : Le : 7 25mol- 1 Nev ‘ Vin + O26<2N_ ; 25h oN = SCdm? ——_r ® Example € ve btacned Lert ‘ 5ocm® og Wt I bh qe eS Cae ty Ah , bo ‘es falowing batancecl chewn'tal reaction, Mg) 48tb@) ==? G) — Ol: the volume Y Mg) ae produce, soc? at STP: = QM | SIn: thhag, + 248 1 V2Q05dmt* ! : n(N,) in (AH) i Mme ayaa? Ne, oo 2C7 5 6,002232 Ges, ~ 22 4 AX = 0002222, % = 00011)6 mot = T(NQ) =0,001116| mol - non Vn opoiG1 = V. 22,4 N=0,028 dm? —_——__" ACTLWI TY. Dirg of Nth gar was of-tadneol luring the neact'n, & Ma gar and Hh 942 at grip Recording sto the following balanced eguation. N88) 138g) aNtyg d feutate the Volume of Hyg) requcred to produc, 92.9 NHsig) at STP. ' ! 2 0,002232meb © CONCENTRATION: Concentration ef g sélubion i th, amount Of Solute present tn a given quantity ef Sélvent Gawk N> number of mblea Vv Vig Volume of 4 Scubion ty, @new Example 7). =C) oa 7] Determine +e eoncontrabion 1-72. uhat mass of ae NaBH soluttm if Sgot NadH' — bedistolvedi’n rooms waker 4 desolved in EO cot wrokee | to yleld a 0,4. moldui*golution ? Sean \ ue cam ne 25 2o125moel ava ee 40 ; oa ee Djy=m ov 1” aeasiCoay Z MCcus0y) 2s =m 718495 a lmst = 0;25 : O,4 314. 15g) ee fal ae 1 om 212,164 ActiviTy 4. A mass ef 224 NaoH is desolued tH water to form a Rovcm® solution. Calculate the Concertratien at the Clutton ” ANS ty 5: mot-du? 2 Beaker A contacns Yooml of @ 95 mofiolgr? ut S 2 Solution Set baake 8B contain seo i I met. dat® potau'um flucride solution. al Betermine which beaker contains the Largert MAS Ff Aéseolved Solute Ra. Caleutate the concentration of the Kt tons Xf the Contents of the tun hoakers ax0 acleleol tegetter ANS 1 mol-lni?- oe ee Standarc Solution is the solution usbieh the axact concentration iS kKneusn. Example 2: Prepare a agocm Navtt solution asith concentration of 05 mol-dm © Perform caleulations: C= Ae 0,52 0 Aoxg2s m= 59° Manan’! tha ee Waa electron @ massmetye: (Put solute onnwatel alas), 7 Gs Use a Eunnak to pour golute fete 4 volumerce flask. ® First add RAL dstilld weaker and Swit . ot SRake until tho solute dissolves. © Add Listilled usater bo the conect mark AARe wlumemic laste C2socw'), Use that standard Solution te determing the Unkrewu concentration ef an acid theugt “Titroctton expertmert + Ute tho formula, Na Naca ; Naor a Seca for t,Hee ~eNact + 10. Mb ne Va = Volume of aceol usec! Cas Coucentrectia. of acca VO = Volume og bare “leo Ch- Concentrate, a bar, 7 © Neserming the Percentage of bho following Compounds amble 441 Caleautare the Ex 4 Sajesteen of Hg Oa! M CWHagNO,) = (2.14) +(4xt)+ (246) =£0g-mat4 BW AO y 100 = BEF go = Be AC) yio= SS BO 3 %0= BU’ y oo2 604 BO F-2. Calculate te mars of nitrogen tu 40g NH NO, : in = 35. = J mass of Nin 40g ae Activity. ' Netermine +8o Met Mm. co, Percenstage CorposeeT on of frre HO- 2 apdekerm ‘arf mine Re mass of Cins et CO we ga Determine Fy a ¢ th Sq op 0° @ Emperical and Molecular formula . The empirical formula of a Compound indicates the Sivmplest whole numbe, ratio Inrhich the digfercut Clements are bonded wi! each otter: 2 The ewperical formula of a compound as Coleutated Brom its Percentage composition. o The molecular formule could be the wame ar Abe empencal formule, Hy and deter CH) . OR can be multiple of it” eg CH,CooH -7 G0, Hy. eal: eubseripe Mol las aaa | Expertcal formula diteerence clecular Py l Acericacid |COH2 Zz Cy Hu “Water | wo oO | H,0 Butane | GHs Gia Hydrogen perosthe|H O 2 4202. [ce 6 CeHe Benzene J Exawiple 30% Celeutate the emperical Grmnuka 3p 9 cfs ee * 309% = ZougN # bo ¢2 LEK = 69 nor a 1€9 O a = 2 Rite ef 6465 is = 16 g:mol7! =2,2mol. 2 4p 22: 454 duit by Hee smears Bis 22: 4&Y : Zr ze OP Ite Emperral~ NO, Determine the milena formule Example’. i, Determine the molecular ferrule ea compound with @ mblarmas 28g fmol ancl percentage, Composition 2h (Ma) 2 42 ‘ee n (Mg) = 4% = 0,75 m0b. Z 41S mot - Step 21 Uce cach substana te determine the numbey OL mbes eg 4Ro Product congiclor! ratieg. ng) + (go) (1) 5» (go), tation 24 2 a 1,763 oC * 015% L- QReHLTSL2. Ix = 2XO7S +. 