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Theories and models of governance

1. What is the primary aim of good governance?

A. To foster a participatory citizen-centric environment.
B. To increase the efficiency of institutions.
C. To reduce corruption and promote transparency.
D. All of the above.
Answer: d. All of the above.
2. Which type of governance model emphasizes rule by the elite?
A. Liberal democracy.
B. Participatory democracy.
C. Corporatism.
D. Authoritarianism.
Answer: d. Authoritarianism.
3. What is the difference between the liberal and social democratic models of governance?
A. Liberal governance emphasizes markets and individualism, while social democratic governance
emphasizes a strong welfare state.
B. Liberal governance emphasizes civic participation, while social democratic governance emphasizes
community involvement.
C. Social democratic governance emphasizes individualism, while liberal governance emphasizes
government intervention in the marketplace.
D. There is no difference between the two.
Answer: a. Liberal governance emphasizes markets and individualism, while social democratic
governance emphasizes a strong welfare state.
4. What theory argues that organizations exist to maximize efficiency?
A. Rational choice theory.
B. Pluralist theory.
C. Elite theory.
D. Bureaucratic theory.
Answer: d. Bureaucratic theory.
5. What type of governance emphasizes citizen involvement through public meetings and deliberation?
A. Liberal democracy.
B. Participatory democracy.
C. Corporatism.
D. Authoritarianism.
Answer: b. Participatory democracy.
6. What theory argues that government should act as a neutral arbiter among competing interest groups?
A. Pluralist theory.
B. Elite theory.
C. Bureaucratic theory.
D. Rational choice theory.
Answer: a. Pluralist theory.
7. Which model of governance emphasizes strong leadership and decision-making by a single individual
or group?
A. Liberal democracy.
B. Participatory democracy.
C. Corporatism.
D. Authoritarianism.
Answer: d. Authoritarianism.
8. What theory argues that organizations are made up of groups with competing interests?
A. Rational choice theory.
B. Pluralist theory.
C. Elite theory.
D. Bureaucratic theory.
Answer: b. Pluralist theory.

9. Which model of governance emphasizes the importance of business and market forces in decision-
A. Liberal democracy.
B. Participatory democracy.
C. Corporatism.
D. Authoritarianism.
Answer: c. Corporatism.
10. What is the difference between a social movement and an interest group?
A. Social movements are more likely to use non-violent tactics, while interest groups are more likely to
use violence.
B. Social movements are focused on changing society as a whole, while interest groups are focused on a
specific issue or set of issues.
C. Social movements are only concerned with political issues, while interest groups are concerned with
both political and economic issues.
D. There is no difference between the two.
Answer: b. Social movements are focused on changing society as a whole, while interest groups are
focused on a specific issue or set of issues.
Population and development
1. What is the average global population growth rate?
A. 0.5%
B. 1.5%
C. 2.5%
D. 3.5%
Answer: b
2. Which country has the highest population density?
A. China
B. India
C. Monaco
D. United States
Answer: c
3. A population pyramid with a wider base and a narrower top indicates:
A. a declining population
B. an increasing population
C. an aging population
D. a youthful population
Answer: d
4. What is the replacement fertility rate?
A. 1 child per woman
B. 2 children per woman
C. 3 children per woman
D. 4 children per woman
Answer: b
5. Which of the following is an example of a non-renewable resource?
A. coal
B. solar energy
C. wind energy
D. hydroelectric energy
Answer: a
6. What is the main reason for the decline in the fertility rate worldwide?
A. expanding access to family planning
B. an increase in child mortality rates
C. a lack of desire for large families
D. government policies encouraging smaller families
Answer: a
7. The process by which people move from rural to urban areas is called:
A. urbanization
B. suburbanization
C. gentrification
D. sprawl
Answer: a
8. What is the largest age group in the world today?
A. children under 5
B. young adults aged 15-24
C. adults aged 25-54
D. older adults aged 55 or above
Answer: c
9. What is a demographic dividend?
A. a decrease in the infant mortality rate
B. an increase in the fertility rate
C. the economic growth resulting from a young and growing population
D. government policies that encourage immigration
Answer: c
10. What is the difference between sex and gender?
A. sex refers to biological factors, while gender refers to societal factors
B. gender refers to biological factors, while sex refers to societal factors
C. sex and gender are interchangeable terms
D. gender refers to mental and emotional factors, while sex refers to physical factors
Answer: a

