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Project Scope Questions

Q: Are we supposed to be presenting to our target brand, even though the literal audience will be Amazon? E.g., if we are
targeting Nike, should we make the presentation as if Nike is listening?
A: Present as if Nike is listening (as if you are a consultant to Nike)

Q:What do you mean when you say for us to do a challenger slide?

A: Don’t be afraid to show data that may not be positive to the brand - for example challenge the brand to think big if
there is opportunity for them to grow in their category. You may not have a challenger slide and that’s okay

Definition Questions

Q: How does a business categorize as a vendor or seller? Or is it something the business will determine on their own based on
what each category could provide?
A: Businesses determine that on their own - that is independent to advertising, and businesses work with our retail
team to determine what’s best for them. Both vendors and sellers can advertise on Amazon in the same capacity

Q: For Streaming TV Ads on prime video or Fire TV, can you explain pre- and mid-roll ad breaks versus other ad formats (feature
rotator, sponsored tiles, sponsored channels)? – We want to use the first option to advertise a certain product but we’re only
seeing in depth information and examples about the latter.
A: pre/mid rolls ad breaks are video advertisements shown when the viewer hits play. 2-3 video ads are shown before
the actual video content(pre-roll ad break) and in the middle (mid roll ad break). These are the same as putting a video
ads on Prime Video.

Q: With sponsored ads on packaging, our group noticed how Amazon says that ads cannot have “distracting elements that
disrupt the customer experience.” What qualifies as a “distracting element” and can you give examples?
A: Creatives can be rejected for various different reasons. Before an ad campaign is approved, it goes through a review

Q: Can you specify the differences between a Sponsored Display and Sponsored Brand ad? How does each specific one benefit
the company in different ways?
A: Sponsored Display is more of what we consider to be a proactive approach to advertising where we can actively go
after clients- with our targeting. Sponsored Brands is more reactive as it is keyword targeting and Sponsored Brands is
more about telling the brands story. Sponsored Display benefits the brands by capturing lost shoppers and following
audiences off/on Amazon. Sponsored Brands benefits brands by promoting awareness of the brand as a whole, not just
one product they offer.

Q: Can you explain how a sponsored display or sponsored store campaign would work?

Q: What is an example of an acceptable “claim or comparative language”? What makes certain similar slogans acceptable or
A: For the purposes of this project, let’s consider anything harmful or aggressive as unacceptable.

Q: How can Prime Video ads reach specific demographics or lifestyle audiences that are relevant to the specific brand? For
example, a fitness brand with a target audience of young adults passionate about fitness, fashion, and music.
A: Advertisers can target Lifestyle segments with any ad solution. Amazons first-party data is our biggest value prop to
advertisers because they aren’t just targeting someone watching TV- but they are targeting someone who is more likely
to be interested in their brand/products.
Ad Funnel Questions

Q: What are the key components of a funnel slide?

A: Audience opportunity size, types of strategies used to capture someone in the awareness stage v. consideration v.

Q: How can we determine if an ad solution is in the middle of the funnel in terms of driving consumers from the top down?
A: if the ad solution leads to immediate sales (sponsored ads) then it is a purchase driving tactic. If an ad solution is
meant to build awareness (streaming tv, audio) then it is towards the top of the funnel. Some sponsored ads (sponsored
brands and display) can also be towards the middle if you use category keywords to attract shoppers who don’t know
about your brand but are heavily browsing in your category.

Costs / Data / Solution Channel Questions

Q: Are there variable costs for the placement of ads during a podcast? Does the price change if it’s pre-show vs mid-show?
A:Yes, there are variable costs for Amazon podcast ad placement. The price can indeed change depending on several factors,
Pre-show vs. mid-show placement: In general, pre-show ads tend to be more expensive than mid-show ads. This is because
pre-show ads have a higher chance of capturing listeners' full attention before they delve into the podcast content.
Podcast popularity: Ads on more popular podcasts with larger audiences will typically cost more than those on lesser-known
Target audience: If the podcast's audience closely aligns with your target demographic, you might pay a premium compared to a
show with a broader reach.
Bidding competition: Amazon uses a bidding system for ad placement. The more competition there is for ad space on a
particular podcast, the higher the cost will be.

Q: Is there any way to see what keywords are bidding at in regards to sponsored ads? If not, is there a range/bid price that we
should assume when building out this analysis?
A: In the advertising console, the advertiser can see what the suggested bid amount which indicates what keywords are
approximately bidding at.

Q: How much does a Streaming TV ad on Amazon Prime cost?

A: Around 35 dollars per 1000 impressions

Q: What’s an average budget for a company of $1B sales using Streaming TV ads?
A: Budget depends on the marketing strategy and the objective of the marketing campaign. Let’s say I am a media
production company, and I just released a new movie. My objective is trying to to reach as many people as possible to
increase awareness of my movie in the next 1 week. Then STV is probably the right media channel to go after. If I am a
small lemonade business trying to drive online sale within 5 mile radius of my store, then STV might not be the best
option. It’s probably too expensive for a small businesses.

Q: What’s an average budget for a company of $1B sales using Twitch ads?
A: Budget depends on the marketing strategy and the objective of the marketing campaign. Twitch is a unique inventory
for Amazon. Daily active users in Twitch are generally game enthusiast, tech savvy individuals; If your company is
going after this group of audience, then it makes sense to allocate more budget to Twitch ads.

Q: How much does a Twitch influencer campaign cost?

A: According to an online source(
75174/) On average, expect to pay between $0.50 and $2.50 per viewer per hour.

Q: Can we include Twitch streamer partnerships with our product/brand to act as a display ad?
A: Yes — if you believe partnership with a particular streamer to be beneficial for your marketing campaign, go ahead.

Thursday Night Football Questions

Q: For Thursday Night Football, with the estimate of $400K per :30 ad per game, how many times do companies show the ad on
average per game?
A: It depends on company’s marketing strategy and contract. Typically companies will buy more than one :30 second
spot per season. But here are some audience and viewership insight you can use:

● Target Audience: Amazon Prime boasts a younger demographic with a higher median income compared to
traditional TV viewers
● Average Viewership: The 2023 season saw an average of 9.58 million viewers per Thursday Night Football game
according to Nielsen Media Research

Q: How much time will we get for our Thursday night football ad compared to other companies/products? How many times will
our ad air?
A: Prime Video bought an exclusive right to stream TNF. There are about 100 ad breaks per game. Each ad break will
have 2-3 ads shown. A company must buy each :30 second spot for 400K.

Q: Is the price for a TNF game the same no matter what or does it change depending on when it’s played (halftime, first quarter,
A: TNF ad slot price varies based on when it is played, seasonality, broadcast timing, and opponent match up. For the
purpose of this case, please use $400K per each :30 second spot.

Q: For Thursday Night Football, what does streamlining discovery → purchase through second screen experiences mean?

A: Discovery: Traditionally, viewers might see an ad for a product during the game and then have to search for it later on their
phone or computer.

Second Screen: This refers to the phone, tablet, or other device viewers use alongside their TV while watching the game.

Streamlining Discovery → Purchase: Thursday Night Football is aiming to create a smoother process where viewers can:

● See an ad for a product during the game.

● Use their second screen to easily learn more about the product. (Think clickable overlays with product information,
reviews, or special offers)
● Potentially even complete a purchase directly through their second screen. (Imagine buttons within the ad that take
you straight to the checkout page)

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