2C= L7Smot. ade , ee i * n(g) = 1,75 mob "Cg oo i Amoun Tos. srt More Amun Te Seats e *Excos Pigenaaaet # Limiting Reactant * Q, #8 timiting teactant/reagent « a Caleulete the excess amount Cn) nCMgq) reacted + n CON seacteot ae 2 7 oy x: OTs 1 = AKDT = 1, Bmet- sob OMG) esrass = (ma yBET — a MB) used : z 75 -~ Ss 20,25 mel. © ACTIVITY Theale (ly Determine the emperical formule compound Containing 56,54K, 87% C and 348% 0 2, Neotine har a milecular mass of 162, g/m aad the following perceutage composctien + 74,096 © 1] 28% N amd Bcsgy Determine the emperical formule of nicotine 2. Dekermine the molecular formule og nicotine 3: t Consider tte following rackian , 280.6) + Oe > 80, g, FE 46q 80, ts addecl to 2 moley af engen at STP Calculate + 3-1 The mass eg SO, that is firmed 3.2. The Nolume Ca 503, Adak is Formed « 3-3 The volume of ertygen used 3-4. The total volume eR gaat the coutaire, at Ane end ef reaction BG: The excess amount of the excess Feng} OR the mumber of moles 2. which 1g ine: of the excoss Teagent » Cut Ye Percentage © Cacd, in Q Sea Sh . a when 500g $oa us| is Lbolvedin wrere > @ HL, 509 of Bh rs produceal- The contetrated HCL s th Exaw Gleulate the pertentage of Coca, ta a soa Sholl- Solin: Cag +2HCL —» Calh + BO+4CE Skpl! Galeulate amount predusacl of CB: NCO). £2 0g) = § = 113636 mel. C(O) (cag) fesecetoetl 1196364 OS <1 1 CGOO,) = 118626 mol. N= a W aa M Caley) ao sionge Flog Just, 112636 =m 180 ‘ mm = 118 ,6364q - « 2; - ZG) = 113, 6364 y }00 S00 7 22,73% in @ Sea Shell « —_———>. aos os Change dene the follow! © Heat of teacktou/AH custna Conce PES 2 Exothemic cron JAH f Enthalpy es 2 Eudothemic reacki ow ok nines Pebivoton Energy, o Aetivaked complex Heak of reaction (Ax) > Ts the energy adsorbed or teleased during, ae ey reaction: Exothenie Teackton xp Ts the ~reaetion ahak Yeleace: energy Emdathemtc Teackion > Ts the reaction thar pM energy > Is the maivimam energy Activation energy ed Rov the reaction to take Place cregui e Aextuaked complex Ye om uw S ® Potential energy diagram fer catalysed and - ancabalyed chemleal Teaction eee (Espotwemic -RencTion! NG RAPH Course of reaction 4° Epp © Activation energy of the forward reaction ° Ear Activation energy of the Tevesse reaction -”. Ee, decreases to Eye, and Edn, decreases to Ean, RCokalyst LOWERS activation energy of +he Fexarand t wn 1000KT: mal te GOOK T+ mol! oe LOWERS activatton energy the Teverse from “leokT/mel +o BookT/mof, : B Heat of the reactants does not change (H_2ek7/mal) Heat eo the products cloes moe changs CHp2 500k7/mol ) 3:AH /egthelpy [Heat of reaction/Heat % content does not® Change: .'. AH Hp- He = S00 - 200 = +300kT/mol OR AH = Eng - Ear z 1000 — 'Too 2 4300KT/mol, AHO .. Reaction 7'5 ENDOTHEMIC © Similarly to the Enothen'e reactim (AH< 0) ® Rate and Extent of reaction A fearner must be able +o define Teaction Tate (rote Of Teackion) interms of: ° Concentration. + Volume Number of mites Camouve: of @ substance] * mass « OS Sethe Change in concentration Pp Yeactamts er a i Products per wit time { Rates Se i [Res meet Ak Rot ext = nee [ Rane <4 Coreducts] %. Bt Wait is molduric! ¥F tthe Change inthe Volume of a gas Per unit time { Rate - AV y At Unit ts dader! We the change ta ole number of mite / amounk a a Sue stance per unit Aime R -_ An { © Be Unt os mol sé! * Ahe cha ein Mars