International Relations and organizations

1. In which year was the United Nations founded?
A) 1945
B) 1955
C) 1965
D) 1975
Answer: A) 1945
2. Which of these organizations is responsible for regulating the international trade in endangered
Answer: D) CITES
3. Which country withdrew from the United Nations Human Rights Council in 2018?
A) China
B) United States
C) Russia
D) North Korea
Answer: B) United States
4. Who is the current Secretary-General of the United Nations?
A) Ban Ki-moon
B) Kofi Annan
C) António Guterres
D) Javier Pérez de Cuéllar
Answer: C) António Guterres
5. Which of the following organizations coordinates international monetary cooperation and exchange
rate stability?
A) World Bank
B) International Monetary Fund
C) World Trade Organization
D) United Nations Development Programme
Answer: B) International Monetary Fund
6. Which United Nations agency works to improve the health and wellbeing of people around the world?
A) World Health Organization
B) United Nations Children's Fund
C) United Nations Population Fund
D) International Labour Organization
Answer: A) World Health Organization
7. Which organization aims to promote economic cooperation and integration among its member states in
the Americas?
A) Organization of American States
B) African Union
C) Association of Southeast Asian Nations
D) European Union
Answer: A) Organization of American States
8. Who founded the Red Cross in 1863?
A) Florence Nightingale
B) Henri Dunant
C) Clara Barton
D) Elizabeth Fry
Answer: B) Henri Dunant
9. Which of the following organizations was established to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and
promote disarmament?
A) Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
B) North Atlantic Treaty Organization
C) Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization
D) International Atomic Energy Agency
Answer: D) International Atomic Energy Agency
10. In what year was the European Union established?
A) 1951
B) 1957
C) 1967
D) 1993
Answer: B) 1957


1. The sequential and descriptive and seeks to explain linkages of political life with the
changing situation.
A. The Problem Approach C. Historical Approach
B. The Configurative Approach D. The Formal-legal Approach
2. Which one of the following is true about traditional approach in comparative politics?
A. It is not systematic or scientific.
B. a behavioral revolution within comparative politics
C. It focused on dynamic and on-going processes
D. All
3. What are the main criticisms of Institutional approach
A. Essentially Comparative
B. Western-Oriented
C. No effort was made to relate the contextual elements of any system with political
D. Essentially Descriptive
E. All except A
4. According to philosophers studied political institutions to discover what state is best
governed and what form of government best served the common good.
A. John Montesquieu B. Niccole Machiavelli C. Plato D. Nigel
5. Which approach is attracted the attention of great traditional philosophers?
A. Post-Behavioral Approach C. Scientific-Behavioral Approach
B. Descriptive-Institutional Approach D. Normative-Philosophical Approach
6. The approach has been criticized for the neglect of the informed aspects of politics,
norms, attitudes, personality and the processes.
A. Normative-Philosophical Approach C. Scientific-Behavioral Approach
B. Descriptive-Institutional Approach D. Post-Behavioral Approach
7. The era of 18 century intellectual movement in Western Europe that emphasized reason
and science in philosophy
A. Renaissance B. Reformation C. Enlightenment D. All
8. Which one of the following is manifestations of revolution in comparative politics?
A. Looking beyond description to more practical relevant problems
B. Looking beyond the formal institutions of government to political process and
political conditions
C. Looking beyond the countries of Western Europe to the new nations of Africa, and
Latin America
D. B and C E. All
9. The philosophers that studied phases in human history include communalism, slave,
feudal, capitalism, socialism, and communism.
A. John Locke B. Adams Smith C. Niccole Machiavelli D. Karl Marx
10. Scholars who belong to the modern epoch, emphasis has shifted from mere focusing on
the institutions of government to a critical examination of the processes and activities of
both actors and institutions, as well as the behavior of institutions using the scientific
A. David Richardo B. Fredrich Engel C. Thomas Hobbes D. Arthur Kalleberg

International political Economy

1. Which one of the following is economic dimensions of international political economy?
A. made decisions about the distribution of tangible things
B. use of the authority of institutions by different actors in relation to the economy
C. shows how scarce resources are being distributed among actors
D. A and B
E. All
2. Which one of the following is true about International finance and IMF
A. It governs the flow of finances at world wide
B. It supervises financial institutions and regulations
C. Monetary system the relations between currencies,
D. Currencies the rules or agreements to control financial flows
E. In IMF though there are many member countries they have no equal voting or
decision making power
F. All
3. which one of the following is valid about General Agreement on Trade and tariff
A. It enacts rules or regulations for international trade
B. Decisions are made indirectly by the USA, Japan EU…in line with their own
C. To secure economic interests of a country
D. All
4. Which one of the following is a Liberalism theories of international political economy
A. It aims at removing barriers to the free flow of goods and services among
B. State’s role would ensure adequate levels of competition
C. Advocates for structural change
D. State control privatizations of the economy
5. which one of the following is prerequisites for gaining aid from World Bank
A. allow privatization C. opening up market
B. Increasing the gov’t role in the market D. A and C E. All
6. Which one of the following is Reasons for the explosion of Weapons
A. Ethnic Conflicts C. Regional Balance of Power
B. Authoritarian Regimes D. All
7. Which types of terrorism is closely associated with struggles for political autonomy and
A. Domestic terrorism B. Nationalist terrorism C. Religious terrorism D. All
8. Which one of the following is the main cause of terrorism?
A. Socio-economic cause C. Psychological cause
B. Political cause D. All
9. Which one of the following is demerits of globalization?
A. Cultural imperialism C. facilitate good climatic condition
B. Minimizing cross border crimes D. All
10. Which one of the following is true about international finance and international
monetary fund
A. It governs the flow of finances at world wide
B. Supervises financial institutions
C. All member countries of IMF have equal decision making power
D. Financial system has monetary and credit system
E. A and B F. All except C


