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UN No: 22023307

Name: Lorem Lorem

Course Code:
2. There are a certain number of pencils and pens on a teachers table, show how you could guide a
learner who cannot count, to identify that either the pen or the pencil is more or fewer.


Step 1:

Guide pupil to sort the pens and pencils on table

Step 2:

Let pupil observe the two group i.e. group of pencil and group of pens

Step 3:

Guide pupil to compare the two groups (pens and pencils)

Step 4:

Pupil will be able to tell and identify which group is more than the other.

3. In your own words explain the term Conservation of weight using concrete examples


Conservation of weight is the ability of a child to detect that weight measured remain the same
even if the change in shape or volume. E.g. Using a milk tin

Diagram A Diagram B

4. Using an activity, show how you would guide a primary school pupil to find the LCM of 8 & 12


Guide pupil to list the multiple of 8 and 12

12 {12, 24, 36, 48 …..}

8 {8, 16, 24, 32 …….}

Guide pupil observe common multiples and select the least one from the list i.e. = 24

LCM of 12 & 8 = 24

5. Show how you would guide learner to establish for themselves that, the same of interior angle of a
triangle is 180 degrees


Step 1: Take any triangle (acute, obtuse, right angle), let us take an acute-angled triangle.
Step 2: Mark the angles as x°, y°, and z° respectively.

Step 3: Cut all three angles of the triangle.

Step 4: Now draw a straight line on a sheet.

Step 5: Arrange the angles which have been cut from the triangle in a manner to form a semi-circle.

Step 6: As we know that measure of a semi-circle is 180 degrees and hence the sum of angles of a
triangle is 180 degrees.

x° + y° + z° = 180°

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