of a, Substance permit Lime [ Rate =“KE Y Quik is 3 sv! oo = Factors thot afrect tote of Chemical Teactions w» Concentration (pressure oy gases) * Temperecure * Sureace Area ¥ Nokure & Teacting Substances * Casoryss - Collision theory a> 1s “Gb model thot explains Teaction Tate as the treswtt of the particles COW ki with @ Certain minimum eneray +o form Products *Use collision theory to Explain Various FACTORS Tem PERATURE Tp the bemperature of the TeAcHeN mixture 78 INCREASES, ert and aueroge Ex op the Particles increase . ene Particles have Ex pE,. ° fe ave Mere collisions and also mor : . e i Per unit time *fgective collisions ® The Tore of Reaction thus incresses. ft SURFACE AREA. Usheae solid ts divided more finely, Yeaction Suface area if much more COM Pact rT eg powder , the GREATER than in the form CGranules / bigge: sized) FA Soltd reactant is more Finely divided 9 There is ; : ae Greater Surface area fer the reaction Mere efgoct' ve COWNSston ot occur per unit dime © The teactron TOXkR Increases, N ature Of taact ee Substances eo Seme Compounds are more teactiug than other eq the reactivity Sf atketi merase inceases Srom tee +o bottom ( Li Nak’) Levis “Prev venctie ° a Such ag & andite neack Vigorousty / "Aly than hearer metals Suck as Zn and Cy - © Tous in @ solurion will be wore veactive “Compared to the complex molecules: CONCEN TRATION t TION OV Tncmase tn the concentration of a Solu ; g decreas Tncrease th the Prssuse Pf a a5 coy irs the velane) tnereases the rate © Chenuieal reaction. o there are more particles per unit volu mer the Container © Particles therefore collide more Frequently. © More effective colliston occur per ance time o the tate of reaction thus Mcreases CATALYST. Aegs TES a substance thatapect the tate ef & Chemical reaction Permanent Change i. without undergoing any v being used up. AHOMOGENEDUS CATALYSIS? Teactants and Catalyst are in the Same phase- Sse and catalyst are in # Posty fee reuk hases: ry oe Catalist > Speed up nian aie ; * The catalger pees P Slows dow, chamical reaction , Forms part ecdthe activated complex ae TEROGENEOUS CATALYS x A catalyst therefore provides an atternative way / Path er machanism with g lower activation energy for the ceaction to take placg. Te Lowers the activation energy ) What 4 Catalyst does - reates an alternative pot along which the reaction take place « - Zé Lowes the activation Energy. — Zncreases the tate of reaction What a Catalyst does not do. - does not start the rveactioy ce cA remains the Linch T Bae Re Cena CaS Chace, oe AH 7 — Dees not change the energy of the reactants and products. Collisron theory IE @ suttable [posite a talyst is usedl: * the activation energy, Ea is Lower, aoe Particle, need less Etter an efficient colliston . © Ne Particles fave Ex > Ea. ry re i's f i CoNisions ae SG effective there is more eptective CONston pe unit tine, * thus the Teaction rake Mereases , REACTION ROTE CAN GE REPRESENTED GRAPHICALLY - Concentration Wis tim 9 ph : Numiver og moles V/s time ov Amount ef a substance ifs time i Chang! Time syel 1 woh dae grap ss were STEEP, the reaction rake (Ss Times) +1 Ti me—Lbeveperature grap ; Time (S$) Temperature CC) @ MAxweLl - BOLTZMANN Oe CURVES @ FNcReAse Iq temperature Grom Ty toe ns ea { \ nore powbrcler with ERZER at T, Be ES a7, ek Fa ; These are particles with Ex Ea &e Areq ef a Shaded Portion \ucreases” : t @ ENCREASE Zn concewtrotion mC, to Ce a wy mere cles antl e —A~—ER7EA at Ca g : Few particles P with Ek 7Ep ot Cy Ex * The peak tughier than that eg C4. . Te area of a shocted portion Iwcreases, ahere are more particles per ante asolume (ce4), © Ak C2 more particles have Ek? EA thon at