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This activity integrates the requirements of both APP 001 and COR 013, aligning the
collaborative performance task with the objectives of both subjects. As students of COR 013, your
primary focus is to contribute insights from Anthropology, Political Science, and Sociology to
enrich the content of the vlog. Ensure that the vlog reflects a holistic understanding of culture,
society, and politics, highlighting the value of human rights and the common good.

Your goal is to collaborate with your group members from APP 001: Empowerment Technology
to create a listicle vlog focusing on any aspect related to the island of Cebu. This vlog should
highlight why Cebu is considered the best, showcasing its unique features, culture, and heritage.

As a social scientist group of vloggers, your role is to infuse the vlog content with a nuanced
understanding of cultural, social, and political dynamics. Drawing from insights in Anthropology,
Political Science, and Sociology, you will contribute to the vlog's depth and complexity, ensuring
that it provides meaningful analysis and reflection on the chosen topic.

Your target audience includes people on social media and the general populace, particularly
those interested in learning more about the diverse aspects of Cebu.

The Cebu City Government and the Province of Cebu are organizing the annual "Celebrate Cebu"
Exhibit, which highlights the best of the island. As part of this event, there is a contest for vlogging
the best of Cebu, aiming to showcase its various attractions and unique features.

Your group will produce a vlog that creatively presents one aspect of Cebu, emphasizing its
significance and why it stands out as a destination.
Your vlog will be evaluated based on the Integration of Social Sciences Insights, Relevance and
Depth of Analysis, Clarity and Coherence, Engagement and Creativity, and Critical Thinking and
Reflection. Ensure that your content aligns with the theme "Celebrate Cebu: Showcasing the Best
of the Island!"


1. Integration of Social Sciences Insights (30%)

 Demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of cultural, social, or political
dynamics, incorporating insights from Anthropology, Political Science, and
Sociology effectively.
 Provides insightful commentary on the chosen topic, showcasing interdisciplinary
perspectives and connections between different social sciences.
 Integrates relevant theories, concepts, and methodologies from Anthropology,
Political Science, or Sociology to analyze the topic in-depth.

2. Relevance and Depth of Analysis (25%)

 Ensures the vlog content is relevant to the chosen topic, addressing key issues,
phenomena, or debates within Anthropology, Political Science, or Sociology.
 Conducts a thorough analysis of the chosen topic, examining its significance,
implications, and broader societal or cultural context.
 Offers nuanced insights and interpretations based on a deep understanding of
social sciences theories and methodologies.

3. Clarity and Coherence (20%)

 Presents ideas in a clear, organized manner, ensuring that the content is easy to
follow and understand.
 Maintains coherence throughout the vlog, effectively structuring the presentation
of information and ideas.
 Utilizes appropriate language and terminology to convey complex concepts
accurately and succinctly.

4. Engagement and Creativity (15%)

 Engages the audience effectively through creative storytelling, visuals, or narrative
techniques, enhancing the overall impact of the vlog.
 Demonstrates originality in presenting ideas or perspectives, capturing the
audience's attention and fostering meaningful reflection.
 Utilizes multimedia elements creatively to enrich the vlog content and enhance its
visual appeal and engagement.
5. Critical Thinking and Reflection (10%)
 Demonstrates critical thinking skills by evaluating different viewpoints,
perspectives, or interpretations related to the chosen topic.
 Engages in thoughtful reflection on the implications and significance of the topic
within the context of Anthropology, Political Science, or Sociology.
 Offers well-supported arguments or conclusions based on evidence, analysis, and
synthesis of relevant information.


1. Groupings are pre-determined through the APP 001 subject.

2. Create an original vlog between 3-5 minutes long, focusing on one aspect of Cebu.
3. Ensure that the vlog adheres to the theme and uses appropriate language for all
4. Properly cite sources for any images, sounds, or music used in the vlog.
5. Submit the final vlog in digital format by April 19, 2024, with English subtitles throughout.
6. Upload the vlog to the assigned Google Classroom repository and tag the teacher on

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