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Teresa Of Avila School

March, 2024
All students must attend The INFORMATION
school as per the Alberta library Teach children about the
School Act. Our school strives to dangers of crossing the
phone number provide street between parked
is available 24 resources cars or when not at a
hours to take and corner. Children should
your call. support cross only at corners and
Attendance is for pedestrian crosswalks, not
sent to the diagonally or between
educational excellence to
office to be recorded parked cars. Teach
our students and to instill
twice a day, first thing in children how to cross the
a passion for reading that
the morning and directly street safely. Teach them
will inspire them to be
after lunch. While the to stop (before stepping
lifelong readers and,
school makes courtesy onto the road), look left,
therefore, lifelong
calls home or work on right and left again, and
learners. Our collection of
unexcused absences, it is listen for
support material, both
the parent’s responsibility traffic
print and non-print,
to notify the school when before
enriches and supplements
your child is absent from stepping
the curriculum. The
school. out into
library supplies both
fiction and non-fiction the street.
SAVE THE DATE materials for the use of Teach
FOR OUR BOOK staff and students. children to
FAIR! wait until
Start date: March 11th the street
End date: March 21st is clear
Parent/visitor parking is
Times: Monday to and to keep looking until
located in the North-East
Thursday 8:30 am - 4:00 they have crossed the
parking lot. This allows
pm street. They should also
your children to exit and
Where: Learning look the driver in the eye
enter your vehicle safely
Commons before crossing.
onto or from the
When: Students are sidewalk. The north lot is
welcome to shop during for staff ONLY. There are
their library block. approx. 10 staff parking
Parents are welcome to spots in the North-East
come: parking lot and the south
At lunch from 12:00 - lot is for buses and staff
12:50 pm Monday to ONLY.
Thursday. Please DO NOT park in
After school from 3:00 - the staff parking.
4:00 pm Monday to
Scholastic Books

190 Glendale Blvd, Red Deer AB T4P 2P7 (403) 346-0505

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