Cy- aoerAn Ss Craxweil béltsman Cucve) cles ont nee Ce yer 34 Ep, decreases to Ey (Eq Lowers) ott given EK Fraction of partictes orbicles wneh ee EA, Eg PERE. : bn : Uysed More particles have Eke Bae © Whe activation energy TS Lowered © More particles have suppicrent ene fer them +b collide.qud more effective Collision ¢s eceucring per unctt time. 3:2. The Potential energy Alagram for a Cakalysed reaction. pe ig seh reaction i a B Coralysed reqetion a * CLess/lower EA) ul Course ef Reaction ¢ odsalyse dd OR Reaction progress * Chenteo! Maxwell- Boltzmann distribution curve @O INCREASE IM temperature from T) vob more porticles with J ERE A ot Te ory Se eEEREE / Pow particles BoM pYEL ERS Ep at 1, EK These are particles with Ek Zs isolated rom Mes Sorrounding or enwitromment + 3. Reversible Teaction =p Is when she products cam be converted back to the reactants anc vice Nersa. a Chemical equilibrium Te as the dynaw'& ibrium vthere Re rare othe word reackion 4S & oe rote & tae ail GB: Le chatelier’s princiele when the uilibrum wa closed syseem Ss disturbed, *he system Anil nre-insats A wew equilibytam Soxrouring the reackion oppese the disturb ance: well we G. Chesed SYSTE M/TsoLATED system 41S Tequired ® ‘Loe \ fer chemtcal equilibrium, 1) The reaction munt be reversible (=) 3B: The equili brim must lee Aynawic (tere x Serward reaction = Toke of revese reaction’) | @ Ractors aggecting the : Position amic Chemical Egpilibrium S dager W Pressure xe Vemperature a Concentration, Pressure Conly Sov geses ) Const dew Aq + 8g = oe Amol + imot Awol Zmrol Awol Nore volun, Less volume Imcrease im pressure favours Less number of moles (Less volume — Lead increases wale CAI & #1 decease - Ferutard Teactiow es voured. : - Eqyuilibviam Se ed Bhsge +e ache right - decrease in PReSUre Saveurs were number op. tables(ranrersiant reo -~ CAI fp Ted meresse while Ted decreases _ Reverse reaction 75 Rose! - Equilibrium position shipes +o he Aegt- we = equal mmoles Lege and Rralt | No fucrease ov ecreane of eC ‘ Ube porter Concentoktens aud No shige ef equillbrian eq Aggy + Oy S 20g) op at Zmel amet, Concoutrations dees wot ct en 5, Adaditin. Ulevium Ppositvon, Agen, Heliun Neck amclote. ©) TemPrERATUre o Check the given condition of heat of meactton (AK) 23. ARCO , AKO, £480 KT fmol and —QgokTimol « fe AHZO, means forward Teackion |S EXOTHEMIC = FBORT/uol, means forward reaction (s EXDTHEMIC: y Addition of Energy i he products means . forward veaction Ss EXOTHEMIC. w AH>O, meams foruserd weackiou is ENBOTHENUC W FLO KT/mol, means forward Teaction is ENDoTHEMC- 2 a Addition ef Energy inthe reactants meons forward “reaction ($ ENDOTHEMIC. *K Increase tn temperature fowours the ENdoTREMIC Reaction, RK Decrease in temperature Lasours the Exotremic Reaction. Example ge! = BE ACO pr ~ag0 kre! ole te @ S Bq) +Energy RuAPerature 3S Fn é e : el; Eto . an v whe C87 de VEndo i: Per otis , c EAs dee oe wlth Cad ay a chow TS Fouroueeal, Sb ts eee oe Ags 2 Be, ANZ o +480KI/mol Enegy Ag = Ba, ENDG Exo @ CONCENTRATION Cor gate and acmian) 4 snghe “to oles} = Any op thes changes Cats equil? 7 br : oak as ston 5 Laude) , Tncrecse crease Decrease’ e a aie i) t | or Elect Given A @ + 6) —— f ca) | ; a disturbs Decrease meena “oreigect Arn of HRS Changes cane: equritbriuna position ‘wo ctht +o the Lege ( revere ceacktou 'S favoured), “3S Ag+ 8a, @ CGI LAI decane ECORI decreases CAT incoased .* abel. DET inerean>n 7 Ferurard meackiow 1S fearonradk “ pel Lucreaseg while - aye CBT devowt > Lorward reat "S favoured, Ther Sno OF of Letpetel aut Solel, they are’ conten aud $008 ep. S GRAPHS A@)+ Ba SoCg, AH

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