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TOPIC 2: Some people believe that success in life comes from taking risks or

chances. Others believe that success results from careful planning. In your
opinion, what does success come from?
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

It cannot be denied that everyone wants to achieve success. To achieve it, some people
think that they should take risks or chances as it brings suddenly opportunities while
others believe that careful planning helps them to be successful. I strongly agree with
the latter because of the following reasons.

Firstly, planning can guide individuals’ actions toward desired success because
planning means that people set clear and detailed goals. When people know what their
goals are and how to reach them, they can focus and make an effort to do them.
Therefore, they cannot be disturbed by irrelevant distractions. Besides, planning helps
people identify the resources needed to achieve their goals. It is essential as managers
know where resources are most needed so they can be allocated where they will
provide the most benefit. For instance, if you set a goal to receive a scholarship at the
end of the year, you will know what strengths you need to improve or which skills you
need to develop.

Additionally, a well-planned goal serves as a source of motivation and confidence,

boosting individuals to overcome challenges and stay motivated to their path.
Furthermore, planning involves analyzing various options and making informed
decisions based on available information. By engaging in this process, people develop
critical thinking skills and decision-making acumen, enabling them to make better
choices that contribute to their success.

In conclusion, in my opinion, a measured planning is a key to success because it helps

them navigate distractions, make informed decisions, and stay motivated. Therefore,
planning for success remains my best option.

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