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1) I would said him that he may add a few things that I think will improve the taste of the
food and maybe he agrees so everyone likes it or maybe I got it even worse.
2) I would tell him the truth and show him proves even if he loves her because he deserves
3) I would support his opinion and told him that the most important thing is the confidence.



Introduce The topic and state my opinion: The lies are something common nowadays and
in cases they can be “good” because you can hurt someone else´s self-esteem with the

Two points of view that will be discussed: Personally, I think we have to be the most honest
possible and always said the truth. To explain the reasons for my opinion, I will explore this
issue from the point of view of a liar and a honest person.

Main Paragraphs:

Discuss different aspects of the issue and support the main opinion I stated in the
introduction: In terms of self-esteem of the people, I believe that those that lie because
they do not want to hurt someone else´s self-esteem they are only making it longer to the
truth to be known and maybe it can only increase the problem and the damage the other
one is going to feel.

Examples: A crime, for example, is a common case where people tend to lie and it only
delay the inevitable and maybe they just expand the time they would passed in the jail.


Introductory word or phrase: All in all,

Restate my opinion: I believe the lies are a bad thing and we must always say the truth.

Final comment: I certainly would not like to discover that someone tend to lie to me.

The lies are something common nowadays and in cases they can be “good” or “necessary” because
you can hurt someone else´s feelings or self-esteem with the truth. Personally, I think we must be
the most honest possible and always said the truth even if it can hurt someone. To explain the
reasons for my opinion, I will explore this issue from the point of view of a liar and a honest

In terms of self-esteem of the people, I believe that those that lie because they do not want to hurt
someone else´s self-esteem they are only making it longer to the truth to be known and maybe it
can only increase the problem and the damage the other one is going to feel. A friend, for
example, is someone who you can trust and said the truth but if the truth may hurt him, you can
think it twice before doing it.

All in all, I believe the lies are a bad thing and we must always say the truth even if it is not what
others want to hear. I certainly would not like to discover that someone tend to lie to me.

Edited Writing:

Lies are predominant nowadays and, in some cases, they can be “good” or “necessary” because
you can hurt someone else´s feelings or self-esteem with the truth. Personally, I think we must be
the most honest possible and always respond with the truth even if it can hurt someone. To
explain the reasons for my opinion, I will explore this issue from the point of view of a liar and an
honest person.

In terms of self-esteem of the people, I believe that those that lie because they do not want to hurt
someone else´s self-esteem they are only making it longer for the truth to be known, and maybe it
can only increase the problem and the damage that the other one is going to feel. A friend, for
example, is someone you can trust and answer with the truth but if the reality may hurt him, you
can think twice before doing it.

All in all, I believe that lies are wrong and, we must always speak the truth even if it is not what
others want to hear. I certainly would not like to discover that someone tends to lie to me.

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