1. According to Dahl’s power refers
A. power as ‘not just the ability to act but the ability to act in concert
B. power here assumes conflict rather than consensus
C. power is equated with influence
D. A and B E. All
2. Shared power is found in the political process and in each person’s ability to influence policy
decisions and outcomes.
A. Marxism B. Elitism C. oligarchy D. Pluralism
3. Which one of the following is not true about politics
A. Politics is a collective activity
B. Politics presumes an initial diversity of views
C. Politics involves settling differences through discussion and persuasion
D. None E. All
4. Which one of the following is associated with biology, linked with physical characteristics, such
as hair texture or skin color, and covers a relatively narrow range of options.
A. Nationalism B. Ethnicity C. Nationality D. Nation building E. Race
5. The main aims of nation building refers
A. unification of the people within the state
B. Illegitimate authority in modern national states
C. Legitimate authority in modern national states
D. establish trusted institutions of national government
E. A and C F. All except B
6. Which one of the following is correct about democracy?
A. Democracies are certainly not perfect
B. Democracy is government of the people, by the people, for the people.
C. rule of the people
D. B and C
E. All
7. the royal family claims a divine right to rule and exercises considerable power over their
kingdom refers
A. absolute monarchies C. Constitutional monarchies
B. historical monarchies D. oligarchy
8. Which one of the following Intangible resources are important in determining national
A. the ability to unite one’s power capabilities with those of another state
B. level of political consciousness amongst the citizens
C. The will to commit resources to the achievement of national goals
D. The alliance potential of a state
E. C and D F. All
9. The political systems in which an individual or a group of individuals holds power,
restricts or prohibits popular participation in governance and more repressive as they try
to regulate and control all aspects of citizens’ lives and fortunes
A. Totalitarianism C. Democracy
B. Authoritarianism D. All
10. In contemporary period constitutional monarchies exist
A. USA B. Germany C. China D. Spain
Development theories and practices

1. According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, at what age do children begin to

develop abstract reasoning abilities?

A. Infancy C. Early childhood

B. Toddlerhood D. Adolescence

2. What is the primary focus of Erikson's theory of psychosocial development?

A. Physical development C. Emotional and social development

B. Cognitive development D. Moral development

3. Which of the following is NOT one of the four stages of Kohlberg's theory of moral

A. Preconvention C. Transitional

B. Conventional D. Post conventional

4. According to Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory, which of the following is NOT a

system that influences development?

A. Microsystem C. Ecosystem

B. Mesosystem D. Macro system

5. What is the primary goal of attachment theory?

A. To identify the factors that promote cognitive development

B. To understand the emotional bond between caregivers and infants

C. To explain the development of moral reasoning

D. To explore the role of culture in shaping development

6. What is the difference between nature and nurture in development theories?

A. Nature refers to genetic factors, while nurture refers to environmental factors

B. Nature refers to environmental factors, while nurture refers to genetic factors

C. Both nature and nurture refer to genetic factors

D. Both nature and nurture refer to environmental factors

7. According to Vygotsky's sociocultural theory, which of the following is NOT a factor that
influences cognitive development?

A. Social interactions

B. Cultural context

C. Physical abilities

D. Language acquisition

8. What is the primary focus of the ecological systems approach to development?

A. Examining the impact of genes on development

B. Understanding the role of individual differences in development

C. Understanding how the environment shapes development

D. Examining the influence of parenting practices on child development

9. According to Bandura's social learning theory, what is the role of modeling in development?

A. Modeling plays a key role in the development of cognitive abilities

B. Modeling can influence emotional reactions and behavior

C. Modeling has no impact on development

D. Modeling only influences behavior in early childhood

10. What is the focus of bio ecological theory?

A. Exploring the role of biological factors in development

B. Examining the impact of culture and context on development

C. Understanding cognitive development through a biological lens

D. Examining the impact of parenting practices on biological development.

1. Answers Development theories and practices

1. D. Adolescence

2. C. Emotional and social development

3. C. Transitional

4. C. Ecosystem

5. B. To understand the emotional bond between caregivers and infants

6. A. Nature refers to genetic factors, while nurture refers to environmental factors

7. C. Physical abilities

8. C. Understanding how the environment shapes development

9. B. Modeling can influence emotional reactions and behavior

10. B. Examining the impact of culture and context on development


1. What is causing Weber's theory of state to become outdated?

A) globalization
B) industrialism
D) capitalism
Question 2 Which of the following is a drawback of outsourcing?
A. A. Technological issues can cause a breakdown in the
B. B. It is difficult to transfer money across national
C. Language barriers make communication with supervisors
D. Foreign employees are often an unreliable workforce.
Question 3 Which statement BEST represents how globalization affected
A. Dependence shifted from local people to
people in other places.
B. People used to work independently but then
relied more on other people.
C. People changed their support of neighborhood
businesses to supporting big corporations.
D. At first, people relied on many others but then
grew to rely on only a select few.
Question 4 How does neoliberalism attempt to protect the rights of
A. by promoting privatization of government
B. by influencing the spread of bureaucracy
C. by using coercion to break down the state
D. by demanding the implementation of one global
Question 5 What is one way France resists Westernization?
by using only French in business
by blocking the sale of music by American artists
by combining French words with English words
by fining dealerships that sell American cars
Question 6 Why do the drug companies and national governments often
clash over HIV drugs?
A. The drug companies do not want to release generic
B. The drug companies do not want to serve people in
other countries.
C. The drug companies do not want to negotiate on the
government level.
D. The drug companies do not want to comply with WTO
Question 7 Why do transnational corporations have an advantage in global
A. They can provide material goods and dominate
while keeping the appearance of working for the
common good.
B. They can work within the bounds of globalization
without offending any nation with which they are
C. They can use a framework that is acceptable to both
the general public and corporations.
D. They can determine the price of material on a
worldwide scale and still make considerable profit.
Question 8 Why must corporations that conduct business in a postmodern
environment be flexible?
A. The market is always changing and shifting.
B. They have to meet the demands of several nations.
C. People are inconsistent with their wants.
D. Technology is losing its influence.
Question 9 Which of the following is an example of homogeneity?
A. the presence of American clothing stores in a Middle
Eastern mall
B. the invasion of a American soldiers in a foreign country
C. Mexican children learning English in an American
D. American officials coming to an agreement with French
Question 10 How does world system theory compare to postmodern theory?
A. World system theory states that globalization is not
novel; postmodern theory states that globalization is
a new phenomenon.
B. World system theory states that globalization is a
new phenomenon; postmodern theory states that
globalization is not novel.
C. World system theory states that globalization is
caused by capitalism; postmodern theory states that
globalization is caused by technology.
D. World system theory states that globalization is
caused by technology; postmodern theory states
that globalization is caused by capitalism.

 Answers for regional Growth & Local Development

2. A
3. A
4. A
5. A
6. A
7. A
8. A
9. A
10. A

Human Rights & Humanitarian Assistance

1) In the FDRE constitution, the principle of accountability and transparency of government
(Art.12) establishes that government must be both ; A) responsible B) responsive C)
neutral in private affairs D) A and B are true
2) Under whose chairmanship the United Declaration of Human Rights was adopted?
A) Eleanor Roosevelt C)Adolf Hitler
B) Jawaharlal Nehru D)Queen Elizabeth

3) When did the first Geneva Convention take place?

A) 1756 C) 1958
B) 1864 D) 2006
4) In which century human rights became a central concern over the issue of slavery?

A) 15th C) 19th

B) 17th D) 21th

5) When was the Universal Declaration of Human Rights created?

A) 1947 C) 1949

B) 1948 D) 1950

6) The challenge against the idea of universal human rights comes from___________________?

A) East European countries B) Middle East countries C) African & Asian states D) A&

7) Human rights are the natural-born rights for every human being, universally. Hence, they

A) Not privileges B) privileges C) partially belonged to some D) all are true

8) Human rights and freedoms, emanating from the nature of humankind, are inviolable and

Which article of the FDRE constitution stipulates this statement?

A) Article 15 B) Article 10 C) Article 25 of FDRE constitution D) None of the above

9) In the post-1991 period the focus was to create institutions that embody ideals of

A) Sovereignty B) political equality C) pluralism D) A& B E) all are true

10) Salient features of the constitution embody the following;

A) Rule of law B) Democracy C) Development D) All E) None of the above

Answers for Human Rights & Humanitarian Assistance

2. A
3. B
4. C
5. B
6. B
7. A
8. B
9. E
10. D

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